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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Gun control was never super high on my priority list, but damn, that press conference just made donate to the Brady Campaign.
I'm really starting to get worried that this will be used to push terrible policies like armed guards in schools or further proliferation of CCTV.


By the way, using the NRA logic of bad guys have guns good guys need guns a typical uniformed police officer with a standard issue handgun isn't very reassuring against the bad guy's assault rifle with an extended clip. So what we need are multiple soldiers with machine guns at every school in the nation. I like those odds better. Forget police state, let's go for a full military takeover.


I wonder if the NRA is aware that there was an armed guard at Columbine the day of the shootings.

Also Virginia Tech had campus police.

Its so predictable how reality immediately invalidates right wing talking points.


are Graham, Ayote, and McCain anything special or are they just the Three Amigos in bitching without actually having to do anything. McCain borders on calling for an invasion of Libya but he won't say it. He says we need to help the libya rebels secure their borders and root out ALL "terrorists". That's not going to be done with fly-over attacks. These three sicken me whenever i see them.
are Graham, Ayote, and McCain anything special or are they just the Three Amigos in bitching without actually having to do anything. McCain borders on calling for an invasion of Libya but he won't say it. He says we need to help the libya rebels secure their borders and root out ALL "terrorists". That's not going to be done with fly-over attacks. These three sicken me whenever i see them.

its a shame Ayotte has aligned with those two, all for senate street cred? Sad


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
By the way, using the NRA logic of bad guys have guns good guys need guns a typical uniformed police officer with a standard issue handgun isn't very reassuring against the bad guy's assault rifle with an extended clip. So what we need are multiple soldiers with machine guns at every school in the nation. I like those odds better. Forget police state, let's go for a full military takeover.

The NRA is effectively promoting an arms race as a solution to gun violence. It's a brilliantly cynical, capitalist suggestion.


No Scrubs
Holy shit that was a bad press conference. Why are the mentally ill allowed to be so important? The SNL skit writes itself, in that they can just air this.
They're representing the interests of gun manufacturers, not gun owners.
Yeah not sure why anyone would be surprised. They stopped representing gun owners in the 90s and became a gun manufacturers lobby. Their solution is more guns because that's how they profit.

The NRA is the modern day Tobacco Lobby.
The NRA's presser was actually perfect. It's exactly the behavior you would expect from someone who knows they are in charge and has nothing to worry about - which is the reality of the situation. It was less delusional than Obama and Biden's conference a couple days ago IMO

Nothing is going to pass, and in a few months we'll go back to the status quo until another shooting occurs, at which point the media will wonder why Obama hasn't magically fixed it. Maybe we need 3000 kids to die on a single day before anyone does anything. If that number is good enough to end civil liberties it should be good enough to end some minor gun rights

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Saw this at Gawker

Hey NRA, lets talk math. Huddle over here. Bring those fiscal conservatives with you too, they'll love this. As of 2010 the Institute of Education Sciences lists 98,817 public schools in the United States. That doesn't include the 33,366 private schools and the 6,742 postsecondary institutions, but we'll leave those two out.

Okay, moving on.

So now lets talk about hiring a police officer for each of those schools, that's what you want right? Looking at specific job postings shows ranges in salaries (some are paid hourly but the end monetary compensation is about the same) between $34,400 to $45,600 a year. Now the annual salary of a police officer typically averages out across the nation at $55,620 a year, but obviously this case is different. I've seen salaries as low as $30,000 and as high as $80,000. Experience and area dictate this of course. For the sake of making the best argument, lets go at the bottom, $30,000.

Simple math: $30,000 x 98,817 = $2,964,510,000. Just for kicks, based on the average salary across the nation of $53,540 (different source). $53,540 x 98,817 = $5,290,662,180. That's per year.

Yup, still want to keep those low tax rates huh?


Nothing is going to pass, and in a few months we'll go back to the status quo until another shooting occurs, at which point the media will wonder why Obama hasn't magically fixed it. Maybe we need 3000 kids to die on a single day before anyone does anything. If that number is good enough to end civil liberties it should be good enough to end some minor gun rights

Actually we need 1000. Teachers don't count, though.
Gun control was never super high on my priority list, but damn, that press conference just made donate to the Brady Campaign.
I'm really starting to get worried that this will be used to push terrible policies like armed guards in schools or further proliferation of CCTV.

