What's all this from?
a fucking men.
but god forbid we have real dialogue instead of fox news driven bullshit
Ha, Lethal Weapon 2You want to go to...South Africa? But you'
Internals from both campaigns.
Those numbers are interesting, if only because they're both biased. What's the point of internal polls if not to find out what's going on? Morale boost?
So true and sad.In fact if you did you question it you would be branded unpatriotic.
Campaigns rely on internal polls a lot.
Why the discrepancy then? You'd think they'd both want them as accurate as possible.
Those numbers are interesting, if only because they're both biased. What's the point of internal polls if not to find out what's going on? Morale boost?
Didn't the Obama campaign say they take off like 1 or 2 points from any internal poll they have?
Do campaign internals ever really end up being wrong in the end? They have to know if they're really win or losing an area or state. They wouldn't use them to delude themselves right? No one else ever really sees those numbers until maybe after the fact.
Do campaign internals ever really end up being wrong in the end? They have to know if they're really win or losing an area or state. They wouldn't use them to delude themselves right? No one else ever really sees those numbers until maybe after the fact.
The super PAC Priorities USA announced Saturday that it’s re-airing one of the Bain TV ads from its summer blitz and preparing new spots focused on Romney’s time at the company to run in the coming days.
Viewers in the swing states of Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Ohio, Nevada, Virginia and Wisconsin will get to see “Stage” — a spot ABC News called “The Bain Ad That Romney Should Fear the Most” when it debuted in late June.“Stage” has more than 2 million views on YouTube, and Priorities says the spot has left a lasting impression. “In our Ohio focus groups this week, we asked swing voters to name the television ads that stood out most to them, in all the welter of advertising they have seen,” Priorities chief Bill Burton wrote in a memo detailing the new Bain plans. “‘Stage’ is the ad that most frequently came to mind: participants were able to describe it in detail and recall the emotional impact it had on them, despite the fact that it had not run in that market for over six weeks.”
Just voted a straight democratic ticket for the first time in my life. I usually try to spread it around for balance. Sadly this year the right wing has no balance to offer. Just stupidity.
Pro-Obama Super PAC Revives Bain Capital Attacks In Final Push To November
By the way, here's what Charlie Cook says the campaigns are seeing in swing states
The numbers worse for Obama are from Romney's camp and the numbers better for Obama are from Obama's camp, obviously.
Funny that by Romney's polls they've still got Obama winning 284 electoral votes. And NC is ridiculously close either way but with a slight advantage for Mittens.
Also a huge gap in Iowa which I find interesting. Perhaps Obama is accounting for the early votes and Romney isn't? The gap's not as big in the other states.
Why are campaign internal considered more accurate than the public polls we see?
Why are campaign internal considered more accurate than the piblic polls we see?
Got my WA ballot yesterday, filled it out before I even got my coat off after walking in the door. I'd been willing to consider every candidate, but every GOP offering for every office was just rewording the same platform as the national level. Wound up with a straight ticket.
Just voted a straight democratic ticket for the first time in my life. I usually try to spread it around for balance. Sadly this year the right wing has no balance to offer. Just stupidity.
It was actually a really well laid out, simple ballot this year. I had to read the gay marriage bill like 100 times to make sure I meant yes though. That wording was excruciating.
No one would ever be able to agree on what the platform should be.I wonder if we'll ever be able to have a third party taken serious and actually win an election
I wonder if we'll ever be able to have a third party taken serious and actually win an election. I don't see it happening anytime soon though. It would be amazing if someone like that could get in, but then again what would likely happen is both the republicans and democrats would be bitching nonstop instead of just one of them.
[Gary Johnson pic]
Wow, looks like the crowd is all young people.
The amount of young people getting roped into libertarianism honestly scares me.
Wow, looks like the crowd is all young people.
The amount of young people getting roped into libertarianism honestly scares me.
Wow, looks like the crowd is all young people.
The amount of young people getting roped into libertarianism honestly scares me.
Honestly, better that than tea party conservatism.
this voter suppression stuff is ridiculous, i hope everyone shows up on November 8th and shows these local governments that they won't be stopped from voting.
Wow, looks like the crowd is all young people.
The amount of young people getting roped into libertarianism honestly scares me.
Honestly, better that than tea party conservatism.