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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Congratulations, Tea Party, you've become North Korea. Shutting yourselves off from the rest of the world so you can pretend that your way is the only way of doing and thinking things. Can't wait to see how that works out for you.
Just hope there are enough of them voting in primaries, I'd love for Democrats to win that seat in Georgia.
Why doesnt our benevolent dictator fix gerrymandering?

Do it like Reagan.

In order to access federal education grants, all districts must be arranged by independent committees by 2014.

If not, the federal money tap runs dry that year.

Worked for Reagan, it will work for Obama.

Not legal. In South Dakova v Dole where the SCOTUS ruled in favor of the highway funds being used to coerce the states, they also ruled the money must be tangentially related to whatever is being influenced.

Highways funding is related to driving safety. Education isn't related to gerrymandering in any way.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Has this been posted? Cause it sounds pretty awesome:

The federal government wants to create super WiFi networks across the nation, so powerful and broad in reach that consumers could use them to make calls or surf the Internet without paying a cellphone bill every month.

The proposal from the Federal Communications Commission has rattled the $178 billion wireless industry, which has launched a fierce lobbying effort to persuade policymakers to reconsider the idea, analysts say. That has been countered by an equally intense campaign from Google, Microsoft and other tech giants who say a free-for-all WiFi service would spark an explosion of innovations and devices that would benefit most Americans, especially the poor.


More at the link.
When are we getting another LBJ post on dhp?
What would you like to see? Whatever I can sparse together? The Civil Rights Act of 1964, if you don't count the weak bill that passed in '57, was the first civil rights bill that passed through Congress since Reconstruction. If the book goes into detail about how LBJ passed that (not sure how far into 1964 it goes), I'll do a writeup about that.
JFK was a dick and he cheated on his wife a ridiculous amount of times.

History truly is written by the victors.

He's the one who primarily escalated the tensions with the Soviets during the Cuban Missile Crisis, not the one who "saved" the world as many people like to think.

Most overrated President ever.
During? JFK, along with his brother Bobby and a few others, was one of the few in his cabinet and among Congressional leaders that was not calling for a full-on military strike on Cuba – which have done MORE to "escalate tensions" between the US and Khrushchev/Soviets than anything Kennedy did – and was advocating a more passive approach with the bloackade. Behind the scenes he was giving Khruschev every opportunity to back down.


I'd rather them give Google and Verizon a MASSIVE Federal Contract to bring Fiber Optics all across the country, personally.

You're crazy. They already wasted billions doing that with Verizon.

Verizon is a shit stain of a company that deserves no consideration.


I'll have another post up this evening probably. If I don't change my mind on the subject, it'll likely be on the state of never-ending crisis the Republicans have decided is a good way to govern.

I also endorse more LBJ posts, Dax.
During? JFK, along with his brother Bobby and a few others, was one of the few in his cabinet and among Congressional leaders that was not calling for a full-on military strike on Cuba – which have done MORE to "escalate tensions" between the US and Khrushchev/Soviets than anything Kennedy did – and was advocating a more passive approach with the bloackade. Behind the scenes he was giving Khruschev every opportunity to back down.

Have you seen the Fog of War documentary? Really interesting to see how the Cuban missile crisis played out from McNamara's perspective. It also shows the transition into the LBJ presidency and the tension between him and McNamara.

Basically everyone was calling for air strikes on Cuba, even Kennedy was certain we couldn't get the missiles out without military force. They play the audio of this debate when Tommy Thompson intervenes.


Setec Astronomer
In the end, though, it was JFK's call alone that held the day.

Then they agreed to lie about what happened until the truth came out in the 80's, damaging our ability to conduct good diplomacy.
Have you seen the Fog of War documentary? Really interesting to see how the Cuban missile crisis played out from McNamara's perspective. It also shows the transition into the LBJ presidency and the tension between him and McNamara.

Basically everyone was calling for air strikes on Cuba, even Kennedy was certain we couldn't get the missiles out without military force.
They play the audio of this debate when Tommy Thompson intervenes.

This doesn't contradict anything I've said; he was one of the few that wasn't calling for a military response immediately. Khruschev sent Kennedy terms, and before Kennedy could decide on what to do, Khruschev sent Kennedy more terms, but because the requests were being made privately Kennedy only responded to the first set of terms.

I will punch him in the face if he insults Markey in a debate.


In West Virginia Senate race news, the guy I'm hoping will run for the Democratic nomination, Carte Goodwin, met with Harry Reid last week. The state party needs to cultivate younger people instead of focusing on the same old people it has for decades. He's a part of a very-well connected family in WV politics and he was appointed to Byrd's seat when he passed away.
Have you seen the Fog of War documentary? Really interesting to see how the Cuban missile crisis played out from McNamara's perspective. It also shows the transition into the LBJ presidency and the tension between him and McNamara.

