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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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So how confident are you guys that Obama won't negotiate on the debt ceiling? Now that he never has to run for office ever again, there's no need for him to agree on anything other than a clean debt ceiling raise, right?
He's not a crazy person and knows there's a shit ton more at stake.
Perception, being "the guy", Mr. Speaker, etc… It's all ego-based.

Being up at the helm, even only nominally, and being brought down to be "one of the rest" hurts the ego. He seems to have one.

But he looks like an emperor with no clothes to everyone. There is not a perception of power. He can grab real power by pissing on them.


So how confident are you guys that Obama won't negotiate on the debt ceiling? Now that he never has to run for office ever again, there's no need for him to agree on anything other than a clean debt ceiling raise, right?

He won't do it. It'd set a HORRIBLE precedent


So how confident are you guys that Obama won't negotiate on the debt ceiling? Now that he never has to run for office ever again, there's no need for him to agree on anything other than a clean debt ceiling raise, right?

Depend on what "negotiation" means. If it's "delay/defund Obamacare in exchange for the debt ceiling" then there will be none. They have to give something up, in exchange for Obama giving in to Keystone pipeline or something like that.


So how confident are you guys that Obama won't negotiate on the debt ceiling? Now that he never has to run for office ever again, there's no need for him to agree on anything other than a clean debt ceiling raise, right?

Dems and Obama have no point to negotiate on anything. The GOP is trying to fund piecemeal government so they can have a shutdown without all the pain of a shutdown (and pressure from constituents). Dems should recognize this as the GOP trying to get even bigger budget cut by funding popular stuff and continuing to gut less popular stuff. They either fund the entire thing or nothing at all.
I don't even understand why boehner even wants the speakership at this point. If he has no control to do anything and without a concession he cannot get he loses the job anyway, why not just shit on the guys trying to fuck you over?

Pass the cr, raise the debt limit, and wank it in front of Ted Cruz.
What makes you think he isn't already doing that when he's in his speaker chair in the house?
I paraphrased one of Bruce Bartlett's tweets from earlier (the one about the "yoke of tyranny" and "why isn't the economy booming yet") as a Facebook status and this got posted in response

Dow's only down .4% for the week, and is way up on the month. Nasdaq and S&P are both up for the week. Doesn't look like investors are worried.

Clown shoes.


No Scrubs
lol @ Louie Gohmert not even knowing what the Pres already signed into law.

I can't believe this is our Congress.

Louie Gohmert doesn't surprise me anymore. I just assume he's incapable of taking a shit without help and go from there.

How he got elected though...that will haunt me.


whoops SA forum paywall went up again!

oh well less distractions

Heh. I was wondering a minute ago if that was triggered by how many page views I had, or just a forum-wide thing. Guess it's a forum-wide thing.

I like some of their politics threads, and that's about it.


Why does congresses staff need Employer contributions for healthcare? Shouldn't the subsidies cover that for them?

They generally make too much money to benefit from subsidies, but not so much that losing five thousand dollars or so isn't a serious and meaningful pay cut.


wait page views for what?

I was wondering if the forum tracked how many page views a guest had (how much someone visits the site for free) and would put up the paywall/give us money page after a certain point. But I guess the paywall just goes up for all guests from time to time?
I was wondering if the forum tracked how many page views a guest had (how much someone visits the site for free) and would put up the paywall/give us money page after a certain point. But I guess the paywall just goes up for all guests from time to time?

literally a tumblr to tell you when it's up:

but yeah it's member-only for stretches of time, to get people to register ($10 though, seriously?)
George Will joining Fox News. Leaving abc. lolz

The George Will?!


I'm honestly a little surprised at it. If only because Will liked to be outside the zoo for the most part, so he could appear to be the "sane" conservative.
@brianbeutler 34m

Obama should trade the medical device tax for the permanent repeal of the debt limit statute.

