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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Carson is a brilliant guy, and there certainly are other very smart conservatives out there. My only disappointment here is that he decided to surround himself with the dumbest of conservatives (the Fox crowd). He's smart enough to realize the game they're playing though, so perhaps this is just about opening a new revenue stream; he'll probably start doing speeches to conservative groups and I guarantee he'll release a book soon.

Hannity and the right love propping up blacks to attack Obama because it allows them to make statements the right normally couldn't make without being criticized; they also truly think blacks will turn from their lazy ways if more black conservatives arise to expose liberal reverse racism. This is a game that has been played in this country since Booker T Washington. I doubt Carson will lower himself to the level of Cain, but he'll have to keep their interest somehow; the less vicious they are toward Obama and blacks, the less worth they have to conservatives (see JC Watts, Colin Powell).
Haven't posted in this thread for probably over 6 months, but does anyone here actually work in politics? I think it'd be cool to work for a politician in Washington being an assistant or researcher, though I'm sure most of you will probably say start out volunteering.

If anyone does work in politics, PM me.


If you can afford to live in DC/NoVa with an unpaid internship, go find an internship on the Hill with whoever your current representative/senator is (this gives you an advantage over other applicants). You basically answer constituent phone calls, give tours of the Capitol, do errands, and maybe do some research, but it can a stepping stone to a job. Interning on campaigns (especially new candidates) is also valuable because chances are - if the politician wins - he or she will be looking for new staff. Keep in mind that this is interning, not simply volunteering, so it's not just "go knock on doors whenever you're free," but rather part-time or full-time work
Fuck Face Lindsay Graham said if the WH wants to avoid the sequester to cut Affordable Care Act. No point in gutting the military when you can gut the publics health care. This fucker (excuse my language but this makes my blood boil) use to be seen as a moderate? Him and John McCain could take a long walk off a short pier. Assholes.
My biggest question is: if immigration reform fails, will Hispanics come out in force to punish the GOP in 2014, or will they be disgusted with the process and stay home. They won't blame Obama (outside of that one reporter on Telemundo who continues to harp on Obama "breaking" his promise, as if Obama alone was responsible for immigration's fate in the first term), but perhaps they'll give up on him?
Both sides are willing to pass it so how is it gonna fail. GOP doesn't wanna lose that last 20% of the vote.


Both sides are willing to pass it so how is it gonna fail. GOP doesn't wanna lose that last 20% of the vote.

I don't think both sides are equally willing to pass it. Dems are. On the Republican side the establishment/sane people who recognize they have to change to some degree, and want to pass something. But probably not much. And another big swath (tea party crowd) who want to pass little if anything. I think the big fight is really within the GOP and whether they can come to any kind of consensus. (I think immigration is part of what the the Rove/Tea Party war is really about.)

Plus, immigration won't win the GOP Hispanics. They vote Dem for a lot of reasons. I saw the other day that one of the demographics most supportive of the Affordable Care Act was Hispanics. Passing some kind of watered down immigration reform won't do the GOP many favors, IMO. Their problems run much deeper. It's going to be fun to watch that realization sink in.
Both sides are willing to pass it so how is it gonna fail. GOP doesn't wanna lose that last 20% of the vote.
They're going to lose it regardless, anyhow.

Two years is nowhere near enough time to convince a segment of the population that's been shitted on for almost 30 years by subtle and blatant xenophobia and racism.
I don't think both sides are equally willing to pass it. Dems are. On the Republican side the establishment/sane people who recognize they have to change to some degree, and want to pass something. But probably not much. And another big swath (tea party crowd) who want to pass little if anything. I think the big fight is really within the GOP and whether they can come to any kind of consensus. (I think immigration is part of what the the Rove/Tea Party war is really about.)

Agreed. Imo we will be able to determine which crowd truly owns the party by the direction it goes on immigration reform. If they pass mass reform the TP lost and if they don't, well...
I started watching Real Time with Bill Maher. He's a tad sanctimonious but I actually enjoy it. Just watched an episode a few weeks ago with Howard Dean on it- I forgot how awesome Howard Dean is as a person and in terms of his political beliefs.