Basically everyone was calling for air strikes on Cuba, even Kennedy was certain we couldn't get the missiles out without military force. They play the audio of this debate when Tommy Thompson intervenes.

This part of the film displayed the insane incompetency and lunacy that went on in that era.

I still retain the belief that a vast majority of that ordeal was America's fault.
What would you like to see? Whatever I can sparse together? The Civil Rights Act of 1964, if you don't count the weak bill that passed in '57, was the first civil rights bill that passed through Congress since Reconstruction. If the book goes into detail about how LBJ passed that (not sure how far into 1964 it goes), I'll do a writeup about that.
Anything. I enjoyed your last LBJ post. Do a running series on LBJ as far as I'm concerned. His legislative achievements were overshadowed tremendously by the Vietnam fuck up and I think people should be educated about those.


The Cryptarch's Bane
no photoshops allowed!

I liked this'n personally
Not legal. In South Dakova v Dole where the SCOTUS ruled in favor of the highway funds being used to coerce the states, they also ruled the money must be tangentially related to whatever is being influenced.

Highways funding is related to driving safety. Education isn't related to gerrymandering in any way.

How can they properly hand out funds if the people aren't properly represented? I think it's related.

Re universal wifi
Ask those folks why every home and farm in America is connected to the power grid.
Hint, utilities didn't spend shit tons of money tocollect your tiny bill out of the goodness of their hearts because it sure as shit ain't profitable


A senior Senator on the Armed Services and Homeland Security committees is calling the leader of a nation that we are in serious contention with a monkey on the internet.

A senior Senator on the Armed Services and Homeland Security committees is calling the leader of a nation that we are in serious contention with a monkey on the internet.
...while US Vice President Joe Biden and Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi are engaged in critical but sensitive diplomatic efforts to start direct talks.

It's a tragedy. Adults are engaged in serious efforts to end decades long impasse and McCain is throwing poop at them.


A senior Senator on the Armed Services and Homeland Security committees is calling the leader of a nation that we are in serious contention with a monkey on the internet.


It's just sad. I can't even come up with any umbrage about it. It's just a sad, sad statement about what McCain is now.


A senior Senator on the Armed Services and Homeland Security committees is calling the leader of a nation that we are in serious contention with a monkey on the internet.

To paraphrase Hagel, you're not an Israeli citizen, you're an American.
Kasich just announced Ohio will accept Medicaid funds for Obamacare, and set up exchanges; good news. He also pointed out the obvious here: without an expansion in Medicaid, the poor will just continue to flood emergency rooms thus increasing everyone's health care costs. I may no agree with him on just about anything, but good to see he is doing the right/logical thing here.
There is no serious anything between the US and Iran right now, regardless of how much Bibi wants the US to fight that proxy war for him.
Id beg to differ on that. Its a conflict of choice though. But they were killing our troops in Afghanistan and iraq. I dont think that their nuclear program directly threatens us though its trigger and arms race IMO.


Not legal. In South Dakova v Dole where the SCOTUS ruled in favor of the highway funds being used to coerce the states, they also ruled the money must be tangentially related to whatever is being influenced.

Highways funding is related to driving safety. Education isn't related to gerrymandering in any way.

Use some of the funding to teach classes on Civics....


Id beg to differ on that. Its a conflict of choice though. But they were killing our troops in Afghanistan and iraq. I dont think that their nuclear program directly threatens us though its trigger and arms race IMO.
The so called "war on terror" was not a war against Iran and had very little to do with them.
In fact, the financiers and ideologues fueling Bin Laden and its ilk are mortal enemies with the ayatollahs.

Now it's true, the US ended fighting anyone and everyone in the region, asymmetrical wars tend to go that way, but Iran was hardly a major player nor did it have any strategic goals outside preserving its existence.
"Drawing him back into the room, Johnson said, 'Now I want to say something about all this talk that I'm a conservative who is likely to go back to the Eisenhower ways or give in to the economy bloc in Congress. It's not so, and I want you to tell your friends – Arthur Schlesinger, Galbraith, and other liberals – that it is not so. I'm a Roosevelt New Dealer. As a matter of fact, to tell the truth, John F. Kennedy was a little too conservative for my taste.'"

-Johnson to Walter W. Heller, chairman of Kennedy's Council of Economic Advisers, only days after Kennedy's assassination. The topic was Kennedy's tax-cut bill.
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