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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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No Scrubs
Yup. This shutdown thing should cause all the tea party tykes to tucker themselves out.

It's funny that a strategy to deal with an excitable preschooler lends itself so well to dealing with the Tea Party. Wait did I say funny? I mean sad, very very sad.

EDIT: Google's front page is celebrating Yosemite National Park today, which is closed due to the shut down. Oh Google.


So the US Government is officially in shutdown?

Holy shit.

Today, I'm sad to say that I'm ashamed that I normally identify with this side of politics. This is petty asinine nonsense.


Meanwhile, our elected officials are getting drunk.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Doesn't really bother me. If there is any time appropriate for lawmakers to get wasted it's now.

Congress-critters should only drink out of depression. Not out of celebration like I'm sure the GOPers are doin.
The trillion dollar coin idea will get him laughed out of the room where all the VSP reside. Instead, what he should do is mint a couple of bricks of platinum, and say,"okay, a trillion bucks right there!". It would serve the same purpose as the coin, but at least it'll make it seem somewhat more reasonable.

I think what he should do is take a post-it note, write "$1T" on it. Have Jack Lew sign it, and turn it over to the Fed. Fuck delusions about money and the people who have them.


Ya know, I'd like to think that some of our elected officials were actually TRYING to solve this problem, instead of just getting wasted. If I was drinking on the job I certainly wouldn't have a job anymore.
Over or under 7 days?

I say over.

Remember when the sequester was never going to happen, ever?

And how worst case scenario, if it happened, it would last a day or two,at most?

And if hell froze over, a week?

*6 months later*

Guys, you forget the tea party was elected on "no government is good government". Their mission, from day 1, was to shut it down.

All the things they love - military, airplanes, CIA - thats fully funded.

All the things they hate - EPA, national parks, obamaphones - that gets shut down.

This is a dream come true for them, and they'll milk it as long as they can.

Who cares what the polls say? In their mind, they're saving america from China calling in the debt on their grandchildren.

Put me down for Thanksgiving.


No Scrubs
Ya know, I'd like to think that some of our elected officials were actually TRYING to solve this problem, instead of just getting wasted. If I was drinking on the job I certainly wouldn't have a job anymore.

The only person who could have adverted this was John Boehner. This is all on him. All everyone else had to do was make sure they stayed sober enough to vote.

The government is shut down and obamacare is live. I can't help but laugh at this set of circumstances.

On top of that, today Google is celebrating a National Park that is closed until further notice.


Unconfirmed Member
I just feel that both sides are terrified about what a compromise now would mean for their leverage in that debt ceiling debate. Whoever gives up now is screwed come the debt ceiling. So neither side is going to budge until the two issues roll into one.

The wildcard is public outrage forcing someone's hand early, but who knows exactly how the public will react to something like this. Apparently current polls aren't enough to make the republicans flinch.


I'd personally be able to take the shutdown of the national parks and non-essential services for a bit (as beautiful and gorgeous as they are) so that 40 million Americans can actually access a decent level of health care.


iirc, the GOP would have had 100 votes to pass a clean CR, right? At least 100 votes.

Why is he so preoccupied with appeasing a small sect of his party? It makes NO sense. He's not even that type of Republican.


Yes the tea party is, Lemmings with suicide vests, but Boehner could have broken the Hastert Rule and brought a clean CR up for a vote. He didn't, that's on him.
That is true. However, he's worried about Tea Party backlash. Sooooooo....

Granted, I honestly don't think that the Dems are going to cave this time. He'll probably have to come around.
please don't cave.


Why are we so confident they won't cave? I just hope it isn't on delaying the PPACA. It will totally fuck the premiums and make it a public relations disaster. WHICH IS WHAT THE GOP WANTS.

Everyone on this hannity panel (he is not there) is basically calling boehner and the GOP dumb. Even fox not completely on board. lol
For real? For the first time in my life I wish I had Fox News!


Unconfirmed Member
iirc, the GOP would have had 100 votes to pass a clean CR, right? At least 100 votes.

Why is he so preoccupied with appeasing a small sect of his party? It makes NO sense. He's not even that type of Republican.

Tea Party knows a deep dark secret to blackmail him with?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I think what he should do is take a post-it note, write "$1T" on it. Have Jack Lew sign it, and turn it over to the Fed. Fuck delusions about money and the people who have them.

I'd support that too, but Obama needs the media to take him seriously. Even if that means doing things which would be even dumber than what's considered silly.

Everyone on this hannity panel (he is not there) is basically calling boehner and the GOP dumb. Even fox not completely on board. lol

Seriously? No one tried to ask why Obama decided to shut down the government?


No Scrubs
That is true. However, he's worried about Tea Party backlash. Sooooooo....

Granted, I honestly don't think that the Dems are going to cave this time. He'll probably have to come around.
please don't cave.

