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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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From NBC's writeup:

If Obama wins by a narrow margin, folks might look back at Romney's strategy to carpet bomb the swing states in the final 3 weeks as a mistake. Early voting started in late September and early October in several key states
If people focus on advertising, they're misconceiving Romney's mistake. Obama's lead in early voting derives not from advertisements, but his organizational advantage. According to the latest data, the Obama campaign has three times as many field offices in Iowa as the Romney campaign. Democrats have not been motivated because of advertisements. Rather, it's the Obama campaign's concerted effort to register and assist voters. People should question the Romney campaign's failure to develop field offices and their organization.
Everybody got the polls out of their system today, let's talk about foreign policy again. What will Romney talk about?
Yes. Let's. I've not had a good foreign policy post in a while.

The ICG recently updated its evaluation of Afghanistan. And, in what should be surprising to few, the prospects are dismal. They enumerate many of the problems I've noted throughout the past few years.

First, as in Iraq, the surge failed; this is Obama's greatest mistake. It not only failed to induce an enduring political solution, violence remains disconcertingly high. We weakened a few of the insurgent groups, yet many remain dangerous. And they will recover once more ISAF forces withdraw. Second, despite our substantial investment, the ANSF remains ill-equipped to administer security. But the security forces are not the cardinal problem. Compared to the governance problem, the inadequate security forces are a mole hill. Rather, the government remains plagued by factionalism, corruption, and incompetence. Without a nominally functional government, Afghanistan will fail. Perhaps not immediately, especially because other states are interested in maintaining a semblance of order, but the problem could decimate the state; if it even persists as a coherent state. At least the notion of reconciliation, which was always chimerical, seems to have been abandoned.

They offer a few prescriptions to address the problems. But the solutions are nearly trivial. The problems are insuperable and, as we should have realized by now, beyond our capabilities. At least the Obama Administration has adhered to its withdrawal timeline.
Sometimes I feel like PoliGAF needs a guide.

Listen to: Cyan, GhaleonEB, Jackson50
Troll with or otherwise ignore: PD
Panic with: Diablos and CS
Be calm with: Black Mamba, pigeon, loudninja, Tim-E, Forever
Harass PD, make sarcastic/joking responses, fake panic with: Dax
Appreciate trolling of: Incognito

Something like that.
:lol PhoenixDark
i love watching Fox News. its fascinating. i cant think of any better way to describe it.

im excited to watch hannity, the five, etc. after obama wins re-election.
i really cant wait.


i love watching Fox News. its fascinating. i cant think of any better way to describe it.

im excited to watch hannity, the five, etc. after obama wins re-election.
i really cant wait.
It's manna from heaven.. the only way I can describe it. I could eat it up endlessly.. mmm..


If people focus on advertising, they're misconceiving Romney's mistake. Obama's lead in early voting derives not from advertisements, but his organizational advantage. According to the latest data, the Obama campaign has three times as many field offices in Iowa as the Romney campaign. Democrats have not been motivated because of advertisements. Rather, it's the Obama campaign's concerted effort to register and assist voters. People should question the Romney campaign's failure to develop field offices and their organization.

Oh you're right but my point was that with all that superPAC money, why not flood the airwaves before early voting?
the CO/WI/IA polls today were like gifts from the gods. i am feeling the most hopium today since october 3.

it's hilarious that with IA, CO, WI, and NV, obama does not even need ohio! so many paths to victory.
If people focus on advertising, they're misconceiving Romney's mistake. Obama's lead in early voting derives not from advertisements, but his organizational advantage. According to the latest data, the Obama campaign has three times as many field offices in Iowa as the Romney campaign. Democrats have not been motivated because of advertisements. Rather, it's the Obama campaign's concerted effort to register and assist voters. People should question the Romney campaign's failure to develop field offices and their organization.

Definitely. If you go back to 2008, even though it was a swing year, Obama on average out performed the polls by 2-3%. Just look at these: Virginia, Ohio, and Florida. That is what his ground game gets him. Nate Silver was talking about this last night. He mention the investment of the ground game pays off huge dividends at the ballot box. So if you have a poll where Obama is only up by 2%, then he could conceivably be up 3-4% because his ground game is turning out his supporters.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
No. You get your own category.

