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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Why are some people vying for our political discourse to distill down to whoever can shout the loudest and say the most bullshit?

If, as seems to be the case, the only way to get the media to report on anything is to shout the loudest, then I fully support the idea of people shouting facts until their voice gives out.


KingK is right, no matter how much effort you think was expended on selling the AJA, the fact that deficits and debt has dominated the political discourse is a compete and utter failure on the part of Democrats to have an EFFECTIVE message.

Edit: yes, Republcans are to blame for putting getting back into power over what's best for the nation. However dems need to realise this and tailor their strategy accordingly. Repubs aren't going to be swayed by democrats arguments; the only thing that will get them to change is pressure from the people - which is why dems need to get on board with a messaging strategy that works and take it to the people.
KingK is right, no matter how much effort you think was expended on selling the AJA, the fact that deficits and debt has dominated the political discourse is a compete and utter failure on the part of Democrats to have an EFFECTIVE message.

An effective message doesn't necessarily involve spouting bullshit or shouting the loudest.


An effective message doesn't necessarily involve spouting bullshit or shouting the loudest.
What is the democratic message about reducing unemployment?
Obama didn't exactly campaigned on a stimulus plan, he campaign on raising the taxes on the rich, it was an easy(er) sell, but he conceded the conservative framing that our number one priority is the reducing the deficit.
Also his mere existence is an affront to neoconservative. They mad.

The neocons are a bunch of chickenhawk assholes. Yes, they hate the existence of ACTUAL VETS that slow down the neocon war machine.

I'm pissed that anyone takes people like neocon Bill Kristol seriously. Any time that guy is on TV, there should be a chiron below him saying "Bill Kristol said there would be no Sunni-Shia violence if we invade Iraq. Bill Kristol said the Iraq war would last a couple months and definitely NOT 8 years. Bill Kristol said . . . "

I mad.


The neocons are a bunch of chickenhawk assholes. Yes, they hate the existence of ACTUAL VETS that slow down the neocon war machine.

I'm pissed that anyone takes people like neocon Bill Kristol seriously. Any time that guy is on TV, there should be a chiron below him saying "Bill Kristol said there would be no Sunni-Shia violence if we invade Iraq. Bill Kristol said the Iraq war would last a couple months and definitely NOT 8 years. Bill Kristol said . . . "

I mad.
I am amazed things like the Contra Affair and the Iraq War didn't cave all these guys' careers. In some cases the guys actually get convicted of crimes and still carry on like nothing happened.
The neocons are a bunch of chickenhawk assholes. Yes, they hate the existence of ACTUAL VETS

Fixed that up for you largely on account of time and again any legit experiences runs counter to said chicken hawking of bullshit to further imperil folks. To them, the dream is for all of them to be fodder on tap---to pull as they desire for adventures and conquest without any of that pesky Veteran Benefits or any such things---there is no entity that literally hates or wants to exploit them more into an early grave than Neocons.
The neocons are a bunch of chickenhawk assholes. Yes, they hate the existence of ACTUAL VETS that slow down the neocon war machine.

I'm pissed that anyone takes people like neocon Bill Kristol seriously. Any time that guy is on TV, there should be a chiron below him saying "Bill Kristol said there would be no Sunni-Shia violence if we invade Iraq. Bill Kristol said the Iraq war would last a couple months and definitely NOT 8 years. Bill Kristol said . . . "

I mad.

That's the worst thing about the surge imo: it allowed neoconservatives to intellectually claim the high ground because they weren't 100% wrong about it. The surge was supposed to allow room for the political process on the ground to improve - that didn't happen, so to argue the surge was a complete success would be inaccurate.

So naturally someone like Hagel, who shat on the surge, is gonna take a lot of fire from neoconservatives like McCain and Kristol who are attempting to rewrite history. It's like the reverse of that Spider Man 3 gif, where you retroactively attempt to prove the series (in this case, the Iraq war) was completely redeemed by the third act, when the first two acts were utter disasters.
What is the democratic message about reducing unemployment?
Obama didn't exactly campaigned on a stimulus plan, he campaign on raising the taxes on the rich, it was an easy(er) sell, but he conceded the conservative framing that our number one priority is the reducing the deficit.

obama argued for taking half the money from the end of Iraq (and maybe Afghan) and putting it into teachers and infrastructure, IIRC.


