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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Shutting down the entire government because you don't get your way is....a bit extreme.

Why can't the republicans compromise on this? I just don't understand. It makes no sense to me. Especially considering Obamacare is still pretty bad on the scheme of things when you compare it to you know, health care systems in the rest of the industrialised world.

In 2008, the Republicans decided that the best way for them to win elections was to tell Americans, as loudly as possible, that Obamacare was fascist socialism and that it would destroy America.

They won a bunch of elections in 2010 (and won a few, although they lost on balance, in 2012).

The new Republicans who were elected, unfortunately, believe that Obamacare is fascist socialism that will destroy America.

Obviously you can't compromise with the destruction of America! Even if you temporarily completely screw it up or cause a long-term financial crisis that will take decades to heal, that's better than FASCIST SOCIALISM.

Of course, the Republicans who were just SAYING that Obamacare would destroy America are having some problems now handling the Republicans who actually BELIEVE it. But that's kind of one of those reap the whirlwind phenomenons.

edit: This is why it's important to note that the suicide caucus is only, max, 80 House Republicans and maybe 5 Senate Republicans. That leaves 150 House Republicans and basically the whole Senate GOP Caucus who would be perfectly happy to compromise on Obamacare. Remember when Boehner said Obamacare was the law of the land and then they made him walk it back? There are still Republicans in Washington who don't view politics as a holy crusade. Granted, they view it as a board game with real money, but at least you can make deals in a board game.
someone posted this on my facebook wall.. wtf does it even mean.

So, let me get this straight. You're telling me that the free market creates unfair marketplace advantage, but the government, who can legally take your money and subsidize its own healthcare coverage, doesn't?


From everybody's favorite pollster:

gallup said:
PRINCETON, NJ -- Nearly two in three uninsured Americans say they will get insurance by Jan. 1, 2014, rather than pay a fine as mandated by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), while one in four say they will pay the fine. Less than half of the uninsured say they plan on getting health insurance specifically through a federal or state health insurance exchange.


Thirty percent of uninsured Americans are hoping to use the exchange to get insurance. That's a pretty solid adoption rate! Fifteen million customers should be a good start to Obamacare.


(backpats to Greg Sargent)


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage


"AP: About 800,000 federal workers would be forced off the job without pay."


Also, does anybody else feel that the #SenateMustAct tag is stupid? I mean, not just stupid because it's a hashtag but stupid because it's kind of vague. If the Senate strips everything out and passes a clean CR, that means the Senate acted. Which means they did exactly what the House Republicans are saying!

That sign is just blame shifting, which the GOP has been doing a lot of lately. It would be funny if it weren't so infuriating.
The senate is scheduled to table the House bill this afternoon. Whether that means early or late afternoon, I don't know. But it seems like Reid may end up giving the House another chance to pass a CR that includes anti Obamacare provisions. The House is meeting now.

The danger is that the House could hold their vote late tonight, and thus guarantee the ball is in the senate's hands an hour before shutdown, thus potentially shifting initial blame. Then there's the possibility that Boehner is using today's meetings to gauge interest in a clean CR.


Just as a quick diversion, are there any proponents for a more universal health care system in the US? Something along the lines of a Canadian system of government insurance, or an Australian hybrid system of national subsidy?
Just as a quick diversion, are there any proponents for a more universal health care system in the US? Something along the lines of a Canadian system of government insurance, or an Australian hybrid system of national subsidy?

There are a lot of Democrats in the House (the Congressional Progressive Caucus) and some Democratic members in the Senate that are either for a strong public option or single-payer.

Vermont is pursuing a single-payer at the state level. Honestly, that's probably how it's going to go down. Once Vermont shows the benefits, it'll pave the way for other states to follow suit. That'll build support at the federal level.


Just as a quick diversion, are there any proponents for a more universal health care system in the US? Something along the lines of a Canadian system of government insurance, or an Australian hybrid system of national subsidy?

Yes, all of California.


