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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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You're acting like there's nothing to worry about at all with these numbers and there clearly is reason to be concerned. Not "sky is falling" hysteria but "we need to do better than this" concern.

Actually, you don't need to be in a better position than winning.


The movement in 538 is pretty low considering the hype

Its because no matter what these new polls tells us it still doesn't change the fact that half the country has already started voting back during the 47% comment... the closer we get to the final election day the less ground any of these fluctuating polls have to stand on, both positive or negative. If Obama can still win the election today despite the bad polling data, then it still comes off as negative for Romney. The time is against him now. His debate 'performance' lifted him from being a near impossible long shot to just a semi possible long shot, but he still has a lot of ground to make up and if he can't start over taking lots of Obama's swing states (by larger and larger margins) he can't win anyways, and that implies this 'bounce' is going to linger beyond this week, or beyond the next debate. He needs to improve on his poll numbers, they are a good bounce but still not even close to good enough. It just puts in perspective just how much Obama was kicking his ass that he can survive even a 5-6 point jump from Romney and still come out ahead.


RE: 538

Has the Now-Cast changed all that much? It seems like the only state that's flipped is FL, and it still seems to be in-play. For the past couple months, all of the other swing states still seem to be allocated to their favorites, except FL (NC: Romney; NV, CO, OH, WI, IA, VA, NH: Obama).


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Nate Silver ‏@fivethirtyeight

With further gains by Romney today, we now have Obama as a ~70/30 favorite, same as before conventions.


Still, I'm tempted to donate 15 bucks to the Obama campaign.
RE: 538

Has the Now-Cast changed all that much? It seems like the only state that's flipped is FL, and it still seems to be in-play. For the past couple months, all of the other swing states still seem to be allocated to their favorites, except FL (NC: Romney; NV, CO, OH, WI, IA, VA, NH: Obama).

It was starting to show NC shifting to Obama before the debate, but otherwise no.


You're acting like there's nothing to worry about at all with these numbers and there clearly is reason to be concerned. Not "sky is falling" hysteria but "we need to do better than this" concern.
Like I said I don't worry much at all about national polls.

We already have enough people freaking out.


I am about 71.4% more chillaxed now. Nate was teasing the hell out of us chicken littles with that tweet.

Well, it was before the O+4 poll or the O+1 poll from SurveyUSA. If that CNN poll had come out even, it would've been a different world.


Yep,a hole is still a hole.

and he is quite the a-hole.

on the topic of panic tho, if this were a sporting event we do know who has momentum right? i was certain obama would wipe the floor with romney because his polices are swiss cheese, but he didnt, and here we are page 52. god damn it all. 30% chance the biggest douche ever can become pres, is 30% too much, im waiting till polling calms down, but if you wanna know my panic percentage it's what nate god silver tells me it should be so about 28.6% panic 71.4% ice veins.

I am about 71.4% more chillaxed now. Nate was teasing the hell out of us chicken littles with that tweet.

beaten like bams in round 1


Junior Member
Jon Husted is still secretary of state in Ohio and despite the appeals court ruling, they've left the early voting decision up to the individual counties. Each county has one rep from each party with the tie being broken by the secretary of state. See where I'm going with this? You cannot afford to have the race as close in Ohio as the CNN poll shows.

It doesn't matter. Ohio wrote off Romney months ago. Contrary to popular belief, you don't erase over a year of politics in a single debate. It doesn't help that Romney hasn't led in a single poll in this state since he started running for office. Romney supported Senate Bill 5, and the destruction of the auto industry. He's toast in this state.
Supreme Court, Jon Husted? Really?

All to keep non-military Ohioans from voting the weekend before the election?

Yeah, I just gave money to Ohio dems. Anytime Republicans here try to restrict voting, I give more money to dems.


So basically the only state that changed on 538 was Florida, from 50.4% chance Obama to 53.3% chance Romney? Colorado and Virginia are both much closer, and NC is past 80% chance for Romney.

Even if Romney wins FL, CO, and VA, he's still down 257 to Obama's 281.

He still needs Ohio, and even then, if he gets Ohio he needs to hold all three of the ones I just cited. Even Colorado is enough for Obama.
Actually, PD, I think the Batman/Joker relationship is pretty apt. You and I will be doing this forever. You'll win some, I'll win some, but we always come back.


No Scrubs
Just checked the 538 thing, Mitt didn't even break 30% to win, he's at 28.6% which is worse than I thought it would be. I guess it goes to show two things, the bump is very small and debates don't matter.


So basically the only state that changed on 538 was Florida, from 50.4% chance Obama to 53.3% chance Romney? Colorado and Virginia are both much closer, and NC is past 80% chance for Romney.

Even if Romney wins FL, CO, and VA, he's still down 257 to Obama's 281.