Yeah, I feel the same. I've never cared much about it, it does not affect me . . . but that right there is a pretty sad/lazy way of looking at it.

And then the NRA comes out blaming videogames and suggesting that we put armed guards at every school. WTF? That is fucking stupid. Again, I call for evidence-based policy making. And these policies go AGAINST the evidence available. Now I'm fucking pissed. They come out and suggest policies that will make the world worse. Fuck them.

Here's my 'unassailable logic' post from the armed guards as school thread:
Yes, Sandy hook shows that Elementary schools clearly should have armed guards to protect them.

Also, Virginia Tech showed that all colleges and universities should have armed guards to protect them.

The Columbine High School Massacre showed that all high schools should have armed guards to protect them.

101 California showed that all office buildings should clearly have armed guards to protect them.

During the Fort Hood shooting, a single gunman killed 13 people and wounded 29 others. Obviously they should just let all the soldiers walk around with guns. You'd think the military that studies guns nonstop would know better about guns! But obviously they don't know what they are talking about because it is standard procedure to lock up assault weapons.

The San Ysidro McDonald's massacre was a mass murder that occurred in a McDonald's restaurant where a person killed 21 people (including five children) and injured 19 others. Clearly, all restaurants should have armed guards.

During the Westroads Mall shooting a killer killed nine people (including himself) and wounded four, two of them critically. Clearly all malls should have armed guards.

Need I mention liquor stores, gas stations, convenience stores, post offices, etc.?

This just in . . . a shooting at rural road:
Clearly all rural roads should have armed guards on duty.

This is unassailable logic. Looks like it is time to invest in gun manufactures . . . they are gonna be busy!
Wow. A wall like that would freak me out. When I was younger, that probably wouldn't stop me but now I just wouldn't want to deal with that.

It was high school. Wouldn't even dare to think about a girl like that now. But being in a conservative town in the south makes your options pretty small.

On point today, the NRA is such a bunch of goddamn fools. Every reaction on my facebook as been negative, I think this really could be a downturn in their power. They need to have a real hunter/gun owners lobby not gun makers.
Clinton will be a hard act to follow.

Nearly flawless execution except for an inability to get Russia to bend on Syria.
During the cold war, the US and the USSR both expanded around the world with client states and thus ended up bases around the world. The USA still has bases all over the planet but Russia is down pretty almost none .. . except a Russian military base in Syria on the Mediterranean Sea.

So you can see how it is pretty hard to get Russia to go along with everyone else on Syria.
All I can say is that I would not have had an inclination that Clinton could have handled this job as well as she has.

But I think it shows that she's got some serious political chops, especially when it comes to foreign policy. I didn't see her as a serious presidential candidate in 2008 -- her prominence in politics was more tied to her association with Bill rather than her own accord, but I can see her as one now. I think she will be unstoppable in 2016 -- a near double-digit margin of victory.

There are certainly a few weak spots like Af-Pak, Syria, and Israel/Palestinians, but those situations are bigger than one person and I think she's done about as well as one could expect.

Kudos to her and Kerry is going to fill some big shoes.
User comment from a conservative blog I read:

Was sifting through a video game website I used to frequent where conservatives are greatly out numbered, my God the level of stupidity that permeated the thread was mind blowing. I couldn’t take it anymore. Between the moron Americans who love Call of Duty but pretend to hate guns and the European fascists who concern troll about American violence while ignoring their own, my head was gonna explode.

Alright, who is it?
User comment from a conservative blog I read:

Was sifting through a video game website I used to frequent where conservatives are greatly out numbered, my God the level of stupidity that permeated the thread was mind blowing. I couldn’t take it anymore. Between the moron Americans who love Call of Duty but pretend to hate guns and the European fascists who concern troll about American violence while ignoring their own, my head was gonna explode.

Alright, who is it?



User comment from a conservative blog I read:

Was sifting through a video game website I used to frequent where conservatives are greatly out numbered, my God the level of stupidity that permeated the thread was mind blowing. I couldn’t take it anymore. Between the moron Americans who love Call of Duty but pretend to hate guns and the European fascists who concern troll about American violence while ignoring their own, my head was gonna explode.

Alright, who is it?

