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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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I'm from Canada PoliGAF and just wanted to pipe in for a bit here: Debates don't matter as much as people think. We've just came out of a period where we had several federal elections and the only thing that mattered at the end of the day is who had the most organizational power at the grassroots level.

Also, if our recent federal/provincial elections were any indication, polls may not actually matter anymore.
Oh come on, not you too.

well tbh, sullivan's piece by itself isn't all that indicative of a broad shift against obama. however while eating lunch over at the applebee's salad bar i couldn't help but overhear a number of people comment about obama's lackluster performance. this is what gives me pause. i just think sullivan is eloquently expressing the opinions i've heard.


well tbh, sullivan's piece by itself isn't all that indicative of a broad shift against obama. however while eating lunch over at the applebee's salad bar i couldn't help but overhear a number of people comment about obama's lackluster performance. this is what gives me pause. i just think sullivan is eloquently expressing the opinions i've heard.

Anecdotal evidence gives you pause huh? Basically everyone who is voting for Obama thought it was lackluster.
well tbh, sullivan's piece by itself isn't all that indicative of a broad shift against obama. however while eating lunch over at the applebee's salad bar i couldn't help but overhear a number of people comment about obama's lackluster performance. this is what gives me pause. i just think sullivan is eloquently expressing the opinions i've heard.

fuck me :lol :lol


well tbh, sullivan's piece by itself isn't all that indicative of a broad shift against obama. however while eating lunch over at the applebee's salad bar i couldn't help but overhear a number of people comment about obama's lackluster performance. this is what gives me pause. i just think sullivan is eloquently expressing the opinions i've heard.

A month is a lifetime during campaign season. This will blow over in a week or so.

Besides, it's rare that a debate defines an entire campaign.
I've heard people talk about Obama's implosion as well. It always ends with them saying Romney isn't as bad as they though. That's not a good thing.
its certainly his angle as a pundit
That seems pretty unfair. If anything he was more than positive until that debate.

I've heard people talk about Obama's implosion as well. It always ends with them saying Romney isn't as bad as they though. That's not a good thing.
I've heard the same. It takes work to showcase the lies and half truths and remind people of certain things, but it'd be a lot easier and more effective if the President could do that himself.
PD, it's bad form to follow another person's style of trolling. It tells people you've run out of ideas.
Do you guys really know of nobody in real life that changed their perspectives quite a bit after that debate? I do. I've seen family and acquaintances who leaned Obama change their tune once Romney morphed into this passionate candidate that you didn't have to be ashamed of on a daily basis.

I'm sure as hell not saying its the end of the world, but I don't think its wise to dismiss things so easily.
I've heard people talk about Obama's implosion as well. It always ends with them saying Romney isn't as bad as they though. That's not a good thing.
Well, based on this anecdotal evidence I feel confident as ever in posting this



No Scrubs
Well, based on this anecdotal evidence I feel confident as ever in posting this

There's no way New York is voting for Obama, I heard from my neighbor and he said no one who lives in the state will ever vote for Obama because we are smarter than that. I didn't realize I was voting for Romney until that moment, so I thanked him and proceeded to volunteer for the local Republican Party.
Do you guys really know of nobody in real life that changed their perspectives quite a bit after that debate? I do. I've seen family and acquaintances who leaned Obama change their tune once Romney morphed into this passionate candidate that you didn't have to be ashamed of on a daily basis.

I'm sure as hell not saying its the end of the world, but I don't think its wise to dismiss things so easily.
NullPointer, sweetie, there's no sense in trying that with me. I know you better than that.
Do you guys really know of nobody in real life that changed their perspectives quite a bit after that debate? I do. I've seen family and acquaintances who leaned Obama change their tune once Romney morphed into this passionate candidate that you didn't have to be ashamed of on a daily basis.

I'm sure as hell not saying its the end of the world, but I don't think its wise to dismiss things so easily.

Had a cousin who would benefit greatly from Obamacare (pre-existing conditions) make an about face to Romney after the debate.

No shot of making her change her mind. I've confronted her with facts before, and she just dismisses them.

Kind of like everyone I know dismisses the fact that I accurately predicted how Iraq would turn out, and why it was going to be a failure in the first place.


No Scrubs
Based on all you chicken littles I feel confident in posting this:


fuck y'all

That map doesn't look right...and I don't mean it doesn't jive with my new Romney voting ways which my neighbor told me about whilst yelling at me to get off his lawn while I was across the street...


testicles on a cold fall morning
Fucking hell. Just heard Romney's grand foreign policy speech.

There's no bite, there. He doesn't come close to outlining a grand strategy, but a rolling sea of critiques where the distance between what he would do as President, and what Obama actually has done are paper thin.

Again, though, he sounds tough; determined; regale; a man with cojones; Presidential; white and powerful! He plays to voters across the partisan divide who believe that America will be the top hegemon forevermore. An America that can simply do whatever the fuck it wants diplomatically and militarily because we are righteous, humble and simply the Greatest Nation on Planet Earth....Wooooo! [/ric flair].

He's going to demolish Obama in the foreign policy debate.

Time for some Ativan slumber slumbery time.

Fucking Romney.

Incognito - give me one of your new lungs. I've lost nearly all ability in both of mine. I'll pay you back!
How can you be so effective at trolling when your tag actually SAYS TROLL?

not sure. pretty sure it's a combination of two things: 1) not posting all that much 2) not actually trolling until the last couple of days. (the troll tag is a holdover from at least five years ago...)


Holy shit, these last couple of pages thanks to incognito and jamesinclair have been a blast - especially incognito.

Nothing for you, PD, you're just not funny at all.
not sure. pretty sure it's a combination of two things: 1) not posting all that much 2) not actually trolling until the last couple of days. (the troll tag is a holdover from at least five years ago...)

