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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Weird that he got a bump on gay marriage. Did they talk about it at the debate? I didn't actually see the whole thing.

No but its probably bleed over for treatment of women and attention to social issues

ie: if you are for women you would most likely support gay and lesbian initiatives


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Without doing anything at all? Or having money give you an amazingly huge boost that you wouldn't have had without it? Yeah, no. Money shouldn't make money. Hard work and good ideas and things like that should get you money, not money itself. The ability for someone like Mitt to sit on his ass and make mountains more than I could ever dream of is terrible, and the ability for anyone (company or individual) to be able to drown any possible competition in money to make sure it doesn't survive is definitely not good for society as a whole.

I'd agree with people making money by choosing the right things to invest in. That's having a good idea there. So, yeah, tax the hell out of that, but let them make some. The problem is that right now you make so goddamned much doing this that Mitt doesn't have to choose anything. He gets some guy to do it with his mountains of dough. That's bad, in my opinion.

Well let's say that you and I disagree on this point then. It isn't in the government's purview to prevent people from making money any legal way they can. If a millionaire wants to make millions off of investments, let him. Just tax it at a high rate. What he does with it is his own business.


No but its probably bleed over for treatment of women and attention to social issues

ie: if you are for women you would most likely support gay and lesbian initiatives

mitt romney said:
But let me mention another thing. And that is parents. We need moms and dads, helping to raise kids.

I noticed him saying this during the gun control discussion and figured it would hurt him. Another example of something that is probably just a bad phrasing, but reveals Romney's thought process and encourages people to believe what they already do believe, that Romney supports "traditional family values."
So to summarize we have three trackers showing consistent Obama leads, two showing Romney leads, one of which seems to be an outlier. Though, to be fair, RAND is looking a bit fishy – Obama isn't up by five as much as Romney isn't up by seven. And PPP has it tied.
Obama's numbers among blacks and Hispanics are lower in NC. He'll need far bigger turnout to win there

He's going to lose NC because the overwhelming majority of North Carolinians (whites blacks and hispanics) are religious fundamentalists whose pastors told them not to vote for Obama because of his support for gay marriage.


He's going to lose NC because the overwhelming majority of North Carolinians (whites blacks and hispanics) are religious fundamentalists whose pastors told them not to vote for Obama because of his support for gay marriage.

Yes. :( at least the rural areas will go hard red.
speaking of outlier polls
DSCC poll: McCaskill up 12 in Missouri

A new poll conducted for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee finds Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill with a solid double-digit lead over Todd Akin in Missouri's Senate race.

The survey, which was shared early with POLITICO, shows the Democrat taking 47 percent, compared with 35 percent for Akin and 8 percent for Libertarian Jonathan Dine. When Dine was excluded from the poll, McCaskill led Akin by 10 points, 50 percent to 40 percent.

A major factor in McCaskill's advantage comes from almost universal support from Democrats -- 95 percent, compared with just 75 percent of Republicans who say they're backing Akin.

This margin is slightly smaller than the 14-point lead McCaskill's internal poll gave her yesterday, but still shows that McCaskill has a solid lead in a race that has been seen as a likely Democratic victory since Akin's "legitimate rape" comments this summer. It also comes on the heels of the news that McCaskill raised $5.8 million this quarter, compared with $1.6 million for Akin.

The poll, conducted by Harstad Strategic Research for the DSCC, surveyed 603 likely voters in Missouri from Oct. 15 to Oct. 17.

Yea right


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
But other than Gallup and Ras, they show a lead on average of about 2-3. With 0.5 to 6 range.

RAND at 6 would totally be within the confidence interval, here. Gallup isn't close.

I know there is Reuters and RAND, but what other daily trackers are showing Obama leads?


If we end up with an electoral vote tie, and Obama wins the popular vote, I'm ready for war.

Fuck the South.



The simplest way to explain this scenario is that Obama retains all the states John Kerry won in 2004, while adding New Mexico and Ohio. Under the 2004 map, that would make Obama president. But the 2010 reapportionment sent a handful of electoral votes from the Blue states to the Red states: just enough to make this scenario an exact 269-269 tie. But 269 would make Romney president, because in the event of a tie, the new House of Representatives would pick the president: each of the 50 delegations would get a single vote. Given that Republicans are almost assuredly going to control a solid majority of House delegations in the next Congress (see below), Romney would win.

Of course, this scenario involves Romney winning Nevada, but that might be very difficult. The Democratic machine in the Silver State that carried Sen. Harry Reid (D) over the finish line in 2010 appears to still be operating at full efficiency; Democrats continue to have a wide registration advantage in Nevada, and Jon Ralston, the prominent Nevada politics expert, believes that Obama has a lead there and that polls understate his advantage, much like they did for the president in 2008 and for Reid in 2010.

We don’t have a dog in this race, but we are rooting for one thing: no tie! A 269-269 Electoral College outcome would inevitably be a national crisis on par — or worse — with the 2000 Florida cliffhanger, especially if Romney lost the popular vote.

The entire article is pretty informative


Well let's say that you and I disagree on this point then. It isn't in the government's purview to prevent people from making money any legal way they can. If a millionaire wants to make millions off of investments, let him. Just tax it at a high rate. What he does with it is his own business.

The government decides what's legal and what isn't :p

Anyway, I don't think we're disagreeing. I'm not saying make it illegal. That'd be pretty ridiculous. I'm saying that people shouldn't be able to make money simply from having it, and the tax code should lower the chances of such a thing happening. I said I think people should make money from doing something, so if they are choosing investments then sure make money off it. But, I think it should be correlated to what you're actually doing. Right now what does Mitt do? He chooses a blind trust, maybe? Well, with the amount of money he has that's not really a decision worth much at all. He'll make a ton of money no matter where he puts the shit. But, a an aggressively progressive taxation system makes it such that in order to make an inordinate amount of money you have to actually do something. Sure you can make a bit from doing something, but if you want to make that much more, millions upon millions you have to work on it, because it gets progressively taxed a bit more.

I'm saying essentially what you are. Tax it.
I know there is Reuters and RAND, but what other daily trackers are showing Obama leads?

IBD/TIPPS and the last i saw of Google Consumer surveys, Ras has had it +1 to +2 Romney which isn't bad for Obama considering their R lean.

But I'm also looking at stuff like the ABC poll and GWU poll both having Obama up 3 and 1 respectively. PPP has it tied today.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
IBD/TIPPS and the last i saw of Google Consumer surveys, Ras has had it +1 to +2 Romney which isn't bad for Obama considering their R lean.

But I'm also looking at stuff like the ABC poll and GWU poll both having Obama up 3 and 1 respectively. PPP has it tied today.

IBD is .5, I believe down from yesterday.


Gf and I voted in NC today +2 for Obama!

While my fbook fact checking is being passed around work I had 4 undecideds message me and say I pushed them over the edge. Doing everything I know how, guys.
You're only saying that because you want him to win.

PD you're a silly man.

I'd love for McCaskil to lose but not to someone as disgusting as Akin. I think voters will determine they don't like him, but would rather have him in the senate opposing Obama (or helping Romney) than have McCaskil there supporting Obama
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