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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Not true, the fed can simply sell the bonds its been buying to make it work. Its not going to cause massive inflation or instability

But the problem is people/countries won't want to buy bonds. Why buy the bonds of a dysfunctional economy? Interest rates would spike making it harder for the US to service its debt.


Sidhe / PikPok
edit: moar


27% of people with only "Fair/Poor" Health support their congressman in defunding ACA to the point of a government shutdown? And 28% of those who have no insurance?

There is just no helping some people help themselves.

And then there are the 24% of those who think "ACA will make things better" but still support defunding? WTF? Are these people also holding the position "would hate to a see a Black Democrat President succeed"?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
LOL at the stock market futures actually rising.
Right. That was the theory I kept telling people would happen! But it assumed that Boehner would CONFIDENTLY and DEFIANTLY shut the government down to appease the crazies. It did not assume that, with three hours to go before the federal government shut down, the House would vote to GO TO CONFERENCE. How is that going to give Boehner the cover he needs to eventually pass the CR?

My theory relied on the idea that Boehner was secretly effective and just pretending to look incompetent. But there's no analysis where going to conference is secretly effective. This strongly implies that Boehner might, in fact, actually just be completely incompetent! If that's the case ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN.
I tried to tell you!
So the Justice Department is going after states that have enacted restrictive voter ID laws. Good. But what are they chances of winning in light of the Section V of the VRA being struck down?

Also, Quinnipiac has a new poll out that shows the Democrats up by nine on the congressional generic ballot:
The poll showed that voters gave the nod to a generic Democrat over a generic Republican ahead of the 2014 congressional races, 43 percent to 34 percent. According to Quinnipiac, that's the widest advantage enjoyed by Democrats on that particular question.




Sidhe / PikPok
Fox and Friends guest (author of "Beating Obamacare") commenting on some States not being fully prepared as yet for ACA rollout -

"Remember when the US invaded Normandy on D-Day? What if they hadn't been ready!?"


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Fox and Friends guest (author of "Beating Obamacare") commenting on some States not being fully prepared as yet for ACA rollout -

"Remember when the US invaded Normandy on D-Day? What if they hadn't been ready!?"

Let me see...yep, worst comparison ever. We've got a new champion!
So, the average German citizen here near my base is asking us in casual conversation, "Why is your government so dysfunctional, ya?"

Ugh. I felt so fucking embarrassed.
So, the average German citizen here near my base is asking us in casual conversation, "Why is your government so dysfunctional, ya?"

Ugh. I felt so fucking embarrassed.

Was just reading this yesterday:

Each party creates just one 90-second ad for the entire election, and the number of times it airs on TV is proportional to the number of votes the party garnered in the last election. For smaller parties like Die Linke, that means about four times on each of the two major channels. Total. In the last U.S. election, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both spent more than $400 million each on TV ads, the vast majority of them negative.

Unlike in the U.S., where elected officials start campaigning almost as soon as they set foot in office, German campaigns last only six weeks. Because there are small parties to soak up hardline voters, as well as a lack of primaries -- candidates are put on a party list -- there’s also no need for candidates to swing wildly toward a radical base for one part of the election, then gradually ease toward the center as it wears on. (Though one could argue that a list is less democratic than a primary.)

A pleasant side effect of these government-funded, low-dollar elections is that German politicians spend very little of their time fundraising. Meanwhile, in Washington, lawmakers devote, as Reuters reported, “up to four or five hours a day ... in tough re-election campaigns -- in telemarketing-style cubicles a few hundred yards from the Capitol.”

A better democracy


Really unnerving that I still can't log in to the healthcare marketplace. People need to see this working. If it crashes on them they're going to think GOPers already shut it down :lol


Really unnerving that I still can't log in to the healthcare marketplace. People need to see this working. If it crashes on them they're going to think GOPers already shut it down :lol

Should have launched it through Steam. Then, during the Summer Sale, you could get a crazy deal on a Rhinoplasty.

Welp, looks like I have all day (and a few more than one more likely) to play some FFXIV and catch up on story dungeons.


Really unnerving that I still can't log in to the healthcare marketplace. People need to see this working. If it crashes on them they're going to think GOPers already shut it down :lol
Calm down. The sign up period lasts until March, I think? Plenty of time after the initial rushdown.


Calm down. The sign up period lasts until March, I think? Plenty of time after the initial rushdown.
Oh there you are. I called your name like 100 times in the channel but you must have been lost in XIV land.

Yeah, there are 6 months to sign up. But I wanna see what plans I have available in my state.
Really unnerving that I still can't log in to the healthcare marketplace. People need to see this working. If it crashes on them they're going to think GOPers already shut it down :lol
Pretty ironic given how technologically impressive the campaign was on Election Day. I guess the good news is that clearly a lot of people are signing up. Bad news is that apparently the US government is worse at dealing with heavy traffic than Blizzard during Diablo 3's launch.


Pretty ironic given how technologically impressive the campaign was on Election Day. I guess the good news is that clearly a lot of people are signing up. Bad news is that apparently the US government is worse at dealing with heavy traffic than Blizzard during Diablo 3's launch.
I also love how they can't put an apostrophe in the word "couldn't".