Listen to: Cyan, GhaleonEB, Jackson50
Troll with or otherwise ignore: PD
Panic with: Diablos and CS
Be calm with: Black Mamba, pigeon, loudninja, Tim-E, Forever, eBay Huckster
Harass PD, make sarcastic/joking responses, fake panic with: Dax
Appreciate trolling of: Incognito
Be optimistic alongside: Aaron Strife

I resent the lack of conservative voice in this list.

Back pat narrative was right!


Oh you're right but my point was that with all that superPAC money, why not flood the airwaves before early voting?

SuperPAC money has to buy ads at full retail, actual campaign money gets to buy at bottom dollar prices. As a result Romney's superPAC money only has about 1/4th the buying power in most swing states as Obama's campaign funds.


Obama on the daily show seems to keep on message about Libya. I hate that message though. Should drop it. It's ruined for Romney...why bother

I wouldn't be surprised to see Bob Schieffer bring it up Monday and try to reframe the issue. He was all over it the past few weeks.

Here's his outline for the debate:

America's Role in the World; Our Longest War -- Afghanistan and Pakistan
Red Lines -- Israel and Iran
The Changing Middle East and the New Face of Terrorism -- I
The Changing Middle East and the New Face of Terrorism – II
The Rise of China and Tomorrow's World
Obama on the daily show seems to keep on message about Libya. I hate that message though. Should drop it. It's ruined for Romney...why bother
I haven't seen the interview but I assume he is pre-setting up his narrative. They have a foreign policy debate coming up and Libya is certain to be brought up again.

I still think he should use my fanfic rant.

Maddow stole my narrative last night . . . I've been saying how the Libya 'Act of Terror' gaffe by Romney in the debate was the result of the right-wing echo chamber turning around and harming the GOP . . . and she ran with it.


I resent the lack of conservative voice in this list.

Back pat narrative was right!

Act Like You're Superior With: alteredbeast
Listen to: Cyan, GhaleonEB, Jackson50
Troll with or otherwise ignore: PD
Panic with: Diablos and CS
Be calm with: Black Mamba, pigeon, loudninja, Tim-E, Forever, eBay Huckster
Harass PD, make sarcastic/joking responses, fake panic with: Dax
Appreciate trolling of: Incognito
Be optimistic alongside: Aaron Strife


i'm trying to math using the marist iowa poll.

let's pretend turnout in iowa matches 2008 and is 1.2m

34% have voted, and 67% of those people voted for obama:

obama: 273,360
romney: 130,560
other: 4,080

11% plan to vote, and the break is 55-39% in favor of obama. so before election day that would mean:

obama: 72,600 | 345,960
romney: 51,480 | 182,040
other: 7,920 | 12,000

and then the 55% remaining breaks 54%-39% for romney:

obama: 257,400 | 603,360 | 50.28%
romney: 356,400 | 538,440 | 44.87%
other: 46,200 | 68,200 | 4-5%

the 6-7% in the people who haven't voted yet are probably undecided, if the remaining 50k-60k all broke for romney and didn't vote for a third party, he would still wind up 800 votes shy of a win.

the final result will probably be more like 2-3 points though.


Not sure what to make of this stuff, but here are the details of that Susquehanna poll showing Romney ahead by 4 in Pennsylvania. Maybe someone who knows more about this stuff than I can see if there's anything wonky about the methodology.

No one else seems to be worried about it so I'm just going to assume it's an outlier, but Nate's factored in their data with a decent weight in the past, so I don't really know what to make of it.


doing the same thing for ppp's more recent ohio poll

so, there were 4.6m votes cast in ohio in 2008.

19% have already voted, and according to ppp, they break 76-24 for obama:

obama: 664,240
romney: 209,760

romney leads the rest with a 51-46% advantage:

obama: 1,713,960 | 2,378,200 | 51.7%
romney: 1,900,260 | 2,110,020 | 45.87%
other: 111,780 | 2-3%

like the iowa example, the remaining 3% could break for romney and obama would still be the victor. obama won ohio in 2008 by a 5 point margin, 52-47
Not sure what to make of this stuff, but here are the details of that Susquehanna poll showing Romney ahead by 4 in Pennsylvania. Maybe someone who knows more about this stuff than I can see if there's anything wonky about the methodology.

No one else seems to be worried about it so I'm just going to assume it's an outlier, but Nate's factored in their data with a decent weight in the past, so I don't really know what to make of it.

This poll was commissioned by Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w79qwKrWhY&feature=relmfu memories :(

I'm having a little trouble reconciling Kaine and Obama in Virginia. Kaine is up somewhat big. Will people really vote Romney/Kaine?

