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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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less your qualifications than who you pal around with....

Cheebs would be my Lt. Governor

On a serious note I look forward to see what names PPP polled. Snyder is probably fucked. I'm glad the recall failed because it's so hard to oust a sitting incumbent with one, unless they're just an utter disaster like Gray Davis.


and he'll probably still win
So remember when Bob Menedez (D-NJ) was going to be taken down by allegations that he boned a prostitute, and the daily caller would take all the credit?


Allegations that Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, had sex with prostitutes in the Dominican Republic were a lie, according to a young woman who signed an affidavit saying she was paid to make the false claims in the week before last year's elections.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So remember when Bob Menedez (D-NJ) was going to be taken down by allegations that he boned a prostitute, and the daily caller would take all the credit?



Martosko pointed to those quotes in the Miami Herald Monday as proof that the Daily Caller's story stands and said they verified their story when they initially ran it. Asked about the possibility that Figueroa, who is implicated in the affidavit, is lying, Martosko retorted, "Look, it's possible the sky is orange, that doesn't mean it's so."



Index funds are the way to go. I wouldn't bother with trying to convince folks in that thread, though; I assume anyone who's interested enough to post regularly in a thread like that is an active investor themselves.

Nothing wrong with that, per se, but it means they're not likely to be moved by your arguments. :p

I occasionally get in bouts of finance interest. This time it was caused by finding Mr. Money Mustache and Jlcollinsnh's blogs. I was always a pretty big saver, but damn, didnt realize it could have that big of an impact. So, it got me interested in talking finance

What I really liked about that Bogle interview is that he is keenly aware of the structural and cultural problems of wall street. The specifics were what impressed me. I'm tempted to check out one of his books


Index funds are the way to go. I wouldn't bother with trying to convince folks in that thread, though; I assume anyone who's interested enough to post regularly in a thread like that is an active investor themselves.

Nothing wrong with that, per se, but it means they're not likely to be moved by your arguments. :p
Investing in the stock market should not be the way working people save for retirement or build their wealth, it's a fucking asinine system that only serve to further enrich the financial industry.


Investing in the stock market should not be the way working people save for retirement or build their wealth, it's a fucking asinine system that only serve to further enrich the financial industry.

Well, unless we go back to pensions, its basically impossible to retire decently without investing in the market. Inflation will destroy your savings. You need to at least find a way for your money to match or beat inflation. Right now, the market is basically it


Well, unless we go back to pensions, its basically impossible to retire decently without investing in the market. Inflation will destroy your savings. You need to at least find a way for your money to match or beat inflation. Right now, the market is basically it
I wasn't trying to make the case for someone to not invest in the stock market right now, you have to do it and I do it as well, I should've probably been more clear.
I was making a bigger point about how fucking retarded that whole approach is, it really only benefits Wall Street and it's the main reason why those fuckers got us all by the balls.


I wasn't trying to make the case for someone to not invest in the stock market right now, you have to do it and I do it as well, I should've probably been more clear.
I was making a bigger point about how fucking retarded that whole approach is, it really only benefits Wall Street and it's the main reason why those fuckers got us all by the balls.

Yup, one of the reasons why I invest all of my money with vanguard. Sure, I'm still enriching the financial industry, but not nearly as much as other companies thanks to Vanguard being run at cost and the investors owning the funds


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

The revelations angered top advisors to Mitt Romney, who felt that Bush went out of his way to make statements during the campaign that undermined the former Republican presidential candidate's campaign by seeming to urge a softer approach to immigration.

"Where the hell was this Jeb Bush during the campaign?" said one advisor. "He spent all this time criticizing Romney and it turns out he has basically the same position. So he wants people to go back to their country and apply for citizenship? Well, that's self deportation. We got creamed for talking about that. And now Jeb is saying the same thing."


To give PD a little leeway, his other choice was as much a pile of shit. He played the long game, now the GOP will be out of any position of power.
To give PD a little leeway, his other choice was as much a pile of shit. He played the long game, now the GOP will be out of any position of power.

Exactly. If anything this gave voters a couple lessons they wouldn't have learned otherwise. I think voters could have been convinced going after state workers was fine if there was some semblance of balance involved (ie higher taxes for the rich).

