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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Do members of the House GOP know something we don't? Like, is their internal polling telling them they are going to get annihilated in 2014 anyway, so may as well do as much damage as possible while they can? I can't think of any logical reason for this. The Democrats will never agree to any bill that defunds/delays Obamacare, the public is against them, and their leadership wants to pass a clean bill. This whole thing is total non-sense.

the national party following the NC GOP on the path of spite?
@robertcostaNRO 4m

Paul Ryan tells me he has no comment at this time on McConnell one wk CR

@robertcostaNRO 3m

GOP aides say Reid may talk tough/dismiss one wk CR now, but still a midnight option

GOP will probably hold their vote late tonight to jam the senate. A one week CR won't work, but it sounds like the Vitter amendment could be included.

Or will Boehner hold the vote around 6-7pm, purposely giving the senate the chance to put the ball back in House's hands? That way he could say he tried his hardest, but it's time to pass clean CR.
The bill has been tabled, sent back to the House.

I don't think Reid will go for a CR. He's already said as much, and it doesn't do them any good. What's going on with Boehner's caucus is his problem, not Reids, and this has been going on for months. What makes everyone think Boehner can solve this problem in another week?
If we weren't on the edge of a government shutdown I'd want someone (Reid, Obama, Pelosi, Biden) to be like "You know what? We're not doing this crap. Pass an actual budget"


Quasi Speaker Pelosi <33 is going to speak at 3.

And god dammit C-SPAN needs to fix the pixel ratio for its free Internet stream. Yeah it is free, but so is GameTrailers and Twitch, but this is a video stream about our Government!


Gotcha. And were these bills sent to the House and were they just rejected?

Again I feel it necessary to reiterate that the Senate is constitutionally disallowed from being the chamber of origin for bills that spend money!

But yes, the House CR, having been amended into a clean CR, was passed through the Senate. The House could, at any time, pass the clean Senate CR and end the shutdown threat.
Again I feel it necessary to reiterate that the Senate is constitutionally disallowed from being the chamber of origin for bills that spend money!

But yes, the House CR, having been amended into a clean CR, was passed through the Senate. The House could, at any time, pass the clean Senate CR and end the shutdown threat.

Yeah I figured so. Thanks for that.


How does that force Reid's hand lmao

I am relishing the role reversal. For the duration of Obama's term, he and Reid have been trying to work while the GOP just stood there and said, no.

Now the GOP is floundering around while Obama and Reid return the favor, and they're destroying themselves in the process. All Reid has to do is say no. It's just a question of how many times.
I wonder if sometimes off-camera the Administration just outright bluntly says "These fucking morons" and then shake their heads.

Ugh, I'd love to hear conversations off-script.


Unconfirmed Member
How does that force Reid's hand lmao

Fair or not, those are the two most hated parts of the ACA. It'll be a bit harder for Dems to justify a shutdown over those two things.

I wonder how insurers would feel about being forced into setting a price assuming a individual mandate that never happened.


Oh boy, an Iranian (by heritage) spy was recently arrested in Israel...

Am I jaded when my reaction to this was "Nice try Israel, stop trying to fuck up the reconciliation?"

Every country has spies in other countries. Israel has spies here, and have been caught before. So what Israel, we're trying to fix shit up here.
Senator Claire McCaskill makes a good point.

If Boehner would just let the House vote on the clean CR, we would find that there would be a pretty noticable bipartisan vote for an 'aye'.

But the leaders aren't even allowing for a vote.
Fair or not, those are the two most hated parts of the ACA. It'll be a bit harder for Dems to justify a shutdown over those two things.

I wonder how insurers would feel about being forced into setting a price assuming a individual mandate that never happened.

The problem is that ending the individual mandate effectively kills the law. It's a vote to end Obamacare, by another name.

Even those democrats on the fence realize they already voted for Obamacare x years ago, and won't get a pass for changing their mind now. It's not like republicans are going to say "ok Mark Pryor, you did the right thing and voted to defund Obamacare. Tom Cotton will drop out the race instead of beating you in the next election now." These democrats best hope is that the law is implemented and works well enough for working poor people that they show up to vote next year. Ending the law leaves democrats with their dick in their hand.


I think blaming voters is a good strategy if your goal is to assign blame to the group that deserves it.

The undecided voter got the government they deserve.

Then each side didn't do a good job explaining and motivating those voters to their side.

It's the easy way out to just say, "Ah, they're all stupid."


Fair or not, those are the two most hated parts of the ACA. It'll be a bit harder for Dems to justify a shutdown over those two things.

I wonder how insurers would feel about being forced into setting a price assuming a individual mandate that never happened.

They'd be completely fucked, since the law would keep guaranteed issue, and the prices have already been submitted. It would probably lead to a functional collapse of the healthcare system.
Then each side didn't do a good job explaining and motivating those voters to their side.

It's the easy way out to just say, "Ah, they're all stupid."

No, I think the explanations were crystal clear. The voters just didn't pay attention.

The undecided voter makes statements like, "Why can't everyone in Washington D.C. just get along?!?!?!!!!??"

Anyone who makes a statement like that isn't paying attention.


No, I think the explanations were crystal clear. The voters just didn't pay attention.

The undecided voter makes statements like, "Why can't everyone in Washington D.C. just get along?!?!?!!!!??"

Anyone who makes a statement like that isn't paying attention.

Then they should market themselves better.


Am I jaded when my reaction to this was "Nice try Israel, stop trying to fuck up the reconciliation?"

Every country has spies in other countries. Israel has spies here, and have been caught before. So what Israel, we're trying to fix shit up here.

Yeah, I mean, I assume Israel has no spies in Iran!
Then they should market themselves better.

The "marketing" scheme only works well with the American center during election season. Even then, it needs a buzz word to succeed like "47%." There aren't buzz words falling out of the sky for the health care reform.

Obama tried "marketing" after he was elected with all of his speeches and addresses that interrupted people's favorite television shows. It turns out folks didn't like that because they would rather watch Modern Family instead of a "boring old speech."


Then each side didn't do a good job explaining and motivating those voters to their side.

It's the easy way out to just say, "Ah, they're all stupid."

In fairness, the "undecided voter" (I prefer to call them "low information voters") has to navigate a media landscape where on the one hand, we have entire conservative media organizations actively misleading people, and a mainstream press bending over backward not to take sides. ("Republicans say the earth is flat. Democrats say they are wrong.") So getting word out is difficult, as seen by how little people understand about laws such as ACA. If your source of news is the mainstream press, you're pretty much screwed.

That said, I have relatively little sympathy for undecided voters. Getting answers has never been easier.
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