jeremy bird of OFA says that the AA vote in NC is up 52% compared to 08 while the youth vote is up .2%.
jeremy bird of OFA says that the AA vote in NC is up 52% compared to 08 while the youth vote is up .2%.
People go apeshit over the daily trackers, they are just looking for a way to generate traffic to the ABC News website.Why are they all doing this national poll crap? You want headlines, do an Ohio poll.
Wapo/ABC joining the tracking poll madness lol. 5pm everyday till the 5th, kids
jeremy bird of OFA says that the AA vote in NC is up 52% compared to 08 while the youth vote is up .2%.
jeremy bird of OFA says that the AA vote in NC is up 52% compared to 08 while the youth vote is up .2%.
So National Tracking Polls:
1. Reuters/Ispos
2. Rasmussen
3. PPP
4. Wapo/ABC
7. DAX
Am I missing any?
Link? I don't believe that
4 days into NC Early Vote in person & African American turnout is up 52% compared to this point 4 years ago. #OFAgroundgame cc: @OFA_NC
So, list of national tracking polls:
1. Reuters/Ispos
2. Rasmussen
3. PPP
4. Wapo/ABC
7. DAX
Am I missing any?
Phoenix Dark is going to conduct his own polls.
Apropos of nothing, but on the 2nd live Hardball, Matthews just totally schooled a Romney supporter from Lynn University. The young man said he supported Romney because "he doesn't cover up foreign policy failures." Here's the convo that followed (to my best memory):
Matthews: "What's the controversy, nail Obama right here."
Student: "Bengazi."
Matthews: "Call it out, what's the issue?"
Student: "Well, he said it was about a video."
Matthews: "It was about a video, read a newspaper." (referring to Schmitt's NYT article today on the CIA talking points)
Student: "..." <looks crushed>
Matthews: <throws to commercial>
Just an epic dismantling of a talking point live on TV while surrounded by other Romney supporters.
Apropos of nothing, but on the 2nd live Hardball, Matthews just totally schooled a Romney supporter from Lynn University. The young man said he supported Romney because "he doesn't cover up foreign policy failures." Here's the convo that followed (to my best memory):
Matthews: "What's the controversy, nail Obama right here."
Student: "Bengazi."
Matthews: "Call it out, what's the issue?"
Student: "Well, he said it was about a video."
Matthews: "It was about a video, read a newspaper." (referring to Schmitt's NYT article today on the CIA talking points)
Student: "..." <looks crushed>
Matthews: <throws to commercial>
Just an epic dismantling of a talking point live on TV while surrounded by other Romney supporters.
jeremy bird of OFA says that the AA vote in NC is up 52% compared to 08 while the youth vote is up .2%.
Yeah I saw this, it was pretty hilarious.Apropos of nothing, but on the 2nd live Hardball just now, Matthews just totally schooled a Romney supporter from Lynn University.
The young man said he supported Romney because "he doesn't cover up foreign policy failures." Here's the convo that followed (from my best memory):
Matthews: "What's the controversy, nail Obama right here."
Student: "Bengazi."
Matthews: "Call it out, what's the issue?"
Student: "Well, he said it was about a video."
Matthews: "It was about a video, read a newspaper." (referring to Schmitt's NYT article today on the CIA talking points)
Student: "..." <looks crushed>
Matthews: <throws to commercial>
Just an epic dismantling of a talking point live on TV while the student was surrounded by other Romney supporters.
I have that covered, sweetie.
Why are they all doing this national poll crap? You want headlines, do an Ohio poll.
Well could your mom name one instance where Obama apologized?
Daily tracking polls need to fucking die.
I stopped reading Andrew Sullivan. Is he still hyperventilating?
I had an interesting conversation with my (extremely left-wing truther) dad about Cayetano and the Hawaiian rail plan. Basically his take on it is that the companies building it are somewhat crooked and they recently got slapped down by a federal court for intentionally doing their environmental impact study in three stages, starting with the cane fields and ending with the downtown areas that are certain to uncover more Native Hawaiian archaeological sites -- so that by the time they uncover the kapu areas, the rail is already built in the cane fields and it'll be a huge waste of money to change anything. It's also elevated and all-metal, which, as a former kama'aina, I agree is very likely to produce a horribly rusted, creaky, dangerous system in just a few years. He did mention the fact that it wouldn't pay for itself, which I of course responded to by noting that highways don't pay for themselves either and nobody expects them to, but overall I felt like he gave a pretty good explanation of why Cayetano is aggressively against it, and he's a pretty trustworthy guy I think.
I'm out at dinner with family tonight so if Romney does anything incredibly dumb in the debate somebody PM me. That way I can just glance at my phone and know immediately that the Axis of Evil has claimed another victim.
I stopped reading Andrew Sullivan. Is he still hyperventilating?
But it's working. There seems increasingly little doubt to me that Romney has the momentum now, and that October 3 was indeed the moment this election completely re-shaped itself. None of the proposals domestically add up (which means much more Republican-driven debt); we will be soon engaged in a protracted war against Iran, regardless of the views of the American public (more debt, untold damage to the global economy, a wave of renewed Jihadism to be met with more bombs and restored torture); millions will soon lose the only decent chance they had for health insurance, and those of us with pre-existing conditions will remain vulnerable to bankrupting ourselves if we ever lose private insurance for a period; but we sure will have more battleships for the long hoped-for neocon Cold War with China. And billionaires sure won't pay more to help out.
Has anyone seen Sullivan and Diablos in the same place at the same time?Obama is now fighting for his political life. And right now, to my genuine horror, he's losing to a fraud, a war-monger, a liar and a budget-buster.
Well, this is why I want you to link some other stories. I mean, this is from the one you linked:
So my response to this story, which says that I am correct, is that it's correct, and that the administration did not have solid information as to the fact that it was a planned terrorist attack rather than a reaction to the video. The lede of the story, which makes claims contradictory to the body of the story, should be disregarded as unsupported.
I've become hooked on browsing the politically related top trends on Twitter. You get gems like these:
Jesus, Chuck todd was on Hardball basically saying Obama could win a 275 electoral vicory without Ohio or a Romney landslide. W...T.....F
on his twitter feed, @jeremybird
I'm gonna miss the debate tonight.
Can someone quickly re-cap the day so far for me?
Except in the part you quoted it says "The only thing for sure was that the Americans in the consulate were facing a concerted terrorist assault," which precludes the possibility of a spontaneous mob that happened to get violent. I just don't see how the administration, or the CIA for that matter, goes from that to thinking it was a mob over the video.
I wonder what will happen to the righties if Obama, flanked by Biden and Hillary Clinton gives an official apology to Iran for US' involvement in the overthrow of Mossadegh.I'd be more likely to vote for a president that did apologize.
Oh God even MORE than before.
I'd be more likely to vote for a president that did apologize.
I stopped reading Andrew Sullivan. Is he still hyperventilating?
Bad news for Obama.
Except in the part you quoted it says "The only thing for sure was that the Americans in the consulate were facing a concerted terrorist assault," which precludes the possibility of a spontaneous mob that happened to get violent. access mobile GAF brah.
pigeon, I'll PM you CS's and Diablos' anxiety levels if they're too high just in case an ambulance needs to be called.
I appreciate that, although I should probably clean out my PM box in that case.