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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Sorry, dude, I didn't mean to imply anything or insult you. You seemed like a newer person to PoliGAF at the time, simply because I hadn't seen you post much at all until some of those posts. .

Oldest poligaf thread I could find is from mid 2008, and Im definitely in there. I dont remember what the threads were called before poligaf was put in every title. So while I havent been actively posting since 2005, I certainly have in the past 4 years.

May 2008


Oldest poligaf thread I could find is from mid 2008, and Im definitely in there. I dont remember what the threads were called before poligaf was put in every title. So while I havent been actively posting since 2005, I certainly have in the past 4 years.

May 2008

I wasn't doubting you. I was just giving reasons why I might have thought like that. That stuff was the first I really noticed you posting. Sorry :(
Ive been here since 2005. Just because I dont enjoy sucking on Obama's balls doesnt mean Im a troll.

It seems to be standard protocol here where anyone with a different opinion gets harassed for months on end until they leave. I made one post about copper. It was a serious issue; Obama relaxed regulation to favor banks while potentially having a large negative impact on loyal government and local economies. I simply posted the article here and yes, I added a joke (rein of darkness). Apparently, questioning the dear leader's affinity to do whatever wall street wants was too much for some. It would be fair game to post that three months later that order has had no effect on copper pricing. It would be wonderful to see charts and such noting the pricing trends. Instead, the poster simply using that one point of discussion as every opportunity, no matter how loosely related.

It wasnt always that way in this thread.

As I mentioned last page, Ive begun to make use of the ignore feature, which should make my browsing here more enjoyable. What doesnt make sense to me is why someone who doesnt enjoy what I post replied to them continuously in an attempt to derail the thread. In any other thread, that poster would have been banned long ago, but the rules don't really apply in mega-threads, which is a shame.

I never said romney would win california, just that there was a very interesting correlation between gas prices in the state and election polls, at the time. No, I never ran a regression to see if it was significant or not.

Oh stop. Obama gets shit on this thread from a large portion of posters when the occasion calls for it. Nobody here approves of everything he does or how he leads. He gets condemned for the drone program, cowtowing to Wallstreet, not putting up a stronger fight when it comes to nominations, his desire for a big mega deal, etc. You make these generalizations that don't contribute to any type of discussion. You get called out on your statement about Obama not closing Guantanmo because he doesnt have the authority to do so. It's a common occurence with you. PD just likes to shit the bed to draw attention to himself while you do so with those types of statements for what?
I have to say, without meaning offense, that I also thought your California gas price posts were indistinguishable from trolling. I feel bad about that now that I hear that you meant it! But I am still really confused as to what your theoretical argument was. As I recall it was that California's gas prices would go to $12 a gallon and Romney would win by double digits. You see why that was hard to accept!

I was 100% sure that was trolling... I am all confused now.


Who says he's surprised? I see no evidence he's not fine with the status quo like nearly every other senate dinosaur except Harkin.

Democrats need to start adding more activist, partisan senators like Warren, Cruz, Rubio, Paul, etc. If anyone is going to reform the filibuster it'll be them.

I'm ducking from meeting to meeting, so I can't go digging. But Reid was pretty flustered and pissed last week, saying he had hoped that things would get better after the deal he struck with McConnell, and then he made noise about revisiting the rules again. It was apparant from his behavior last week that Reid was surprised. (It might have been the week before.)
I'm ducking from meeting to meeting, so I can't go digging. But Reid was pretty flustered and pissed last week, saying he had hoped that things would get better after the deal he struck with McConnell, and then he made noise about revisiting the rules again. It was apparant from his behavior last week that Reid was surprised. (It might have been the week before.)

I'm embarrassed that he's the majority leader if he was truly surprised.


I'm ducking from meeting to meeting, so I can't go digging. But Reid was pretty flustered and pissed last week, saying he had hoped that things would get better after the deal he struck with McConnell, and then he made noise about revisiting the rules again. It was apparant from his behavior last week that Reid was surprised. (It might have been the week before.)

another gentleman's agreement!
Where did Jamesinclair mention copper yesterday? You brought it up, not him. And you did it in a way to dismiss his concerns over HSR.
I was? I did? I was trying to make him talk about copper again. I found those posts weird at the time, but looking back on it that shit was fucking hilarious.
The rest of his post was a troll in comparing Obama to Bush, but no one addressed his concern over his pet project.
Even if I were trying to dismiss his concerns for HSR, why should I be completely serious about his replies when even he is supposedly trolling in his own posts?
But you should be. UK in particular is very illuminating. There was the Downing Street Memo from when Bush was in office. There is Cameron's push for austerity that shows it doesn't lead to lower deficits. Focusing on US only politics limits your perspective.
I should be what? Aware of policies enacted by other countries? I am. It's why I know about single-payer.


I love the New Yorker and NY Times articles that are making fun of Ryan's plan.
How was this clown ever taken seriously?

