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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
It's not coming from the Obama camp, so I doubt they're would be any backfire. It doesn't really matter if Gloria Allred faces any backlash.
It's not backlash like it is forwardlash. If she comes out with garbage, people will feel bad for mitt.

I'd rather she just stfu.
That's gonna be bad news for Diablos's blood pressure.
I think it'd be funny as hell if all the news networks didn't even announce Obama's victory in any sort of celebratory context, just immediately dive in on the analysis of "This is bad news for Obama, he's gotta work with a Republican Congress, no way that's happening!" which would be no more than what we'll hear from PD I'm sure. In 2008 Obama's candidacy was historic - now it's old hat, who cares, let's just keep that narrative going.

Cheebo said:
I am really starting to think the most likely outcome is Obama winning the EC but losing the popular vote.
Oh man, I'm not sure I'd even be comfortable with that sort of a victory. Politics would really suck for the next couple of years.


No Scrubs
Blogs seem to be speculating that this Allerd thing is about Romney's treatment of Mormon women as bishop.

That sort of thing won't amount to anything unless he beat the ever loving shit out of them and or raped them. The people who are swayed by religion are the sort of guys who think Obama is from the beating heart of Kenya and that his nickname is "Superallah".


If such a story were well documented and gained traction, it could hurt Romney even more with women.

It could be. I'm not sure on the author of that one, but it does say the stories were covered by the Boston Globe back in '94, so someone could dig those up.
Romney would have to pull the most epic of epic upsets to win Ohio.

Our state is recovering nicely, the auto bailout was extremely popular, and the unions are still riding on a high after the Senate Bill 5 debacle. Plus, Sherrod Brown looks almost certain to trounce Josh Mandel in the Senate race.

If Romney manages to win this state, I will be absolutely, positively stunned.


Given that quinnipiacs poll was by far the best Obama poll in Ohio, the new one is solidly consistent with a 2-3 point lead, since the +11 was right in the teeth of September.


If Romney mistreated people and there's good documentation of it, then I don't really mind if it's made into a bigger story. I try to not get swept up into every story that gets liberal blogs worked up, but most of them gain no traction outside of those sources for a reason. But, the democrat deep within that simply wants to win won't be heartbroken if such a story does come out.
Today’s Poll (Oct. 19 - 21)

Diablos and Cartoon Soldier Anxiety Level: 68%
Aaron Strife Optimism Level: 72%
PhoenixDark Troll Level: 30%
Ratio of panic posts to calm posts: 35/65

Results: Obama 49 - 48 Romney

**Special Note: The DAX poll disregards posts in reaction to its own poll.

Would you say we are at threat level Orange on the Terrorism Scale for these polls? I kind of miss 2004 when we got those random threat level alerts.


an obama EC win and popular vote loss would be amazing.

Wish people would stop wishing for this. I realize you want to hear the right wing bitching and moaning with nothing they can do about it, but I'd rather Obama win without any question in both the popular vote and the EC. Their stupid worldview that most of the nation hates Obama needs to come crashing down, and if he loses the popular vote that's just not going to happen.


No Scrubs
BELMONT, MA—In preparation for tonight’s third and final presidential debate, the microbiologists, chemists, and physicists employed at RomneyLabs confirmed Monday that they had completed their work on the “Doomsday Zinger,” an extremely radioactive quip capable of shifting the momentum of any debate, regardless of who is winning.

According to an official statement released by RomneyLabs—a 19,000-square-foot research facility located in the hills of Belmont, MA and dedicated to nuclear campaign science—lab technicians have been hard at work devising the Doomsday Zinger for the past four years, and it will be “the most decisive and catastrophic zinger” ever used against President Barack Obama.

If verbal launch is successful, sources said, the one-liner could eradicate the entire Obama campaign in .03 seconds.

Wish people would stop wishing for this. I realize you want to hear the right wing bitching and moaning with nothing they can do about it, but I'd rather Obama win without any question in both the popular vote and the EC. Their stupid worldview that most of the nation hates Obama needs to come crashing down, and if he loses the popular vote that's just not going to happen.

they are going to bitch and moan and question his legitimacy no matter what happens (see; birth certificate, voter fraud). the rest of the country will move on and accept the president, as we did in 2000.

the great thing about a popular vote loss is that we would not only get salty republican tears, but we would get blatantly hypocritical salty republican tears, which are far more potent.
Politico showing a Romney lead as well as those two.
Politico sucks.

Averon said:
What are the proposed replacements for the electoral college?
There's one bill passing through a number of states that would award that state's electoral votes to the winner of the national vote. It doesn't kick in until enough states sign onto it that are worth 270 electoral votes.


Ugh, rl friend opening up a can of ignorance and anger about Obama on Facebook; I love it.

Since all the left wing nuts keep posting I thought I'd air out my republican thoughts.

