Have friends who support R-money?
Seriously, show them
Spread this shit.
I've seen this happen before - in family and acquaintances (my friends know better ;P). They lean Obama but then some big thing happens, or some new rumor, or some new piece of bullshit spreads and they change their tune from Obama, to anti-Obama. Mostly because there wasn't a candidate worth a damn - so their vote was more a protest vote than anything positive.
What Romney did in having a strong showing with his mano-et-mano debut with Bams was to change that protest vote into an affirmative vote for Mitt.
Now sure, I can show them the video like the one above. I can talk them through the dissonance. I know it, I've done it many a time, and it works,
temporarily. But damn it, if the President himself could do it while he has the mainstream press attention that would go much farther.
Of course my experience is purely anecdotal, but I have to wonder how much this scenario is playing out in other places in this country.
NullPointer, sweetie, there's no sense in trying that with me. I know you better than that.
Not trolling, but not ignoring things either. I still believe.