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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Hope Darth Obombo and his LACKIES ButtPlouffe and Axelramrod are HAPPY that they are so arrogant~~``


Obama camp blasts Romney foreign policy speech as 'Etch a Sketch' moment
"This is Mitt Romney's seventh attempt, by our count, to reboot his foreign policy," campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters aboard Air Force One. "When you're commander in chief, you don’t get to bring an Etch a Sketch into the Oval Office. You don’t get second chances, never mind seven chances.

"And as the American people are looking at what he had to say today, but also his record from the last few months, the areas that should be of concern are: This is somebody who leads with chest-pounding rhetoric, he's inexperienced, he’s been clumsy in his handling of foreign policy, and most of all, all of these factors lead to a risk that we're going to go back to the same policies that lead us to some of the challenges we faced in the last few years."
Psaki said Romney "doubled down" on comments he made in the infamous 47 percent fundraising video, suggesting he didn't want to end the war in Iraq and wanted to leave tens of thousands of troops there. "The president disagrees with him on that," she said. She also said Romney was completely wrong when he indicated that Obama had not signed free trade agreements.

"That is not only absurd, it’s inaccurate," Psaki said, adding that Obama renegotiated trade agreements and made them better for American workers in the auto and meat industries.

She also said it's "striking" that Romney didn't speak a lot about about China, and she said Romney needs to be more clear about what the differences are between his approach and the president's in places like Syria.

"He said that the president and his team are not doing enough when it comes to Syria, when it comes to Libya and several events in the Middle East," she said. "What exactly are they suggesting we do? What exactly is their plan and their proposal? So if they're going further, they should say that."
Guys. Guys.

I figured it out.

Pew and Gallup polled Romney better because they used the free market to hire security to keep Obama's socialist Black Panther thugs from harassing them into skewing their polling!

[/RedState and other places where conservatives like to hang out and throw bullshit conspiracies against the wall]


Obama ad against Romney's 4000 tax increase ad

Heres a rundown of the he American Enterprise Institute "non-partisan" members

The American Enterprise Institute may be non-partisan for tax purposes (that is they can’t endorse or support a particular candidate) it’s clear that AEI isn’t non-partisan in view point.

Here is brief list of members (past and present) of AEI:

Lynne V. Cheney, senior fellow (1993-present)
Richard B. Cheney, senior fellow (1993-1995), trustee (1995-2000)
Newt Gingrich, senior fellow (1999-present)
Alan Keyes, resident scholar (1987-1989)
Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, resident scholar, senior fellow (1977-1981, 1985-2006)
Richard Perle, resident fellow (1987-present)
Fred Thompson, visiting fellow (2003-2007)
Paul Wolfowitz, visiting scholar (2007-present), member, Council of Academic Advisers (1998-2001)
Robert H. Bork, adjunct scholar, senior fellow (1971-1973, 1977-1982, 1988-2003)
Antonin Scalia, visiting scholar (1977), adjunct scholar (1977-1980)
John Yoo, visiting scholar (2003-present)
AEI Senior Fellow Kevin Hassett, who served as an economic adviser to President George W Bush as well as Senator John McCain, is an economic advisor to the Romney Campaign.


Just saw a commercial against the 4000 dollar increase from Obama. I guess the study was done by someone from Bain and Cheney and Gingrich are on the board or something? I'll have to find it online

Without even clicking on that link I said to myself, "Cato, Heritage or American Enterprise."

I was 100% correct.
Sorry, but Ryan was correct in this instance. First off, he didn't even end the interview, someone else ended it. Secondly, the guy did try to put words in his mouth as a reporter.

I hope Dems don't try to run on that as it would backfire. Ryan did not come off poorly in that video, the reporter did.

So disappointed, I was expecting him to say something like "this interview is over" after a Q and storm off.


Without even clicking on that link I said to myself, "Cato, Heritage or American Enterprise."

I was 100% correct.
Yea I thought it was the Heritage equivalent but I just couldn't remember. Pretty easy to attack I would think.
Sorry, but Ryan was correct in this instance. First off, he didn't even end the interview, someone else ended it. Secondly, the guy did try to put words in his mouth as a reporter.