I guess that could happen in Missouri. Maybe I shouldn't be so skeptical.

i'm a true believer that virginia will go for obama in the end. missouri was close last time, but it was kinda like indiana where it wasn't really ever gonna stick. i think virginia will.


Holy crap, did I just see Lawrence O'Donnell challenge Romney's son to a brawl? lmao. people getting crazy. Looking forward to the end of this campaign. :/


Not sure what to make of this stuff, but here are the details of that Susquehanna poll showing Romney ahead by 4 in Pennsylvania. Maybe someone who knows more about this stuff than I can see if there's anything wonky about the methodology.

No one else seems to be worried about it so I'm just going to assume it's an outlier, but Nate's factored in their data with a decent weight in the past, so I don't really know what to make of it.

Susquehanna is the only pollster to show Romney leading in Pennsylvania ever, and they've universally shown Obama with a smaller lead than all other polls. In September they found Obama up by 1 in Pennsylvania at the same time that PPP found him up 12 and Muhlenberg found him up 9. Honestly, looking at Susquehanna's relationship to the nearby data, that poll is still pretty reasonably consistent with a 3-4 point lead for Obama in Pennsylvania. As Nate defines it, they can be accurate (close to the correct result after correcting for bias) and still have a lot of bias.
That was really awkward. He can be pretty embarrassing to watch sometimes. I really wish Chris Hayes had a show between Maddow and the Daily Show.

Now I see why people hate on him. I generally like his schtick but that was ridiculous and over the top.

Holy crap, did I just see Lawrence O'Donnell challenge Romney's son to a brawl? lmao. people getting crazy. Looking forward to the end of this campaign. :/

Lol well I guess that answers my question. I'd be okay with Maddow just having a two hour show instead.


Watching the Al Smith dinner now. A little sad, Romney really can be likeable as long as everybody around him is wearing a tuxedo.
I resent the lack of conservative voice in this list.

Back pat narrative was right!

Listen to: Cyan, GhaleonEB, Jackson50
Troll with or otherwise ignore: PD
Panic with: Diablos and CS
Be calm with: Black Mamba, pigeon, loudninja, Tim-E, Forever
Harass PD, make sarcastic/joking responses, fake panic with: Dax, ryutaro's mama, eBay Huckster
Appreciate trolling of: Incognito
Recognize the misplaced conservative: AlteredBeast
Don't be too positive next to: Clevinger
Be optimistic alongside: Aaron Strife
Deceased conservative: ToxicAdam
Deceased parrot conservative: Kosmo
Put yourself in a freezer with: HylianTom
Be big on the environment next to: speculawyer
Make irrational conclusions based off sketchy polling data in the following company: Puddles
Learn how to not be a chicken little from: Cheebso
Be aware of the veterans that are still around: PantherLotus, Tamanon, Hitokage, GhaleonEB, Cyan
Participate in "Who's who of PoliGAF" lists made by: Dax


Susquehanna is the only pollster to show Romney leading in Pennsylvania ever, and they've universally shown Obama with a smaller lead than all other polls. In September they found Obama up by 1 in Pennsylvania at the same time that PPP found him up 12 and Muhlenberg found him up 9. Honestly, looking at Susquehanna's relationship to the nearby data, that poll is still pretty reasonably consistent with a 3-4 point lead for Obama in Pennsylvania. As Nate defines it, they can be accurate (close to the correct result after correcting for bias) and still have a lot of bias.

Thanks for the explanation.

In that case, yeah, I think it's looking like Obama's lead in Ohio and Penn. is probably going to hold in the 2-4 point range come election day.


How far have I fucking fallen that I don't make a single PoliGAF shortlist anymore?

Anyway, I'm glad to see that the firewall appears to be holding. I wish we could get this shit over with and go back to discussing policy.
Now I see why people hate on him. I generally like his schtick but that was ridiculous and over the top.

I wonder if he pick this up from Jamie Kilstein's physical fight challenge to Jonah Goldberg?

Jonah Goldber is a hard conservative pundit who said:
“The fact that young people think socialism is better than capitalism, that’s proof of what social scientists call their stupidity and their ignorance and it’s something that conservatives have to work harder to beat out of them, either literally or figuratively as far as I’m concerned.”
Jamie Kilstein is a skinny little vegan far-left commentator and that set him off. So he has challenged Jonah Goldberg to a fight for charity. Apparently Jonah has not accepted the challenge. Perhaps Lawrence was pulling the same gambit.