They can't cave at this point. The exchanges have gone into effect as of 43 minutes ago. There's no caving left to do for the Dems.

Boehner's broken the Hastert Rule before, he'll have do it again to end this. Sure the Tea Party would have been pissed, but all his donors would have been happy. Now it's the reverse.


They can't cave at this point. The exchanges have gone into effect as of 43 minutes ago. There's no caving left to do for the Dems.

Boehner's broken the Hastert Rule before, he'll have do it again to end this. Sure the Tea Party would have been pissed, but all his donors would have been happy. Now it's the reverse.
Obviously I didn't completely understand what they were trying to do. So the exchanges that JUST went live were the object that the GOP was trying to delay?


They can't cave at this point. The exchanges have gone into effect as of 43 minutes ago. There's no caving left to do for the Dems.

Boehner's broken the Hastert Rule before, he'll have do it again to end this. Sure the Tea Party would have been pissed, but all his donors would have been happy. Now it's the reverse.
I don't know, there still must be a way to negate the mandate which could have sudden and catastrophic consequences for the insurance industry.

Obviously I didn't completely understand what they were trying to do. So the exchanges that JUST went live were the object that the GOP was trying to delay?
afaik, not the exchanges themselves but the fact that there is no mandate, thus not as many people are paying into it, which basically breaks the way subsidies were supposed to work.


No Scrubs
Obviously I didn't completely understand what they were trying to do. So the exchanges that JUST went live were the object that the GOP was trying to delay?

More or less. Once they go live, if you try and take them away, you can be painted as trying to take away people's access to healthcare. The GOP itself has admitted that once the ACA goes into effect that they've lost the fight, no large social program passed in the last 50 years has ever been dismantled.

I don't know, there still must be a way to negate the mandate which could have sudden and catastrophic consequences for the insurance industry.

afaik, not the exchanges themselves but the fact that there is no mandate, thus not as many people are paying into it, which basically breaks the way subsidies were supposed to work.

There might be, but I doubt the President or Senate will go for it.


More or less. Once they go live, if you try and take them away, you can be painted as trying to take away people's access to healthcare. The GOP itself has admitted that once the ACA goes into effect that they've lost the fight, no large social program passed in the last 50 years has ever been dismantled.
Q: Have we had anyone as crazy as the Tea Party in Congress over the past 50 years?
A: No.

Q: Does John Boehner have a pair of balls? Is he even competent?
A: No and fuck no.

Deduce (or don't) from that what you will, but this ain't over till it's over.


No Scrubs
Q: Have we had anyone as crazy as the Tea Party in Congress over the past 50 years?
A: No.

Q: Does John Boehner have a pair of balls?
A: No.

Deduce (or don't) from that what you will, but this ain't over till it's over.

Oh they'll keep trying for a while, I have no doubt of that. But all the establishment types know that the fight is basically lost once people start using the exchanges and get their insurance. If they try to get rid of the law they'll just be painted as trying to take people's healthcare from them and it won't just be rhetoric this time. There's a reason they haven't been able to dismantle medicare, social security or medicade.


Everyone on this hannity panel (he is not there) is basically calling boehner and the GOP dumb. Even fox not completely on board. lol

Is this a first? I honestly can't remember a time when fox news didnt try to spin a story to make the republicans look better or the democrats worse
There might be, but I doubt the President or Senate will go for it.
And even if they do, it can't be tied to this. Like literally can not be.

If they want to compromise on healthcare they have to get something out of it that improves Obamacare. Public option, wider coverage, national exchange, expanding Medicare, I don't know. Making ACA more palatable to right-wing lunatics should not be a bargaining chip for keeping the government running.

But anyway, if we're dealing with a shutdown, might as well have some fun!



Oh they'll keep trying for a while, I have no doubt of that. But all the establishment types know that the fight is basically lost once people start using the exchanges and get their insurance. If they try to get rid of the law they'll just be painted as trying to take people's healthcare from them and it won't just be rhetoric this time. There's a reason they haven't been able to dismantle medicare, social security or medicade.
Yeah. But here's the thing: Repeal hasn't been mentioned as much. It's about delaying now. The GOP knows they can't repeal it anymore unless Obama politically blows his brains out.

Delaying = higher premiums and probably some other unexpected consequences = the public backing down from supporting this law. That's what they want. They want the law to become unpopular which will help Republicans in elections and make it easier to repeal the law someday.

They can still delay the mandate with the marketplace still open. Now people don't have to worry about fines if they do not buy insurance during open enrollment.


No Scrubs
Yeah. But here's the thing: Repeal hasn't been mentioned as much. It's about delaying now.

Delaying = higher premiums and probably some other unexpected consequences = the public backing down from supporting this law. That's what they want. They want the law to become unpopular which will help Republicans in elections and make it easier to repeal the law someday.

What's left to delay at this point though? The mandate? Obama and Reid won't go for that, if they were willing to they'd have done it already.
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