When I talked to a few Americans about the issue while I was over there, they all seemed to be of the position that a Universal Health Care system of SOME KIND was inevitable. It was just a question of when.
Dax's Recommend Twitter List for the Government Shutdown – to keep you up to date on everything that's happening!
  • Brian Beutler (congressional reporter for Salon)
  • Robert Costa (will give you *great* updates on what's happening with the GOP)
  • Amanda Carpenter (Senior Communications Adviser for Ted Cruz, follow for inevitable meltdown)
  • Ed O'Keefe (Congressional reporter for WaPo)
  • Russell Berman (Congressional reporter for The Hill)
  • Sam Stein (Congressional reporter, Huffingtonpost)
  • Suzy Khim (retweets a lot of good stuff)
  • Dave Weigel (Slate political reporter)
Also, does anybody else feel that the #SenateMustAct tag is stupid? I mean, not just stupid because it's a hashtag but stupid because it's kind of vague. If the Senate strips everything out and passes a clean CR, that means the Senate acted. Which means they did exactly what the House Republicans are saying!
I tweeted saying so. The #BlameHarryReid hashtag is dumb too. Do progressives have any of our own hashtags to use in this fight? I just created the #JustACleanCR hashtag, because that's really all Democrats are asking for...
My sister use to live in Massachusettes. She said Obamacare, since it was sort of this blueprint, will hardly change anything. It's the same shit as always except a bit modified. She sounded disgruntled how the whole thing has been overblown to hysterical proportions.

And have SHIT to show for it.
Best healthcare in the world. Free market and competition.
Thirty percent of uninsured Americans are hoping to use the exchange to get insurance. That's a pretty solid adoption rate! Fifteen million customers should be a good start to Obamacare.


(backpats to Greg Sargent)

I think you are reading that wrong. 48% of all uninsured plan to get an exchange plan. The lower question isn't a breakout of those planning to get insurance.

"Overall, 66% of the uninsured who plan on getting health insurance rather than pay a fine say they will get insurance through an exchange"

So the number is even higher.
My sister use to live in Massachusettes. She said Obamacare, since it was sort of this blueprint, will hardly change anything. It's the same shit as always except a bit modified. She sounded disgruntled how the whole thing has been overblown to hysterical proportions.

Best healthcare in the world. Free market and competition.
To be fair, obamacare wouldn't change much for the personal experience of an individual in Massachusetts
Robert Costa: CR w/ vitter amdt, as NR first reported, is at top of list, may be tied w/ extra demands (ind mandate delay)

Suzy Khimm: Politico reports McConnell/Senate GOP mulling one-week CR--expect House will be discussing this & more at 2 pm mtg

I don't see why Obama/Dems would go for a one-week CR. That pushes it closer and closer to the debt ceiling. It'd be horrible to have the two closer than it is.


GOP’s fatal leadership failure: The real story behind the shutdown

This summer, a group of well-heeled, influential conservatives, and their standard-bearers on Capitol Hill, began pressuring Republicans to make new appropriations for the government contingent upon Obama agreeing to gut his own health care law. It’s hard to say how exactly what roles publicity, rudderless rage, and strategic obliviousness played in this effort, but it was very obviously doomed from the outset to leave Republicans on the hook for a shutdown while holding Obamacare harmless.

But Boehner and other GOP leaders did almost nothing to extinguish the campaign and it quickly became a litmus test for dozens of conservative Republicans. A minority of the party, but enough to threaten Boehner’s leadership, and scare more sensible members of the party into believing their careers would be at risk if they moved too quickly to support a straightforward extension of funds for the government.


Even with a week of funding, I don't see how it changes much, Democrats are not going to delay Obamacare.

They might get rid of the medical device tax but that's about it I think.
I haven't been following this as closely as I would have liked, but has the Senate drafted up a sensible CR that is to be voted on?

The Senate needs to lead here.


Do members of the House GOP know something we don't? Like, is their internal polling telling them they are going to get annihilated in 2014 anyway, so may as well do as much damage as possible while they can? I can't think of any logical reason for this. The Democrats will never agree to any bill that defunds/delays Obamacare, the public is against them, and their leadership wants to pass a clean bill. This whole thing is total non-sense.
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