You've been mostly out of practice for the last five years and yet you're still better at it than PD?



Fucking hell. Just heard Romney's grand foreign policy speech.

There's no bite, there. He doesn't come close to outlining a grand strategy, but a rolling sea of critiques where the distance between what he would do as President, and what Obama actually has done are paper thin.

Again, though, he sounds tough; determined; regale; a man with cojones; Presidential; white and powerful! He plays to voters across the partisan divide who believe that America will be the top hegemon forevermore. An America that can simply do whatever the fuck it wants diplomatically and militarily because we are righteous, humble and simply the Greatest Nation on Planet Earth....Wooooo! [/ric flair].

He's going to demolish Obama in the foreign policy debate.

Time for some Ativan slumber slumbery time.

Fucking Romney.

Yeah, I only got half way though. It was bunk.

Not if Obama is aggressive, calls him out for out absolutely crazy he is and confidently defends his own record.


Damn did the one person from Alaska forget to vote?

Palin was off doing some fox news stint somewhere else. Sent her absentee ballot to a moose. Needless to say it didn't get mailed in.

In case anyone needed any help, it's supposed to be flipping you off. I'm flipping off the chicken littles in my joke. It's juvenile, but I just found it funny I could make a middle finger with the US states
Have friends who support R-money?

Seriously, show them this

Spread this shit.
I've seen this happen before - in family and acquaintances (my friends know better ;P). They lean Obama but then some big thing happens, or some new rumor, or some new piece of bullshit spreads and they change their tune from Obama, to anti-Obama. Mostly because there wasn't a candidate worth a damn - so their vote was more a protest vote than anything positive.

What Romney did in having a strong showing with his mano-et-mano debut with Bams was to change that protest vote into an affirmative vote for Mitt.

Now sure, I can show them the video like the one above. I can talk them through the dissonance. I know it, I've done it many a time, and it works, temporarily. But damn it, if the President himself could do it while he has the mainstream press attention that would go much farther.

Of course my experience is purely anecdotal, but I have to wonder how much this scenario is playing out in other places in this country.

NullPointer, sweetie, there's no sense in trying that with me. I know you better than that.
Not trolling, but not ignoring things either. I still believe.


PD and Diablos only make up about 8.7%, we're gonna have to find another 39%
Too bad the Kos is banned.
Despite being a habitual chameleon, Romney's been fairly consistent when excoriating Obama's foreign policy. Of course, that's only because he's consistently equivocated, distorted, and, to my pleasure, embarrassed himself. At a juncture when America must be strategically deft, he adheres to outmoded, discredited strategies inimical to American interests. He would leave America unprepared to answer the challenges of a global order experiencing a historic realignment. Today's speech only accentuated his dismal strategic vision.

And not only will he further dissipate resources which should be used to bolster our economy, he'll increase spending to historic peace-time highs even when adjusted for inflation. How can anyone justify greater levels of military spending than during the Cold War? That is beyond absurd. What the fuck? I've always had a simmering execration for his foreign policy. But now that he's emphasizing his stupidity? Come on.
Too bad the Kos is banned.Despite being a habitual chameleon, Romney's been fairly consistent when excoriating Obama's foreign policy. Of course, that's only because he's consistently equivocated, distorted, and, to my pleasure, embarrassed himself. At a juncture when America must be strategically deft, he adheres to outmoded, discredited strategies inimical to American interests. He would leave America unprepared to answer the challenges of a global order experiencing a historic realignment. Today's speech only accentuated his dismal strategic vision.

And not only will he further dissipate resources which should be used to bolster our economy, he'll increase spending to historic peace-time highs even when adjusted for inflation. How can anyone justify greater levels of military spending than during the Cold War? That is beyond absurd. What the fuck? I've always had a simmering execration for his foreign policy. But now that he's emphasizing his stupidity? Come on.

Seems to be applying the logic of the Bush tax cuts to foreign policy. IE pass something so ridiculous that's an impossible to get rid of without being accused of hurting America


Unconfirmed Member
Palin was off doing some fox news stint somewhere else. Sent her absentee ballot to a moose. Needless to say it didn't get mailed in.

In case anyone needed any help, it's supposed to be flipping you off. I'm flipping off the chicken littles in my joke. It's juvenile, but I just found it funny I could make a middle finger with the US states
It just looks like a big Texas.


And not only will he further dissipate resources which should be used to bolster our economy, he'll increase spending to historic peace-time highs even when adjusted for inflation. How can anyone justify greater levels of military spending than during the Cold War? That is beyond absurd. What the fuck? I've always had a simmering execration for his foreign policy. But now that he's emphasizing his stupidity? Come on.

It's easy when you think Russia is our number one geopolitical foe.
Wonder what a Romney election will mean for the Health Care & Global Warming crisis.

Nothing good. :( We can talk all we want about spending, but at the end of the day, those are the two things that are going to bite us in the ass big time in the end. Those are the two reasons why we all need to back Obama.

Luckily, Romney won't win.


It's easy when you think Russia is our number one geopolitical foe.
Right. To that point, our greatest geopolitical foe is ourselves. Our failure to adequately invest in our country will impose far greater restraints on our power than Russia, China, or any other conceivable adversary.
There's an agenda behind nearly everything. You cut taxes to record lows in order to get rid of entitlements eventually, for instance
What's your agenda?
Yep, everyone in the past 2 days blamed Obama for their gas spike and decided to vote Romney instead.

I wish I didnt have to remind you people that every month for the past 4 months I said:

September jobs report will show unemployment under 8%.

I was told I was wrong.

I was told I was insane.

And yet, I was right. Perhaps this old political fox knows his way around numbers.
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