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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Fork 'em, Sparky!


On that same note, would it be a good idea for Romney to say, after Obama denounces how he shipped jobs to China, that he did so because of undue tax burden in the states? That makes sense to me as an argument, as well as the idea that he would be the champion to close those same loopholes and lower the corporate tax rate.


Well, to be fair, aren't his investments in a blind trust? Or is he directly controlling his investments?
I really wish someone would hit him on the blind trust thing.
Not on the fact that he should be accountable for every little detail in his portfolio, but on the fact that people who make money by letting other people make money out of the mountain of money they already had shouldn't exactly be coddled by our tax code as Mitt suggests.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I really wish someone would hit him on the blind trust thing.
Not on the fact that he should be accountable for every little detail in his portfolio, but on the fact that people who make money by letting other people make money out of the mountain of money they already had shouldn't exactly be coddled by our tax code as Mitt suggests.

They definitely need ZERO coddling. In fact, they need to have most if not all deductions and loopholes closed. And their income should be taxed as such.
If Mitt Romney wins on the heel of a single debate performance in which he mostly lied or flip-flopped despite offering the same economic prescription as President Bush while things are improving...

This country has problems that might be beyond fixing in the near term.

I don't think he's going to, but yeah if Mittens does win, the country deserves all of the misery it'll be in for if it puts that shitstain in office.


He's up +5 actually.

With Johnson included, there is a reason they don't publish that as their main number. Polls always over-state third party candidates.

i dont really understand why in states where we know GJ is on the ballet, the numbers including him aren't top billing.
They never are due to third party candidates vastly over-performing in polls than on election day, people say they vote third party to pollsters then can't bring themselves to waste a vote in reality on election day.
If Mitt Romney wins on the heel of a single debate performance in which he mostly lied or flip-flopped despite offering the same economic prescription as President Bush while things are improving...

This country has problems that might be beyond fixing in the near term.

I mean, the fact that he even has a chance to win is discouraging.


I really wish someone would hit him on the blind trust thing.
Not on the fact that he should be accountable for every little detail in his portfolio, but on the fact that people who make money by letting other people make money out of the mountain of money they already had shouldn't exactly be coddled by our tax code as Mitt suggests.

I bring this up to almost everyone I can that says something about working harder means you get more. Nope. A lot of times, because of our tax code, having more means you get more. Money makes you money. A tax code should be set up explicitly to prevent just that.


With Johnson included, there is a reason they don't publish that as their main number. Polls always over-state third party candidates.

They never are due to third party candidates vastly over-performing in polls than on election day, people say they vote third party to pollsters then can't bring themselves to waste a vote in reality on election day.

i just saw the 538 article on this when i searched... interesting


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I bring this up to almost everyone I can that says something about working harder means you get more. Nope. A lot of times, because of our tax code, having more means you get more. Money makes you money. A tax code should be set up explicitly to prevent just that.

I disagree with the premise that people shouldn't be able to make money off of money, but everyone on here knows I am all about taxing everybody more, especially taxing capital gains as normal income, etc.

Let people make money off of money, just tax them lots while they do it. They will invest more to make more and that will only grow the tax base more.
If Obama is truly tying white voters in CO he'll win. I'll wait for more polls to collaborate that news, but I feel better about CO than I did last week.


Junior Member
I think Obama is going to win bigger than what most people are believing. Don't underestimate the Gary Johnson factor. There's a lot of ticked off conservatives who feel that the RNC betrayed them with Romney, and that crap that went down at the RNC.
Romney's pulling out of North Carolina.

In a clear sign the campaign is confident about putting North Carolina back in the Republican column this year, Mitt Romney's campaign is moving its spokesman out of the state and plans to shift more staffers out in the coming days.

The spokesman, Robert Reid, will be moved to Ohio, which is increasingly viewed by both campaigns as the central battleground of the 2012 race.

"With the increasingly widening polls in North Carolina, we will continue to allocate resources, including key senior staff, to other states," said Romney spokeswoman Sarah Pompei.

The campaign is not pulling out of the state completely.

Pompei said their victory centers throughout North Carolina "will remain open and we expect our supporters and volunteers to remain engaged in our unprecedented get out the vote efforts through Election Day."

The move confirms what Republicans have been saying privately for weeks: that North Carolina, a state President Obama won by just 14,000 votes in 2008, was trending safely in their direction, especially in the wake of Romney's impressive debate performance in Denver earlier this month.

Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt responded to the news by posting to Twitter: "Interesting that the GOP is pulling out of NC the day early vote begins and Obama supporters are lined up around the block at the polls."

The staff change was first reported by the Raleigh News & Observer.
Romney has to be sure this isn't a move of overconfidence. OFA's still maintaining a strong presence there - McCain pulled out of Indiana in 08 to focus on PA, FL, OH and Obama still won there because it was his for the taking.


I think Obama is going to win bigger than what most people are believing. Don't underestimate the Gay Johnson factor. There's a lot of ticked off conservatives who feel that the RNC betrayed them with Romney, and that crap that went down at the RNC.



I disagree with the premise that people shouldn't be able to make money off of money, but everyone on here knows I am all about taxing everybody more, especially taxing capital gains as normal income, etc.

Let people make money off of money, just tax them lots while they do it. They will invest more to make more and that will only grow the tax base more.

Without doing anything at all? Or having money give you an amazingly huge boost that you wouldn't have had without it? Yeah, no. Money shouldn't make money. Hard work and good ideas and things like that should get you money, not money itself. The ability for someone like Mitt to sit on his ass and make mountains more than I could ever dream of is terrible, and the ability for anyone (company or individual) to be able to drown any possible competition in money to make sure it doesn't survive is definitely not good for society as a whole.