I'm guessing a decent amount of those who are making fun of him and criticizing his plan were the ones who were calling him a Serious, Courageous Wonk, who's willing to make Tough Choices.
I talked to Jonathan chait when he came to my class about this yesterday and his answer was basically cognitive dissidence. They've built up this credibility on being non partisan and always going between the party and that worked pretty well when the parties weren't as polarized but now they can't seem to come to grips with the fact one party agrees with the middle of the road consensus. So they've come up with these crazy reasons why the dems are just as bad.
Sounds about right.
Is this real...?
What a dick

That lefties are accusing the new pope of handing over lefties to the right wing junta for execution makes me adore the new pope.

Conservatives on twitter openly praising military dictatorships


On 47% comment - "What I said is not what I believe," Romney said. "My whole life has been devoted to helping people, all of the people. ... But that hurt. There's no question that hurt and did real damage to my campaign."

i can't get enough of this quote
I'm all for the sort of thing Ryan's doing. Not in its specifics, obviously, but in laying out a dream budget rather than an attempt at compromise. This is how political negotiation should work. Democracy works much better when it's clear what the parties stand for. Obama shouldn't ask for 90% tax rates because he doesn't want 90% tax rates, but he should be clear about what he would pass if he had supermajorities in Congress. This is a key part of motivating voters for future elections.

But do you really believe Ryan would pass that budget if he had a chance? That is a fake budget and he knows it. If he enacted that then he would be throw out of office so fast that he could not say "Ayn Rand".
What a dick

That lefties are accusing the new pope of handing over lefties to the right wing junta for execution makes me adore the new pope.

Conservatives on twitter openly praising military dictatorships

It is what Jesus would have wanted. He was a big fan of the Romans. Really now, he never would have been famous if it wasn't for the Romans.

But seriously . . . any time you find yourself cheering on something "just to annoy the other side" then you have jumped the shark and have lost all legitimacy.
What a dick

That lefties are accusing the new pope of handing over lefties to the right wing junta for execution makes me adore the new pope.

Conservatives on twitter openly praising military dictatorships
Haha wouldn't it be great if we could just like, pass a bill killing everyone we disagree with? Hilarity.


Ryan is such a piece of shit.

So is this what we are dealing with now? Completely defund PPACA or Government shutdown is imminent?

We're fucked.
Haha wouldn't it be great if we could just like, pass a bill killing everyone we disagree with? Hilarity.

everyone wants a junta 'til they've got one

(on a completely unrelated note: totally cutting my spring break short so i can mail some documents to ottawa for my security clearance. not v. pleased right now)


But do you really believe Ryan would pass that budget if he had a chance? That is a fake budget and he knows it. If he enacted that then he would be throw out of office so fast that he could not say "Ayn Rand".

I think it's basically what Paul Ryan would like to have passed. I don't know if he would actually try to pass it if he were president and had Republican majorities. But that just makes it more valuable as an honest indication of what the Republican party stands for. It's true that in practice their governing strategy might be to only move slowly towards this, but this is where they want policy to go.
It is what Jesus would have wanted. He was a big fan of the Romans. Really now, he never would have been famous if it wasn't for the Romans.

But seriously . . . any time you find yourself cheering on something "just to annoy the other side" then you have jumped the shark and have lost all legitimacy.

So like 50% of the gaming side? lol

Also ... big LOL at Obama bitching to senate dems about republican fillebusters.


So the new pope seems a lot like the old pope. Looks (literally) a lot friendlier, though. Supports contraception for preventing disease transmission. Thinks that the Devil is active in the world.
So the new pope seems a lot like the old pope. Looks (literally) a lot friendlier, though. Supports contraception for preventing disease transmission. Thinks that the Devil is active in the world.


Erickson continuing the stupidity
Lefties upset about the death squads in Argentina back in the day are all about death panels in the United States.

I am pro-death squad when it comes to roaches, snakes, and spiders, but not lefties. We need them in a zoo.
I think it's basically what Paul Ryan would like to have passed. I don't know if he would actually try to pass it if he were president and had Republican majorities. But that just makes it more valuable as an honest indication of what the Republican party stands for. It's true that in practice their governing strategy might be to only move slowly towards this, but this is where they want policy to go.
I agree.
He's too proud of his plan to think otherwise.
Ryan is such a piece of shit.

So is this what we are dealing with now? Completely defund PPACA or Government shutdown is imminent?

We're fucked.

diablos, relax. Ryan knows that his budget isn't going anywhere. The GOP Leaders in the Senate and House know that the ACA isn't going anywhere. They're just doing this so they can say to the Tea Party base that they tried. Do you not hear Hannity railing daily how the Republicans need to defund Obamacare? This is their love letter to him and those he represents. The ACA is here to stay.


The senate guys finally showed up to work.

The Senate on Wednesday presented its first budget in four years, a proposal by leaders of the Democrat-controlled chamber that calls for nearly $1 trillion in tax increases but includes no strategy to make federal revenue match spending in the coming years.

