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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Sadly, this won't be the first time the GOP has outed an member of our intelligence and gotten away with it. Though I still hold some small glimmer of hope that they suffer for this.

I suspect it'll cost them in the way they'd least like it to. Now that the cover's blown, if Romney tries to attack Obama on Libya at the foreign policy debate, Obama can say "that's a sensitive national security matter, which House Republicans have already screwed up by politicizing it and revealing CIA operations to those who were seek to harm us."`
I suspect it'll cost them in the way they'd least like it to. Now that the cover's blown, if Romney tries to attack Obama on Libya at the foreign policy debate, Obama can say "that's a sensitive national security matter, which House Republicans have already screwed up by politicizing it and revealing CIA operations to those who were seek to harm us."`

Yep, they gave Obama some ways to deflect the criticism on this. Make Republicans look like the weak ones on National Security.


The House GOP just gave Obama a whole bunch of ammo to deal with the Libya topic on the 22nd. Whether he uses it is another question.
...+8 is massive.
Yeah, that's pretty much where it was pre-debate. I'd call it good. He was +7 in Michigan too in a recent poll there, GOP kept insisting they were tossups but they clearly aren't.

Averon said:
The House GOP just gave Obama a whole bunch of ammo to deal with the Libya topic on the 22nd. Whether he uses it is another question.
I feel like he won't use it as a point of attack against Romney specifically, but he could just be like "my strategy is one of patience and level-headedness, the GOP's reckless strategy just recently busted the CIA's involvement in Libya" to buffer his own argument. However, the foreign policy debate will almost certainly be Obama's best if he brings his A game. His foreign policy record has been aces.
I'm not sure Obama would play politics with the CIA in public. That's not to say any condemnation would be playing politics, but it's probably not a line of attack that would be healthy. Issa clearly knew Chaffetz fucked up and tried to put out the fire but it was too late.

The Plame outing was clearly one of spite, and unpatriotic to the core. I think Chaffetz thought he was doing the right thing, but it was basically like accidentally revealing the identity of Batman


I think Chaffetz thought he was doing the right thing, but it was basically like accidentally revealing the identity of Batman

There are two readings of Chaffetz's words, from my angle. Either a) he was trying to catch the State Department out and suggest that they were violating confidentiality, in which case he completely screwed it up, or b) he is literally a moron.

I'm honestly not sure which one.


There are two readings of Chaffetz's words, from my angle. Either a) he was trying to catch the State Department out and suggest that they were violating confidentiality, in which case he completely screwed it up, or b) he is literally a moron.

I'm honestly not sure which one.

The guy is a freaking clown trying to make a name for himself
There are two readings of Chaffetz's words, from my angle. Either a) he was trying to catch the State Department out and suggest that they were violating confidentiality, in which case he completely screwed it up, or b) he is literally a moron.

I'm honestly not sure which one.

He's a moron. Issa on the other hand, was playing political football with a sensitive topic.
I've been hard on Warren but as I watch this debate I can't help but be impressed at how easily she frames liberal policy/ideology in simple terms. If Obama could do this, the election would pretty much be over.

Also, the moderator is actually doing his job ensuring both candidates don't railroad the rules. Although I imagine controlling a president and presidential candidate is a lot harder than controlling a senator and professor/advocate.


Damn. Letterman is basically an anti-Romney advertisement every night at this point. He was just railing on him for refusing to show-up for Nickelodeon's election event, saying, "Sorry kids.. Mitt's too busy hiding his Caymans money and driving around with the dog on his car roof!"

Then, the Top 10 was "Top Ten Things Kids Would Ask Mitt Romney," where he once again went after him about hiding Ryan, picking on PBS when it comprises a tiny percent of the budget, dancing ponies, etc etc. Hilarious.

And every night he says, "If Mitt won't come on my show - don't vote for him! Don't!"
I lived in MN when he got elected. His senate run was a really cool thing to see. He visited my mom's workplace (non-profit semi-govt funded heating and fuel assistance agency) and he seemed like a really decent guy. Too bad what happened :/

I remember he came back from Washington D.C. one time and my mom/me and people from her church met him at the terminal(when that was allowed)...and played on kazoos when the Saints Come Marching In. Don't know exactly what it was for but it was a gay/lesbian focused church so something dealing with equality issues I assume.