He still needs Ohio, and even then, if he gets Ohio he needs to hold all three of the ones I just cited.

Pretty much.

Whenever we get a flurry of national polls, I just check the state by state numbers on 538. Helps calm the nerves. ;)


RE: 538

Has the Now-Cast changed all that much? It seems like the only state that's flipped is FL, and it still seems to be in-play. For the past couple months, all of the other swing states still seem to be allocated to their favorites, except FL (NC: Romney; NV, CO, OH, WI, IA, VA, NH: Obama).

State   10/8   10/9
 NV     78.9   75.1
 CO     60.3   53.9
 OH     75.5   72.2
 IA     68.6   65.6
 WI     83.5   81.3
 NC     73.3   80.2 (for Romney)
 VA     61.7   58.3
 FL     50.4   46.7
 PA     95.6   93.3
 MI     96.7   95.9
 NH     83.6   81.7

It was purely a bunch of incremental shifts.


No Scrubs

Seriously, this is probably the best case scenario for Mitt's bounce. We've heard from pollsters that it may already be fading and I don't think Mitt has ever really hit 30% chance to win since August. This bump hasn't even made up what he's lost. Plus the president has a 55% approval rating which shows the bounce will drop fast, considering when it was taken. Mitt is doing 14% better than he was at the start of the month when he had no chance, now he's just got a ghost of a chance.


It's this complacency and complete denial of any possibility of Romney gaining and sustaining any momentum that is the reason we're in this mess. Obama fucked up and let Romney embarrass him in the debate.

Hopefully the race gets even closer and maybe Obama will actually start trying
It's this complacency and complete denial of any possibility of Romney gaining and sustaining any momentum that is the reason we're in this mess. Obama fucked up and let Romney embarrass him in the debate.

Hopefully the race gets even closer and maybe Obama will actually start trying

What mess?The one where Romney went from having very little chance to win to still very little chance to win? And I don't know why anyone who wants Obama to win would possibly hope the race tightens.


It's this complacency and complete denial of any possibility of Romney gaining and sustaining any momentum that is the reason we're in this mess. Obama fucked up and let Romney embarrass him in the debate.

Hopefully the race gets even closer and maybe Obama will actually start trying

No. Hopefully Biden puts the race back on track this week and Obama hammers it away next week.
Everyone said Obama will not win Ohio by 10 points. The polling average was, what, 5-6 points before the debate which is still higher than what I think Obama will Ohio by.

This. I never said Ohio would go by 10. The only way Ohio would have gone by 10 is if come election day the GOP base was so demoralized at an obvious loss that they stayed home.

Some polls showed around 8 but most was around 4-7.


WMUR NH 47-41 O


State   10/8   10/9
 NV     78.9   75.1
 CO     60.3   53.9
 [B]OH     75.5   72.2[/B]
 [B]IA     68.6   65.6
 WI     83.5   81.3[/B]
 NC     73.3   80.2 (for Romney)
 [B]VA     61.7   58.3[/B]
 FL     50.4   46.7
 [B]PA     95.6   93.3[/B]
 MI     96.7   95.9
 [B]NH     83.6   81.7[/B]
Yeah, good luck with that prediction, Fox.

I hope that Fox runs as far as they can with that; if 30%+ of the country is expecting such a huge Romney victory, the shock on Election Night would be absolutely staggering.
I hope that Fox runs as far as they can with that; if 30%+ of the country is expecting such a huge Romney victory, the shock on Election Night would be absolutely staggering.

Oh like half the people I know think Romney is a shoe in at this point because they have no idea about electoral math. All they see is him up in the polls and think its over.


Oh like half the people I know think Romney is a shoe in at this point because they have no idea about electoral math. All they see is him up in the polls and think its over.
You're describing many of my older, Republican relatives. :)

If I were the devilish sort, I'd try to get one of my uncles to have a family Election Night party. Especially if the data continues to point to one thing and Fox points to another.


You're describing many of my older, Republican relatives. :)

If I were the devilish sort, I'd try to get one of my uncles to have a family Election Night party. Especially if the data continues to point to one thing and Fox points to another.

This + a camcorder + YouTube could potentially lead to a new viral video.
You're describing many of my older, Republican relatives. :)

If I were the devilish sort, I'd try to get one of my uncles to have a family Election Night party. Especially if the data continues to point to one thing and Fox points to another.

Oh I would love to see parties all over NOLA end up in drunken rages ;)
You're describing many of my older, Republican relatives. :)

If I were the devilish sort, I'd try to get one of my uncles to have a family Election Night party. Especially if the data continues to point to one thing and Fox points to another.

If you were the devilish sort, you'd be making wagers with them at this point. But it is not nice to trick old people.
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