Why? I have yet to see anything to suggest Boehner will destroy the world economy over 30-40 house members giving him shit. The government shutdown is small ball compared to that, and he knows it. And as I have said a million times, he already told his golf buddies on Wall Street that he won't allow a default.
Right, but that assumes he has his eye on the ball. As I already noted, going to conference casts some doubt on that for me, because there's no tactical benefit to doing so. So I already have a little bit of concern about Boehner's ability to plan and execute a strategy.
Bringing Paul Ryan into the mix also affects things in a couple of ways. Most notably, of course, there's the issue that Paul Ryan is insane -- what Ted Cruz is to Obamacare, Paul Ryan is to every other government program, remember? But apparently the House leadership don't perceive this. Ryan believes that Obama will cave on the debt ceiling and thus that the GOP should combine the two issues.
If Ryan rolls the debt ceiling and the shutdown into one and takes point on negotiating them, this jams Boehner yet again. For Boehner to pass a clean debt ceiling increase at the last minute, he'll have to visibly sell out Ryan's negotiating strategy. He'll also face the difficulty of separating the commingled issues of the debt ceiling and the shutdown in order to justify a vote on just one, after having spent a week (at the point this would happen) messaging that they should be considered together. I presume that Reid would take a clean ceiling increase even if the government were still shut down, although he's claiming he won't...but it's not crazy to observe that the situation will get significantly more complicated to navigate if Ryan gets his way. Given Boehner's existing challenges at bringing up basic, everyday government-running bills, the combination of the two makes me concerned that, even if everybody wants to raise the debt ceiling, somebody's just going to miscalculate. I mean, we're not dealing with geniuses here.
I'm not saying Obama should immediately go on the offensive. I'm just saying I don't want him taping another speech about what happens now that we've breached the debt ceiling. At the point that it would be necessary, using executive measures to avoid the economy collapsing would be the adult thing to do. I just hope he's on the same page about that.