You are assuming that nothing noteworthy happens in the next month to move the polls at all. If nothing does then Obama has a great chance of winning. I am just stating that if something does (and it goes against him) Obama will be in trouble. I just wanted to respond to those who were saying things that implied they thought Obama definitely has it in the bag. He's the favorite, but it isn't a sure thing.

You assume Romney becomes a not-changing positions every other day guy.

You also assume Romney will have nothing go wrong for him during the next month while assuming the only one who can mess up is Obama.

Your assumptions are more telling then anything else, and I'm dismissive of Romney because he already lost his bump in a matter of days. Losing PA by 8 pts? Lol..he cannot afford to lose OH, FL, or PA and with his VP pick it's all an up hill battle for him. Compounded with the 47% video, and every other blunder Romney has coming his way. I really believe Obama has an amazing shot at relelection.

I'm also not worried because I help out Obama's campaign in my region and have been for awhile now. I'm doing all I can to ensure his reelection.

::edit:: down 6 points already in OH? Well outside margin of error. Makes me a happy guy! Gotta knock on some doors this weekend!


SCOTUS was working on Affirmative Action today. It looks like it's going down at least in some degree. With Sotomayor having to recuse herself, there will definitely be enough anti-affirmative action votes.
Virginia is tied but that might be good news for Obama due to Virgil Goode being on the ballot. And of course if the Hispanic vote increases that would be another benefit

If Virginia and Florida are more or less tied, his organizational advantage will let him win those states.

Quinnipiac is coming out with their own Virginia poll tomorrow. Good news for Obama if it's closer to PPP's +3 result.

Romney can still win without Ohio, but it'd be a long night.




"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Romney is doing better in polls, but the bounce has leveled off going by Rasmussen and Gallup. While these polls, especially Rasmussen, lean slightly Republican, they have better sample sizes and consistency then these random +5 polls in Romney's favor.

With Ohio nearly locked in, it looks like Obama has this. I expect that we'll see way better debate performance and a clean victory, but America might surprise me.
Obama is +1 in FL.

pains of watching laker scrubs while reading poli-gaf. Though I look at +1 for Obama or Romney about the same. Still, Romney needed to be +2 in both IMO with his bounce.

Looking at Ohio internals right now. This is big: 35% voted early. Obama is up 2 in those who have yet to vote but up 4 overall. To do that, he must be up 8 or more in early voters.

Ohio is +6 not 4. My bad. Obama's 51 unchanged (must like the 52 to 51 in the other one). Romney up 2 is the only difference.

Only 2% claim they "might vote differently." - huge for Obama.

Also over 90% made up their minds before the debate.

Basically, the two Ohio polls today are saying Romney shored up a tiny part of his base but Obama's support is unphased and people have made up their mind.

If this is true, Ohio is going to be VERY hard to flip for Romney.

One factor that may have pulled the party ID more heavily toward Democrats in this poll was early voting. One-in-five respondents (18 percent) said they have already voted, and, of those, almost two-thirds (63 percent) said they voted for Obama.

That 35% includes absentees. This is strictly early voting.
I'm also not worried because I help out Obama's campaign in my region and have been for awhile now. I'm doing all I can to ensure his reelection.

::edit:: down 6 points already in OH? Well outside margin of error. Makes me a happy guy! Gotta knock on some doors this weekend!
You have no idea how much I respect you. Keep up the good work!


I still think VA is going to go for Obama considering how well Kaine's polling. That + ground game should seal it if it's this close.
pains of watching laker scrubs while reading poli-gaf. Though I look at +1 for Obama or Romney about the same. Still, Romney needed to be +2 in both IMO with his bounce.

Looking at Ohio internals right now. This is big: 35% voted early. Obama is up 2 in those who have yet to vote but up 4 overall. To do that, he must be up 8 or more in early voters.

Ohio is +6 not 4. My bad. Obama's 51 unchanged (must like the 52 to 51 in the other one). Romney up 2 is the only difference.

Only 2% claim they "might vote differently." - huge for Obama.

Also over 90% made up their minds before the debate.

Basically, the two Ohio polls today are saying Romney shored up a tiny part of his base but Obama's support is unphased and people have made up their mind.

If this is true, Ohio is going to be VERY hard to flip for Romney.

Someone else today on GAF said Ohio early voting was Obama 59. Romney 39. With 11% in.
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