GOPtea is a malignant cancer on this country. What a joke.
Let me explain. Repubs and their donors won a victory in 2010 partly because they whipped up their paranoid voters into thinking Obama and by extension Obamacare was the great evil. Now they have to either "win" or go back and explain to these people that the socialist government has taken over.
I found a picture of Diablos somewhere in the union states.
Hey guys, I was at work all day. What did I miss?
All non-essential posters, please report to Pop-GAF for the duration.
Dude, that pic is straight up creepy.
All non-essential posters, please report to Pop-GAF for the duration.
Can you imagine how much progress we could have made without them?
Guys, we still have 3 more hours....
(lives in California)
He gets a few more hours if he makes it to HawaiiJust keep running west. Its your only hope.
Just keep running west. Its your only hope.
Over or under 7 days?
I say over.
Wild stab at 2 weeks.Over or under 7 days?
I say over.
How do you figure?There's really one good thing that's come out of this idiocy. It decreases the odds of having a fight over the debt ceiling.
How do you figure?
How do you figure?
Anyone with a brain wouldn't let this last more than a week.
So it'll last for three weeks. Things get so bad for the GOP that they agree to a budget with pre-sequestration cuts and raises the debt ceiling.
All this is done by breaking the Hassert rule, of course.
Over or under 7 days?
I say over.
Happy ObamCare!!!!!!
Over or under 7 days?
I say over.
Knowing the tenacity of the Tea Party they'll just regroup and prepare for another hissy fit. The question is if Boehner will continue to tolerate it.This'll get the fight out of their system now, by the time we have to do the debt ceiling they won't have had time to recover.
Over or under 7 days?
I say over.
My gut says under, but my gut also acted upon the assumption that Boehner is a ratoinal player in this situation and that this wouldn't happen, so I'm going with over. This'll last until the debt ceiling fight.
Yep. Let's hope it ONLY goes that far.
My gut says Boehner finally runs to the Democrats to open the government back up again, and has to do the same for the debt ceiling hike.
This'll get the fight out of their system now, by the time we have to do the debt ceiling they won't have had time to recover.