Shutting down the entire government because you don't get your way is....a bit extreme.
Why can't the republicans compromise on this? I just don't understand. It makes no sense to me. Especially considering Obamacare is still pretty bad on the scheme of things when you compare it to you know, health care systems in the rest of the industrialised world.
In 2008, the Republicans decided that the best way for them to win elections was to tell Americans, as loudly as possible, that Obamacare was fascist socialism and that it would destroy America.
They won a bunch of elections in 2010 (and won a few, although they lost on balance, in 2012).
The new Republicans who were elected, unfortunately, believe that Obamacare is fascist socialism that will destroy America.
Obviously you can't compromise with the destruction of America! Even if you temporarily completely screw it up or cause a long-term financial crisis that will take decades to heal, that's better than FASCIST SOCIALISM.
Of course, the Republicans who were just SAYING that Obamacare would destroy America are having some problems now handling the Republicans who actually BELIEVE it. But that's kind of one of those reap the whirlwind phenomenons.
edit: This is why it's important to note that the suicide caucus is only, max, 80 House Republicans and maybe 5 Senate Republicans. That leaves 150 House Republicans and basically the whole Senate GOP Caucus who would be perfectly happy to compromise on Obamacare. Remember when Boehner said Obamacare was the law of the land and then they made him walk it back? There are still Republicans in Washington who don't view politics as a holy crusade. Granted, they view it as a board game with real money, but at least you can make deals in a board game.