Anyway, I'll keep watching this.
I don't think both sides are equally willing to pass it. Dems are. On the Republican side the establishment/sane people who recognize they have to change to some degree, and want to pass something. But probably not much. And another big swath (tea party crowd) who want to pass little if anything. I think the big fight is really within the GOP and whether they can come to any kind of consensus. (I think immigration is part of what the the Rove/Tea Party war is really about.)

Plus, immigration won't win the GOP Hispanics. They vote Dem for a lot of reasons. I saw the other day that one of the demographics most supportive of the Affordable Care Act was Hispanics. Passing some kind of watered down immigration reform won't do the GOP many favors, IMO. Their problems run much deeper. It's going to be fun to watch that realization sink in.
Agree with everything. What I meant is that immigration reform isn't like letting Bush tax cuts expire where every Republican was set in stone. All Obama needs is 20 GOP votes in the house to pass it and Boehner should be able to muster up those votes.


Agree with everything. What I meant is that immigration reform isn't like letting Bush tax cuts expire where every Republican was set in stone. All Obama needs is 20 GOP votes in the house to pass it and Boehner should be able to muster up those votes.

Yeah, that is true. Unlike stimulus/healthcare/taxes there is a sizable faction in the GOP who are willing to work on this. You're right, it will play out differently. It's going to be interesting seeing where the fault lines split as this moves along.


I think the GOP are realizing that they lost the immigration debate and are going to focus on making the pass the citizenship as long as they can, to delay the electoral impact.
The dems shouldn't cave, treating your future fellow citizens like shit is not going to achieve anything.
I think the GOP are realizing that they lost the immigration debate and are going to focus on making the pass the citizenship as long as they can, to delay the electoral impact.
The dems shouldn't cave, treating your future fellow citizens like shit is not going to achieve anything.
Yup, that's what Rubio's trigger is all about.


Fuck Face Lindsay Graham said if the WH wants to avoid the sequester to cut Affordable Care Act. No point in gutting the military when you can gut the publics health care. This fucker (excuse my language but this makes my blood boil) use to be seen as a moderate? Him and John McCain could take a long walk off a short pier. Assholes.

Listening to McCain today on meet the press made me sad.

This guy was a possibility for President. So fucking depressing.


The Autumn Wind
So I'm at my mom's, which means Fox News is on. Rand Paul just announced he's considering running for President in 2016 as a Libertarian, and wants to bring the party to national prominence.


(More appropriate than ever!)


So I'm at my mom's, which means Fox News is on. Rand Paul just announced he's considering running for President in 2016 as a Libertarian, and wants to bring the party to national prominence.


(More appropriate than ever!)

Please do this. Siphon off dem votes.


No Scrubs
So I'm at my mom's, which means Fox News is on. Rand Paul just announced he's considering running for President in 2016 as a Libertarian, and wants to bring the party to national prominence.


(More appropriate than ever!)

Oh man, here we go!


So I'm at my mom's, which means Fox News is on. Rand Paul just announced he's considering running for President in 2016 as a Libertarian, and wants to bring the party to national prominence.


(More appropriate than ever!)
Scamming donners and living of their money runs in the family.
Remember kids, you're not a moocher if you hate the poor.


So I'm at my mom's, which means Fox News is on. Rand Paul just announced he's considering running for President in 2016 as a Libertarian, and wants to bring the party to national prominence.


(More appropriate than ever!)

Is he going to change from a Republican now then?

Also, he's pretty non-Libertarian.


So I'm at my mom's, which means Fox News is on. Rand Paul just announced he's considering running for President in 2016
Not really a shock. And it's not like he'll succeed, so there's no chance that he'll ruin things for the Republican Pa--
as a Libertarian, and wants to bring the party to national prominence.

