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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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East Lake

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer Lloyd Blankfein left a White House meeting with President Barack Obama and said lawmakers are risking the economic recovery if they don’t raise the federal debt ceiling.

Blankfein was among a group of financial industry executives including JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) CEO Jamie Dimon and Brian Moynihan, CEO of Bank of America Corp., who met with the president on the second day of a partial government shutdown. Democrats and Republicans are deadlocked on spending legislation and already are battling over raising the U.S. debt limit, which is required by later this month to avoid a default.

“There’s a consensus that we shouldn’t do anything that hurts this recovery,” Blankfein said as he left the White House today. “They shouldn’t use the threat of causing the U.S. to fail on its obligations to repay its debt as a cudgel.”

The meeting, set up by the Financial Services Forum, a Washington-based trade group representing CEOs for the largest Wall Street banks, was part of an effort by the Obama administration to leverage the business community’s clout in breaking the stalemate. Administration officials said pressure from the business community was effective in past fiscal fights.

“The financial community is in an excellent position to educate the public about the consequences to every day folks in the event we default,” Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser to the president, said.



Haha this is an epic move by Reid. It makes it much harder for GOPers to try and say "DEMOCRATS WON'T NEGOTIATE!"

Smart PR.

edit: Ooh, we're up to 16 GOPers jumping ship.

Gee, wonder if we'll get to 17? :D


What's most amusing about Reid's letter is, the Senate has been trying to come to conference with the House about a budget all year. The House GOP has been refusing, unless the Senate agreed to certain preconditions (which is not the normal process). The preconditions basically were, give the House GOP their budget. The Senate wanted a clean conference, and so we are stuck with CR's until they have one.

So Reid is just offering to return to normal governance, with no pre-concessions.

Boehner has put himself in such a corner that Reid is now exerting leverage of his own to force a normal conference - and a return to normal governance as a compromise. Boehner comes to the conference already weakened from this fiasco, and Reid is seeking to remove the added leverage Boehner has been after all year. I love it.

Reid hates Boehner with a passion. He's going to make him pay for cussing at him. I have no doubt that Reid will keep his people in line for the long haul because of that. It's POTUS that would be the one to blink, which I also very much doubt.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Wow, Carl Bernstein killed it on Morning Joe. Glad someone gave Kristol and Joe some shit and didn't sugarcoat what is going with the House.


Everywhere I go people are talking about the shutdown. I just wanted to have a nice lunch and not have to think about politics for a bit and EVERY OTHER FREAKING PERSON in the restaurant was speaking their mind.
What's most amusing about Reid's letter is, the Senate has been trying to come to conference with the House about a budget all year. The House GOP has been refusing, unless the Senate agreed to certain preconditions (which is not the normal process). The preconditions basically were, give the House GOP their budget. The Senate wanted a clean conference, and so we are stuck with CR's until they have one.

So Reid is just offering to return to normal governance, with no pre-concessions.

Boehner has put himself in such a corner that Reid is now exerting leverage of his own to force a normal conference - and a return to normal governance as a compromise. Boehner comes to the conference already weakened from this fiasco, and Reid is seeking to remove the added leverage Boehner has been after all year. I love it.

See this is what I was thinking. I'm just wondering if a "return to normal" could be messaged as the dems caving, giving the GOP an out from where they're pinned, allowing them to pass the clean CR and raise the debt limit.

Edit : I hate typing on smartphones.
Haha this is an epic move by Reid. It makes it much harder for GOPers to try and say "DEMOCRATS WON'T NEGOTIATE!"

Smart PR.

edit: Ooh, we're up to 16 GOPers jumping ship.

Gee, wonder if we'll get to 17? :D

The question should be whether they're willing to support a Motion to Recommit. If so, this farce could theoretically end tonight.


The question should be whether they're willing to support a Motion to Recommit. If so, this farce could theoretically end tonight.
Indeed, but in that circumstance, the question is then: should it end soon, how much will GOPers be open to a conference under normal circumstances? Everyone knows they were just running out the clock like the worst team in the NFL down by 3 touchdowns, trying to call a conf at, what, 10:30-11:00 PM. el oh el.


Reid says he'll appoint conferees to a budget conference if Boehner passes the CR.

I'm enjoying the strategy of announcing you will do the negotiating you've been trying to get done for the last year if the Republicans will proceed with the normal operations of government.
Yeah, if nothing else it makes them look willing to negotiate post-shutdown, which they have kind of needed to do over the past 24 hours. Optics and all that jazz.
Tell me I'm not the only one mind fucked by the senate being rational and not fucking us over and the house of reps is the one who's fucking everything up in the process?




gerrymandering +secessionist states say HELLO!!
Yeah yeah. Look for as much as I am notorious for "Diablosing" -- I think with a good ground game and now thanks to the GOP's actions lately, it is ENTIRELY possible that Dems can win it back in 2014 and/or 2016. Dems could make some gains next year, then Hillary on the ticket in 2016 can really push them over the top back into majority status, for example. I'm not saying it will be easy, but it won't be impossible either.