So, about that there 14th Amendment:
Wikipedia said:
Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Section 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

Section 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.[1]
Can someone please tell me how the courts would be able to successfully go after the President if he did this? Section 4 seems to completely justify using it. Repealing/delaying/etc. anything pertaining to the ACA has nothing to do with what needs to be done and thus can be called out for exactly what it is: a rebellion, a personal vendetta against the President, economic security of the country be damned. I'd love to see him get impeached for it. Go ahead and try, the Senate wouldn't follow through on it anyway. If for some reason the GOP gets back the Senate next year, perhaps then they could, but it would probably just make them look as dumb as they are right now and thus help Democrats.
Senate rejected the house's conference request, surprise. Boehner looks like a fool. But maybe this is him saying fuck it and showing his party how stupid a shut down is. They've wanted one for four years, now it's here.

Remember that part in Game Change where Palin kept obsessing over her poll numbers in Alaska? That's what is going on now, except house members are obsessing over district numbers in lily white gerrymandered areas.


Dysfunctional doesn't even begin to describe our government. This is simply embarrassing. And we're probably stuck with these clowns until 2020.
Senate rejected the house's conference request, surprise. Boehner looks like a fool. But maybe this is him saying fuck it and showing his party how stupid a shut down is. They've wanted one for four years, now it's here.

Remember that part in Game Change where Palin kept obsessing over her poll numbers in Alaska? That's what is going on now, except house members are obsessing over district numbers in lily white gerrymandered areas.

So, in your opinion, when does the beast get its fringe under control. Certain gerrymandered tea party repubs are safe, but this can't be good for the GOP as a whole.

Anecdotal for sure, but I went out to dinner with my only righty friends. All of them oppose if the PPACA, but all agreed the house was acting like children.


Dysfunctional doesn't even begin to describe our government. This is simply embarrassing. And we're probably stuck with these clowns until 2020.
Depending how how things go this could cause a deep rift within the GOP and they could pay for it dearly next year.

Though I am the father of "Diablosing" in these threads, I really think it is possible.

Or, as I said, Hillary alone could carry Dems over the top and they could gain back a majority even if slight.

So, in your opinion, when does the beast get its fringe under control. Certain gerrymandered tea party repubs are safe, but this can't be good for the GOP as a whole.

Anecdotal for sure, but I went out to dinner with my only righty friends. All of them oppose if the PPACA, but all agreed the house was acting like children.
Yeah. The guy across the street from me who votes for the GOP said "I was a Republican, but not anymore" to me this morning. He thinks they are making a serious mistake. Anecdotal, sure, but not surprising given the GOP gets blamed for this by default.

The question is if this is ongoing for weeks, will the GOP be able to successfully craft a PR campaign to make Dems look like the losers here? They just might. Most of them are smooth as shit when they talk about this.


California's exchange is up. Although it seems to be getting hammered. Trying to enroll myself at the moment and it's stuck on loading.
So, in your opinion, when does the beast get its fringe under control. Certain gerrymandered tea party repubs are safe, but this can't be good for the GOP as a whole.

Anecdotal for sure, but I went out to dinner with my only righty friends. All of them oppose if the PPACA, but all agreed the house was acting like children.
Dunno. I think moderates in both parties will lose some seats next year, simply due to how house elections work. But I do believe the GOP has shat the bed for all to see this time...the question who will show up to vote next year. Will minorities, young people, and the working poor who benefit from Obamacare show up? It's clear the far right remains fired up and ready to go, I'm not sure about democrat groups.

House GOP meets at 1PM. A few republicans have signaled they're ready to cave (unsurprisingly, many from Virginia) but is it enough? Michael York noted that 175 republicans would vote for a clean CR but are afraid of primaries. At what point will they become more afraid of the damage the shutdown is doing?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Seems the Healthcare.gov is getting a lot of glitches because so many people are visiting it. That's a good problem to have.

Ironically, I think this whole crap brought even more attention to it and I wouldn't be surprised if they exceed expected sign ups by a whole lot.


House GOP meets at 1PM. A few republicans have signaled they're ready to cave (unsurprisingly, many from Virginia) but is it enough? Michael York noted that 175 republicans would vote for a clean CR but are afraid of primaries. At what point will they become more afraid of the damage the shutdown is doing?
WTF? "Yeah let's shut down the government and risk default, that is SO MUCH BETTER for our political prospects instead of rolling over on PPACA!"

I like how the more vocal the GOP is about Obamacare, the more people, stastically/proportionally are going to try and see what the fuss is about, notice how big of an improvement, relatively, that it was than our old shitfest system, and then say "SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!"

Politics has more irony than history.
I like how the more vocal the GOP is about Obamacare, the more people, stastically/proportionally are going to try and see what the fuss is about, notice how big of an improvement, relatively, that it was than our old shitfest system, and then say "SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!"

Politics has more irony than history.
Lots of mixed reactions in the GAF thread so far, amongst young people.


RT @robertcosta RT @Chris_Moody Paul Ryan says GOP will push for budget deal as part of agreement to raise debt ceiling limit.

And round and round and round we go.

It won't happen.

Ironically, I think this whole crap brought even more attention to it and I wouldn't be surprised if they exceed expected sign ups by a whole lot.

This is a good point and I think it probably did help raise awareness. Most of the coverage of this showdown I read and heard also tied in the fact that the exchanges were to go live today.


Lots of mixed reactions in the GAF thread so far, amongst young people.

I think Obama and Democrats have really screwed themselves over with young people due to the NSA, because that's apparently all a lot of them can think about. There's going to be even more apathy than usual going forward.
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