I hope Dems don't try to run on that as it would backfire. Ryan did not come off poorly in that video, the reporter did.

So disappointed, I was expecting him to say something like "this interview is over" after a Q and storm off.

I HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt they would. They aren't complete idiots and realize they have bigger fish to fry.


remember me
This can't be posted enough for the next month.
By Dems, I didn't mean the Obama campaign or DNC, but rather MSNBC and internet democrats with websites.

I know the Obama camp isn't stupid.


Yup, Andrew Sullivan has officially lost his shit right now.

Wow, he's really freaking out ... There's no way the gender gap dropped that much over one debate. There wasn't even anything on women's issues in the debate. They didn't suddenly flock to Mitt. That's ridiculous. That piece is probably noise or something else. People need to stop freaking out and wait for more polling.

Personally I tend to think zeroing in on one poll is a bad idea. There's bound to be noise in there, somehow. That's why I tend to trust Nate or just look at trends overall.


Personally I tend to think zeroing in on one poll is a bad idea. There's bound to be noise in there, somehow. That's why I tend to trust Nate or just look at trends overall.

Nate Cohn noted that Bloomberg had a poll in June showing Obama up by 13 among likely voters, and that didn't turn out to hold a whole lot of water.


Wow, he's really freaking out ... There's no way the gender gap dropped that much over one debate. There wasn't even anything on women's issues in the debate. They didn't suddenly flock to Mitt. That's ridiculous. That piece is probably noise or something else. People need to stop freaking out and wait for more polling.

Personally I tend to think zeroing in on one poll is a bad idea. There's bound to be noise in there, somehow. That's why I tend to trust Nate or just look at trends overall.
Like I said focusing on one poll is very stupid.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Obama: I do not care about debates, for I am arrogant and LIBERAL

Obama Advisor "DhoenixPark": Please, Obama, if you do not focus on this, you will sink in the polls to Mittmomentum!

Obama: Shut up and choke on food stamps that flow from me like water from a river.

Obama Advisor: But Obama!

Obama: No butts, Medicare, or troop drawdowns about it, I will not practice even one question


Obama: I do not care about debates, for I am arrogant and LIBERAL

Obama Advisor "DhoenixPark": Please, Obama, if you do not focus on this, you will sink in the polls to Mittmomentum!

Obama: Shut up and choke on food stamps that flow from me like water from a river.

Obama Advisor: But Obama!

Obama: No butts, Medicare, or troop drawdowns about it, I will not practice even one question
So awesome.


I want to personally thank Black Mamba (and others) for keeping me sane while i was banned. The abuse of polls and math in general in here by the usual suspects is maddening and even more maddening when you can't respond to the nonsense.

Dude Abides

There is no reason to freak out. There are two more debates. Team Obama will be shaken out of its complacency and I'm sure Obama will be fine in the next two. There's also a month to go - the media cycle will have turned a couple times before Nov. 6. Unless Obama and his campaign become completely incompetent, Romney is not going to close the gap.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
No change to the status quo with the Dems controlling the Senate. Nothing will get passed

It will be our turn to call Romney an Arban, Kenyan, Atheist Muslin, and fillibuster...yeee haw.
Er...I think Obama supporter and Vita fan tops that.
Being a Vita fan is a lot more like being a Ron Paul supporter. Most people think you're a fringe loon, the marketplace never conforms to your theories and the horse you backed is being put out to pasture soon.

Nintendo = Obama analogy works for the hype -> disappointment -> DOOM -> hype cycle that both sets of supporters go through.


Being a Vita fan is a lot more like being a Ron Paul supporter. Most people think you're a fringe loon, the marketplace never conforms to your theories and the horse you backed is being put out to pasture soon.

Nintendo = Obama analogy works for the hype -> disappointment -> DOOM -> hype cycle that both sets of supporters go through.

Yup. I can definitely identify with that. Makes sense.

I even relish the bitter tears of other video game "party members." The parallel works quite well here.
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