Not saying that the economy will suddenly boom with more tax cuts. What I'm saying is that companies will have more income to invest in growing if they're so inclined. Growth means that they will be hiring more people. More people means that they will be entering our tax system instead of sitting on the sidelines.
"If they're so inclined" is the interesting line there. Realistically, though, a company will grow if there's an opportunity for it to make more money. I.e. if demand is high, they will grow. So, if their store is full of customers for weeks on end and they don't have enough people on the counter to help them, they'll grow. That's pretty much the simple example, but I don't think it's that inherently different in more complex situations.
Chichikov said it perfectly though. The question is if that person can in the long term bring that ROI. There's a huge investment when you hire someone and you better be damned sure that they will do what you think they'll do. It's a huge investment and a huge commitment. Taxes play a significant part in all that.
Taxes do play a significant part, but I'm still unconvinced. Companies don't usually gamble with their money. I'm really not sure where this risk think is coming from. Most companies,
especially small businesses don't hire someone and hope they'll get profits off it. They hire someone because they know they have a job to do. They know they have enough demands to make that hire. They try to max out the work and max out the dollars they already have, and as a last resort they'll hire.
In fact, you could also make a reverse argument to yours. If the government is going to take a large portion of your profits you have two options: You can reinvest in innovative ideas in order to try and make more money in the long run, or you can forfeit that money to the government.
Also, you have to think about business in this sense: hiring is a last resort option. Paying money to do anything is a last resort option. Companies don't want to spend money. They will do everything they can to
not hire. With this in mind, having extra money in their pockets will not make them hire. Only increased demand for their product or service will.
They're not and either you haven't run into it yet or you're just being willfully ignorant. Way too many pencil pushers instead of hiring the experts who can do the job properly. I want the gov job to be lucrative not because it's a vacation... I want them to be the best who will fuck you over if you're providing sub par care. And they will know. The money we get from firing all the administrative shit should go towards hiring the best.
Administrative costs for medicare is pretty low. Now, I realize there's an argument that expressing it as a percentage of benefit makes it very very low because elderly need a helluva lot more benefits. That's fine. Still, the administrative costs on medicare are just fine.
I believe that we have an obligation to make sure that all of our citizens can survive without starving or dying on a street corner. I believe a government has a role in that. I have a distinct problem when people say "Well let the church handle that". Mostly because the people might now be Christian.
So, do you believe in a single payer system of healthcare, or is something like Obamacare closer to what you'd like?