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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Isnt the sequester deadline soonish?

I feel like for the last 12 government shutdowns/fiscal crisis etc the "drama" ramped up pretty well.

This time....nothing.

Will can not be kicked?

Will the dream of seeing the military have to stand back and stop using cash as fuel for their suite fireplaces be a reality?
Isnt the sequester deadline soonish?

I feel like for the last 12 government shutdowns/fiscal crisis etc the "drama" ramped up pretty well.

This time....nothing.

Will can not be kicked?

Will the dream of seeing the military have to stand back and stop using cash as fuel for their suite fireplaces be a reality?

The sequester happens Friday. And it will happen. The gov't shutdown debate later this month might end it, however.
The sequester happens Friday. And it will happen. The gov't shutdown debate later this month might end it, however.

The sequester doesnt shut anything down?

If Obama was serious, just direct all cuts at the FAA.

Shut down flying and the republicans will be so raw from the lashes unleased by their corporate overlords they will never propose a cut in spending again.
The sequester doesnt shut anything down?

If Obama was serious, just direct all cuts at the FAA.

Shut down flying and the republicans will be so raw from the lashes unleased by their corporate overlords they will never propose a cut in spending again.

No, it doesn't shut anything down. Also, Obama doesn't have the ability to shut down the FAA. The cuts are laid out specifically by law regarding what department gets what.

Is young turks the worst thing on the internet? I mean I often agree with what he's saying but I hate his stuff.

The sequester doesnt shut anything down?

If Obama was serious, just direct all cuts at the FAA.

Shut down flying and the republicans will be so raw from the lashes unleased by their corporate overlords they will never propose a cut in spending again.

You would be bad at politics.

He doesn't have discretion. There was talk to give it to him so Obama would get the flack for the cuts but with two days left I don't see that happening


Man the Army Depot I work at is going crazy right now trying to think of ways to save money and shit with this impending Sequester, and we've all been notified that Furloughs are all but guaranteed. Two days less work two week pay period... 20% less on our paychecks. Fucking Obama ;)


has calmed down a bit.
Man the Army Depot I work at is going crazy right now trying to think of ways to save money and shit with this impending Sequester, and we've all been notified that Furloughs are all but guaranteed. Two days less work two week pay period... 20% less on our paychecks. Fucking Obama ;)

Wow, that sucks. In your case, I would definitely be pissed at Obama along with congressional Republicans. This whole business is absolutely ridiculous.
The email exchange between Sperling and Woodward which Woodward told the world was the White House threatening him


From Gene Sperling to Bob Woodward on Feb. 22, 2013


I apologize for raising my voice in our conversation today. My bad. I do understand your problems with a couple of our statements in the fall — but feel on the other hand that you focus on a few specific trees that gives a very wrong perception of the forest. But perhaps we will just not see eye to eye here.

But I do truly believe you should rethink your comment about saying saying that Potus asking for revenues is moving the goal post. I know you may not believe this, but as a friend, I think you will regret staking out that claim.
The idea that the sequester was to force both sides to go back to try at a big or grand barain with a mix of entitlements and revenues (even if there were serious disagreements on composition) was part of the DNA of the thing from the start. It was an accepted part of the understanding — from the start. Really. It was assumed by the Rs on the Supercommittee that came right after: it was assumed in the November-December 2012 negotiations. There may have been big disagreements over rates and ratios — but that it was supposed to be replaced by entitlements and revenues of some form is not controversial. (Indeed, the discretionary savings amount from the Boehner-Obama negotiations were locked in in BCA: the sequester was just designed to force all back to table on entitlements and revenues.)

I agree there are more than one side to our first disagreement, but again think this latter issue is diffferent. Not out to argue and argue on this latter point. Just my sincere advice. Your call obviously.

My apologies again for raising my voice on the call with you. Feel bad about that and truly apologize.


From Woodward to Sperling on Feb. 23, 2013

Gene: You do not ever have to apologize to me. You get wound up because you are making your points and you believe them. This is all part of a serious discussion. I for one welcome a little heat; there should more given the importance. I also welcome your personal advice. I am listening. I know you lived all this. My partial advantage is that I talked extensively with all involved. I am traveling and will try to reach you after 3 pm today. Best, Bob
You guys see this editorial in the WSJ today by Phil Gramm?


Basically says that the sequester isn't a even a thing, and that Obama is bullshitting everyone about how damaging it will be. He throws in the "if households can make the tough choices, why can't the government?" line at some point as well.

The whole thing just seems so wrong-headed, but so much so that I'm having trouble articulating particular reasons why this is the case.

This non-thing just resulted in my wife + large chunk of the contractors on base receiving their termination notice yesterday. Last day is March 8th. Other upcoming contracts aren't being renewed or drastically reduced, so the longer this goes the number of people losing their jobs will continue to rise.


CPAC headliners are Romney, Palin, Santorum, Gingrich, and West. What do they all have in common? They all lost their most recent election.

Seriously, does this party even want to win?
Bob Woodward has always been conservative. That conservatives had not previously known that is just a testament to their extremism (and possible stupidity).
So on one hand republicans argue the WH is so afraid of being blamed for the sequester that they had to threaten Saint Woodward. On the other hand they argue Obama is fear mongering on the sequester's effects and that it'll have little impact. You can't have it both ways.

The public is blaming republicans. That will change if a recession erupts but as of right now I don't think republicans are in a great position. The Woodward stuff seemed damaging by having seen the full emAil I can't help but laugh; can't wait to see the Beltway contort to defend him on Sunday.

Republicans will lose if they also try to shut down the government in March.
Woodward is probably feeling alienated from Obama Whitehouse. PD can write a long fanfic piece of Bob Woodward seeing the world go past him in a speed and how no one cares about him in the new Obamacentury.

