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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Based on all you chicken littles I feel confident in posting this:


fuck y'all

You didn't even try.

Umm... what on earth happened to PoliGAF today?

It's true if Obama had a strong debate, this election would have been a round 3 KO, especially with the positive job numbers on that following Friday.

The election will now probably go the distance since Romney is a squirrelly little fighter. But it's still going to be an easy unanimous decision for Obama. When it comes down to it, I don't see the majority of the country voting for someone who says, "47% of the country see themselves as victims and I don't give a shit about them either." He's just too out of touch. Romney would have to run a perfect campaign from here on out and he would still need a miracle to win.

Also eventually all the vagueness, half-truths, and outright lies will catch up to them.
Backpat time.

Late Update: Huffpo notes that according to Pew only 155 of 1201 (about 13%) interviews were conducted on Sunday. That would be consistent with what I suggested above, that the poll was front loaded to the early days of the four day period and possibly did not pick up the rebound noted in the tracking polls.
The only change was adding a few days of new data.

Old one was


But go ahead, plot the Obama approval rate against this chart, youll be amazed.


California gasoline prices set to plunge as spike ends

SAN FRANCISCO/HOUSTON (Reuters) - The unprecedented price spike that added more than 50 cents a gallon to California pump prices last week ended as quickly as it began, market analysts said, and consumers should see prices fall dramatically in the coming week.
I'm really getting sick of this fucking concern trolling shitting up the thread.

I love this thread but cartoon soldier, PD and Diablos make it damn unreadable sometimes.


I'm really getting sick of this fucking concern trolling shitting up the thread.

I love this thread but cartoon soldier, PD and Diablos make it damn unreadable sometimes.

Pretty sad when I was in an ICU, an ER and at a go-live for our Hospital's entire computer system and I saw nobody as near as nervous as some in this thread. Jesus.
I think all the excuses for why the polls say what they do (OMG the sample is messed up) is sounding too much like unskewing. I mean I understand people saying it might be an one off and the Rassmussen bashing but otherwise they say what they do.

That being said the panic is getting a little old.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I think all the excuses for why the polls say what they do (OMG the sample is messed up) is sounding too much like unskewing. I mean I understand people saying it might be an one off and the Rassmussen bashing but otherwise they say what they do.

That being said the panic is getting a little old.

I fully expected a Romney bump but the pew data sample effectively ignored the weekend declines. It will be a roller coaster all the way to the election, including the usual GAF emotional version.


Watching tonight's Daily Show just made me angry about the crazy conspiracy shit with the unemployment numbers being lower than when Obama first took office.
I think all the excuses for why the polls say what they do (OMG the sample is messed up) is sounding too much like unskewing. I mean I understand people saying it might be an one off and the Rassmussen bashing but otherwise they say what they do.

That being said the panic is getting a little old.
The problem with UnSkewing is they're refitting the polls to match an electorate that has never actually materialized, an electorate that has more Republicans than Democrats. Even in 2010 party ID was tied between the two, and in 2008 it was like D+8 or something close to that. The Pew poll, likewise, is R+4, so of course it's going to produce an outlier.

I don't agree with weighting for party ID or ideology at all (like the head of Quinnipiac said, you may as well just start making up your own toplines at that point), but that doesn't mean you're never going to get a genuinely funky sample. SurveyUSA is considered a respectable pollster and they put out that head-scratcher of Romney winning North Carolina by 10 points when everyone else had it within a point either way. Good pollsters aren't insulated from producing odd results.

Forever said:
Watching tonight's Daily Show just made me angry about the crazy conspiracy shit with the unemployment numbers being lower than when Obama first took office.
That's the GOP for you.

Unemployment is over 8%? Obummer's fault! Unemployment drops below 8%? OBOZO IS RIGGING THE NUMBERS!

Polls showing Obama ahead? They're skewed! Polls showing Romney's ahead - They're not skewed anymore! Cheers, everyone. Give me a fucking break.
PPP up in Minnesota. Some key findings:

- The gay marriage amendment is losing, 46-49. The margin is effectively bigger than that, actually. Our rule about constitutional amendments is that if you skip voting on them, it's counted as a No vote anyway. Usually this number ends up being about 5%, giving the No side a boost. There's way more enthusiasm on the Vote No side, so here's hoping.

