I agree, the senate actually is a fairly decent representation of the states they are elected from. The house is gerrymandered and looks like the extreme fringes of whatever party was in control of the legislatures across the nation(2010-->mostly republican) which has lead to a more radical group in charge after the 2012 election causing not of their moderates to lose primaries to radicals.
Edit. The US Senate was created to protect the rights of the minority(meaning smaller states and not majority parties). This leads to better compromises and better legislation. Majority take all systems largely mess up big time as it's winner-takes-all. (The house is majority rule, without the senate our country would be fucked up). Obviously I don't like how the senate used to be picked by the state legislatures, and love the idea of direct democracy.
The thing is that is patently not the truth elsewhere in the world. There are plenty of winner takes all governments that don't have the issues the states does - indeed, I cannot think of a major western democracy that compares. Even Italy isn't this freaking nuts and their bringing down a government because a criminal has to serve a years community service. Are you saying the states is so fundamentally insane and broken that unlike every other western country it needs this absurd lock on the majority party?
Winner takes all pushes parties to the centre because the majority of voters don't actually *want* extremist policies.
Also, the senate is so ridiculously, absurdly unbalanced in terms of how its voting works its silly. No-one on the planet can think it rational that Wyoming and North Dakota get the same power to stop legislation as California and New York. That's not states rights, its a farcical unbalancing of voting that disenfranchises literally millions of people.