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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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This thread needs some conservatives so badly. It's fine to sometimes have a conversation between like minded when discussing something like nuanced policy, but doing this for horserace politics is driving this thread insane.


man obama is stumbling over his own words even in a stump speech

everyone in my family and my gf's family literally thinks we are nuts because we like obama. i'm jealous of you.
Sounds more fun though. :)

Ohio poll
CNN pointed to the gender gap as the reason for Obama’s lead — the president is up 22 points with women, while Romney leads men by 14 points. Obama also leads 50 percent to Romney’s 46 percent among independent voters.
If Obama wins, there are gonna be fireworks throughout the city all night long.. just like last time.
Obama won >80% of the city last time around, so the atmosphere was pretty electric.

Hmm? Interesting, I only moved here 2 years ago, so I was just projecting the anger from the rest of the state.


This thread needs some conservatives so badly. It's fine to sometimes have a conversation between like minded when discussing something like nuanced policy, but doing this for horserace politics is driving this thread insane.

The veterans of the dark days of 2000 and 2004 vs. the optimists who came to politics in 2008 and have no fear of losing is as far as a division as this thread can handle.


Hmm? Interesting, I only moved here 2 years ago, so I was just projecting the anger from the rest of the state.
Now, as soon as you leave the city limits for Slidell or Metairie or Kenner, you're in GOP-rageville. :p

The veterans of the dark days of 2000 and 2004 vs. the optimists who came to politics in 2008 and have no fear of losing is as far as a division as this thread can handle.
Wait.. I've been following since '88 and yet I'm pretty optimistic..??
yeah, my family are all dems, even my 79-year-old aunt who is extremely religious (watches mass on tv every morning, and thinks gays are teh evils) is extremely pro-Obama

my cousins on the other hand...eh....thanksgiving is always awkward


LMAO some black dude calls into the GOP line on CSPAN and says after Obama's speech, he is changing his vote to Obama. Sure, you're a republican.... LOL

What a bunch of loons calling in


So this SCOTUS term may see the end of affirmative action for university admissions because the votes are stacked against affirmative action now and there are court cases headed there.



So this SCOTUS term may see the end of affirmative action for university admissions because the votes are stacked against affirmative action now and there are court cases headed there.


I am an ethnic minority from a low income household who was victimized by affirmative action in university, so this is one instance where I would not complain if the conservatives prevailed.

I feel that Democrats missed an opportunity to push for a shift to a socio-economic model of affirmative action before it got revisited by the supreme court.


I am an ethnic minority from a low income household who was victimized by affirmative action in university, so this is one instance where I would not complain if the conservatives prevailed.

That is a pretty selfish way to look at things. Because it didn't benefit you, it must be wrong for all minorities!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
So this SCOTUS term may see the end of affirmative action for university admissions because the votes are stacked against affirmative action now and there are court cases headed there.


This will assuredly get me run out of here.

The affirmative action mechanisms as they currently work largely do not benefit the low income minorities that they should be designed to help. The focus on pure diversity as some sort of classroom benefit is at odds with what affirmative action should be designed to do.

If universities designed a strictly economic mechanism I think it would better pass constitutional muster and better reach people who need it.
That is a pretty selfish way to look at things. Because it didn't benefit you, it must be wrong for all minorities!

Why should he be happy about being discriminated against due to his color?

I would support affirmative action based entirely on income level.


LMAO some black dude calls into the GOP line on CSPAN and says after Obama's speech, he is changing his vote to Obama. Sure, you're a republican.... LOL

What a bunch of loons calling in

Everyone does this. I like the ones that call in Chris Plant & Mark Levin claiming to be Obama supporters but are now switching to Romney.

But C-Span callers do that all the time Repubs calling as Dems and Dems calling as RePubs. But I think the Repubs started it or do it the most. The Dems are like fuck it I'm gonna do it back so now it is out of hand.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I see your point. But I would buy into it a lot more if all the Ohio polls this week show similar numbers. If Obama +4 is the biggest lead he has, I do not think that is safe at all.

But this isn't Obama's "biggest" Ohio lead. You have it backwards. If anything, this is Obama's floor for Ohio given everything that has transpired.


I'm also for reinventing affirmative action to be based on economic class instead of race for the purpose of university admissions.

Not sure about how to make affirmative action better for employment though.

Once everyone has roughly equal opportunity to get an education, that reduces the need for affirmative action by employers.

What really needs to change is the use of extracurricular activity to influence employment or university admissions. Extracurricular activity is a huge class and race bias factor. Different races favor different activities and richer people have more time and money for extracurricular activities.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
But this isn't Obama's "biggest" Ohio lead. You have it backwards. If anything, this is Obama's floor for Ohio given everything that has transpired.

My point is this is one poll. The only Ohio poll taken after the debate (well, the only one this board would accept). If others this week show the same or bigger margin, then great news for Obama. If other polls show a tighter race, say 48-46 or something, Romney is absolutely still alive.

Here's Pizza Hut's challenge to you; it's a philosophical quandary of the highest order, really. They'd like you, John or Jane Q. Debate Attendee, to stand up and ask either Mitt Romney or President Barack Obama: dude, dude, do you like sausage or pepperoni? (They will, apparently, accept "pepperoni or sausage") Says the press release:

We recognize there are a lot of serious issues to be debated, but we also know a lot less serious - but no less important - ones are being discussed every night inside houses across the country," said Kurt Kane, CMO, Pizza Hut. "So for the candidates to be able to show that they're in tune with all the issues, we felt a pizza-related question on behalf of The Pizza Party was very appropriate for a town hall debate."

