Ah yes, Jeff Daniels in his Emmy-winning performance as Will McAvoy.
Harry Reid has pretty much handled the last few budget and legislation fights beautifully, especially when the White House doesn't get in the way.
He ran ads supporting a Tea Party GOP candidate against a (relatively) moderate Republican opponent, since he figured the Tea Party candidate would be easier to beat.
I'll just leave this here:Nope, it's not going too far. An even better description for the Tea Party is the American Taliban.
Hey guys, Aussie here, just want to ask a question.
I've been trawling through the constitution and I'm looking to see if the US has any previsions to recall or dissolve the houses of congress and hold fresh elections.
In Australia this kind of long-standing gridlock is considered to be a trigger event would lead to a double dissolution election where all seats are vacated and a general election is held. There is no provision for this in the US constitution or US system is there?
That's because Harry Reid lives for this stuff. He ran ads supporting a Tea Party GOP candidate against a (relatively) moderate Republican opponent, since he figured the Tea Party candidate would be easier to beat. Or remember this one from last year? "I have it on good authority that Mitt Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years.... but he could release his returns and prove me wrong."
The man is a master-level troll.
Hey guys, Aussie here, just want to ask a question.
I've been trawling through the constitution and I'm looking to see if the US has any previsions to recall or dissolve the houses of congress and hold fresh elections.
In Australia this kind of long-standing gridlock is considered to be a trigger event would lead to a double dissolution election where all seats are vacated and a general election is held. There is no provision for this in the US constitution or US system is there?
The founders forgot to add that part.
Interesting. I mean that would be a great solution in this case, because you'd be able to vacate both houses totally and hold completely fresh elections for all 450 HoR members and all 100 senators.
You could also run on an Obamacare platform and the democrats would probably win in a landslide (I'm not entirely sure, but from what I understand the public is very much in support of Obamacare?)
lolIf Harry Reid is the rock, we're fucked.
Harry Reid has pretty much handled the last few budget and legislation fights beautifully, especially when the White House doesn't get in the way.
That's some intelligent governing you have there.
So in theory the government could be shutdown for a year and no one could really do anything about it, except budge/compromise their political positions?
Yup, until political pressure from constituents gets great enough republicans won't cave. Well we do have the whole debt ceiling fiasco coming up so if democrats hold out, I don't see republicans defaulting on that either.
Obamacare is popular enough that obama was reelected on it and democrats in blue states can campaign on it but it's also unpopular enough in red states where republicans feel that they have enough cache to fully block the law. So if we did dissolve congress it would probably end up with the same partisan gridlock once new congress people are elected.
Yeah, I mean it's clearly not required. It's just a good way of throwing the choice back to the people, maybe a referendum on Obamacare would be preferable, but I know those aren't really done on the Federal level either.
Also, what areas of the federal government are not working during a shutdown, the entirety of it? Including military, homeland security, all the departments?
If Harry Reid is the rock, we're fucked.
Personally, I think our biggest problem is our idiotic primary system. A lot of these crazy republicans are more scared of being primaried than they are of losing the general election since they are in a safe district. They have an incentive to do act like a bunch of crazy right wing lunatics because that is exactly the people who vote in the primary.
Is getting rid of primaries for incumbents legal? You'd still have a primary for the opponent, but you will no longer have your representative being unduly influenced by a small, crazy part of his constituents.
Either that, or do nationwide what california did. That seems like an improvement. Or we could just make primary and General election voting mandatory
Personally, I think our biggest problem is our idiotic primary system. A lot of these crazy republicans are more scared of being primaried than they are of losing the general election since they are in a safe district. They have an incentive to do act like a bunch of crazy right wing lunatics because that is exactly the people who vote in the primary.
Is getting rid of primaries for incumbents legal? You'd still have a primary for the opponent, but you will no longer have your representative being unduly influenced by a small, crazy part of his constituents.
Either that, or do nationwide what california did. That seems like an improvement. Or we could just make primary and General election voting mandatory
Personally, I think our biggest problem is our idiotic primary system. A lot of these crazy republicans are more scared of being primaried than they are of losing the general election since they are in a safe district. They have an incentive to do act like a bunch of crazy right wing lunatics because that is exactly the people who vote in the primary.
Is getting rid of primaries for incumbents legal? You'd still have a primary for the opponent, but you will no longer have your representative being unduly influenced by a small, crazy part of his constituents.
Either that, or do nationwide what california did. That seems like an improvement. Or we could just make primary and General election voting mandatory
Who says they won't end up negotiating on something? If the Government shuts down Obama may feel compelled to... I'm not saying it would be a delay of PPACA but it might be something unexpected, who knows, anything is possible really.You're wrong. As long as the WH isn't negotiating we're fine. And thank god that McConnell is tied up in his election, I wouldn't want him and Biden swooping in to "save" the day either.
Yup, until political pressure from constituents gets great enough republicans won't cave. Well we do have the whole debt ceiling fiasco coming up so if democrats hold out, I don't see republicans defaulting on that either.
Dude once tried to choke guy who was screwing him, also wasnt he a boxer?lol
He has the appearance and demeanor of a frail, weak kind of man but his tact is pretty masterful when it comes to this stuff.
I am not sure if he's the "rock" though. Pelosi did some amazing things as Speaker and she lost her job. Still pisses me off
Dude once tried to choke guy who was screwing him, also wasnt he a boxer?
