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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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lol what. A lack of term limits would have meant 20+ years of Bill Clinton which would have been amazing. He'd be running for his 5th term right now and probably winning.

Bush would have beaten him after Lewinsky. Clinton is only some untouchable god to millennials now; in 1998-99, not so much.


lol what. A lack of term limits would have meant 20+ years of Bill Clinton which would have been amazing. He'd be running for his 5th term right now and probably winning.

If we didn't have term limits the decaying corpse of Ronald Reagan would still be president.


Not to mention, it's entirely possible 9/11 would have been stopped, or at least vastly reduced in scale if Clinton had been in office. All the signs were their from CIA, it's just that the Bush administration willfully chose to ignore them.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I don't think Romney will win the popular vote tbh. But if he does that will be a problem

No, it will be hilarious if that happens and Obama wins the electoral. Oh, the hilarity that will ensue as the right-wing completely forgets about 2000.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Just got done with lunch and got some breaking news, I am not sure if you guys are aware, but Glenn Beck, a known truth-teller, has basically called the election for Romney.

He went as far as saying that it wasn't even going to be close. and the senate is going to be flipped and they are going to get 51 or 52 seats.

LOL. Where do people get these notions?



At this point, if you're a woman and voting Romney, that's like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

I had a lengthy discussion with a good female friend back when Paul Ryan was announced. She doesn't follow politics, but describes herself as a social liberal / economic conservative. After presenting her with information about Romney/Ryan's policies on abortion, women's rights, social issues, etc she just ignored all of it and repeated that she's voting Republican solely because she believes the national debt is an imminent threat and that the Republicans are best for business.

No amount of data, evidence, or theory to the contrary would change her opinion, she just ignored it. She is literally voting against all of her self interest. It's mind boggling.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
57/38 with young voters

You know, I'd absolutely love to hear why 38% of young voters are voting for Romney. He offers them NOTHING.


Everybody got the polls out of their system today, let's talk about foreign policy again. What will Romney talk about?

probably china. it's the only thing that somewhat resonates with people because it somewhat has to do with the economy.

unfortunately, i think about 1/3-1/2 of the debate is about the middle east.

obama will just keep hammering mitt on the fact he's personally invested in china though.


Unconfirmed Member
Do we know why Hilary Clinton is stepping down? She is so magnificent at her job! And is Kerry really gonna be the replacement?
Do we know why Hilary Clinton is stepping down? She is so magnificent at her job! And is Kerry really gonna be the replacement?
She probably wants a break, which is completely understandable. If she decides to run for president it also gives her time to set up the campaign.

Kerry replacing Clinton as SOS is one of the worst-kept secrets in politics.


wsj/nbc Iowa and Wisconsin

Thanks. Now to decide if I should buy Obama before then or not... PPP seems to suggest that maybe I should wait. I think Intrade is slow to react to this kind of news because the Conservatives on there have to have Beck, Hannity, or Limbaugh "interpret" the polls for them.
So the right doesn't care if women get paid less just for being women?
The right believes in choice above all things.

If you want to get paid less, that's your choice. If you feel self deportation is a better way to go, who are we to infringe upon that freedom? And when it comes to medical decisions and your own body, well... uhh... 8 days! 8 long days people! That's how long it took Obama to come out and call Libya a terrorist attack!

Look, a meteor!


No Scrubs
Just got done with lunch and got some breaking news, I am not sure if you guys are aware, but Glenn Beck, a known truth-teller, has basically called the election for Romney.

He went as far as saying that it wasn't even going to be close. and the senate is going to be flipped and they are going to get 51 or 52 seats.

LOL. Where do people get these notions?

It probably has something to do with his brain tumor (I don't know if he actually has one but it's the only thing that makes sense)


Bush would have beaten him after Lewinsky. Clinton is only some untouchable god to millennials now; in 1998-99, not so much.

Not true at all. His approval ratings actually rose during the Lewinsky scandal, the Republicans were seen as over-reaching and it backfired on them. Democrats actually gained seats in congress in 1998. He would have won in 2000.


57/38 with young voters

You know, I'd absolutely love to hear why 38% of young voters are voting for Romney. He offers them NOTHING.

he offers them the same junk he offers everyone else, gay people marriage bad, women's choice bad, economy bad, obama bad.
Everybody got the polls out of their system today, let's talk about foreign policy again. What will Romney talk about?
The unraveling of Obama's foreign policy.
Seeing through the eyes of Ayatollahs.
Iran is four years closer to a nuclear weapon/nuclear capability.
Daylight between us and Israel.
The US on a path to Spain/Greece.
Obama's lack of credibility.
Apology Tour.
So that Fast and Furious, huh? Pretty weird doncha think?
Making Afghanistan more dangerous for our troops by bringing them home.
Russia something something
Making China play fair. They're hacking all of our internets. All of them!

Boilerplate on everything else, but with a teaspoon of credibility, credibility, credibility.
She probably wants a break, which is completely understandable. If she decides to run for president it also gives her time to set up the campaign.

Kerry replacing Clinton as SOS is one of the worst-kept secrets in politics.

There's a very, very small chance it could end up being Susan Rice. Plus, at least recently, most Secretaries of State only do it for one term -- Bush had Powell and Rice, Clinton had Christopher and Albright. Shultz lasted for a lot longer, but I can't imagine that happening again any time soon.


Everybody got the polls out of their system today, let's talk about foreign policy again. What will Romney talk about?

His little China dig that would lead to a trade war is all he has, and even that has been torn apart by anyone with a brain. That, and he will dance around the idea of going to war with Iran. He thinks that we should have kept it a secret that we are planning to leave Afghanistan and thinks it's a tragedy that the Iraq war is over. His foreign policy ideas are dumb.

And Obama has ended one unpopular war, is ending another one, has severely damaged Al Queda, and is far more knowledgeable about foreign affairs as he's been the President of the most powerful country on earth for four years..

If the same Obama that showed up for the town hall debate shows up for this one, I don't see it being close.
PRESIDENT CLINTON: Now, the last thing could say is, I had a lot of fun down at the Democratic Convention talking about arithmetic. But I listened very carefully to the Vice Presidential debate and to the second Presidential debate, and Mr. Romney says, I’m going to do all of this, I’m going to just cut taxes for the middle class, I’m not interested in rich people, they’ll pay the same percentage of tax they pay now. What does that mean? He thinks we’re dumb.

If you cut everybody else’s taxes and people in my income group pay the same percentage, it means we get a tax cut too. Right? We have too. You cut everybody else’s taxes, and I say that my percentage should go up if you freeze my taxes. So, in the debate, without saying so, he got caught with a fact.

He hates to get caught admitting anything. And so, we keep saying, show us your budget. Where are your numbers? The President has given you a budget. He said you won’t like all of it. It adds to two and a half dollars of spending cuts for every dollar of new revenues, but we’ve got to do something about the debt. It will take the debt down $4 trillion. Here are my numbers.

Where are your numbers? This guy ran Bain Capital and is a business guy, and he’s hiding his budget? That ought to tell you something. He – well, he’s hiding his taxes, too, but he’s hiding his taxes in the years when he earned ordinary income. He’s given us two years when he was just running for president. And, he’s hiding whether he would have signed the Lilly Ledbetter act. He’s hiding everything.

He doesn’t want you to think about him. He wants you to think, oh this economy is terrible. “I’m a jobs guy.” And as President Obama said in the debate, if I brought you a deal to Bain Capital and I said, fund my new business, I’ll give you the budget sometime in the future, just trust me on that – you wouldn’t give me one red cent, and we should not give him one vote on that.

God fucking BLESS you Clinton.
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