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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Even Fox knows that no one gives a shit about this obscure consulate security snafu.

We've also lost 267 people in Afghanistan this year, how about a special on that? That would seem much more important.

because one of the 4 killed in libya was an ambassador.

they dont care about the other 3.
I seriously don't even get why the fuck it matters whether the video had anything to do with it or not, especially to Republicans. To them these people are attacking us for our freedom either way, right?
It gives them a motivation. Republicans prefer to think of terrorists as cartoon supervillains who hate our freedom.


No way Romney wins NH, they like to flirt with the Republicans but they always come home to the Dems on election night.

Had Gore won New Hampshire in 2000 he would have been elected president without Florida, Ohio, Colorado, Nevada, or Virginia. :-(

btw, does it seem strange to anyone else that every electoral map since 2000 seems to be a slightly modified version of a standard template? That doesn't seem to be true for elections before 2000.


For a Finer World
came at a good time, just when binders full of women was winding down.

And it's a surprisingly good one: it's true so networks can pick it up, the punchline of Obamacare covering it is clever and the 4 minute clip on Youtube is easy to watch all the way.


Junior Member
i see florida as an outside chance for obama, like wisconsin is an outside chance for romney. it's possible, but probably not going to happen.

in that regard, i think nc is to obama what pa is to romney: simply too far out of reach.

it's going to have to come down to ohio, colorado, iowa, new hampshire, and virginia. semi-confident in ohio, and colorado. iffy on iowa and new hampshire. i think virginia will ultimately go to obama, but maybe in an indiana or nc sort of way where it winds up a sort of surprise.

I don't see either Ohio or Iowa going to Romney due to early voting, and the Obama ground game. That's why I'm not too worried about this election in general.

Obama has Wisconsin, Iowa, and Ohio pretty much on lock. I pretty much LoL'd when I heard someone say that Romney could swing Michigan. Gotta love the media.


Had Gore won New Hampshire in 2000 he would have been elected president without Florida, Ohio, Colorado, Nevada, or Virginia. :-(

btw, does it seem strange to anyone else that every electoral map since 2000 seems to be a slightly modified version of a standard template? That doesn't seem to be true for elections before 2000.

The 2000 election began the period of sharp polarization that is still pretty much in effect.


And it's a surprisingly good one: it's true so networks can pick it up, the punchline of Obamacare covering it is clever and the 4 minute clip on Youtube is easy to watch all the way.

the best thing obama can do is make romney into a joke. he was already in that territory due to binders, this is not going to help him, and then maybe he can put him away for good on monday (by being real serious, but showing passion).

i think obama's been reinvigorated ever since this turned into a race.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I'm surprised "Romnesia" is getting so much play in the media. Since it's basically just a campaign attack line.

It's the delivery and the fact that they came up with a "word". Without the word and Obama's joking way of delivering it, they wouldn't be talking about it.

Smart campaign they are running over there in Chicago.


I seriously don't even get why the fuck it matters whether the video had anything to do with it or not, especially to Republicans. To them these people are attacking us for our freedom either way, right?

Well Republicans see it as an opportunity to criticize the president. If the president says it's one thing but it turns out to be another, they just see that as an opportunity to capitalize on.
And, fuck, far more people than that would die every year if Romney were elected and repealed Obamacare!

This is sooooo true and very indicative of human psychology. If some terrorists kill 100 people we will spend hundreds of billions going after them. If some disease were to kill 1000 people, we'd give some lab $10 million to study it.

We just do not treat different threat types with rational allocations of funding.
Well Republicans want an opportunity to criticize the president. If the president says it's one thing but it turns out to be another, they just see that as an opportunity to capitalize on.
Says the candidate who can't even stay consistent with his own campaign.

Or himself for that matter.

And in this case, aren't both cases true? I mean, the tape being used to stage a protest to provide cover for the attacks? It doesn't have to be absolutely one thing or the other.


Says the candidate who can't even stay consistent with his own campaign.

Or himself for that matter.

And in this case, aren't both cases true? I mean, the tape being used to stage a protest to provide cover for the attacks? It doesn't have to be absolutely one thing or the other.

Republicans are hypocrites news at 11


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Had Gore won New Hampshire in 2000 he would have been elected president without Florida, Ohio, Colorado, Nevada, or Virginia. :-(

btw, does it seem strange to anyone else that every electoral map since 2000 seems to be a slightly modified version of a standard template? That doesn't seem to be true for elections before 2000.
Well, 2000 and 2004 were pretty tight elections. It's only natural that the states would settle into a standard voting pattern.

I feel like Virginia and North Carolina voting for Obama in 08 put them way ahead of schedule for their demographic shifts to kick in - while Indiana and (almost) Missouri voting for Obama was similar in that it bucked their own trends to vote for a Democrat once more before reverting to likely GOP states.

2008 was a landslide but it showed just how problematic demographics are for the GOP by resetting what the swing states are. If Obama wins every tossup state, his total EVs come to 347, a crushing victory. If Romney wins every tossup state, his total comes to 291 (sorry 270towin, PA and MI are still not tossups) - a clear win, but definitely a narrower map than the one Obama's playing in.
wait that FL poll has it O +7 among RV? that is great.

any word on obama's florida ground game? if there really is such a big discrepancy between LV and RV, perhaps his team can pull it off after all.

i really want FL to go blue, it would make the obama victory so much larger. 29 EVs, damn.

I was canvassing for Obama in 08 here and would be glad to do it again. I haven't been contacted by the campaign yet so that leads me to believe that it isn't as strong as in 08.


Hold ON! What a minute. So Romney was lying about that part too? I honestly thought that the media have been starting to say that this wasn't in response to the video.

It's getting to the point that if Mitt said the sky was blue, I'd look out my door just to make sure.
If OH was solidly in Obama's column even right after the debate (CNN, PPP), I don't see how it could be leading in Romney's direction.

Then again this election has been weird.
Just seen the Florida numbers. It's better than I expected for Obama. Maybe this is the reason why he is going to Florida next week after the debate.

Yeah, Florida is definitely winnable again at this stage but it'd still be very difficult. We'll need another poll showing a surge before I'm a believer though, we get a lot of one-offs like this.


B. Obama sounds like M. Obama in the romnesia speech, with the pre-statement double word stutter. Interesting. Great stuff though.

Also, love that 538 forecast movement.


PoliGAF |OT5| Please proceed, Gaffers


This one wins, one and done.

Nailed it.

This gets my vote.

Definitely a pivotal moment in the election.

I — I — I want to make sure we get that for the record, because it took the thread 14983 posts before we called the post a perfect thread title.

Woo! One and done, and way before we even need a title. Now I just have to hope nothing else crucial happens between now and OT5, much like Obama and November 6th.


Fox Ohio: Obama 46-43

Fox Florida: Romney 48-45

Hrm... I may have jumped the gun a bit by giving Obama Florida on my map, but for now it still seems to be a tossup. Ohio looks good as always.

Obama +3 = Safe
Romney + 3 = Tossup

Got it.
The difference is that Romney's + 3 is about the biggest lead he's shown thus far, while Obama's + 3 in Ohio is the smallest.

So they are moving in Romney's direction per Fox?


Woo! One and done, and way before we even need a title. Now I just have to hope nothing else crucial happens between now and OT5, much like Obama and November 6th.

i want amir0x to make the next one

poligaf 2012 |ot5|: where's the believe?

see, because-
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