If an official attendee does so, during the live telecast, Pizza Hut will offer that person "free pizza for life" (which is good because I probably don't want pizza in the after-life. And, let's be honest, if I did want pizza, it'd probably be a burnt ends thing from Cane Rosso. I mean, how would the pizza even get to the after-life? Or is it already there because Pizza Hut killed it back in '09, when it stuffed a llama in the crust? I'm so confused.)




Blue Dogs Brace for Another Drubbing

The House Blue Dog Coalition, still reeling from 2010 elections that cut its ranks in half, looks likely to sustain additional losses this year that would cast doubt on the group’s influence in the 113th Congress.

The number of Blue Dogs grew steadily beginning in 1997, peaking at 54 members in the 111th Congress, when the fiscally conservative Democrats reached the pinnacle of their influence during the health care debate. That may have also been the coalition’s undoing: The unforgiving tea party wave of 2010 and opposition to President Barack Obama’s health care law decimated the ranks.

Now, the coalition faces the prospect of membership falling to its lowest ever, less than the 21 lawmakers it counted at the start of the 105th Congress. It ended that term with 25; currently there are 24 members of the group.

An unsympathetic look at the numbers shows the Blue Dogs could suffer further losses. If Roll Call’s race ratings bear out — that is, if all races leaning Democratic swing that way and vice versa — the group is looking at a ceiling of 19 members.

Any sympathy for Blue Dogs' seemingly slow, steady decent to irrelevance on PoliGAF? Can't say I have any.


Today's early polling was such a case of heartburn. Maybe I got swept up in the moment four years ago, but after Obama won Iowa in 2008 I had such dreams of a realigning election, that fabled 1932 style election that this time could wash away the filth of the Bush years.

Then Lehman's collapsed, and despite all the bailouts, the tea party bullshit, a midterm wipeout, and a stature puncturing debate performance, I can still envision a completed eight year Obama administration going down as a near-great Presidency that cements the Democrats' reputation for years to come. Our last current war will end under Obama in 2014, restoring us to peacetime, something unheard of in 12 years. And after turning the recession around the next 4 years of job growth under Obama could be gravy, absolutely gravy. Possible immigration reform could join a respectable list of legislative accomplishments.

But all of the credit will go down under the Republican column if he doesn't win. If Obama goes down as a gleefully gloated failure by Republicans because he didn't get the second term he needed to reap all the benefits of the first, I'll be pissed.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
My point is this is one poll. The only Ohio poll taken after the debate (well, the only one this board would accept). If others this week show the same or bigger margin, then great news for Obama. If other polls show a tighter race, say 48-46 or something, Romney is absolutely still alive.

Right, but context matters, as does making sure to compare pollsters previous efforts in the same state and then looking at the aggregate.

Why should he be happy about being discriminated against due to his color?

I would support affirmative action based entirely on income level.

I thought you were "done"?


Today's early polling was such a case of heartburn. Maybe I got swept up in the moment four years ago, but after Obama won Iowa in 2008 I had such dreams of a realigning election, that fabled 1932 style election that this time could wash away the filth of the Bush years.

Then Lehman's collapsed, and despite all the bailouts, the tea party bullshit, a midterm wipeout, and a stature puncturing debate performance, I can still envision a completed eight year Obama administration going down as a near-great Presidency that cements the Democrats' reputation for years to come. Our last current war will end under Obama in 2014, restoring us to peacetime, something unheard of in 12 years. And after turning the recession around the next 4 years of job growth under Obama could be gravy, absolutely gravy. Possible immigration reform could join a respectable list of legislative accomplishments.

But all of the credit will go down under the Republican column if he doesn't win. If Obama goes down as a gleefully gloated failure by Republicans because he didn't get the second term he needed to reap all the benefits of the first, I'll be pissed.

Chill the fuck out.
To me the scariest part of a Romney Presidency is him taken credit for the 12 million jobs created.

The sheer ramifications of that is goddamn frightening.


Are you fucking kidding me Mitt?!

He gets asked "Will you be able to add up the deductions you're taking away to get the $5 trillion for your tax cut."

His answer is basically "Obama's charge is wrong. It's not a $5 trillion tax cut, because I will get rid of deductions to make up for it. :D"

How in fuck's name did Blitzer let him get away with that. Fucking hell this is beyond terrible. I'm so fucking pissed now I'm about to throw something at my fucking TV.
To me the scariest part of a Romney Presidency is him taken credit for the 12 million jobs created.

The sheer ramifications of that is goddamn frightening.

No, the scariest part is Republican Obstructionism would set a precedent that you can fuck over the economy and population as much as possible solely to win the WH back and have it work.

That is scary because it opens up both sides to attempt it going forward. And it hurts regular folk a ton. Should they lose an election they never should have lost, it would ruin that tactic.


To me the scariest part of a Romney Presidency is him taken credit for the 12 million jobs created.

The sheer ramifications of that is goddamn frightening.

The end of economic progressivism forever.

You'll see economic freedom being upheld as the variable that determines the prosperity or stagnation of a country. Social welfare programs will be gutted, and around 20-40 million Americans will fall into poverty, but it'll be largely unseen poverty, and if anyone does bring it up, the answer will be bootstraps.


No, the scariest part is Republican Obstructionism would set a precedent that you can fuck over the economy and population as much as possible solely to win the WH back and have it work.

That is scary because it opens up both sides to attempt it going forward. And it hurts regular folk a ton. Should they lose an election they never should have lost, it would ruin that tactic.

This. I've been stressing to everyone I meet everywhere that this is absolutely my number 1 reason for voting Obama.
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