If I were a New Yorker, that wouldn't bother me in the slightest.
What should bother you are his dangerous transportation plans
http://www.washingtonpost.com/natio...f4c3d4-f3fc-11e2-81fa-8e83b3864c36_story.htmlRALEIGH, N.C. — North Carolina lawmakers have approved a bill greatly expanding where concealed handguns are legally allowed.
The Republican-backed bill approved by both the House and Senate on Tuesday allows concealed-carry permit holders to take firearms into bars and restaurants and other places where alcohol is served as long as the owner doesn’t expressly forbid it.[
The measure will also allow concealed-carry permit holders to store weapons in locked cars on the campus of any public school or university. Guns will also now be allowed on greenways, playgrounds and other public recreation areas.
The final bill dropped a controversial provision that would have repealed the long-standing law requiring a background check and permit issued by county sheriffs for handgun purchases.
The measure now heads to Republican Gov. Pat McCrory’s desk.
I don't know anything about them (nor do I need to, as I'm not a New Yorker), but I agree that substantive policy positions--and the willingness to carry them through or fight against them--is what matters. But transportation is one policy among many, and if the alternative is worse, bad transportation policy alone wouldn't stop me from voting for somebody.
The final bill dropped a controversial provision that would have repealed the long-standing law requiring a background check and permit issued by county sheriffs for handgun purchases.
What should bother you are his dangerous transportation plans
Guns in a bar? What could go wrong?
What the fucking fuck, North Carolina...
I love how all the other provisions are uncontroversial.
After posting a picture of a large pistol on his Facebook page last week, Missouri state Senate Majority Whip Brian Nieves (R-Washington) engaged in a long exchange about abortion in the comment section, in which he said abortions to save the life of the mother are actually just "a matter of convenience."
Nieves asked one of the commenters who was offended by the gun photo if he supports "partial-birth abortions" -- a political term used to describe the "dilation and extraction" abortion procedure that is used rarely in the third trimester.
When the commenter replied that late-term abortions "are almost entirely due to complications in the third trimester that would effect the life of the mother," Nieves replied, "Really? Didn't you say you have an advanced degree? Your statement about 'Life of the Mother' is one of the most common yet kindergarten ways of proving that you don't even know what a partial birth abortion is!!"
The commenter then listed some medical conditions that may develop late in the pregnancy and influence a woman's decision to abort, including heart failure, severe or uncontrollable diabetes, serious renal disease, hypertension, and severe fetal deformities. He also included other reasons women may seek abortions later in a pregnancy, including an inability to afford an abortion in the first trimester and an inability to locate medical assistance.
To that, Nieves replied, "'Life of the Mother?' Your own argument proves it is a matter of convenience!"
Nieves is not the first Republican lawmaker to claim that women never need abortions to save their lives. Former U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) said last October that there should be no abortion exception for the "life of the mother" because "with modern technology and science, you can't find one instance" in which a woman would actually die. "And as far as health of the mother, same thing," Walsh continued.
Of course, there could be many medical reasons for a woman to need to terminate her pregnancy in order to protect her life or health, but the most common is an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies, or pregnancies that occur outside the uterus, are a life-threatening condition that occur in one in every 40 to one in every 100 pregnancies, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Nieves' office did not respond to HuffPost's request for comment.
These people won't stop talking about it. Keep it coming, GOP. Crazy train ain't full yet.
These people won't stop talking about it. Keep it coming, GOP. Crazy train ain't full yet.
Dangerous? Ineffective, maybe, but I don't think adding a Bronx ferry is dangerous.
To be fair there are people in NYC who hate the bike lanes. My mom doesn't bike OR drive but because of people calling in on Chinese radio complaining about the bike lanes, she thought they were horrible and congested traffic.He wants to remove bike lanes
" There is nothing about safe streets. DOT and its ability to dictate bus lanes and speed up the Select Bus Service rollout is roundly ignored. The only nod to congestion pricing is to call it dead, and East River Bridge tolls garner nary a mention. Weiner proposes smart parking meters and thinking hard about stemming truck traffic in the form of a renewed focus as ways to improve traffic flaw in the city."