"But I was the center of the world!" yelled Woodward, as the budding journalist from Slate asked him about his slowly spiraling career ever since Watergate...


"Now that it's happened again and the same person, I believe, is there, I'm just putting two and two together and getting four," Davis claimed. "Maybe I'm wrong," he cautioned.

come on son


Lanny Davis says he was also threatened by the White House. Oh my. The scandal grows.


The White House aide allegedly told Times editor John Solomon, “that if he continued to run my [Davis'] columns, he would lose, or his reporters would lose their White House credentials.”
That scum was (is?) a lobbyist for mass murderers.
He should count himself lucky that Obama only murder brown people with his robot army, that asshole did much worse than start an anti America Facebook page.
You do know Woodward's claim has been proven false right, and parts of the conservative media are admitting it?

I'm not about to tell a guy who says he felt threatened that he didn't feel threatened. It's in the heart. I read the email exchange it still looks like a veiled threat to me.

That scum was (is?) a lobbyist for mass murderers.
He should count himself lucky that Obama only murder brown people with his robot army, that asshole did much worse than start an anti America Facebook page.


The Path to War
One year ago, Barack Obama convened his National Security Council in the Situation Room in the basement of the West Wing to talk about war with Iran.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was publicly threatening to attack Iranian nuclear sites. If Netanyahu went ahead, the U.S. could be dragged into a war on Israel's terms, long before options to avoid conflict had been exhausted. Under fire from Republicans for being a fair-weather friend to Israel, Obama had scheduled a speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and an interview with an American reporter widely read in Israel. The question in the Situation Room that day: What would happen if Obama publicly committed to a war to keep Iran from getting a nuclear weapon?

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2137429,00.html#ixzz2MDMBrCmX
The email exchange between Sperling and Woodward which Woodward told the world was the White House threatening him

Lol is it because it's a 'developing' story and they just wanted to get he exclusive out real quick, or are they intentionally leaving out commentary because it would be 'yeah this is not threatening at all lol bob'?

edit: bulbo is trolling right?


edit: bulbo is trolling right?


So I just saw this on CNN.com. Guys, is it known what really happened or is Woodward just spinning for attention?

Spinning for attention. Here's the whole email:

From Gene Sperling to Bob Woodward on Feb. 22, 2013


I apologize for raising my voice in our conversation today. My bad. I do understand your problems with a couple of our statements in the fall — but feel on the other hand that you focus on a few specific trees that gives a very wrong perception of the forest. But perhaps we will just not see eye to eye here.

But I do truly believe you should rethink your comment about saying saying that Potus asking for revenues is moving the goal post. I know you may not believe this, but as a friend, I think you will regret staking out that claim. The idea that the sequester was to force both sides to go back to try at a big or grand barain with a mix of entitlements and revenues (even if there were serious disagreements on composition) was part of the DNA of the thing from the start. It was an accepted part of the understanding — from the start. Really. It was assumed by the Rs on the Supercommittee that came right after: it was assumed in the November-December 2012 negotiations. There may have been big disagreements over rates and ratios — but that it was supposed to be replaced by entitlements and revenues of some form is not controversial. (Indeed, the discretionary savings amount from the Boehner-Obama negotiations were locked in in BCA: the sequester was just designed to force all back to table on entitlements and revenues.)

I agree there are more than one side to our first disagreement, but again think this latter issue is diffferent. Not out to argue and argue on this latter point. Just my sincere advice. Your call obviously.

My apologies again for raising my voice on the call with you. Feel bad about that and truly apologize.


From Woodward to Sperling on Feb. 23, 2013

Gene: You do not ever have to apologize to me. You get wound up because you are making your points and you believe them. This is all part of a serious discussion. I for one welcome a little heat; there should more given the importance. I also welcome your personal advice. I am listening. I know you lived all this. My partial advantage is that I talked extensively with all involved. I am traveling and will try to reach you after 3 pm today. Best, Bob
So I just saw this on CNN.com. Guys, is it known what really happened or is Woodward just spinning for attention?
Politico has the email exchange. It's in my post and on the previous page where I quoted it from. You can decide yourself what it is but I'm guessing you'll find it one if the worst attempts at spin in a while.
Whoa, whoa, easy there. Don't threaten Bilbo like that.
That's right guys. I'm feeling threatened. I should have never come here : (

I've never been a big fan-- until now: ) But after that Breitbart story, I'm leaning more towards villain again.


So Sterling sends Woodward a death threat and the liberal media is trying to cover it up? Damn, looking forward to Woodward going to discuss this manner thoroughly on Hannity tonight where Sean can ask him just how many Al-Qaeda jihadists the Obama administration let loose to murder him.

I'm guessing 4.
So Sterling sends Woodward a death threat and the liberal media is trying to cover it up? Damn, looking forward to Woodward going to discuss this manner thoroughly on Hannity tonight where Sean can ask him just how many Al-Qaeda jihadists the Obama administration let loose to murder him.

I'm guessing 4.
Obama used his dark magic czars to bring back the Benghazi victims for the forces of evil.

how do I even respond to this?

Wow. We are going to cut budgets for cops, firemen, teachers, and prisons, but not $100,000,000 plus for a yoga research center. And that's just a tiny fraction of how much government waste plagues us. And I'm sure it's just congress to blame. All the cool kids blame congress.


More than a dozen states will urge the Supreme Court to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act in a brief on Friday, arguing that the law preventing the federal government from recognizing gay marriage is unconstitutional.


Separately, 13 states will file a brief on Thursday arguing that Proposition 8, the California gay marriage ban that is currently before the Supreme Court, is unconstitutional. That brief will be filed by Massachusetts and joined by New York, 11 other states and the District of Columbia, Schneiderman's office said.

So awesome.

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