How far have I fucking fallen that I don't make a single PoliGAF shortlist anymore?
My rantings are not worthy of mention either. *sniff*


I wonder if he pick this up from Jamie Kilstein's physical fight challenge to Jonah Goldberg?

Jonah Goldber is a hard conservative pundit who said:

Jamie Kilstein is a skinny little vegan far-left commentator and that set him off. So he has challenged Jonah Goldberg to a fight for charity. Apparently Jonah has not accepted the challenge. Perhaps Lawrence was pulling the same gambit.

Jonah Goldberg isn't worth fighting.
Not sure what to make of this stuff, but here are the details of that Susquehanna poll showing Romney ahead by 4 in Pennsylvania. Maybe someone who knows more about this stuff than I can see if there's anything wonky about the methodology.

No one else seems to be worried about it so I'm just going to assume it's an outlier, but Nate's factored in their data with a decent weight in the past, so I don't really know what to make of it.

Obama is ahead is A poll in AZ.

Means nuthin'.


Full polling recap for today (I hope that 538 updates):

NATIONAL (Gallup Tracking): Romney 52, Obama 45 (LV); Romney 48, Obama 47 (RV)
NATIONAL (IBD/TIPP Tracking): Obama 46, Romney 46
NATIONAL (Ipsos/Reuters Tracking): Obama 47, Romney 44 (LV); Obama 47, Romney 39 (RV)
NATIONAL (PPP Tracking): Obama 48, Romney 48
NATIONAL (Rasmussen Tracking): Romney 49, Obama 47

COLORADO (PPP): Obama 50, Romney 47
CONNECTICUT (PPP for League of Conservation Voters): Obama 53, Romney 44
CONNECTICUT (Univ. of Connecticut): Obama 51, Romney 37
IOWA (NBC News/Marist): Obama 51, Romney 43 (LV); Obama 50, Romney 43 (RV)
MICHIGAN (Denno Research): Obama 44, Romney 41
MICHIGAN (EPIC-MRA): Obama 52, Romney 46
MINNESOTA (SurveyUSA): Obama 50, Romney 40
NORTH CAROLINA (Rasmussen): Romney 52, Obama 46
OHIO (Rasmussen): Obama 49, Romney 48
PENNSYLVANIA (Susquehanna Research for the PA Republican Party): Romney 49, Obama 45
VIRGINIA (PPP for the League of Conservation Voters): Obama 49, Romney 48
WASHINGTON (Univ. of Washington): Obama 52, Romney 41
WISCONSIN (NBC News/Marist): Obama 51, Romney 45 (LV); Obama 50, Romney 44 (RV)
Full polling recap for today (I hope that 538 updates):

NATIONAL (Gallup Tracking): Romney 52, Obama 45 (LV); Romney 48, Obama 47 (RV)
NATIONAL (IBD/TIPP Tracking): Obama 46, Romney 46
NATIONAL (Ipsos/Reuters Tracking): Obama 47, Romney 44 (LV); Obama 47, Romney 39 (RV)
NATIONAL (PPP Tracking): Obama 48, Romney 48
NATIONAL (Rasmussen Tracking): Romney 49, Obama 47

COLORADO (PPP): Obama 50, Romney 47
CONNECTICUT (PPP for League of Conservation Voters): Obama 53, Romney 44
CONNECTICUT (Univ. of Connecticut): Obama 51, Romney 37
IOWA (NBC News/Marist): Obama 51, Romney 43 (LV); Obama 50, Romney 43 (RV)
MICHIGAN (Denno Research): Obama 44, Romney 41
MICHIGAN (EPIC-MRA): Obama 52, Romney 46
MINNESOTA (SurveyUSA): Obama 50, Romney 40
NORTH CAROLINA (Rasmussen): Romney 52, Obama 46
OHIO (Rasmussen): Obama 49, Romney 48
PENNSYLVANIA (Susquehanna Research for the PA Republican Party): Romney 49, Obama 45
VIRGINIA (PPP for the League of Conservation Voters): Obama 49, Romney 48
WASHINGTON (Univ. of Washington): Obama 52, Romney 41
WISCONSIN (NBC News/Marist): Obama 51, Romney 45 (LV); Obama 50, Romney 44 (RV)
Forever, you will be the biggest sweetie if you do this at the end of the day each day.
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