Nothing for buses
Nothing on fares
Nothing on improved subway service
He wants to remove bike lanes
He wants to spend money on ferries to get the rich to their rich jobs
So yes, ineffective and dangerous.
The bike lanes comment was a joke:
Brian pressed him on bike lanes. "Are there any you would take out?" he asked. "Prospect Park West?"
"I don't like the bike lane on Prospect Park West," Weiner said, "I reserve the right to do things and policies and propose things -- again, I'm not getting wrecking crews out or ribbon cuttings started -- you know, I've not been a fan of that one, but I understand people are and I'm not looking to relitigate every bike lane in the city."
dramatis said:To be fair there are people in NYC who hate the bike lanes. My mom doesn't bike OR drive but because of people calling in on Chinese radio complaining about the bike lanes, she thought they were horrible and congested traffic.
Bishop E.W. Jackson Jr., the Republican nominee for Virginia Lt. Governor, suggested in a radio interview Tuesday that African Americans sexuality is to blame for urban violence.
Asked about President Obamas remarks on the nations divisions in light of the George Zimmerman verdict, Jackson blasted Obama for racializing the real problem. Though asked about how as Lt. Governor he would stem violence, he responded by attacking sex.
JACKSON: The first thing Im doing, I do know, which is to say that I prefer Americans of African decent. I think we have got to stop balkanizing ourselves and racializing ourselves and first of all start thinking of ourselves as Americans, see these problems as American problems, not as black problems or white problems, but American problems and come together and work on them. I certainly intend to go into these communities where at risk youth are Ive been doing it all my life in ministry and talk to them about the need for being married before you bear children. Stop treating your bodies as sexual objects. For men, to stay in the home and raise the children that they father. But this is not a short-term, wave your wand solution. We cant solve this overnight. But weve got to begin to rebuild the family because in my view, thats where the problem really lies.
Listen to the interview:
Jackson has made his opposition to people acknowledging their ethnic and racial identities which he derides as the hyphenated American a frequent message dating back at least to 2009.
But while conversations about the importance of responsible parenthood are legitimate, Jacksons suggestion that Americans of African decent or any at-risk youth are somehow inviting violence because of their sexuality feeds into a dangerous blame the victim perception.
Last month, Jackson suggested that the Great Society programs that helped lift millions of the nations poorest and oldest Americans out of extreme poverty, had been worse for Black families than slavery.
I certainly wouldn't want extremist librul teachers like you indoctrinating young adult minds with your dangerous views. First Derek Black, then who's next?I have never, ever seen a batch of people as ignorant as the current batch of Republicans, and I teach college freshmen.
I have never, ever seen a batch of people as ignorant as the current batch of Republicans, and I teach college freshmen.
Ugh, Bill O' said that any legal immigrant that overstays their VISAs should be fined $50,000 and/or spend 6 months in prison.
Ugh, Bill O' said that any legal immigrant that overstays their VISAs should be fined $50,000 and/or spend 6 months in prison.
I have never, ever seen a batch of people as ignorant as the current batch of Republicans, and I teach college freshmen.
You should teach college freshmen in Alabama
I teach in South Carolina.
Canadians are white and speak English.
My home state. Which college? USC? Clemson? Furman?
I teach in South Carolina.
Have you met Jadeveon Clowney?![]()
Obama going in on the House Republicans in his economics speech. It's on right now.
@ByronYork 1m
Sends a pretty clear message: Dems care more about middle class. Largely unanswered by GOP.
nothing will change. my guess is he's trying this push so their august recess is fun
This speech is the kind of reason why I voted for Obama
Can you imagine what we might have gotten done with a Democratic congress?
Healthcare reform and financial regulations, which everyone complained about back then because they were too conservativeFixed