Feeling pretty confident today, I have to say.
if everyone can agree that on average, ohio polling is near nevada- that's it. game over.
Feeling pretty confident today, I have to say.
Surprised it's taken them this long, actually.
What will people worry about? If he some how dies before the inauguration?
if everyone can agree that on average, ohio polling is near nevada- that's it. game over.
Let's wait until after the final debate to start popping champagne bottles. Heck, maybe do some phone calls before calling it a day.
Let's wait until after the final debate to start popping champagne bottles. Heck, maybe do some phone calls before calling it a day.
Obama's lead in NV and OH has been consistent all year, Romney isn't going to win if Obama gets both of them.
Romney Foreign Policy Debate Prep In Crisis Mode After Discovering Existence Of Country Called 'Womania'
I still have this weird fear of Romney somehow flipping Pennsylvania.
I still have this weird fear of Romney somehow flipping Pennsylvania.
i'd be more concerned over wisconsin.
i'm not concerned over wisconsin.
Then you must provide that evidence.
Wisconsin is Minnesota's crazy brother. We always need to keep an eye on him...i'd be more concerned over wisconsin.
i'm not concerned over wisconsin.
I am not buying into the notion that the evidence that the administration knew this was a terrorist attack should just be thrown away.
I'm kind of concerned over Wisconsin. I know it's illogical, but it's hard not to be when you see literally 15x the yard signs for Romney than for Obama ever time you drive anywhere.
And I'd like to know what people think would have changed if Obama had said exactly what the Fox News brigade seems to have wanted him to say.This is the most bogus, cynical, fake issue. There is zero political motivation for them to have intentionally gotten it wrong. And they didn't even get it wrong.
No one cares about this but sean hannity and the rest of the wingnut frauds. Rmoney was schooled on this in the last debate, and he'll get schooled again if he fixates on this bizarre issue.
National Review's excuse for a polling guru, Josh Jordan, attacks Nate Silver's model without understanding that said model automatically weights polls, rather than polls being manually and arbitrarily weighted according to Silver's pro-Obama biases. Check the comments.
Well, first please calm down. Second I care about this issue and I am a huge Obama supporter; I'm sure there are others. Third it does not make any sense that this confusion over the attack has existed so long no matter how it happened, and that's why I came here hoping someone would have answers as the people here are usually pretty knowledgeable.This is the most bogus, cynical, fake issue. There is zero political motivation for them to have intentionally gotten it wrong. And they didn't even get it wrong.
No one cares about this but sean hannity and the rest of the wingnut frauds. Rmoney was schooled on this in the last debate, and he'll get schooled again if he fixates on this bizarre issue.
Seriously. Its not like anything interesting has gone down in Libya lately.Well, first please calm down. Second I care about this issue and I am a huge Obama supporter; I'm sure there are others. Third it does not make any sense that this confusion over the attack has existed so long no matter how it happened, and that's why I came here hoping someone would have answers as the people here are usually pretty knowledgeable.
I was hoping you had a reason why those stories should be ignored.
daily beast said:In the White House, President Obama was meeting with National Security Adviser Thomas Donilon, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, and Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, to review the options, but the news they were getting from the fledgling government in Libya was crazily contradictory. The only thing for sure was that the Americans in the consulate were facing a concerted terrorist assault, and the local forces hadn’t been able to make a difference. A Libyan relief force of 40 made it to the consulate but were overwhelmed. A second couldn’t get there because roads were blocked by the attackers, and they came under sniper fire.
I was actually able to have a somewhat reasonable discussion of the two candidates with my mom. We obviously weren't going to change each other's mind. She kept using GOP talking points, and she probably thought I was doing the same. Neither of us would budge. She sort of got me when she brought up "Obama apologizing to other nations". I know for a fact he didn't apologize, but I couldn't cite anything specifically.
Posted yet?
New CBS poll is 48-46 O
I was actually able to have a somewhat reasonable discussion of the two candidates with my mom. We obviously weren't going to change each other's mind. She kept using GOP talking points, and she probably thought I was doing the same. Neither of us would budge. She sort of got me when she brought up "Obama apologizing to other nations". I know for a fact he didn't apologize, but I couldn't cite anything specifically.
Posted yet?
New CBS poll is 48-46 O
The only difference in all these national polls (outside of Gallup) is the LV screen.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Obama has not apologized for America and even if he did why is that a bad thing? We've done some messed up shit to the world and still continue to do it even though we supposedly know better.
I'm wondering . . . did the Obama team set a trap for the "Please proceed, Governor" moment? The right-wing media bubble world is known to come up with its own conspiracy theories that are treated as fact within the bubble. Things like birtherism.
I wonder if the Obama team surveyed the current conspiracy theories and located various facts that prove them false and put them into Obama's debate training materials. Then, if Romney were foolish enough to dispute any of those facts he could push back hard. (And in that case was supported by Candy's real-time fact check.)
I just think it was a bit odd about how Obama immediately said "Read the transcript!" And indeed, the transcript included the exact phrase he used that Romney disputed ('Act of Terror').
Why are they all doing this national poll crap? You want headlines, do an Ohio poll.Wapo/ABC joining the tracking poll madness lol. 5pm everyday till the 5th, kids
Why are they all doing this national poll crap? You want headlines, do an Ohio poll.
jeremy bird of OFA says that the AA vote in NC is up 52% compared to 08 while the youth vote is up .2%.
You can't prove a negative. It is up to her to provide examples of such alleged apologies.
Well could your mom name one instance where Obama apologized?
Why are they all doing this national poll crap? You want headlines, do an Ohio poll.