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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Following politics, especially in an election year is not healthy I think. These last several days have not helped things either. It's not that I'm freaking out. Any bounce Romney had out of the debate is fading. Polls are slow to catch up. One debate is not going to make people jump ship and it is likely more republicans were will to answer phones or do interviews after the debate. I know and understand this. I didn't expect Obama to come out swinging but I thought he'd be more forceful and it looks like he will next time. So I'm okay on this front.

What really getting to me at times is the terrifying idea that the media wants this to be as close as possible and will try to shape the race all for ratings and money. The fact that the outcome of this could have real and significant consequences for millions of people doesn't even cross their minds and they don't give a damn. The thought that this could possibly, no matter how remote, get Romney elected makes it hard for me to sleep at night. The general stupidity of a good portion of the population scares me in ways I did not think possible. Being a black man in his late 20s and knowing what the far right republicans would love to do if they obtain even more power and the obvious code words being throw around by people on TV just amplifies what I'm feeling at times.

I didn't watch must news yesterday. Read PoliGaf and saw the Gallup Polls and watched a small bit of ED and CNN yesterday after work but that was it. Didn't even add up to a full half hour. I spent my evening reading, a little cooking, watching Empire Strikes Back on TV and a DVR episode of Lois and Clark: New Adventures of Superman and played a bit of Guild Wars 2 and Black Ops. Felt good and relaxing. Ignorance is bless sometimes but I know full well I can't go in that direction. My own self interest is depends on me being aware of what is going on. Need to strike a balance......somewhere.

Sorry just need to get this off my chest.
contra abc news and ppp, hearing that nbc is dropping with a poll that was mostly conducted sunday & monday (friday and saturday included, but less sample) and it's still showing romney with a sizeable advantage.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
At least we can finally put the bed the notion that debates do nothing, since they have clearly helped Romney gain at least legitimacy in the election again. Most of us in PoliGAF know that there is still only slightly better than a snowball's chance in Hell (and not that Michigan town) that Romney will see the White House outside of flying over it in one of his private jets.

But...What if Romney absolutely destroys Obama in the next two debates and Ryan embarrasses Crazy Joe on Thursday?

That could actually give the campaign a real roll of the dice feel. :p


At least we can finally put the bed the notion that debates do nothing, since they have clearly helped Romney gain at least legitimacy in the election again. Most of us in PoliGAF know that there is still only slightly better than a snowball's chance in Hell (and not that Michigan town) that Romney will see the White House outside of flying over it in one of his private jets.

But...What if Romney absolutely destroys Obama in the next two debates and Ryan embarrasses Crazy Joe on Thursday?

That could actually give the campaign a real roll of the dice feel. :p

I'd rather live in a country where debates matter than live in a country where debates don't matter, all things considered. Plus, if there was no momentum change and the whole thing just trended Obama the entire time then politics would be no fun.

Sure, you want your team to win but you also kind of want it to be interesting, ya know?


contra abc news and ppp, hearing that nbc is dropping with a poll that was mostly conducted sunday & monday (friday and saturday included, but less sample) and it's still showing romney with a sizeable advantage.
Outlier since we already seen pretty mcuh every poll going back to normal already.
Given that the Republican Party is little more than a reactionary nativist party in its present state I'd take the House actually being interesting over the presidential race being interesting, personally


I'd rather live in a country where debates matter than live in a country where debates don't matter, all things considered. Plus, if there was no momentum change and the whole thing just trended Obama the entire time then politics would be no fun.

Sure, you want your team to win but you also kind of want it to be interesting, ya know?

Meh, I'd rather not have it interesting in this case, especially if it means idiots flocking to the lying sack of crap just because looked better in the debate. With the Republican Party the way it is, and with Romney as the nominee, I wanted this to be as one sided as possible for Obama. The fact that it isn't saddens me.
Meh, I'd rather not have it interesting in this case, especially if it means idiots flocking to the lying sack of crap just because looked better in the debate. With the Republican Party the way it is, and with Romney as the nominee, I wanted this to be as one sided as possible for Obama. The fact that it isn't saddens me.

Looks like Obama like the rest of the folks here thought Debates don't matter much either. If he hadn't, you would have had your wish.
Thread title would possibly be even more apt if you replaced "posts" with "polls".

So which polls switched models so far?

Not sure if any of the national polls aside from Gallup weren't already on LV models to begin with
Being a black man in his late 20s and knowing what the far right republicans would love to do if they obtain even more power and the obvious code words being throw around by people on TV just amplifies what I'm feeling at times.

Word, son. This is pretty amazing to observe. What's worse is that people are burying the heads in the sand at this blatant stuff.
Word, son. This is pretty amazing to observe. What's worse is that people are burying the heads in the sand at this blatant stuff.

Not a black man, but a brown man.