- The voter ID amendment is passing 51-43. However, this is much closer than the wide margins PPP found the last few go-rounds. Mainly, independents are starting to split on the issue and Democrats are now more against it than they are against the marriage amendment. I've sort of conceded voter ID as being an inevitability, just because it's the kind of thing that sounds completely rational to the average voter, but if the No votes hold Yes to under 50%, that'd be pretty awesome. Moreso because

- DFL is leading on the legislative generic ballot 52-40. I'm not going to try and estimate how many seats that would net them, but the maps aren't exactly gerrymandered and winning back the state legislature is a rather small hump (4 seats in the senate, 5 in the house). Nothing would make me happier than seeing both amendments fail and Republicans lose the legislature. They'll have had the majority for all of two years with nothing to show for it. Then maybe we can get single-payer finally.

- Dayton and Franken are safe. Dayton's approval rating is at 53% to 33% disapproving and leads a generic Republican 52-35. Franken leads a generic Republican 50-38. They tested Coleman (51-41), Pawlenty (51-42), and Bachmann (55-37) against him.

I'm just saying, every state in the nation would do well to be more like us.
That's the GOP for you.

Unemployment is over 8%? Obummer's fault! Unemployment drops below 8%? OBOZO IS RIGGING THE NUMBERS!

Polls showing Obama ahead? They're skewed! Polls showing Romney's ahead - They're not skewed anymore! Cheers, everyone. Give me a fucking break.
Reminds me of.

Where are the transitional fossils?!?!?!

Oh, you have a bunch of transitional fossils. Oh . . . uh . . . well THERE ARE NOW TWICE AS MANY GAPS IN THE FOSSIL RECORD because every new fossil you find creates a gap on either side of it.
- Dayton and Franken are safe. Dayton's approval rating is at 53% to 33% disapproving and leads a generic Republican 52-35. Franken leads a generic Republican 50-38. They tested Coleman (51-41), Pawlenty (51-42), and Bachmann (55-37) against him. .

Oh that would be funny. I'd love to see a Franken v. Bachmann race. I think he would lure her into some traps.
PPP up in Minnesota. Some key findings:

- The gay marriage amendment is losing, 46-49. The margin is effectively bigger than that, actually. Our rule about constitutional amendments is that if you skip voting on them, it's counted as a No vote anyway. Usually this number ends up being about 5%, giving the No side a boost. There's way more enthusiasm on the Vote No side, so here's hoping.

- The voter ID amendment is passing 51-43. However, this is much closer than the wide margins PPP found the last few go-rounds. Mainly, independents are starting to split on the issue and Democrats are now more against it than they are against the marriage amendment. I've sort of conceded voter ID as being an inevitability, just because it's the kind of thing that sounds completely rational to the average voter, but if the No votes hold Yes to under 50%, that'd be pretty awesome. Moreso because

- DFL is leading on the legislative generic ballot 52-40. I'm not going to try and estimate how many seats that would net them, but the maps aren't exactly gerrymandered and winning back the state legislature is a rather small hump (4 seats in the senate, 5 in the house). Nothing would make me happier than seeing both amendments fail and Republicans lose the legislature. They'll have had the majority for all of two years with nothing to show for it. Then maybe we can get single-payer finally.

- Dayton and Franken are safe. Dayton's approval rating is at 53% to 33% disapproving and leads a generic Republican 52-35. Franken leads a generic Republican 50-38. They tested Coleman (51-41), Pawlenty (51-42), and Bachmann (55-37) against him.

I'm just saying, every state in the nation would do well to be more like us.

Aww. You spoiled my post. That's a good summary though.
- The voter ID amendment is passing 51-43. However, this is much closer than the wide margins PPP found the last few go-rounds. Mainly, independents are starting to split on the issue and Democrats are now more against it than they are against the marriage amendment. I've sort of conceded voter ID as being an inevitability, just because it's the kind of thing that sounds completely rational to the average voter, but if the No votes hold Yes to under 50%, that'd be pretty awesome. Moreso because

Why haven't voter ID's been challenged in the SCOTUS? They seem to me to a lot of the times run really close to poll taxes or the 14th amendment.


Why haven't voter ID's been challenged in the SCOTUS? They seem to me to a lot of the times run really close to poll taxes or the 14th amendment.

They are a poll tax unless valid IDs are being issued for free for everyone. A conservative majority SCOTUS may rule in favor of voter ID requirement anyways though.