He has done some things I like, and he has largely stayed away from the extremist state GOP social issues agenda, but overall he has been a disaster.
From Secrecy News*:

The hourly minimum wage reached its peak value in 1968, when it was worth $10.57 in real terms, the Congressional Research Service calculated in a new report. But although the nominal value of the minimum wage has increased over the years, it has not kept pace with the increase in consumer prices, and so its real value has fallen. See Inflation and the Real Minimum Wage: A Fact Sheet, February 26, 2013.

* Secrecy News sounds like a conspiracy site, but it's actually a site run by the Federation of American Scientists and that disseminates Congressional Research Service reports that aren't disseminated to the public by Congress.

Also, a sequester FAQ.


Well... how should it work? Any kind of pension system is going to invest at least in part in stocks. Whatever means you use of putting aside money for someone's future retirement, it's probably going to further enrich the financial industry. I'm not sure that's such a huge problem.

Couldn't it be entirely socialized? Trade x dollars now from the paycheck for interest bearing dollars in the future (via a US Bond program specifically for retirement)*?

*I have no idea how any of this works, in spite of holding several degrees and being thousands in debt due to school loans, I've never been fortunate enough to have a real job that has any sort of perks.


The sequester didn't cause the end of human civilization, but man, it's frustrating to see the apathy. Maybe more republicans would have showed some hustle if service members were facing furloughs, but nope it's just regular civilians, fuck em.


Couldn't it be entirely socialized? Trade x dollars now from the paycheck for interest bearing dollars in the future (via a US Bond program specifically for retirement)*?

*I have no idea how any of this works, in spite of holding several degrees and being thousands in debt due to school loans, I've never been fortunate enough to have a real job that has any sort of perks.

That's basically Social security

By law, income to the trust funds must be invested, on a daily basis, in securities guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the Federal government. All securities held by the trust funds are "special issues" of the United States Treasury. Such securities are available only to the trust funds.
In the past, the trust funds have held marketable Treasury securities, which are available to the general public. Unlike marketable securities, special issues can be redeemed at any time at face value. Marketable securities are subject to the forces of the open market and may suffer a loss, or enjoy a gain, if sold before maturity. Investment in special issues gives the trust funds the same flexibility as holding cash.

Data on trust fund investments provide a breakdown by interest rate and trust fund for any month after 1989.

We could always ramp up the funding for social security, but I dont see that happening any time soon.

Also, an individual who makes an income can fund a traditional or Roth IRA for retirement. I would totally pay down those loans first, especially if its an interest rate over 3-4%, but you arent excluded from retirement accounts just because you dont have a 401k.

Also, a HDHP combined with an HSA (basically a traditional IRA that you can take medical expenses out tax free) seems to be a great way to invest for health costs and retirement (if youre healthy). If its still an option for me, I am totally going to do that next year.


Well... how should it work? Any kind of pension system is going to invest at least in part in stocks. Whatever means you use of putting aside money for someone's future retirement, it's probably going to further enrich the financial industry. I'm not sure that's such a huge problem.
The fact that we enrich unproductive people is the least of the problems I have with it.
The main issue is that we're supposed to know how much money you'll need in retirement, and how the fuck am I suppose to do that?
It's impossible question to answer without knowing the future, so the only sensible thing to do is over-save, which is not good for us and not good for the economy (as this was money that productive people could've used).
And on a personal level, why the fuck do I need to spend so much time learning Wall Street bullshit?
When being "good investor" became the most important skill in the world, one that failing in it can sentence you to death by homelessness?
It's unconscionable to me that a person could work all their life, and still not have enough money for retirement because they didn't understand the stock market well enough.

As for solutions, I would just fund pensions from taxes, I know that's never gonna happen, but even a government issues retirement bonds (that is only available to residents) with respectable returns are going to be vastly superior to the crap we currently have.


No Scrubs
Oh boy that minimum wage thread...

Yea, someone finally decides minimum wage should not only increase but be tied to inflation and all the Austrian guys flip their shit. (I don't know that they're all of the Austrian school, but from my experience they probably have shades of it)

EDIT: Never mind the Chicago school has just shown up to the thread. Here comes the downward spiral.