Reid is a bad ass.
So yeah Boehner vs Reid in the ring to settle this?
Good stuff. Good stuff.
Who says they won't end up negotiating on something? If the Government shuts down Obama may feel compelled to... I'm not saying it would be a delay of PPACA but it might be something unexpected, who knows, anything is possible really.
Biden is the man for getting Mitch McConnell to cooperate... otherwise we would have had our first-ever default, you can't tell me he didn't play a role in keeping that from happening.
So yeah Boehner vs Reid in the ring to settle this?
Good stuff. Good stuff.
Another question about the debt ceiling.
So some right-wingers are saying (and have been saying for a long time) that it's okay if we don't raise the debt ceiling cause we can just pay the interest and thus won't default. So we can, in turn, not worry about not paying out for medicare, SS, or whatever. But wouldn't not paying ANY of things count as default? I mean, it doesn't make sense to me how you can only pay part of your bill, while not being effected on your credit.
Another question about the debt ceiling.
So some right-wingers are saying (and have been saying for a long time) that it's okay if we don't raise the debt ceiling cause we can just pay the interest and thus won't default. So we can, in turn, not worry about not paying out for medicare, SS, or whatever. But wouldn't not paying ANY of things count as default? I mean, it doesn't make sense to me how you can only pay part of your bill, while not being effected on your credit.
This option is known as “prioritization.” It’s the idea that the government can selectively pay some of its bills so that the nation doesn't default on, say, its payments to bondholders — a scary scenario that could roil the world's financial markets. This may sound appealing. But there’s also good reason to think prioritization wouldn't work.
Consider how the U.S. government actually pays its bills. Each and every day, computers at the Treasury Department receive more than 2 million invoices from various agencies. The Department of Labor might say, for example, that it owes a contractor $3 million to fix up a building in Denver. The Treasury computers make sure the figures are correct and then authorize the payment. This is all done automatically, dozens of times per second.
The authors of the Bipartisan Policy Center report, Shai Akabas and Brian Collins, argue that prioritization is infeasible. "It would involve sorting and choosing from nearly 100 million monthly payments," they write. There's no good way to stop paying the Education Department while making sure soldiers get paid. It's not clear that the Treasury Department even has the technical capacity to do this, let alone the legal authority.
Dude once tried to choke guy who was screwing him, also wasnt he a boxer?
Reid is a bad ass.
Another question about the debt ceiling.
So some right-wingers are saying (and have been saying for a long time) that it's okay if we don't raise the debt ceiling cause we can just pay the interest and thus won't default. So we can, in turn, not worry about not paying out for medicare, SS, or whatever. But wouldn't not paying ANY of things count as default? I mean, it doesn't make sense to me how you can only pay part of your bill, while not being effected on your credit.
These nothing wrong with voting against the majority opinion in your district. Heck, I would say its vital for a representative democracy for this to occur, and one of the problems of the current Gerry-mandered districts is that it forces republicans to always vote in lock-step with their community.
Also re disconnect - the American public have a lower regard for their congress that anyone else from recollection. I don't think their primary system is really helping them there.
Boehner, however, is hampered by several other factors during the current faceoff with Democrats. The first, and most important, is that a group of conservative House Republicans, perhaps 20 to 30 strong, are automatically against anything that Boehner supports. They dont trust Boehner or his strategies for countering Democrats. While Boehner believes much of his job entails protecting members from themselves, these Republicans fairly or unfairly believe they need protection from the speaker as much as Democrats.
Lol from politico
Is there any way we can set up a GAF Republican Preserve or something?
I understand that GAF will always be a place for vitriolic, overly personalized debate -- after all, they're not about to close the Wii U OT -- but it might be nice to have a few friendlier interactions without them always getting trolled into closing, especially when it's by people who don't even post in Poli-GAF.
Is there any way we can set up a GAF Republican Preserve or something? That dead OT thread is just one in a long line of abortive attempts to have reasonable conversations with the few conservatives around here. I understand that GAF will always be a place for vitriolic, overly personalized debate -- after all, they're not about to close the Wii U OT -- but it might be nice to have a few friendlier interactions without them always getting trolled into closing, especially when it's by people who don't even post in Poli-GAF.
The only things I could think of are the Vitter Amendment or something to hurt women (i.e. contraceptives).Give an example then. What is Obama going to give up.
Politico is reporting there could be 120 House members begging Boehner not to shut down the government tomorrow. This is going to end before the weekend I bet, with Boehner cutting the plug. He might have one more hail mary (Vitter amendment), which the house hasn't even discussed. So that's not a guarantee but I tend to believe it'll be their last try. And when Reid tables it again with 51 votes (maybe Biden will provide the 51st?), it'll effectively be game over.
I can't wait for Obama's press statement after the CR is passed. Hopefully he walks to the podium with this beat playing.
I'm pissed off. I just watched an episode of Batman: the Brave and the Bold featuring an over the top patriotic superhero named Uncle Sam who fights villains with his belief in the spirit of freedom and the entire episode had this overly-American aesthetic with color and music choices and it just made me realize that I remember when that kind of blind but optimistic "I think this country is awesome" patriotism was something I could actually engage in and I feel like I can't anymore because those aesthetics and that rhetoric have been so fully accosted by a segment of the country that I so fully disagree with that I don't want to blatantly wave a flag anymore in case someone thinks I'm one of them.