No thanks. At this point the goal should be to ensure Boehner loses his speakership over this bullshit, and to set a precedent that a president cannot be blackmailed by one part of one branch of government.


Did anyone read the Glenn Greenwald AMA on Reddit? Man, talk about a circlejerk. Specially when they ask about Michael Hastings (journalist who died in car accident). It immediately became a "read between the lines" conspiracy thought logic when he answered and they were 100% sure that the US gov't killed him.
Hahahaha. Watching hannity on rerun and he has rand Paul on and Paul talking about how later tonight they will fund the va and other parts of govt and dare Obama and Reid to veto it.

But it ended up failing in the house. Lmao!
Did anyone read the Glenn Greenwald AMA on Reddit? Man, talk about a circlejerk. Specially when they ask about Michael Hastings (journalist who died in car accident). It immediately became a "read between the lines" conspiracy thought logic when he answered and they were 100% sure that the US gov't killed him.

it's reddit dude
Hahahaha. Watching hannity on rerun and he has rand Paul on and Paul talking about how later tonight they will fund the va and other parts of govt and dare Obama and Reid to veto it.

But it ended up failing in the house. Lmao!

These guys seem to have no idea how congress works
Sounds like Reid and Boehner's staffs are in all out war right now over Reid's tabling tactics (lol) and the leaks that led to this story about him fighting behind the scenes to save the congress staff "exemption" subsidy.

now this is happening:
Shutdown Could Last Weeks


The story detailed Boehner’s work to address confusion over how Obamacare would apply to lawmakers and congressional staffers, which now appears hypocritical given his full-fledged embrace of the GOP’s current proposal to eliminate the subsidy the executive branch decided to provide. One of the story’s more damning details was an e-mail from Sommers about how Boehner’s office could help lie about the purpose of a planned meeting with Obama on the subject.

But Republicans close to the process argue vehemently that the e-mails — leaked by Reid’s pugilistic chief of staff, David Krone — mischaracterize Boehner’s role.

For example, a senior lawmaker said internal conversations about the matter focused on Boehner’s efforts to resist a legislative fix to exempt lawmakers and staff and that the Ohio Republican personally came up with and championed in July the strategy of using the issue in a spending showdown over a funding bill or the debt ceiling.

“The only memory I have of him talking about this is about how we could screw them with it,” says a Republican House member.

The leak also deeply angered the class of senior GOP aides who interact with their Democratic counterparts in high-stakes negotiations over issues such as the debt ceiling.

“I’ve never seen anything like it before. I don’t know how David thinks anyone on either side of the aisle will ever be able to work with him again. I guess this is part of Harry Reid’s plan: He refuses to talk with Republicans so I guess his chief of staff figures he doesn’t need to be able to do so either,” says one longtime senior GOP aide.

“He’s a low-rent, self-dealing bagman,” a second senior GOP aide says.

Krone, for his part, is undeterred.

“Every time one of these anonymous Republican aides takes a look at their paycheck, I hope they remember it was Harry Reid who protected their employer contribution,” he tells National Review Online in a statement.

While I want to see Boehner completely humiliated, and to lose his job after failing to get any concessions...this type of fighting could force Obama to the table. The more the story becomes "Boehner v Reid" the worse it is for both sides, IMO.


While I want to see Boehner completely humiliated, and to lose his job after failing to get any concessions...this type of fighting could force Obama to the table. The more the story becomes "Boehner v Reid" the worse it is for both sides, IMO.

I'm not sure I buy this, but even if I did, I think you're catching swamp fever. There's no way the story is going to become Boehner vs. Reid, because the majority of Americans don't even really have a concept of them as people. Only Washingtonians and those who follow Washingtonians on Twitter are interested in the internal politics of America's internal politics. Everybody else just cares about the deal, and thinks that all Boehner and Reid should care about is the deal too. Do you really think that people will be sympathetic to the narrative that Boehner shut down the government because he was OFFENDED? That's literally 1996 all over again.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
The 'unskewed polls' guy is now claiming that Obama is gay.