There are some articles out there explaining that the extra gerrymandering the GOP did in 2010 did not really gain them a significant amount of seats. Like I said, if I remember correctly we're talking +7 seats for the GOP here at best.


No Scrubs
Yeah yeah. Look for as much as I am notorious for "Diablosing" -- I think with a good ground game and now thanks to the GOP's actions lately, it is ENTIRELY possible that Dems can win it back in 2014 and/or 2016. Dems could make some gains next year, then Hillary on the ticket in 2016 can really push them over the top back into majority status, for example. I'm not saying it will be easy, but it won't be impossible either.

There are some articles out there explaining that the extra gerrymandering the GOP did in 2010 did not really gain them a significant amount of seats. Like I said, if I remember correctly we're talking +7 seats for the GOP here at best.

They are very very very safe seats for them though. I agree that it is possible for the Dems to win the House back, but it's going to be one hell of an uphill battle.


They are very very very safe seats for them though. I agree that it is possible for the Dems to win the House back, but it's going to be one hell of an uphill battle.

At this point I just want Dems to win enough seats next year that it would force the saner parts of the GOP to start reigning in the tea party caucus.


They are very very very safe seats for them though. I agree that it is possible for the Dems to win the House back, but it's going to be one hell of an uphill battle.
All 32 seats are impossible to touch? Not to mention what if Tea Partiers go after more moderate GOPers in states like NY, PA, CA, etc.? Given their antics lately, it is QUITE possible, meaning the conservative vote gets split between two people while the Democrat laughs all the way to his or her new seat in Congress. Or they could have more "legitimate rape" moments -- also entirely possible -- hurting them in the polls enough to make their once untouchable seat competitive.

At this point I just want Dems to win enough seats next year that it would force the saner parts of the GOP to start reigning in the tea party caucus.
Very possible, perhaps the most likely outcome at this point.

btw what's the deal with the 3 vacant seats in the House?
On a work note, we've received quite a few calls from parents with children on Medicaid, which is now handled by Delta (for dental) in Michigan due to the ACA. Great news for providers, great news ford kids.

One of our assistants said she talked to an older lady with a southern twang who blurted out "oh...thanks, Obama!" upon learning the news. Before ACA, many dental practices didn't see Medicaid patients due to how poorly provider payment is. For instance you could bill out a $155 filling and only be paid $16 by the government; this also leads to bad care and fraud, as providers don't give a shit about the patient (ie 10 minute cleanings). Whereas now Delta/government will pay $145.


On a work note, we've received quite a few calls from parents with children on Medicaid, which is now handled by Delta (for dental) in Michigan due to the ACA. Great news for providers, great news ford kids.

One of our assistants said she talked to an older lady with a southern twang who blurted out "oh...thanks, Obama!" upon learning the news. Before ACA, many dental practices didn't see Medicaid patients due to how poorly provider payment is. For instance you could bill out a $155 filling and only be paid $16 by the government; this also leads to bad care and fraud, as providers don't give a shit about the patient (ie 10 minute cleanings). Whereas now Delta/government will pay $145.
Socialism on American soil, ruining lives! See!?
And then what?

Also, why am I high strung? Because I think Americans are going to get uber pissed at the Tea Party over the next two years?

Nah the while fear of caving part. I know why you're worries since you mentioned your current situation; and I get that, it's just it would be nice if you didn't wear your heart on your sleeve at all times. You know, breathe a little.

As for what then, I honestly have no clue anymore.

Anyway; more evidence house GOP has no real plan here. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...d-play-procedural-hardball-in-shutdown-fight/

They're allowing Reid to dictate the terms of negotiations.


Nah the while fear of caving part. I know why you're worries since you mentioned your current situation; and I get that, it's just it would be nice if you didn't wear your heart on your sleeve at all times. You know, breathe a little.

As for what then, I honestly have no clue anymore.

Anyway; more evidence house GOP has no real plan here. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...d-play-procedural-hardball-in-shutdown-fight/

They're allowing Reid to dictate the terms of negotiations.
Yeah I mean the Government shutdown impacts me in two ways: If it continues to the brink of collapse/actual collapse, UE benefits are endangered, and you damn well know employers will not be as eager to hire, putting folks like me in an increasingly shitty situation all around!

Fun fun!



Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus announced Wednesday that he would be willing to cover the cost of keeping the World War II memorial open in Washington, D.C., which was closed Tuesday as a result of the first federal government shutdown in nearly two decades.