A Romney presidency really worries me, because it's just going to gin up the racists even further. It's hard to explain to people what these code words really mean. They just look at you like you're paranoid, and ignore you when the effects show up as advertised.


At least we can finally put the bed the notion that debates do nothing, since they have clearly helped Romney gain at least legitimacy in the election again. Most of us in PoliGAF know that there is still only slightly better than a snowball's chance in Hell (and not that Michigan town) that Romney will see the White House outside of flying over it in one of his private jets.

But...What if Romney absolutely destroys Obama in the next two debates and Ryan embarrasses Crazy Joe on Thursday?

That could actually give the campaign a real roll of the dice feel. :p

Everyone knew that Romney would get a bounce after his debate performance. But as is often the case, once the foreseen bounce arrives, people act like it's unprecedented...a historic turnaround.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The poll about Michigan tightening up should be worrying for Obama. He needs Michigan.


Everyone knew that Romney would get a bounce after his debate performance. But as is often the case, once the foreseen bounce arrives, people act like it's unprecedented...a historic turnaround.
Right. Although it doesn't help that pew clearly skewed their result to grab headlines.
At least we can finally put the bed the notion that debates do nothing, since they have clearly helped Romney gain at least legitimacy in the election again. Most of us in PoliGAF know that there is still only slightly better than a snowball's chance in Hell (and not that Michigan town) that Romney will see the White House outside of flying over it in one of his private jets.

But...What if Romney absolutely destroys Obama in the next two debates and Ryan embarrasses Crazy Joe on Thursday?

That could actually give the campaign a real roll of the dice feel. :p

I really don't see it. No way Obama is that bad of a debater to get crushed by Romney's mediocre ass twice.




Everyone knew that Romney would get a bounce after his debate performance. But as is often the case, once the foreseen bounce arrives, people act like it's unprecedented...a historic turnaround.

That's the media narrative working right there. A historic turnaround makes it sound more interesting.

I also think that the house remains sufficiently interesting, there's just a real dearth of polling and not a good way to take it on a macro scale.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Link is blocked at work. Can someone copy'n'paste or summarize?


but believes in Chael
People also think foreign aid is a big chunk of the budget. This is a big talking point among the right in my extended family.
Now I see people in comments sections freaking out that the Obama campaign is spending money on the Big Bird ad instead of something more serious. If my state had open primaries, I would switch my registration to Independent because the democrat's base is ridiculous.

It's true though.

If it works, I guess I'd let it slip just because the ends justified the means. But the whole Big Bird talking point is blown up to ridiculous proportions, and in a way it's sad that it takes such pettiness to draw votes and support. It reminds me of what the crazy rightwing does (
at least the argument behind Big Bird is sound though


If Obama doesn't deliver in the debates, Romney has a chance. Thankfully all the social issue ones are late, so he'll dominate those.


Did you guys see the Daily Show yesterday? They had a Fox News clip saying PBS was a surprising amount ofthe budget, but then a clip of them failing at math calculating the percent that goes to oil subsidies, and asking why Obama was so focused on that.
so everyone i know at OSU is having their classes cancelled this afternoon for the obama rally.

i'm still stuck with this econ midterm at 5:30 (the rally is scheduled to start between 3:30 and 4). the professor just so happens to be a "free enterprise" shill.


It's true though.

If it works, I guess I'd let it slip just because the ends justified the means. But the whole Big Bird talking point is blown up to ridiculous proportions, and in a way it's sad that it takes such pettiness to draw votes and support. It reminds me of what the crazy rightwing does (spoiler]at least the argument behind Big Bird is sound though[/spoiler]).

It's not a sign that the campaign is flailing and collapsing, which is what most comments were acting like. It's just a silly ad. This campaign has a mountain of money. They're doing fine.


so everyone i know at OSU is having their classes cancelled today for the obama rally.

i'm still stuck with this econ midterm at 5:30 (the rally is scheduled to start between 3:30 and 4). the professor just so happens to be a "free enterprise" shill.

That sucks. When I moved here I was hoping that MO would be in play in 2012 so I'd have a chance to see a presidential campaign speech in person. No such luck and I'm probably moving back to the East Coast next year.

So they seriously think that a television program gets 500+ billion dollars worth in funds every year... more than the combined budgets and gross receipts of every movie in Hollywood and TV in the last decade or so.

How in the fuck can you be so stupid and ignorant?


so everyone i know at OSU is having their classes cancelled this afternoon for the obama rally.

i'm still stuck with this econ midterm at 5:30 (the rally is scheduled to start between 3:30 and 4). the professor just so happens to be a "free enterprise" shill.
Haha watch someone is going to try and compare that to the whole coal miners thing.


If Obama doesn't deliver in the debates, Romney has a chance. Thankfully all the social issue ones are late, so he'll dominate those.

Social issues were part of the first one, well supposed to be since it was the domestic issues debate. The last one is Foreign Policy.
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