The most important legs of the economy—consumers and businesses—both showed surprising resilience in November, even as negotiations heated up over the fiscal cliff.

Personal consumption spending rose 0.4 percent and incomes rose 0.6 percent, according to one report. According to another, overall orders for durable goods rose 0.7 percent while a key measure of business investment, orders for nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft, rose a surprising 2.7 percent.

Essentially, the evidence is turning against two of the biggest reasons to worry about the economy—that incomes weren’t rising enough and that business investment was drying up. The biggest dark clouds on the horizon aren’t looking so dark anymore. Together, the reports were enough to push Macroeconomic Advisers’ estimate of fourth quarter gross domestic product growth up four-tenths of a percentage point, to 1.4%.

The personal income number is perhaps the single best piece of news in the day’s reports. In the last several months, Americans’ spending has risen steadily, but it hasn’t been matched by higher incomes. In other words, people were buying more stuff by saving less money, not because they were seeing bigger paychecks. Analysts had expected that pattern to keep up in November, forecasting only an 0.3 percent rise in incomes versus an 0.4 percent rise in spending. The forecasters called the spending number exactly, but income growth was higher, not lower, and the savings rate ticked up to 3.6 percent, from 3.4 percent. Higher incomes, higher spending, and higher savings is the best trifecta one could hope for.

Some of the details are even better. Because prices fell amid cheaper gasoline, inflation-adjusted incomes rose even more, a up 0.8 percent. And the rise in incomes was driven in large part by an increase in wages and salaries—which is to say, more money in the pockets of workers, not just a rise in investment income (the December numbers, for example, will probably show a weird jump in dividend income due to companies paying extra-large dividends in advance of a possible tax increase Jan.1).

On the business investment side, the durable goods numbers are a bit of a relief after business spending on equipment and software fell in the third quarter for the first time in almost two years. Many of the rumblings out of the corporate sector in the last couple of months have been reports that firms were delaying, or even cancelling, big spending projects out of fear that the fiscal cliff of possible tax hikes and spending cuts will go into effect Jan. 1 and trigger a recession.

The latest numbers don’t bear that theory out at all. After falling sharply from April through September, orders for nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft, a good proxy for business investment spending, has now logged two solid months in a row, rising 3.2 percent in October and now 2.7 percent in November. Analysts had expected the November number to be flat.

Businesses’ fears of the fiscal cliff are real; the risk of a downturn has come up in numerous earnings conference calls from some of the biggest companies. But it seems that the corporate sector had enough demand in November that they had to ramp up that spending anyway.

Put it all together, and the Friday economic reports are a nice Christmas gift for anyone hoping to see a better year in 2013. The pieces are in place, with both the consumer and business sides of the economy holding up; now it’s just up to Washington not to deliver a lump of coal.

Economy is turning around and the GOP is running around with their underwear on their head ready to dismantle it.

Frustrating. All this amid the home start ups numbers and housing prices moving up the last few months, the number of people working continuing to rise, etc.

And IIRC, Q3 was readjusted to 3.1% GDP growth, a revision up for the 2nd time.
Businesses’ fears of the fiscal cliff are real; the risk of a downturn has come up in numerous earnings conference calls from some of the biggest companies. But it seems that the corporate sector had enough demand in November that they had to ramp up that spending anyway.

I said it in the other thread on OT, but the "Fiscal Cliff" terminology is just as bad as "Death Panels".

There's reality and then there's media hyped doomsday scenarios that they manufacture for ratings and to fill the 24x7x365 news cycle.
User comment from a conservative blog I read:

Was sifting through a video game website I used to frequent where conservatives are greatly out numbered, my God the level of stupidity that permeated the thread was mind blowing. I couldn’t take it anymore. Between the moron Americans who love Call of Duty but pretend to hate guns and the European fascists who concern troll about American violence while ignoring their own, my head was gonna explode.

Alright, who is it?

The Registered Independent, Kosmo.
User comment from a conservative blog I read:

Was sifting through a video game website I used to frequent where conservatives are greatly out numbered, my God the level of stupidity that permeated the thread was mind blowing. I couldn’t take it anymore. Between the moron Americans who love Call of Duty but pretend to hate guns and the European fascists who concern troll about American violence while ignoring their own, my head was gonna explode.

Alright, who is it?

That's Kosmo alright.
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