So I'm at my mom's, which means Fox News is on. Rand Paul just announced he's considering running for President in 2016 as a Libertarian, and wants to bring the party to national prominence.


(More appropriate than ever!)

I have been waiting for this. Someone create OT? 2016 will be the year of luls that no cain train can provide.


Ross Perot spent a lot of his own money on his run, at most, Rand Paul will do a half assed presidential run with other people's money on other people's party to get national publicity.
Just like his dad.

Yeah, his father taught him well, how to siphon off of the US political system. They are the purest form of welfare family.
Obama is at it again.

Hide you purse, hide your mattress, he be taking all your money

The existence of one such secret deal, struck in July between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Bank of America, came to light just last week in court filings.

Not only do the filings show the New York Fed helping to thwart another institution’s fraud case against the bank, they also reveal that the New York Fed agreed to give away what may be billions of dollars in potential legal claims.

Here’s the skinny: Late last Wednesday, the New York Fed said in a court filing that in July it had released Bank of America from all legal claims arising from losses in some mortgage-backed securities the Fed received when the government bailed out the American International Group in 2008. One surprise in the filing, which was part of a case brought by A.I.G., was that the New York Fed let Bank of America off the hook even as A.I.G. was seeking to recover $7 billion in losses on those very mortgage securities.

What did the New York Fed get from Bank of America in this settlement? Some $43 million, it seems, from a small dispute the New York Fed had with the bank on two of the mortgage securities. At the same time, and for no compensation, it released Bank of America from all other legal claims.



Ross Perot spent a lot of his own money on his run, at most, Rand Paul will do a half assed presidential run with other people's money on other people's party to get national publicity.
Just like his dad.

That was in an era with stricter donation guidelines, though.

With SuperPACs Rand Paul can get Perot-level funding (even more) while not having much money himself.


Republicans are starting to sound like Rob Reiner in the South Park episode about smoking. "How dare Obama put forward a plan with broad appeal! He knows that if he proposes something popular, we'll kill it, and that makes us look bad. All he cares about is politics."

This is getting tiring now, are they gonna never stop this. What more needs to be released?
They're dead nobody can save them, why are they focusing on this instead of other pressing foreign affairs issues, like drones, the war, yemen, Syria, North Korea, etc.

They want to clam the democrats did the same thing with the Iraq war. Execept they were actually right, we were mislead and lied to about a war that cost hundreds of thousands of lives. A few thousand of them Americans
As long as they think they can win elections with that tactic they're going to continue.
What else do they have?
The public has rejected any policy idea they floated around.

Speaking of which...

•A proposal to raise the federal minimum wage garners striking support, in terms of both breadth and intensity. Nearly three-quarters of likely voters support increasing the minimum wage to $10 and indexing it to inflation (73% support, 20% oppose) in 2014, including a solid 58% majority who feels that way strongly.

•This issue exhibits a rare ability to traverse demographic and regional divides—and by wide margins. Voters support raising the minimum wage regardless of gender, age, education level, race, region, and partisanship.

•Stratospheric and intense support among Democrats (91% support overall and 79% strong support, 5% oppose) and independents (74% support overall and 55% strong support, 18% oppose) is complemented by robust support from Republicans (50% support, 41% oppose) as well.

•A 56% majority of voters believes that increasing the minimum wage would help the economy, compared to just 21% who say it would hurt the economy. Another 16% say it would have no impact. This may explain why attacks against the minimum wage on economic grounds fail to resonate with voters.

Does Congressional GOP have a single position considered mainstream or majority supported by the public (that the Dems oppose)?


I must say I underestimated how long the GOP would hold onto Benghazi. I thought they'd drop it, or at least not use it so forcefully as their center-piece criticism of Obama, after the election since it was ineffective and Obama got re-elected. Hell, I thought they'd drop Benghazi after Romney totally bungled it as an attack during the second Pres debate. But no. The GOP is going even harder on Benghazi.

The GOP turned Benghazi, a serious event, into somewhat of a joke at this point. I'm both impressed and dismayed about that.
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