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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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The super-Christian guy behind that "2016: Obama's America" movie? Ditches his wife of 20 years for a woman in her 20's.


Clearly Obama's endorsement of gay marriage destroyed Dinesh's marriage.

No, it will be hilarious if that happens and Obama wins the electoral. Oh, the hilarity that will ensue as the right-wing completely forgets about 2000.

I hope it happens.

The first thing the right will try to do is change the beloved constitution, something that is infallible and should not be changed according to them.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Yeah, how about no. I think the last thing the Right needs is more bullshit reasons to question Obama's legitimacy.
I hope it happens.

The first thing the right will try to do is change the beloved constitution, something that is infallible and should not be changed according to them.
This would be the one benefit.

However Obama's agenda would be completely stonewalled, more than it is now, because the right would unanimously question Obama's legitimacy as president. We don't need that.


PPP CO poll details:
Obama's continuing to lead thanks largely to a 51/42 advantage with independents. There's a large generational gap in Colorado with voters under 65 supporting Obama 51/46, but seniors preferring Romney 55/43. Romney has a narrow advantage with white voters at 50/47, but Obama more than offsets that with big leads among Hispanics (59/38) and other non-white voters (59/29).

Obama has the trust advantage on both the economy (50/46) and Libya (50/44), lending more credence to the thought that Romney botched that issue during the debate on Tuesday.

When Gary Johnson is included in the poll he gets 4% and pulls more from Romney than Obama, pushing the President's lead up to 49/44.

Yeah this is nasty for Romney.
Well, Hillary's chances of becoming president increase exponentially if Obama's elected. So yes.

PPP said:
-John Hickenlooper continues to be one of the most popular Governors in the country. 54% of voters approve of the job he's doing to 23% who disapprove, and he leads a generic Republican opponent 56/31. The most impressive thing about his numbers may be that he comes close to breaking even on his approval even with Republican voters at 32/38.
What about the all important "I would like to have a beer with" question?what does CO think!?!?

Romney doesn't even drink beer though, can you trust someone who doesn't drink?

Drinking is basically what this country was founded on.
Obama needs to put the big-boy pants on and bash Romney over head with Libya. He needs to push the larger narrative. Perhaps he should say something like this . . .

Look, there was a very difficult situation going on Libya during the Arab spring. We carefully looked at the situation and determined we could improve the lives of Libyans and further the spread of Democracy. So we consulted with our allies and formulated a plan. We worked with our allies and helped the Libya people free themselves from yoke of a dictator that was a nemesis of Ronald Reagan. This was done for 0.1% of the cost of the Iraq war and without a single casualty to an American military service person. During the operations in Libya Governor Romney said "<stupid quote>", "<stupid quote inconsistent with first quote>", and "<another stupid quote inconsistent with the previous two>"

Our policies regarding Libya have achieved results. We helped free a nation and now have a friendly ally in the region and in the Islamic world. Now the situation in Libya is not perfectly stable. There are Ghadaffi loyalists and there are Islamists. The loss of our diplomats is a national tragedy and I take full responsibility for that. But if you look to Libya and see nothing but an opportunity to politically exploit a tragedy instead of honor their sacrifice as part of a noble mission to free people from a dictator and spread democracy then you just do not have the right attitude to handle U.S. foreign policy.



49/44 if Gary Johnson is on the ballot is very good. And as far as I can see, he should be on the ballot. (Google tells me he's on the ballot on all states except three.)
What about the all important "I would like to have a beer with" question?what does CO think!?!?

Romney doesn't even drink beer though, can you trust someone who doesn't drink?

Drinking is basically what this country was founded on.
You literally can't have a drink with Romney.

Obama? He'll make the beer for you.


"Grr, I still don't trust 'im."


Is there any good progressive radio shows in NYC?



Also search for progressive and a few will come up
Bill Press
Randi Rhodes(Funny & has all the facts).
David Cruz(so-so)
Ed Schultz(so-so)
Stephanie Miller(Funny)
Mike Malloy(This guy is crazy as fuck but I love listening to him)

Web or mobile app

Mitt Romney, who famously authored an op-ed in 2008 suggesting that the federal government should "let Detroit go bankrupt," has been on the defensive in the Midwest ever since President Barack Obama's controversial auto bailout turned the struggling companies around.
Political observers roundly agree that Romney's opposition to federal intervention may very well cost him Ohio and therefore the White House.

At Tuesday's presidential debate on Long Island, Romney attempted to recast the story, with himself as the champion of the industry (see the video above), but his comments at the time, recorded for posterity, have made such a reinvention challenging.

But while Romney's political fortunes may have been shorted by the Obama's auto rescue, the bailout was a boon for his personal fortune.

A new report running Thursday in The Nation finds that Romney and his wife, Ann, made at least $15.3 million -- and perhaps tens of millions more -- as a result of bailout funds paid to General Motors. The story, an early copy of which was provided to The Huffington Post, is written by investigative reporter Greg Palast and was backed by the The Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute.