“The Obama administration has decided they want to make the government shutdown as painful as possible, even taking the unnecessary step of keeping the Greatest Generation away from a monument built in their honor,” he said standing a few feet away from the barricaded memorial entrance.

“That’s not right, and it’s not fair," he added. "So the RNC has put aside enough money to hire five security personnel to keep this memorial open to veterans and visitors. Ideally, I’d hope to hire furloughed employees for this job."

What is this fucking nonsense? The RNC thinks this is just a photo op?


Junior Member
Diablos, dude, you are way too high strung.

I'm really starting to think this shutdown lasts til the debt ceiling.

From a political perspective this would be worst case scenario for the GOP, particularly with the offer from Reid for conference after a clean CR is passed.


Yeah, like anyone hostage situation, the takers lose more and more leverage as time goes on. The "compromise" offered by Reid is the best thing they can possibly get.


Polls should be fully reflecting this in the next 3-4 days, how much the public blames Dems/GOP.

It is kind of sick how GOPers are exploiting veterans.
I'm mindfucked more than anything that the Republicans as they are today are able to hold a majority in anything at the federal level.

edit: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/01/house-republicans-clean-cr_n_4024755.html

Up to 17 now... Mr. Boehner, act.


I just got off the phone with @RepRichardHanna 's office. He would support a clean CR if it was brought to the table. @joanwalsh

Rep. Richard Hanna Verified account
A self-made businessman, husband and father committed to representing the people of New York's 22nd Congressional District








One more reminder that the Democrats have the power to force a vote on a clean CR with a motion to recommit today. However, there would be THREE separate votes:

1) Vote to overrule the chair's ruling that the motion is out of order (very probably)
2) Vote for the motion to recommit with instructions to substitute a clean CR
3) Vote for the clean CR

If 18 GOP members voted for all three of these, shutdown over. But there's probably enough procedural headroom for them to avoid it...


Batshitness for the day:

the "O" mainstream media is bashing them.

Encourage them in representing all Americans.

"O" can negotiate with terrorists, certainly he can negotiate with our reps.

Also, I read that "O" is calling Boehner the terrorists- while the Ft Hood gunman was just workplace violence.

Please let your reps know how upset you are with "O" disregard for Americans and his destruction of America!

I think this is so important about our President's inability to negotiate with our representatives- and yet he is able to negotiate with every terrorist organization we can think of

Please write your representatives. I am going to write to Ted Cruz again, since CA rep's are liberals. I have also written to my representative and asked him to vote no on full funding of Obamacare, to have everyone under it if it is so great (vs exemption for government- even Obama isn't under its care; Hello?)

Our government is to represent us. Obama is to represent all the people, not just a special interest- no my way or the highway. Apparently, "O" went out golfing again on Monday while the government was shut down

I have asked for spending to get under control as it is bankrupting us. I told him individuals are losing their policies because insurance companies are no longer providing individual coverage. We are being taxed. It isn't voluntary- all things contrary to what we are told.

Ultimately, I asked him to impeach the president for not fulfilling his duties, for showing contempt for the American people, by runaway spending, underming our constitution and sovereignty.

Please send an email and encourage your rep's to represent you and the interest of all Americans and not just a select, special interest few.........

How do these people function in day to day life?
Are the house members who represent areas around national parks supporting the shut down?

There must be dozens of towns whose only source of revenue are tourist. People only go to Wyoming to see Yellowstone. With the park shut down, the entire economy stops.

And those economies are rural republican constituencies.

It's the only reason I can think that nunes is breaking rank


Are the house members who represent areas around national parks supporting the shut down?

There must be dozens of towns whose only source of revenue are tourist. People only go to Wyoming to see Yellowstone. With the park shut down, the entire economy stops.

And those economies are rural republican constituencies.

It's the only reason I can think that nunes is breaking rank

Constituents and tea party republicans don't care because OBAMACARE IS EVIL ON NOZ YOUR GRANDMAS GONNA DIIIIIIIIIIIIE


Fox News:

OBAMA ADMINISTRATION'S selective slimdown of government during the budget stalemate is even reaching into America's wilderness, where searches for missing hikers have been curtailed — including Dr. Jodean Elliot-Blakeslee, missing while hiking Craters of the Moon National Monument in Idaho.



Fox News:


I know! "Slimdown", what bullshit. Trying to make it not so bad given the fact that your toadies are the direct cause of it.

Because we can't go too long without BENGHAZIBENGHAZIBENGHAZI

Rand Paul: Obama Sent More Guards to War Memorial Than Benghazi

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) tweeted stinging criticism of the World War II Memorial closure on Wednesday afternoon, claiming the Obama administration had dispatched more security guards to man the barricades at the D.C. memorial than they had to the embattled U.S. consulate in Benghazi last year.


Keep fucking that chicken and beating off that dead horse, Rand.
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