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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Question, I haven't followed this too much: Do the Republicans really think they can win this thing? Like, do they think this will improve their standing in the next elections?
It's not about elections. It's about doing the right thing for the American people. Someone has to stand up to fascist Obama. The tea party is doing God's work.

What the hell does that do? How does that solve anything? A last ditch effort to seem reasonable?

That's exactly what it is. "We tried to compromise, but those Democrats wouldn't come to the table."

In reality, there's nothing to compromise on. The idea that they would have a formal conference on a continuing resolution is kind of nuts - the GOP has prevented a formal conference on the full year's budget since the Senate passed it months ago.


It won't hurt most of the House GOP since their constituencies are fucking insane.

Some of them are also deluded enough to think Obamacare will hurt the Dems in 2016.

Yeah but that doesn't represent a large portion of the voting base. Most Americans aren't radicals. So doesn't it weaken them?


I really don't get House leadership. You'd think they'd realize that they would be actually concerned about national and toss-up senate elections even if the Tea Party republicans arent. I guess Boehner really loves his speakership or something, which is pretty mind-blowing when you think about it. It sounds like a terrible, thankless job right now
Yeah but that doesn't represent a large portion of the voting base. Most Americans aren't radicals. So doesn't it weaken them?
Thanks to gerrymandering most of these guys can pander to the base and get elected in the general too without changing a damn thing. As we saw with Romney and the Senate candidates last year this only works in the House.
It's late and I'm fantasy hockey drafting... why would that mean shutdown?

It takes a long amount of time to start a conference/get something done. But in order to start conference, you need unanimous consent on the senate floor. There's no way democrats allow it.

@robertcostaNRO 2m

Think of going to conference now, at 10pm, as a procedural detour that may buy time like another revised CR, but w/ less headaches

In short they got nothin', and are stalling.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) today described the Ted Cruz wing of his party "lemmings with suicide vests ... because jumping to your death is not enough."

In short they got nothin', and are stalling.

My understanding is that Boehner may not have votes to send anything back to the Senate. It might be scuttled by an alliance of the Tea Party Conservatives who won't accept a watered down bill, and so-called 'moderates' who have had enough of this nonsense. Boehner doesn't want to send a bill to the floor and watch it fail.
The only way to not have a shutdown is for the House to pass the clean CR immediately. Doing anything else means a shutdown.

Seems like something like that might come with a temporary extension (few days) though? Is a temp. extension even on the table right now?


It takes a long amount of time to start a conference/get something done. But in order to start conference, you need unanimous consent on the senate floor. There's no way democrats allow it.

I'm not really sure why the Senate doesn't just allow the conference. By the time it actually gets spun up the government will have been shut down and the House will obviously be responsible. Then they'll have to explain that they're not starting the government back up because...THEY'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A CONFERENCE COMMITTEE.

The Senators can just insist that the conference report be a clean CR.

edit: Actually, what the hell. Let's set the conference report at a clean CR, at pre-sequester levels, and removing the debt ceiling. Why the hell not?


thanks for the laugh
"i say hitler's back and his name's obama".

these guys make scousers on 606 sound balanced and reasonable.
I'm not really sure why the Senate doesn't just allow the conference. By the time it actually gets spun up the government will have been shut down and the House will obviously be responsible. Then they'll have to explain that they're not starting the government back up because...THEY'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A CONFERENCE COMMITTEE.

The Senators can just insist that the conference report be a clean CR.
...plus a debt limit hike

edit: hah, just saw your edit. exactly


Yeah but that doesn't represent a large portion of the voting base. Most Americans aren't radicals. So doesn't it weaken them?
They'll hold onto their annoying house majority because of gerrymandering, and politicians are primarily interested in self-preservation.

And as I said earlier, there's a strain of thought in the Right that the Dems will be blamed for the shutdown/default or at the very least, that Obamacare will be so hated once it's in effect that it'll hurt the Dems in national elections.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
If Obamacare is so bad, let it pass without stupid battles you won't win. If it's bad policy and fuck's everything up.. you win the Presidency next term.. and call it a day.


No Scrubs
Holy shit, Blitzer is actually calling this Congresswoman out on what the GOP has been doing. He actually doing his goddamn job here, it's amazing. It's like being in AC's time slot has caused him to remember that he is a journalist and not a mimeograph machine.


Unconfirmed Member
This guy on CSPAN2 extrapolating the deficits from ACA over 75 years. I wonder what $7.7 trillion looks like in 2090 dollars.


Okay, now I am a little concerned about the debt ceiling.
Heard a theory by Ezra Klein the other day on Maddow, that the house would go with a shutdown to avoid fights on the debt ceiling. That way, they felt asif they fought for something, ultimately amounting to nothing. Better to shut the ggovernment down for a few days then to default. Hoping he's right.
@robertcostaNRO 1m

Reid's rejections of House CRs got under GOP's skin. GOP now saying, OK then, we're sick of you tabling things, we'll force u into conf
@robertcostaNRO 57s

And, as they become more annoyed at Reid, they also become wary of doing any more whipping tonight on another CR round

Seriously? What the fuck did they expect Reid to do. Who's in charge here lmao...

Reid the master troll, I guess. And they can't even get to conference without unanimous consent in the senate.
Democrats will probably have to give a little bit for the debt ceiling because that's much more disastrous than a government shutdown. Not anything related to the ACA, but maybe something like the Keystone Pipeline.
Welp if we're gonna shut down here's what's gonna happen

If Congress is unable to pass legislation that will fund the government by midnight tonight, the U.S. government will shut down. Here is what a government shutdown means for you:

-All national parks and zoos will be closed, but animals will be fed and cared for by Sens. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) and Tom Harkin (D-IA)

-No trash collection in Washington, D.C., which means the only solution is for residents to eat their own garbage

-Those who died and are honored in the Holocaust Museum will become de-memorialized and will no longer be resting in peace

-Old man with giant beard who walks hundreds of steps to light the gas lamp in the Statue of Liberty every night will be unemployed

-You will still be able to send and receive mail, but any attempt to poison government officials will have to be held off until they return to their offices after the shutdown ends

-This probably won’t have any actual effect on your marriage, but it’s better to blame it on this than facing what the real issues are

-Any harm that may occur to you during the shutdown will still affect your body in real life. Essentially, if you die in the shutdown, you die for real.

-Most government workers will be furloughed—a procedure that involves halting their pay, sending them home, and then castrating them with a gelding knife in front of their spouses

-Realistically, you won’t be affected by this very much in your day-to-day life, but you’ll feel the full effects during the 2014 midterm election when you lose your seat in Congress


Why does The Onion seem more grounded in reality than the fucking house?


Democrats will probably have to give a little bit for the debt ceiling because that's much more disastrous than a government shutdown. Not anything related to the ACA, but maybe something like the Keystone Pipeline.
No. Fuck that. We give them anything and they'll continue to pull this shit. Tell them to fuck off, no negotiations whatsoever.
Heard a theory by Ezra Klein the other day on Maddow, that the house would go with a shutdown to avoid fights on the debt ceiling. That way, they felt asif they fought for something, ultimately amounting to nothing. Better to shut the ggovernment down for a few days then to default. Hoping he's right.
I think that's a little far fetched considering the things teaparty members are saying. Besides, that strategy actually requires the use of brains.


Democrats will probably have to give a little bit for the debt ceiling because that's much more disastrous than a government shutdown. Not anything related to the ACA, but maybe something like the Keystone Pipeline.

No, don't give in on anything that was in the Romney/Ryan platform. Those fuckers lost. This isn't Kindergarten, losing is losing.
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