Romney's windfall from the bailout is directly tied to his relationship with Paul Singer, the billionaire hedge fund manager who donated $1 million to the Republican's presidential campaign in April. As The Nation reports, the Romneys invested at least $1 million with Singer's fund, Elliott Management, which is known for investing in distressed or bankrupt companies.

One of those bankrupt companies was Delphi, an auto parts maker that hit financial trouble after being spun off from its former parent, GM. Singer's fund bought up a controlling interest in Delphi for about 67 cents a share on average, The Nation calculates. By last November, Delphi's initial public offering was priced at $22 a share, thanks in part by efforts to cut costs by moving operations overseas and employing non-union workers. Delphi's stock price has continued to take off, with shares closing around $32 as of this week.

But that profit was also greatly bolstered by Delphi's lingering ties to GM, which depended on the company for essential auto parts. The Nation reports:

The Treasury allowed GM to give Delphi at least $2.8 billion of funds from the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to keep Delphi in business. GM also forgave $2.5 billion in debt owed to it by Delphi, and $2 billion due from Singer and company upon Delphi’s exit from Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The money GM forgave was effectively owed to the Treasury, which had by then become the majority owner of GM as a result of the bailout. Then there was the big one: the government’s Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation took over paying all of Delphi’s retiree pensions. The cost to the taxpayer: $5.6 billion. The bottom line: the hedge funds’ paydays were made possible by a generous donation of $12.9 billion from US taxpayers.
Since the Romneys had at least $1 million invested with Elliott by the end of 2010, with a third of that portfolio likely in Delphi, The Nation estimates that they made at a minimum $15.3 million off Delphi's resurgence.

As Phillip Martin has previously reported, Romney also profited heavily from the bailout thanks to Bain's investment in Sensata Technologies, which makes electronic parts for cars. He has been able to avoid paying taxes on some of those gains by transferring nearly a million dollars of Sensata stock to his own tax-sheltered nonprofit. Now that the taxpayer has helped save Bain's company, the Romney-founded private equity giant is returning the favor by shutting down an Illinois Sensata factory and shipping the production to China. Some of the 170 workers who are losing their livelihoods have been arrested in attempts to persuade Romney to use his influence to halt the outsourcing. Romney has declined to do so.

The bailout has proved to be a tricky point of criticism for Romney throughout the campaign. While it was controversial at the time, many now credit Obama's decision to continue the rescue program (started under President George W. Bush) with the industry's relative turnaround. Both GM and Chrysler did enter a managed bankruptcy, for which Romney took "a lot of credit" earlier this year. However, he has failed to mention that the companies may not have rebounded without the assistance of massive federal loans.


So can someone please tell me the thought process of a Conservative supporting this hypocritical piece of shit without taking into affect their irrational hatred of Obama? I mean jesus fucking CHRIST.


There's a claim circulating on Twitter that a new Susquehanna poll, conducted Oct. 11-13, shows Romney up by 4 in PA.


lol, whatever. Even if it were real, look when it was conducted. PA isn't going for Roms, no matter how much they wish it were true.

And based on things right now, anyone disagree with


Really wanted to include Florida, but really not sure about it right now.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Well, Hillary's chances of becoming president increase exponentially if Obama's elected. So yes.

I disagree wholeheartedly.

If Romney wins and the country's economy gets worse (which I believe it will), people will be more likely to vote in a democrat.
At this point, the economy will get better whoever is elected. I would put money on that.

Romney's policies would be bad long-term for the economy and the country as a whole, but we wouldn't see it for a few years.
Exactly. People are also very resistant to throw out incumbents, except in instances where they obviously bungled something.

lol, whatever. Even if it were real, look when it was conducted. PA isn't going for Roms, no matter how much they wish it were true.

And based on things right now, anyone disagree with


Really wanted to include Florida, but really not sure about it right now.
I gave Florida to 'bams, but not North Carolina. I think both will be razor-thin.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


Also search for progressive and a few will come up
Bill Press
Randi Rhodes(Funny & has all the facts).
David Cruz(so-so)
Ed Schultz(so-so)
Stephanie Miller(Funny)
Mike Malloy(This guy is crazy as fuck but I love listening to him)

Web or mobile app

You forgot Ron Reagan!


Whoever wins Florida, I think it will be by less than 1%.

God help us if Obama somehow loses something like Iowa and we're in for another long count in FL.


One thing I always wondered about polls was how much of an impact "willing to be polled" has. How many young people want to, in their eyes, waste time on a phone interview these days?
If Mitt Romney wins on the heel of a single debate performance in which he mostly lied or flip-flopped despite offering the same economic prescription as President Bush while things are improving...

This country has problems that might be beyond fixing in the near term.
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