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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Unconfirmed Member
No disrepsect to vets, but is the whole manufactured argument about veterans really a viable argument for anyone younger than 60 years old?

It's loaded with mind-numbing bullshit.

If it actually was an attempt of a Democrat trying to bend the rules to make Republicans look bad, I would care about it. I am curious about why does it seem like the government have to use manpower to put up a closed sign on a bike path that they probably barely ever have to devote resources to upkeep.

It sounds like Park Service is now allowing entrance as an exercise of the first amendment now. So it's solved now anyway.

It's not like democrats are immune from assuming malevolent intent when there may not be one or using some unelected no name's actions to speak for their entire party. But when Republicans find something like that they sure do latch on and never ever let go.


What the fuck, moderates? Why don't you match your rhetoric with ACTION?

If this involves chained CPI I'm done.

Oh what to expect...

I seriously see no way out of this without Democrats being forced to cave at the 11th hour or Obama minting the coin/using the 14th.
So when the far right inevitably rejects whatever grand bargain the WH and House leadership are coming up with, will that be the final straw for Boehner to end the shutdown?


Unconfirmed Member
New theory:

House plans to force Obama to do one of the crisis plans to avoid the debt ceiling, which they will say was illegal and use that to finally impeach him.


New theory:

House plans to force Obama to do one of the crisis plans to avoid the debt ceiling, which they will say was illegal and use that to finally impeach him.
And they won't be able to because of the Senate.

Which is why I say: Use the constitutional option or mint the fucking coin.
Do these "moderates" just mouth off for face time? Say you want to pass a clean CR for your moderate base, then vote no to bring a clean CR to the floor so you can mouth off again to your base the following day.


I've actually had this theory in my head for awhile now.
What else can Obama do?

He can't allow the country to default.

He can't delay the ACA mandate by a year or else the insurance industry crashes and the economy suffers drastically.

He has no other options if they can't get Boehner to act like a fucking leader of his caucus.

edit: Republicans on the House floor using pics of kids currently being denied treatment. Get the fuck out of here.
edit: Republicans on the House floor using pics of kids currently being denied treatment. Get the fuck out of here.
They wouldn't have to beat their wives if only their wives would stop making them so angry.

It must hurt them deeply, what they're being forced to do here.

Lets just forget all the giddy expectation that led to this. I wonder how the news would look when the images of those children could be contrasted with the faces of the Republican caucus after deciding to shut it all down.


For the sake of being an optimist... perhaps these moderates are waiting until they match the size of the Tea Party caucus (30-40+)


Unconfirmed Member
Coveredca.com keeps failing for me. I signed up for a account, but whenever I log in I get a Error 500--Internal Server Error.

Same for the Colorado site. I think maybe both sites still have to talk to the fed's servers to actually get quotes or create accounts.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The "republican moderates" do not exist. The good news is that many of them are in unsafe districts so they will feel the fire next year.
The "republican moderates" do not exist. The good news is that many of them are in unsafe districts so they will feel the fire next year.

This is true. I don't really understand why people are talking about a faction of the Republican party as the "extremists." They are all extremists. The party is extremist. And quite dangerous.


He can still do it post-default. But he must play his hand as if he won't pre-default.
Why? What stops him from doing it right now? He has more than enough to cite. A clean CR and raising the debt ceiling is all we need. It requires nothing else but budgetary measures, it does not require repealing/delaying laws and misc. taxes. That in and of itself should be reason enough to state that Congress is indeed questioning the validity of the debt under completely bogus pretenses.
This is true. I don't really understand why people are talking about a faction of the Republican party as the "extremists." They are all extremists. The party is extremist. And quite dangerous.
OK, well there's that segment of Republicans that scare the shit out of the other Republicans.

Whatever you call that.
Why? What stops him from doing it right now? He has more than enough to cite. A clean CR and raising the debt ceiling is all we need. It requires nothing else but budgetary measures, it does not require repealing/delaying laws and misc. taxes. That in and of itself should be reason enough to state that Congress is indeed questioning the validity of the debt under completely bogus pretenses.

If he does it now, he gets the GOP off the hook and opens himself up to attack. Don't be silly.

Via Costa:

Beyond Boehner’s office, the leadership is sending out a similar message through its emissaries. The House GOP’s most influental fiscal strategists, Dave Camp and Paul Ryan, are privately reassuring nervous members that the shutdown may be painful in the short term, but a budget deal is in the works — and they should be enthused about what they’re cooking up.

“Ryan is selling this to everybody; he’s getting back to his sweet spot,” says a second House Republican who’s close with the Wisconsin congressman. “He and Camp are going to be Boehner’s guys. That’s why Boehner put them on the CR conference committee; he knows these guys are going to be his point men as this whole thing plays out.”

And during Wednesday huddles, Ryan and Camp, along with members who met with Boehner, talked openly about what kind of concessions they could potentially win from Democrats on the debt limit, should Republicans hang together. Per sources, entitlement reform, an elimination of the medical-device tax, and delays to parts of Obamacare are all on the table. Instead of fretting about the shutdown and getting mired in the press frenzy, the leadership and Ryan is working to help members accept a shutdown that may linger for weeks, but ultimately win policy reforms.

Ryan and his allies believe Democrats want a delay of aspects of sequestration and, of course, a clean CR and debt-limit extension. So, instead of making separate deals on each front, Ryan and now Boehner are looking at combining the different issues into a single pact.

So let me get this straight.

The GOP is offering a debt limit hike, CR, and a little less sequestration for the Dems conceding entitlement reform, repealing medical device tax, and delaying obamacare.

These guys really live in their own bubble.

Honestly, I wish Obama and Reid would simply pack up and go abroad until the House passes both a CR and debt limit hike. Just put up a "closed" sign until it happens. Put everything on them.


Also, I fail to see how a clean CR is still clean when it's included with other things. That's pretty much the opposite of clean.
So let me get this straight.

The GOP is offering a debt limit hike, CR, and a little less sequestration for the Dems conceding entitlement reform, repealing medical device tax, and delaying obamacare.

These guys really live in their own bubble.

Honestly, I wish Obama and Reid would simply pack up and go abroad until the House passes both a CR and debt limit hike. Just put up a "closed" sign until it happens. Put everything on them.
He updated his post. It now says this.
Per sources, entitlement reforms, such as chained CPI, an elimination of the medical-device tax, and delays to parts of Obamacare are all on the table as trades for delaying aspects of sequestration and extending the debt limit.
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