"I do believe that Barack Obama is in fact our first gay president," he wrote. "But I believe this for entirely different reasons. I believe the man actually is gay. Don't tell me his marriage to Michelle and having two children disproves that he's gay."

In the article, Chambers cites various conspiracy theories claiming to show Barack Obama's closeted life in Chicago as a state senator. He takes it even a step further, however, in defending Obama's Christian faith by arguing that people of Muslim faith "are known to stone someone for being gay."

"Would you be a Muslim if it put you as risk for being killed because of your lifestyle choices?" he asks.
The whole thing reads like an Onion article.


^^That guy is basically a walking, talking Onion article.


I'm expecting to see a lot more stories like this as the law goes into effect.

It took three hours, but Andrew Stryker managed to be among the first people to purchase health insurance through Obamacare's new insurance markets.

Stryker is 34 years old and lives in Los Angeles, where he now does freelance work. He pays a monthly premium around $600 to stay on the COBRA plan from a job he left four years ago. He has high blood pressure and says insurance companies have previously denied his applications for coverage on the individual market.


"It's a silver level PPO," he says. "I did the research probably about a month ago, went through all the plans and compared them to my current one. I found one that I liked, so I signed up for that today."

Asked what he did to keep busy while signing up, Stryker says he was mostly watching television if the computer froze for a bit.

"I’ve been watching the news about the government shutdown," he says. "Obviously three hours is a long time to wait, but it will save me over $6,000. For that, I would have waited all day."
....does he understand he could have done it in two months and saved as much money but not waited?

I also eagerly await the first GOP house member to complain that "Obamacare is a failure because the website can't handle the rush of people"

Actually was thinking, if GOP hadn't shutdown the government, the OC issues today would have been main stories everywhere (you know it). GOP missed the chance to capitalize on any perceived issues.
I'm not sure I buy this, but even if I did, I think you're catching swamp fever. There's no way the story is going to become Boehner vs. Reid, because the majority of Americans don't even really have a concept of them as people. Only Washingtonians and those who follow Washingtonians on Twitter are interested in the internal politics of America's internal politics. Everybody else just cares about the deal, and thinks that all Boehner and Reid should care about is the deal too. Do you really think that people will be sympathetic to the narrative that Boehner shut down the government because he was OFFENDED? That's literally 1996 all over again.

I'm not just talking about the public's perception, which you're likely right about. But an extended sniping war between Boehner and Reid, alongside their staffs refusing to talk to each other (as Robert Costa has explained within the last 30 minutes on twitter), could indeed convince Obama to play Grown Up.

I hope I'm wrong. This is the type of long slug fest I wanted in December, before Biden swooped in and knocked Reid out of the picture. He was pissed by all accounts, and it's clear he has completely free reign right now with Obama/Biden/McConnell sidelined. For how long, who knows.


....does he understand he could have done it in two months and saved as much money but not waited?
Probably, given that he had researched the plans in advance and knew the day he could sign up. But I'd imagine after paying that much for insurance for years, he was just eager to see what his new coverage would cost him. (It sounds like he'll go from $7200 per year to $1200 per year.)
I'm not just talking about the public's perception, which you're likely right about. But an extended sniping war between Boehner and Reid, alongside their staffs refusing to talk to each other (as Robert Costa has explained within the last 30 minutes on twitter), could indeed convince Obama to play Grown Up.

I hope I'm wrong. This is the type of long slug fest I wanted in December, before Biden swooped in and knocked Reid out of the picture. He was pissed by all accounts, and it's clear he has completely free reign right now with Obama/Biden/McConnell sidelined. For how long, who knows.

There is nothing to be grown up about. There is nothing to debate or negotiate.

The house either passes a clean CR or it doesn't. It's that simple.

If they don't, then it will come up again during the debt ceiling. And either the House will raise it or it will destroy the world economy. It's in their hands.
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