What is the democratic message about reducing unemployment?
Obama didn't exactly campaigned on a stimulus plan, he campaign on raising the taxes on the rich, it was an easy(er) sell, but he conceded the conservative framing that our number one priority is the reducing the deficit.

Infrastructure/green economy for short term jobs, education/training for creating new industries in the long term.

All require use of the word stimulus unfortunately, so they have to hide it under "growth initiatives", "reinvestment", wtc.

Things that reduce the deficit indirectly, but they don't fit into soundbytes, unlike "household budget" and "creditcard bill".


Infrastructure/green economy for short term jobs, education/training for creating new industries in the long term.

All require use of the word stimulus unfortunately, so they have to hide it under "growth initiatives", "reinvestment", wtc.

Things that reduce the deficit indirectly, but they don't fit into soundbytes, unlike "household budget" and "creditcard bill".

i.e. the democrats have to work within the parameters set by the Republicans.
Ted Nugent, the gun-loving, bow-hunting rocker whose staunch defense of Second Amendment rights and inflammatory insults of President Obama have made him a hero with many conservatives, will attend the president’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night.

Mr. Nugent, who is also a National Rifle Association board member, will be a guest of Representative Steve Stockman, a Texas Republican who recently made headlines by threatening to file articles of impeachment against Mr. Obama if the president issued executive orders that strengthened gun control laws.

In a telephone interview from his ranch in Texas on Monday, Mr. Nugent said that he planned to sit in the House of Representatives gallery during the president’s speech and that he would hold a news conference afterward, an event that seemed likely to turn the decorous setting of the State of the Union into a tabloid spectacle.

But Mr. Nugent, an avid hunter and gun collector who once flirted with running for governor of Michigan, insisted that he would be on his best behavior.

“I will be there with a deep, abiding respect for the office of the presidency,” he said. “I’m not here to represent any specific cause other than freedom and independence and ‘we the people.’ ”

To illustrate his point, he noted that he would not be carrying any weapons as he usually does.

“I will go in at least 20 pounds lighter than I normally walk,” he said. “I will be going in sans the hardware store on my belt. I live a well-armed life, and I’ve got to demilitarize before I go.”

Mr. Stockman’s office released a statement saying that Mr. Nugent “speaks for millions of Americans who understand how the Second Amendment protects freedom and stops crime.”


lmao. the fucking clown shoes this party wears.


I hope he yells out something gun nutty during the State of the Union, so that 2nd amendment craz-os can looks even crazier.


Seriously, why do Republicans insist on cozying up with a nutbar like Nugent? It doesn't play well with people who have more than 2 brain cells. It makes their party look like clowns.


No Scrubs
I hope he yells out something gun nutty during the State of the Union, so that 2nd amendment craz-os can looks even crazier.

I hate to say it but I'd laugh if he did it. I've got to do a short thing on it anyway so I'd welcome the amusement.
Was this posted?

Job creation, growth will pick up speed, panel predicts

The nation's economy and job creating engine will start to purr later this year as business activity picks up - more than offsetting federal government cutbacks, predict economists surveyed by USA TODAY

After starting the year slowly, the economy will shift into a higher gear this summer and then grow for the next nine months at the fastest pace in three years, according to the median estimates of 46 economists.

"I think we're really on the verge of this becoming a self-sustaining recovery," says Richard Moody, chief economist at Regions Bank.

The economists expect average monthly job gains of 171,000, with the pace quickening late this year. They expect unemployment to fall from 7.9% to 7.5% by year's end. In October, economists surveyed predicted average monthly gains of 155,000.

Several said they raised their forecasts in part after the government this month revised up its estimate of average monthly job growth from 153,000 each of the past two years to 175,000 in 2011 and 181,000 in 2012.