Abortion - Men - wear the freaking condom and take responsibility for your actions should it fail - Women - understand that when sex happens babys can too but like the men take the responsibility. FU Pro-Choice
(will make exceptions for rape and death. I know its evil but only because another evil was committed not hypocritical but realistic. Only idiots deal in absolutes. ie Democrats and Women's groups)

Social Security is a giant ponsi scheme. FU FDR for the dumb program which steals a giant chunk of my check only because your math said I would die before I get all of it. Jokes on you I'm asian and medical tech is getting better.

Medicare there are problems but your solution of making sure insurance gets a giant chunk of customers but hoping they will lower prices for us working schlubs. Lets see, we all know these insurance companies are greedy monsters and you don't make them clean up there act before you give them a giant wheel barrow of cash. FU OBAMA

BAILOUTS - I admit I was wrong about bailing out the banks. Yes you heard it I apologize for the bank bailouts. The government giving money to a company that ran itself into the ground but since you employ millions we need to keep you around including the idiots who ran it into the ground. That was stupid. So someone tell me why doing the same for GM was right. FU OBAMA

Vote Mit Romney! He is as evil as you think he is but he isn't as dumb as Bush or his black mirror image Obama. Same man your fooling yourself if you think different.

If you didn't like my rant then congrats. Thats how I feel about all the damn Obama/antiromney ads. I get it your a democrat.

I don't even know what to say; I basically just told him shit isn't black and white, nor always have simple answers, and he is misinformed. Also I told him I was thrilled he'd make an 'exception' for my wife having her life threatened by carrying a child/childbirth.


What are the proposed replacements for the electoral college?

This video highlights an option that's popular with internet folks:

Ugh, rl friend opening up a can of ignorance and anger about Obama on Facebook; I love it.

I don't even know what to say; I basically just told him shit isn't black and white, nor always have simple answers, and he is misinformed. Also I told him I was thrilled he'd make an 'exception' for my wife having her life threatened by carrying a child/childbirth.

I wish my tag on here was "FU FDR"


Threat level is at Pink.

Thread level, is what we should use to describe how much everyone in this thread is freaking out.

For media being crazy we should have a drudge report level awareness campaign. For every siren the media is exaggerating the point by 2.


What are the proposed replacements for the electoral college?
None from me! I love that the table is tilted so damn heavily for the Dems. We automatically start out with close to 240 or 250EVs, which is fantastic. For every election going forward, the GOP candidate will have to walk a very high, thin tightrope to even get close to victory. They've built their demographic bed, and now they can lie in it.

Any talk of eliminating the Electoral College is poppycock, as the smaller states will put the kibosh on any such effort.


Ugh, rl friend opening up a can of ignorance and anger about Obama on Facebook; I love it.

I don't even know what to say; I basically just told him shit isn't black and white, nor always have simple answers, and he is misinformed. Also I told him I was thrilled he'd make an 'exception' for my wife having her life threatened by carrying a child/childbirth.

Your friend really shouldn't go into the medical field. Considering every single thing that they do is funded in some form by the government. Every action they take is regulated by the government.


Your friend really shouldn't go into the medical field. Considering every single thing that they do is funded in some form by the government. Every action they take is regulated by the government.

He isn't, he is just saying he is asian (I don't know why), and that medical technology is better, so he will live longer. I really have no idea what kind of point he is attempting to make.


None from me! I love that the table is tilted so damn heavily for the Dems. We automatically start out with close to 240 or 250EVs, which is fantastic. For every election going forward, the GOP candidate will have to walk a very high, thin tightrope to even get close to victory. They've built their demographic bed, and now they can lie in it.

Any talk of eliminating the Electoral College is poppycock, as the smaller states will put the kibosh on any such effort.

Yeah, honestly, I'm fine with the electoral college. This country is large and complicated, and I'm fine with states with larger populations having a greater say in who is President.


He isn't, he is just saying he is asian (I don't know why), and that medical technology is better, so he will live longer. I really have no idea what kind of point he is attempting to make.

so he is going to live longer because the government provided the funding for medical research so that he would in fact live longer.

Jokes on him, government wants him to live longer.


I'm feeling comfortable about Colorado. Sam Wang has Obama looking pretty save in Colorado, and he's usually spot on. He does have Virginia going to Romney, though. Either way, he has Obama winning with 290.


No Scrubs
Yeah, honestly, I'm fine with the electoral college. This country is large and complicated, and I'm fine with states with larger populations having a greater say in who is President.

They'd probably have a larger say in a popular vote system, so large that paying attention to smaller ones wouldn't make much sense. Big cities would get all the attention and rural areas would get almost nothing. Imagine carrying LA, NYC, Houston, Boston, Miami, and SF. That's gotta be a shit ton of votes right there.
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