I'd agree with people making money by choosing the right things to invest in. That's having a good idea there. So, yeah, tax the hell out of that, but let them make some. The problem is that right now you make so goddamned much doing this that Mitt doesn't have to choose anything. He gets some guy to do it with his mountains of dough. That's bad, in my opinion.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Why do people keep saying this kind of shit? No, no matter how the election goes, this country does not deserve Mitt Romney and the Tea Party. No, being confused by or unable to see through piles of lies does not mean you deserve shitty governance. No, being mistaken about how an economy works does not mean you deserve a broken economy.

If we shut down the FDA and repeal all regulations on drugs etc, and then someone drinks bleach because the person she bought it from told her it was spa water, does she deserve to die?

Excellent point.

The fact that 100 IQ is average means that a very large portion of the populace simply cannot weigh the pros and cons of the different candidates and therefore rely purely on look and feel of the candidates, their vocal cadence, where they are from, their backgrounds, skin color, gender, etc.

This is humanity. We all deserve better, but then we would have Jill Stein as president.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Remember when ppp said Obama was doing poorly on Ohio but then that he did much better the second day? Wonder if that could happen in IA.

How do you poll during the week anyway. Who is even home?


Ehhh, I don't think NC is ASSURED, but I can't fault Romney for deciding it's better to put all those people to work in Ohio.

It's obvious Romney will trying to tackle the Obama firewall in the Midwest. I think even Obama knows NC is most likely to go back Red.
Excellent point.

The fact that 100 IQ is average means that a very large portion of the populace simply cannot weigh the pros and cons of the different candidates and therefore rely purely on look and feel of the candidates, their vocal cadence, where they are from, their backgrounds, skin color, gender, etc.

This is humanity. We all deserve better, but then we would have Jill Stein as president.

Jill Stein is a nutter. Both her and Gary Johnson strike me as too unhinged to be serious presidential candidates.

We deserve better than them as well.
Ehhh, I don't think NC is ASSURED, but I can't fault Romney for deciding it's better to put all those people to work in Ohio.
It really speaks to Romney's challenge that he has to pick his poison like that. Obama could drop out of Virginia, Florida, and North Carolina today and focus all his energies on shoring up Ohio and still have a solid chance of winning overall. Romney can only afford that to a certain degree.

PhoenixDark said:
Dude...NC is done. Let it go
Show me a poll that has Romney up by a significant margin (that's NOT Rasmussen or some other right-wing rag) and I'll concede that. I even gave Romney NC in my map but I still think it'll be close. Obama's ground game is amazing everywhere.
The original Kosmo, Cooter is back.

He got eviscerated during the Iraq War sequence (ancient PoliGAF). He was wrong on all counts about that one...
Campaign behavior (time spent in the state), white voters, unemployment, black voters unhappy with Obama/gay marriage. It's a horrible state going through bad times, that Obama barely won last time.
Right, which is why Obama's losing the black vote nationwide after turning his back on them.



Sucks at poetry


Also search for progressive and a few will come up
Bill Press
Randi Rhodes(Funny & has all the facts).
David Cruz(so-so)
Ed Schultz(so-so)
Stephanie Miller(Funny)
Mike Malloy(This guy is crazy as fuck but I love listening to him)

Web or mobile app

co-signing this.


Jill Stein is a nutter. Both her and Gary Johnson strike me as too unhinged to be serious presidential candidates.

We deserve better than them as well.

I'm sure if there was a realistic chance that the Greens could win the presidency, they would have had the resources to pick a stronger nominee who didn't have to resort to getting arrested at major debates in order to get her name out.


If Romney wins anyone believe he will move back to or become closer to center right? Like he was before? He had to out right wing the nut jobs in his own party just to gain the nominations but now many of his proposals seem to be moving back towards the center. Smart strategy if it works.


Also search for progressive and a few will come up
Bill Press
Randi Rhodes(Funny & has all the facts).
David Cruz(so-so)
Ed Schultz(so-so)
Stephanie Miller(Funny)
Mike Malloy(This guy is crazy as fuck but I love listening to him)

Web or mobile app

She's rather revolting, or was when I listened from 2002-2007. I used to post a lot on her forum. That experience taught me there are a LOT of batshit peope on the far left. The 04 election aftermath especially, oh boy
Mike Malloy(This guy is crazy as fuck but I love listening to him)

I love listening to Mike Malloy. Was first introduced to him back when Atlanta still had a syndicated terrestrial Air America station around the 2004 elections. There something cathartic about his near transcendental rants.


Remember when ppp said Obama was doing poorly on Ohio but then that he did much better the second day? Wonder if that could happen in IA.

How do you poll during the week anyway. Who is even home?
Most pollsters poll in the evening after work hours.




Washington, D.C. - Full details of the Reuters / Ipsos Presidential Debate #2 poll is attached, which includes pre-post findings:

Nearly everyone heard something about the debate, and registered voters have Obama winning 48%-33%, with 19% unsure
27% are more now positive toward Obama vs. 21% for Romney
Obama’s favorability has gone up from 55% to 60%
On policy issues, Obama has gotten a bump on immigration (+4), the war on terror (+3), Social Security (+3), gay marriage (+3), and the federal government deficit (+3), and has remained stable on all others. Romney’s numbers have remained within 2 points on all policy areas, pre vs. post-debate.
On candidate attributes, Obama saw improvement on being eloquent (+5), bipartisanship (+4), tough enough for the job (+4), can be effective in Washington (+4), would be fun to meet in person (+4), Presidential (+3), understands people like me (+3), is a good person (+3), has the right values (+3) and will protect American jobs (+3)
On Libya/the Middle East, approval ratings have held steady for Clinton (50% approve pre and post) and Obama (46% pre and 47% post), but there’s a slight drop for Romney (37% to 33%).
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