The plan calls for $975 billion in new tax revenue through closing loopholes and ending deductions and credits benefiting corporations and the country’s highest wage earners.

It also calls for $100 billion in new stimulus spending while cutting $1.85 trillion from the deficit over 10 years. The rest of the savings would come through spending cuts.


Links at the senate site aren't working yet. =/



diablos, relax. Ryan knows that his budget isn't going anywhere. The GOP Leaders in the Senate and House know that the ACA isn't going anywhere. They're just doing this so they can say to the Tea Party base that they tried. Do you not hear Hannity railing daily how the Republicans need to defund Obamacare? This is their love letter to him and those he represents. The ACA is here to stay.

Moreover, of all the things the GOP would be happy to get in a government shutdown fight over, Ryan's budget is last on the list. It's still just as toxic when examined as it was last year. If anything, it's more so! There's a reason this budget doesn't contain anything new. Ryan doesn't want to make any news right now.
Moreover, of all the things the GOP would be happy to get in a government shutdown fight over, Ryan's budget is last on the list. It's still just as toxic when examined as it was last year. If anything, it's more so! There's a reason this budget doesn't contain anything new. Ryan doesn't want to make any news right now.

Bill Clinton may have won the election for Obama!

Mitt Romney, '47 Percent' Filmmaker Had Encounter Prior To Infamous Speech

WASHINGTON -- The bartender who secretly filmed Mitt Romney's infamous "47 percent" remarks at a Boca Raton fundraiser last May had an idea of what the former Massachusetts governor and GOP presidential nominee was really like. The two had crossed paths before.

The filmmaker tells The Huffington Post that he had actually met Romney at a previous fundraiser, held months before also at home of private equity manager Marc Leder. At that event, which included drinks and a quick speech by the presidential candidate, the would-be filmmaker also tended bar.

He and Romney shared a typical bartender-to-patron moment.

"I handed him a diet coke with lemon on it," the filmmaker recalled, "because I was told that that's what he drank."

Romney didn't acknowledge his server at all.

"He took it and turned and didn't say anything," the filmmaker explained. "I presented him the exact right drink that he wanted ... Had it there, sitting there on a napkin. He took it out of my hand and turned his back without a 'thank you' or anything else."

HuffPost has agreed to withhold the name of the surreptitious filmmaker until he breaks his silence on MSNBC's "The Ed Show" Wednesday evening, followed by an appearance on HuffPost Live Thursday morning. In interviews over the last several months, he laid out his thinking before and after Romney's speech.

The filmmaker had worked in the service industry for years, starting out after high school at first as a club doorman in Boston. He slowly worked his way up to bartender and then operations manager and general manager at a downtown nightclub. He had wanted to be a cop and hoped to get a degree in criminal justice from Northeastern. When he couldn't afford to complete his degree, he still had his night-club jobs.

He moved to Florida about 10 years ago. He told HuffPost that former President Bill Clinton had partly inspired him to release the video: He had worked at a Clinton event at which the politician had made an effort to greet the cooks and waiters. Romney had been the opposite.

"You can tell a lot about someone the way they take a drink from you," he said. "[Romney] took it and just turned his back."


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
His problem was that he believed in balance budgets because he was a numbers guy and came from the private sector. It's not that he slashed spending. It's that he refused to increase it in a time of economic trouble. He thought private spending should help out the unfortunate and people should not be dependent on the government. He actually did spend a lot. Where do you think the Hoover Dam comes from? Also, FDR attacked him for it on the campaign trail:

But I think the big thing that killed him was the tariff increase that he enacted, and the ones other countries did as well. Set back the recovery big time.

Coolidge signed the bill authorizing its construction and it was before the great depression anyway.

Edit: Hoover get the blame because he generally didn't think the government had a role in fixing the great depression, and up until 1932 he pretty much did nothing.
Also back then, people were less receptive to talks about the debt in the time of economic hardship (yeah, they were using the debt as an excuse to fuck the poor even back then).

That is all true, but people think that Hoover was some kind of stingy president. He wasn't. FDR did wack him for overspending and nothing to show for it. Hoover just believe the solution had to come from the private sector which did not have the resources at the time. I also stated that his tariff increases were his biggest fault.

So Hoover didn't slash spending, and did in fact increase it, but not by very much, basically?


So Hoover didn't slash spending, and did in fact increase it, but not by very much, basically?
That's a weird way of looking at the whole issue.
Congress does spending, not the president, and there's more to governing than the "size of government".

In the grand scheme of things, Hoover gets shit for stuff like this -
Hoover said:
Economic depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement. Economic wounds must be healed by the action of the cells of the economic body - the producers and consumers themselves.

This is why his legacy is tarnished and he earned it completely, the rehabilitation efforts conservatives are making for him right now are hilarious (and a bit puzzling, even in the 20th century you have better candidates).

He was dead wrong about other things (raising taxes in a depressed economy, the gold standard) but this is the big one, he said "there's nothing I can do", and FDR proved him wrong.
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