Fox News:
It's blatantly obvious that this is being orchestrated by Frank Luntz. Quite a full court press going on.
Fox News:
What's most amusing about Reid's letter is, the Senate has been trying to come to conference with the House about a budget all year. The House GOP has been refusing, unless the Senate agreed to certain preconditions (which is not the normal process). The preconditions basically were, give the House GOP their budget. The Senate wanted a clean conference, and so we are stuck with CR's until they have one.
So Reid is just offering to return to normal governance, with no pre-concessions.
Boehner has put himself in such a corner that Reid is now exerting leverage of his own to force a normal conference - and a return to normal governance as a compromise. Boehner comes to the conference already weakened from this fiasco, and Reid is seeking to remove the added leverage Boehner has been after all year. I love it.
Are the house members who represent areas around national parks supporting the shut down?
There must be dozens of towns whose only source of revenue are tourist. People only go to Wyoming to see Yellowstone. With the park shut down, the entire economy stops.
And those economies are rural republican constituencies.
It's the only reason I can think that nunes is breaking rank
These piece meal funding bills are such a fucking joke. They are going to be used for nothing but FUD during the next election when they'll run commercials saying "so and so voted against x" with dramatic music playing in the background. It's goddamn criminal. There should be laws against elected officials acting like this. It's practically treason.
If anyone still believes both parties are the "same" after this fucking horseshit, then they're is absolutely no hope for them.
Oh, they're already on the news with their chests puffed out saying that American will realize how horrible the ACA is and that it'll make the Dems look toxic, thus leading for a landslide for the GOP.
That bubble is the size of Jupiter.
"Government Slimdown". Come on. That is way, way too overt to actually replace the phrase "Government Shutdown."
Overall, 36% of Americans and 62% of Republicans believe that the Obama Administration is secretly trying to take everyones guns away; just 14% of Democrats believe the same.
One in four Americans say that President Obama is secretly trying to figure out a way to stay in office beyond 2017 including almost half of Republicans (44%). believe that the U.S. government engages in so-called false flag operations, where the government plans and executes terrorist or mass shooting events and blames those actions on others, 70% disagree. Republicans (21%) are more than twice as likely as Democrats (9%) to believe this theory.
Yep. If its such an obvious result, why not let it play itself out and make the case (yet again) for repeal or drastic reform through normal channels?If that's true, why all the fuss?
Fox News:
Some really juicy results in the newest PPP conspiracy theory poll:
It makes perfect sense if you can believe that Obama is simultaneously a complete buffoon and devious mastermind.It's Obama's Fault. Also it's not so bad as everyone says. Also it's absolutely terrible.
I really cannot follow where Fox is trying to go with this.
Yep. If its such an obvious result, why not let it play itself out and make the case (yet again) for repeal or drastic reform through normal channels?
13% believe that the U.S. government engages in so-called “false flag” operations, where the government plans and executes terrorist or mass shooting events and blames those actions on others, 70% disagree. Republicans (21%) are more than twice as likely as Democrats (9%) to believe this theory.
That's what I'm talking about. The question says "plans and executes," which I would take to mean that the operations are successful.It's weird that the one thing that's true is the one thing Americans believe the least. It's happened at least 3 or 4 times now.
Unless you're talking about events that end in successful killings. Those are all real.
Keep fucking that chicken and beating off that dead horse, Rand.
That's what I'm talking about. The question says "plans and executes," which I would take to mean that the operations are successful.
Is that a parody account?
Is that a parody account?
Holy shit @ Bash's question. What the fuck was she thinking? Trying to catch Reid off-guard? Not even Fox News goes this far in the press room.Bash: You all talked about children with cancer unable to go to clinical trials. The House is presumably going to pass a bill that funds the NIH. Will you, at least, pass that? And if not, aren't you playing the same political games that republicans are?
REID: Listen, Senator Durbin explained that very well. And he's, did it here, did it on the floor earlier, as did Senator Schumer, and it's this: What right do they have to pick and choose what part of government's going to be funded? It's obvious what's going home here. You talk about reckless and irresponsible. Wow. What this is all about is Obamacare. They are obsessed. I don't know what other word I can use. I don't what other word I can use. They are obsessed with this Obamacare thing.
As has been pointed out on the floor in the past few days, they did the same thing on Social Security, they did the same thing on Medicare, now they're doing it on this. It's working now and it'll continue to work and people will love it even more than they do now by far. So they have no right to pick and choose.
BASH: But if you can help one child, why won't you do it?
REID: I, listen...
SCHUMER: Why pit one against the other?
REID: Why, why, why would we want to do that? I have, I have 1100 people at Nellis Air Force Base that are sitting home. They have, they have a few problems of their own. This is, to have someone of your intelligence suggest such a thing maybe means you're as irresponsible and reckless
Bash should be drummed out of the job there for that obvious water-carrying loaded question.
Now, I'm guessing Bash won't ask the same type of question to Boehner about why he wants to shut down the government just because he thinks too many people get healthcare.
Tally of GOPers jumping ship: 20
Barack Obama said:No I think this times different.I think they should be concerned. I had a chance to speak to some of the financial industry who came down for their typical trip, and I told them that it is not unusual for Democrats and Republicans to disagree. Thats the way the Founders designed our government. Democracys messy, but when you have a situation in which a faction is willing potentially to default on US government obligations then we are in trouble. If theyre willing to do it now, theyll be willing to do it later.
One thing that I often hear is, Well, Mr. President even if theyre being unreasonable, why cant you just do something that makes them happy now? And I have to remind people, what I have to remind people is what we are debating now would keep the government open for 2 months. We would then be going through this exact same thing in the middle of Christmas shopping season, which I dont think many businesses would be interested in. We saw what happened in 2011, and then wed have go through it again six months from now, and six months after that. And one thing I know the American people are tired of, and I have to assume the vast majority of businesses are tired of is this constant governing from crisis to crisis, so in that sense, do we have to break that fever? Absolutely. We have to stop doing that.
That's optimistic. I'm thinking 30-40ish at best.Oh look, it's some sort of vote.
That number is only going to keep growing until it's just the Tea Party left.
More like
Covered California's website got 5 million Web page views by 3 p.m. And at its peak, the site was getting 16,000 views per minute, according to Covered California officials. Also, some 17,000 phone calls had been logged at service centers.
That's optimistic. I'm thinking 30-40ish at best.
The healthcare website still doesnt work right.
It's moving from "launch day glitch" to "planning failure fiasco"
Yeah, it is. I completed an application and nothing happened.It's a horrible story to have to deal with, even though enrollment lasts for quite awhile. It's not even an issue of just glitches, the website is poorly designed.
@brianbeutler 10m
Van Hollen just appealed chair's ruling that the Dem motion to force a vote on the Senate CR was out of order.
@brianbeutler 9m
Republicans moved to table the appeal. If Peter King and the rest really want to keep the government open, they'll vote against tabling.
They won't do shit. And tomorrow they'll once again be the toast of establishment media as they bemoan the tea party. Put up or shut up.
@JuddLegum 4h
Can I burn down your house?
Just the 2nd floor?
Let's talk about what I can burn down.