Also, the political fallout. If the Pew poll is to be accurate Dems do not have anything to feel good about despite having a (small) lead. If a shutdown drags on it hurts lots of Dems who have an election next year, should the public support for their position go south.
Well, it wasn't only the Democrats posting dumb stuff in that thread, so don't feel too bad about it![]()
I'm pissed off. I just watched an episode of Batman: the Brave and the Bold featuring an over the top patriotic superhero named Uncle Sam who fights villains with his belief in the spirit of freedom and the entire episode had this overly-American aesthetic with color and music choices and it just made me realize that I remember when that kind of blind but optimistic "I think this country is awesome" patriotism was something I could actually engage in and I feel like I can't anymore because those aesthetics and that rhetoric have been so fully accosted by a segment of the country that I so fully disagree with that I don't want to blatantly wave a flag anymore in case someone thinks I'm one of them.
The deadline to get health insurance is December 31st correct? In order to not receive the penalty tax? I would get it right now but I'm planning to move cross country in the next 2 months.
Yeah, pretty much.Am I a bad person if I buy an infowars t-shirt?
Am I a bad person if I buy an infowars t-shirt?
Another question about the debt ceiling.
So some right-wingers are saying (and have been saying for a long time) that it's okay if we don't raise the debt ceiling cause we can just pay the interest and thus won't default. So we can, in turn, not worry about not paying out for medicare, SS, or whatever. But wouldn't not paying ANY of things count as default? I mean, it doesn't make sense to me how you can only pay part of your bill, while not being effected on your credit.
Markets will de facto default the US. Interest rates would spike hard, so even paying that becomes doubtful.
It just depends on what you mean by "default". They're not talking about it as a moral danger, but a financial one. There are practical difficulties, and suddenly cutting off Medicare would be terrible for the economy by itself, but cutting off Medicare isn't going to directly impact the trust investors have in US Treasuries. It's not a default on fungible debt, confidence in which is a big part of what directly determines how easy it is for the US to borrow money. Demonstrating an ability and a willingness to fuck over absolutely everyone else before fucking over bondholders would probably increase confidence in US Treasuries, because it sets a precedent for future debt ceiling fights that bondholders won't be touched.
The only things I could think of are the Vitter Amendment or something to hurt women (i.e. contraceptives).
But given how the nature of a shutdown would be so out of the ordinary, all I'm saying is it would be hard to predict where things land. Lots of crazy things could go down as they try to hash something out to get the government running again.
Also, the political fallout. If the Pew poll is to be accurate Dems do not have anything to feel good about despite having a (small) lead. If a shutdown drags on it hurts lots of Dems who have an election next year, should the public support for their position go south.
You know I'm really curious why the GOP thinks a one-year delay of Obamacare is a reasonable demand for a bill that funds the government for like six weeks.
What are they going to do then? Demand another year delay of Obamacare? When does it fucking end?
GAF needs to get better at not piling on people with different views. That Republican thread did not go over well at all, mostly due to people diverting the topic to a bunch of combative nonsense instead of focusing on the topic at hand.
People were going at the conservatives who don't even support the current party. I mean wtf,..The republican position right now is completely, totally indefensible. There was only one way that thread was going to go.
CNN latest poll: Most Americans blame GOP for shutdown, say they're acting like "spoiled children." Numbers to come.
The Fed determines interest rates exogenously.
CNN latest poll: Most Americans blame GOP for shutdown, say they're acting like "spoiled children." Numbers to come.
So Reid has gone from ball-less to bad-ass?
Well we can call him a pussy?They can take a poundingNot directed at you specifically, but PoliGAF, and I guess GAF in general, has made me grow to hate the phrase "He needs to grow some balls!".
Testicles are a very fragile pair of reproductive organs. They aren't indicative of any signs of toughness! Especially when half the population can be tough without 'em.
Not directed at you specifically, but PoliGAF, and I guess GAF in general, has made me grow to hate the phrase "He needs to grow some balls!".
Testicles are a very fragile pair of reproductive organs. They aren't indicative of any signs of toughness! Especially when half the population can be tough without 'em.
Everyone that doesn't already have one should grow a vagina.Would you prefer Harry Reid grow a vagina? I hear those things can take a pounding.
Could you tweet something like this so I could retweet it?Ted Cruz argued that going from a repeal to a defund is a compromise.
lmao. Sadly, there are people who actually eat this horseshit up.
What I wish Gregory or anyone would ask Cruz is "If Reid tomorrow says the gov't will shutdown unless the House passes the Senate bill to raise taxes on the wealthy," what would your response to that be?
Everyone that doesn't already have one should grow a vagina.
According to the poll, which was conducted Friday through Sunday, 46% say they would blame congressional Republicans for a government shutdown, with 36% saying the president would be more responsible and 13% pointing fingers at both the GOP in Congress and Obama.
So then we'd reproduce by scissoring?
Dax prefers vaginas than penises confirmed.
We're not able to do what you describe yet, unfortunately.To be fair, it's vaginas to balls. Penises weren't brought up.
So in theory the government could be shutdown for a year and no one could really do anything about it, except budge/compromise their political positions?
CNN latest poll: Most Americans blame GOP for shutdown, say they're acting like "spoiled children." Numbers to come.
Even if Obama could call for another election, it wouldn't do much good if the House remains as gerrymandered as it is. We also need a nonpartisan federal redistricting committee or a nonpartisan state agency for each state.Interesting. I mean that would be a great solution in this case, because you'd be able to vacate both houses totally and hold completely fresh elections for all 450 HoR members and all 100 senators.
You could also run on an Obamacare platform and the democrats would probably win in a landslide (I'm not entirely sure, but from what I understand the public is very much in support of Obamacare?)
This is what we have to argue against.However, despite being a conservative even I could see the consequences of having your health care system. I almost dislike saying this but you guys need to move to a public UHC system like Australia, where it's private or State run hospitals that are subsidised by the Federal Government, or a Singapore style health accounts system where the government still covers those who can't pay.
It's just sad seeing the elimination of the moderate right from the face of Federal politics in the US.
Even if Obama could call for another election, it wouldn't do much good if the House remains as gerrymandered as it is. We also need a nonpartisan federal redistricting committee or a nonpartisan state agency for each state.
This is what we have to argue against.
Chait and The Monkey Cage are having an argument on Twitter over Chait's words in an article, but the overall debate is this: If a party wins election in a country (the president, in this case, wins reelection), does that party have a mandate to pursue its policy? And if not, does that winning party have a right to pursue its policy?
The Monkey Cage is usually great. John Sides is arguing that because most voters choose candidates first then justify their policy reasons, it means that winners don't have a right to implement their agenda.The monkey cage sounds misguided.. Sure the election didnt say that the republicans couldnt vote any way they want(they can do that by right of being elected), but to say that its 'ok' to take the US hostage is wildly ignorant.
Because they don't want to spend the money to insure everyone, and they're afraid it'll be a success.Shutting down the entire government because you don't get your way is....a bit extreme.
Why can't the republicans compromise on this? I just don't understand. It makes no sense to me.
The Monkey Cage is usually great. John Sides is arguing that because most voters choose candidates first then justify their policy reasons, it means that winners don't have a right to implement their agenda.
Which I don't know why we have elections then. I posted the article in this thread yesterday.
Because they don't want to spend the money to insure everyone, and they're afraid it'll be a success.
That's bullshit, the USA spends more government money on health care per capita than any other industrialised nation in the world.
That's bullshit, the USA spends more government money on health care per capita than any other industrialised nation in the world.