PPP up in Minnesota. Some key findings:

- The gay marriage amendment is losing, 46-49. The margin is effectively bigger than that, actually. Our rule about constitutional amendments is that if you skip voting on them, it's counted as a No vote anyway. Usually this number ends up being about 5%, giving the No side a boost. There's way more enthusiasm on the Vote No side, so here's hoping.

- The voter ID amendment is passing 51-43. However, this is much closer than the wide margins PPP found the last few go-rounds. Mainly, independents are starting to split on the issue and Democrats are now more against it than they are against the marriage amendment. I've sort of conceded voter ID as being an inevitability, just because it's the kind of thing that sounds completely rational to the average voter, but if the No votes hold Yes to under 50%, that'd be pretty awesome. Moreso because

- DFL is leading on the legislative generic ballot 52-40. I'm not going to try and estimate how many seats that would net them, but the maps aren't exactly gerrymandered and winning back the state legislature is a rather small hump (4 seats in the senate, 5 in the house). Nothing would make me happier than seeing both amendments fail and Republicans lose the legislature. They'll have had the majority for all of two years with nothing to show for it. Then maybe we can get single-payer finally.

- Dayton and Franken are safe. Dayton's approval rating is at 53% to 33% disapproving and leads a generic Republican 52-35. Franken leads a generic Republican 50-38. They tested Coleman (51-41), Pawlenty (51-42), and Bachmann (55-37) against him.

I'm just saying, every state in the nation would do well to be more like us.
I'd reconsider moving out of MN after college if this actually happened.
I'm kind of wondering if the "Vote No" campaign for the marriage amendment is having any effect on the Voter ID dealy too. Because seriously, there are Vote No signs EVERYWHERE. Could just be voters going in thinking "Vote no? Duhhh, okay."

Just a thought I guess. Yes on Voter ID is much more prevalent than the No side.

Marvie_3 said:
I'd reconsider moving out of MN after college if this actually happened.
Same. I've been giving a lot of thought to moving to Chicago but guaranteed healthcare would keep me around.


I'm kind of wondering if the "Vote No" campaign for the marriage amendment is having any effect on the Voter ID dealy too. Because seriously, there are Vote No signs EVERYWHERE. Could just be voters going in thinking "Vote no? Duhhh, okay."

Just a thought I guess. Yes on Voter ID is much more prevalent than the No side.
Yeah it's pretty crazy how many of the Vote No signs that are around.

Same. I've been giving a lot of thought to moving to Chicago but guaranteed healthcare would keep me around.
I was thinking the exact same thing. :lol


Sidhe / PikPok
Dayton and Franken are safe. Dayton's approval rating is at 53% to 33% disapproving and leads a generic Republican 52-35. Franken leads a generic Republican 50-38. They tested Coleman (51-41), Pawlenty (51-42), and Bachmann (55-37) against him.

Always amusing to see "generic Republican" candidate polling better than any actual Republican candidate.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Guys, I has question.

That dipshit Jack Welch apparently keeps saying that the government added 600k jobs in the past two months (government jobs, he means). Anyone know where he's getting that number?
Guys, I has question.

That dipshit Jack Welch apparently keeps saying that the government added 600k jobs in the past two months (government jobs, he means). Anyone know where he's getting that number?

The Household Survey says we added 600k gov't jobs (400k in August). The Establishment says it's about 50k jobs.

The Household Survey is reporting 1.5 million less gov't jobs than the Establishment Survey.

Rand poll released for yesterday, showing Obama's lead grown ever so slightly (like a tenth of a point). He's back over 49%.


LoL @ that Penn polling company. Obama just +2. Hey last time. hey dipshits, when the Romney camp gives up on Penn, maybe you need to double check your polling if your data says otherwise.

But it’s one thing to give a poll a lot of weight, and another to become so enthralled with it that you dismiss all other evidence. If you can trust yourself to take the polls in stride, then I would encourage you to do so. If your impression of the race is changing radically every few minutes, however, then you’re best off looking at the forecasts and projections that we and our competitors publish, along with Vegas betting lines and prediction markets.

Right through the heart of Diablos and PD.

edit: nm here found wrong data.


USA Today's Susan Page told the PBS Newhour that the new Gallup daily tracking poll will show Mitt Romney and President Obama are "virtually tied" when it switches from registered voters to likely voters beginning tomorrow.

Obama held a 5 percentage-point lead among registered voters in today's poll release

Gallup's tracking poll will show the race tied today.
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