The fact that we enrich unproductive people is the least of the problems I have with it.
The main issue is that we're supposed to know how much money you'll need in retirement, and how the fuck am I suppose to do that?
It's impossible question to answer without knowing the future, so the only sensible thing to do is over-save, which is not good for us and not good for the economy (as this was money that productive people could've used).
And on a personal level, why the fuck do I need to spend so much time learning Wall Street bullshit?
When being "good investor" became the most important skill in the world, one that failing in it can sentence you to death by homelessness?
It's unconscionable to me that a person could work all their life, and still not have enough money for retirement because they didn't understand the stock market well enough.

As for solutions, I would just fund pensions from taxes, I know that's never gonna happen, but even a government issues retirement bonds (that is only available to residents) with respectable returns are going to be vastly superior to the crap we currently have.

Being a good investor takes no time and no skill

Total Stock market
Total International Stock Market
Total Bond Market

Whatever ratios you want depending on how much risk you can handle.

Personally, I think we should drill that into high school kids. Its absolutely mind-boggling to me that most high school kids are not taught basic finanace


Being a good investor takes no time and no skill

Total Stock market
Total International Stock Market
Total Bond Market

Whatever ratios you want depending on how much risk you can handle.

Personally, I think we should drill that into high school kids. Its absolutely mind-boggling to me that most high school kids are not taught basic finanace
You're forgetting the very important skill of "not having a market crash in the wrong time".
But a bit more seriously, the biggest question is just how much money should I save, and that's an impossible question to answer.
Even the best index fund is not going to help if I didn't put enough money into it.

We all act like being conservative and saving too much is good, but that's just mean you lived below your means for no good reason. It's like we're running an insurance company with one client.

You may know that, but not all people do, and I can't blame them, we have an entire industry with its own newspapers and TV channels dedicated to pushing those lies to the people.


You're forgetting the very important skill of "not having a market crash in the wrong time".
But a bit more seriously, the biggest question is just how much money should I save, and that's an impossible question to answer.
Even the best index fund is not going to help if I didn't put enough money into it.

We all act like being conservative and saving too much is good, but that's just mean you lived below your means for no good reason. It's like we're running an insurance company with one client.

You may know that, but not all people do, and I can't blame them, we have an entire industry with its own newspapers and TV channels dedicated to pushing those lies to the people.

Well, personally it doesnt really bother me because I'm not a very materialistic person. I don't like buying things since most of that crap I get very little enjoyment out of and just takes up space. early retirement and travel, on the other hand...

Thats basically why im saving a crap load now since if i can retire early and travel it would be totally worth giving up that new car, ipad, etc

As for your retirement number, take your average spending multiply that by how many years you want to spend in retirement and adjust for inflation. Bam, retirement number
As for solutions, I would just fund pensions from taxes, I know that's never gonna happen, but even a government issues retirement bonds (that is only available to residents) with respectable returns are going to be vastly superior to the crap we currently have.

Or we could even just have a retirement wage, which is basically what social security can be conceived as. So maybe then we could just increase the retirement wage we already have to a level that is high enough to support the basic necessities: rent, food, health, and a little entertainment, basically a decent standard of retirement living. That would change social security from a retirement insurance program to just a retirement program, but that certainly works for me. People could obviously save more if they want to retire more handsomely.


pff what a bunch of bullshit, im returning this game.

You don't need the Simoleons!


Yea, someone finally decides minimum wage should not only increase but be tied to inflation and all the Austrian guys flip their shit. (I don't know that they're all of the Austrian school, but from my experience they probably have shades of it)

EDIT: Never mind the Chicago school has just shown up to the thread. Here comes the downward spiral.

Modern Monetarists are quite antagonistic to Austrians. Old school monetarists are actually reflected in bit-coins.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
So remember when Bob Menedez (D-NJ) was going to be taken down by allegations that he boned a prostitute, and the daily caller would take all the credit?


Asked during the interview with ABC News how she knew that the man named "Bob" was a United States Senator, one of the other women said she had put the name "Bob" into a web search site and a picture of Menendez popped up.

lol. Yeah, that sure seemed legit.
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