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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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GG economic recovery

Maybe all that time wasted on guns could have been spent drafting a comprehensive "grand bargain" with McCain, Graham, and some House members.
I find it hilarious that you somehow think the out one of this would've changed at all even if they didn't waste time with guns. Sorry, this party hates the president more than they care about the country as a whole.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Q: It sounds like you're saying that this is a Republican problem and not one that you bear any responsibility for.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, Julie, give me an example of what I might do.

Q: I'm just trying to clarify your statement.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, no, but I'm trying to clarify the question. What I'm suggesting is, I've put forward a plan that calls for serious spending cuts, serious entitlement reforms, goes right at the problem that is at the heart of our long-term deficit problem. I've offered negotiations around that kind of balanced approach. And so far, we've gotten rebuffed because what Speaker Boehner and the Republicans have said is, we cannot do any revenue, we can't do a dime's worth of revenue.

Like a boss.


Jesus christ nostradamus lol

I actually don't see anything there that did happen or makes any sense, other than there were tax cuts and there was a recession. When did taxes increase (aside from the rich)? Why would tax cuts create stagnation, the only way would is if they necessitated deep spending cuts that offset the economic lift from the tax cuts.

Isn't customer spending down to deleveraging?

I think it sounds prophetic if you don't really like details (or even significant ones), but as with most prophecies it's completely incorrect alteast on this count.
I actually don't see anything there that did happen or makes any sense, other than there were tax cuts and there was a recession. When did taxes increase (aside from the rich)? Why would tax cuts create stagnation, the only way would is if they necessitated deep spending cuts that offset the economic lift from the tax cuts.

Isn't customer spending down to deleveraging?

I think it sounds prophetic if you don't really like details (or even significant ones), but as with most prophecies it's completely incorrect alteast on this count.

Not just that but we're talking about the GOP here: tax cuts, military offensive, etc. are part and parcel. Not to mention wasn't the economy already experiencing the beginning of a recession when he took over due to the bursting of the dot com bubble?
That was quick, Obama Adminstration:

whitehouse The White House 52 mins
We must bring balance to the Force. #Sequester #JediMindMeld pic.twitter.com/lIZlgavhuR
Remember when David Shuster tried to influence the Wisconsin governor's election by lying about an imminent arrest of Walker?


No one of any importance was ever implicated. Nice work, "journalist"
Remember when Tommy Thompson was going to cruise to victory in Wisconsin and Joe Donnelly had no chance in Indiana?

I guess that has no bearing on what you just said but I just never got a chance to mention it.
Obama's austerity package is worse than the sequestration. He is still offering to cut social security benefits and to turn Medicare into a welfare program. Of course, his promotion doesn't actually include the words "social security." That's pretty slimy.

Democrats be dumb.


can you lose tax money if tax money created the job? 2010 spending as a percentage of gdp reached all time highs no?

the shit will hit the fan in april, ie post office stops, social security stops, everything stops.


Why the hell has Romney crawled out of his hole? I thought we'd seen the last if that clown. Now I see he's going to be running his mouth as if anyone cares what he has to say.

Please don't tell me he plans to run in 2016...


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Why the hell has Romney crawled out of his hole? I thought we'd seen the last if that clown. Now I see he's going to be running his mouth as if anyone cares what he has to say.

Please don't tell me he plans to run in 2016...

The bigger question is why he was invited to CPAC. It's one thing to be a loser, but the thing is, no one ever liked Romney to begin with.


Call me a masochist but I read Redstate.com and just HAD to post this.


Why the fuck would we measure politics simply by government and not government? And why in fuck would the political center of a democracy be literally between the two? Wouldn't it be, you know, the center of opinion? If people by and large want 70-80% government (whatever the fuck that means) why would center be at 50? What a bunch of loons.

Also, I love how the Democratic Party, communism, socialism, and fascism are all 100% government.


can you lose tax money if tax money created the job? 2010 spending as a percentage of gdp reached all time highs no?

the shit will hit the fan in april, ie post office stops, social security stops, everything stops.

They're already patting each other on back about a continuing resolution so a shutdown wont happen.


Why the fuck would we measure politics simply by government and not government? And why in fuck would the political center of a democracy be literally between the two? Wouldn't it be, you know, the center of opinion? If people by and large want 70-80% government (whatever the fuck that means) why would center be at 50? What a bunch of loons.
Because people think that if you have graphs then you're scientific and serious.
It worked for economics.
Aren't most of the defense cuts coming to civilian contractors and other stupid stuff? It's not cutting anything that needs to be cut, like F-whatever fighters or military bases overseas or troop levels or bombs or missiles.

In other words, our ability to kill shit and of the government to project power (i.e. bully other countries) isn't being hurt at all, but people who just happen to work in defense related industries are getting shafted.
Aren't most of the defense cuts coming to civilian contractors and other stupid stuff? It's not cutting anything that needs to be cut, like F-whatever fighters or military bases overseas or troop levels or bombs or missiles.
Lmfao. I can't tell if this is a genius reverse troll or not. I really hope it is.
Nah I just assume that the poor people get fucked as usual. I hope I'm wrong though.

Having actual defense stuff is far more important than all the bloat we have with contractors.


Apparently it's the anniversary of Breitbart's assassination death. Man, time flies.
We were. What Punk did for Rock-n-Roll, Andrew’s reinvigorating creativity did for conservatism’s forsaken generation of “Rock-n-Roll Republicans” who came of age during the Reagan years.

When I think of "Rock-n-Roll" I think of people like this


Wait, is that when the budget ceiling is reached again?

it took shutdown last time, for what a week?, to come to an agreement. i think under clinton you had more factors at play, with all the distractions his presidency dealt with. we'll see but we have been down this road before youre right.
I disagree with both of you! We should pay no attention to the deficit at all. We should pay attention to unemployment and inflation. The deficit is just a meaningless abstract number. Of course, concurrent with this, we should also disentangle bond issuance from deficit spending.

To add on to this which government has successfully operated as a money-making proposition? Who is running surpluses for most of their history? Who is achieving balanced budgets the majority of the time? The richest country on the planet has ran deficits since its founding for nearly 2 centuries out of I believe 237 years? Who is different?


CHEEZMO™;48652107 said:
You're giving that image 100% more thought than it deserves.

I like how they imply that our founding father's agreed on the role of government. I'm sure Hamilton and Jefferson would be thrilled to hear that
Anarchists created the term libertarian to describe themselves.

I always thought libertarian came because the left in america (that was more pro-government) adopted the term liberalism and took it away from the classical liberalists. Liberitarian isn't really big outside of america. They're just liberals, believers in liberty
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