The revisions reflect a job market that's expanding more rapidly than previously believed, Moody says.

After gaining an average 157,000 jobs a month in the first quarter, the economy will gradually gather force and add 184,000 a month by the fourth quarter, the economists say.

The first half of 2013 is expected to be sluggish as government spending cuts dampen growth and a payroll tax increase crimps consumer spending.
Those surveyed expect the economy to grow at less than a 2% annual rate the first six months of 2013.

But Congress and the White House averted a worse fate by agreeing in January to keep income taxes stable for households earning less than $450,000 a year. Thirty-seven percent of the economists are more optimistic about this year's outlook than they were three months ago.

What's more, the economists expect the effects of the federal cuts to fade by the fourth quarter, with growth picking up to a 2.7% pace. They say the housing market is rebounding, a rising stock market is boosting consumer wealth, the European financial crisis is easing and Corporate America is cash-rich.

Allen Sinai of Decision Economics, says the most positive development is that households have worked off much of the debt that hampered their spending in recent years.

Some remain cautious. ITG chief economist Steve Blitz say it's unlikely consumers will return to their free-spending ways.
Basically we are going to get meh job numbers for the next few months until the real summer of recovery begins. Later half of the year should be full steam ahead. I was wondering how CBO came up with that 10-12 million total jobs for the next four years, and this is the first article that hints at that.


I like this:



That's incredibly accurate, except there'd be no rope in reality.

Yeah, that's one nitpick. It implies you actually can get across things with austerity, and I'm unconvinced that it's even possible at this point. At the very least the rope across should lead you into a crazy direction way off the path. And the stimulus should be a bridge directly across.


KingK is right, no matter how much effort you think was expended on selling the AJA, the fact that deficits and debt has dominated the political discourse is a compete and utter failure on the part of Democrats to have an EFFECTIVE message.
Democrats won the White House, and picked up seats in both the Senate and House (and got more votes than GOP House members). They had an effective message.
Seriously, why do Republicans insist on cozying up with a nutbar like Nugent? It doesn't play well with people who have more than 2 brain cells. It makes their party look like clowns.

The GOP brings the 'Nuge . . . a chickenhawk that crapped in his own pants to avoid the draft.

Obama brings . . . The Mohawk guy.

NASA's 'Mohawk Guy' to Sit with First Lady at State of the Union
By Mike Wall | SPACE.com – 1 hr 56 mins ago

Life is good for NASA's "Mohawk Guy." He became world famous after helping NASA's huge Curiosity rover make a dramatic landing on Mars, and now he'll sit with first lady Michelle Obama during Tuesday's State of the Union address.
The Iranian-American Mohawk Guy — whose name is Bobak Ferdowsi — will sit in the first lady's box to highlight President Barack Obama's call for more visas for skilled immigrants in the fields of math, science and engineering, Southern California Public Radio reported Monday (Feb. 11).

Yeah, that's the difference. Cranky old nut-case versus young skilled science superstar.




increasing medicare age limit off the table. Thank fucking christ. I'd prefer when we do have to throw the republicans a bone, the bone makes at least some sense on some level. increasing the medicare age limit was just pure stupid

Q: Jay, yes, can you just clarify for me very clearly — is the president open to raising the eligibility age for Medicare?
Q: Absolutely not?
CARNEY: The president has made clear that we don’t believe that that’s the right policy to take. The president has made clear in the proposals he put forward to John Boehner, that John Boehner walked away from late last year, that he’s willing to make tough choices with regards to entitlement reform.


I also liked this article that states the the masters of the universe are calling for long term infrastructure projects and less reliance on banks. I wonder if the GOP will listen?

Personally, I want public WiFi. That would be fucking amazing and probably a huge boom to the economy
Ben Smith and John Marshall are getting a little feisty on twitter about Obama's drone program and overall war on terror policies and this article

this is what political journalism seems to have devolved to. twitter fights


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Nicole Wallace on Rube-io said:
Yeah, look, he's everything we need and more. He's modern. He knows who Tupac is. He is on social media

Hahahahaha. Oh, these fuggin guys...
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