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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Ah, interesting. Good point.

I missed the end sentence of that Hill link, and here's exactly why that Senate proposal is the way it is:

Corker said McConnell is taking a leading role.

Dude knows exactly how to make things just palatable enough while making you feel the twist of the knife.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh and that's still forgetting how big of a barrier it could put into just applying if you have to get all your papers in order and copied and sent just to apply for insurance.


What are Dems to do, though? Pelosi came out and said at 3:30 or so that she wasn't a big fan of the 6 week extension. But if Dems continue to say no, even with what Obama wanted (preventing default), it will be hard for him to walk away from this. They kind of boxed them in.


The kicker is a "year long stopgap to fund the government".

That's not a stopgap - that's the budget for the entire fisal year. The House-Senate conference? Toast. And it's set at the level the House GOP set, which was something like 30% below Obama's budget. So they get total victory on the budget. There's nothing left to negotiate but how much they can gut from entitlements, ACA, etc.


Even worse than I understood, then.


There is literally no reason for Democrats to accept anything less than a clean CR with an indefinite debt ceiling raise. No matter how bad they look to the public, the GOP will continue looking worse. They've already won the PR war and they are on the verge of winning the legislative war. Don't cave now.


This GOP bill is crap. Why strip the Treasury of emergency measures?
Yeah this is what really pisses me off. It leaves Obama with no authority whatsoever should the Tea Party's irrationality take over once more. Chances are it will.

Please don't cave, Mr. President.


Sidhe / PikPok

Sounds like year-long CR to fund the government (at sequester levels), debt ceiling increase for 3-6 months.

Definately not a "clean bill" though, it's got the medical device tax repeal, income verification for Obamacare subisidies, and maybe the Vitter rule.

Still think they need to give something to Dems in exchange for those things.

ANY concession by Dems is a validation of the Republican/Tea Party strategy.

If Republicans end up with ANYTHING, expect exactly the same thing to happen when the CR and DL periods are close to running out.


The Sky is Falling!
(Today, 04:29 PM)

Everyone has legit concerns over this "deal", and I'm not freaking out by any means -- no more or less concerned than anyone else tbh. This is a pretty big deal because while it prevents collapse, it ensures Obama has even less to work with the next time this happens. And it is all but guaranteed that it will happen again.
Why do you guys think they'll go along with this? The whole time it's been about "Clean". This is anything but clean.

Because people want "compromise" and this is "compromise" at least how the GOP can spin it. "We gave up on Obamacare, so you guys have to give something up too. Fairsies and no punchbacks!"

For what it is, though, it's a shit deal.


Here what Democrats should do (and hopefully will).
Hold strong, but continue to blast the message that it's the Republicans that are responsible (because, well, they are...). As I said earlier, I'm already seeing this messaging.
Keep telling the people that this isn't a negotiation. It's either fund the government and a law that the people asked for. Or nothing. And that it's on Boehner and the R's heads.
This is General Ackbar'd in so many levels. At the very least it will mean that Democrats are engaging these extortionists.

They need to be told to gtfo. If some "temporary" measure is put in place before the 17th with the Dems agreeing to it I'll be very disappointed.
Should be a 6 week extension of debt ceiling and CR with instructions for a conference between the Ryan and Murray budgets, and unwritten agreement that the medical device tax repeal will be included in the budget. It was repealed in the Murray budget already, it seems like a pretty obvious concession.




Nate Dawg returns
How far does the polls has to drop where even the gerrymandered districts are at risk of flipping?

There was already a recent poll showing 17 seats where democrats were barely beating republican congressmen. I doubt that bump lasts for more than a few months though.
So next question.

There are three classes:

Military: Full pay, business as usual (fuck you Obama)
Essential: Full work, but no pay until shutdown ends
Non-essential: ???

Is the third group who are sitting at home receiving full pay at the end?

Meaning the essential are doing full work for standard pay, and the non-essential are doing NO work for standard pay?

If so, why are the essential people bothering to come in?

And if the non-essentials are getting full pay anyway....why are they at home and not working?



ANY concession by Dems is a validation of the Republican/Tea Party strategy.

If Republicans end up with ANYTHING, expect exactly the same thing to happen when the CR and DL periods are close to running out.

Pretty much. Anyone can see the game plan with the past sequester and debt ceiling negotiations. Giving any slack just means more of this destructive hostage-taking later on down the line. Our government cannot afford this crap indefinitely; under normal circumstances I'd try and justify how each side can't just dig in and must seek compromise, but the calvinball analogy holds here. You can't negotiate with people who are willing to literally watch the world economy tank on the basis of their own jobs.



There was already a recent poll showing 17 seats where democrats were barely beating republican congressmen. I doubt that bump lasts for more than a few months though.
I doubt Obama wins FL *and* OH again.
I doubt he wins VA too.
I doubt he gets NM, CO, and NV, he's gonna lose at least one of them.

Kinda odd that we have reports that Obama rejected the short term deal and that Cantor said the meeting was "useful". I would have thought that the rejection of the short term deal would have drove them up the wall


Kinda odd that we have reports that Obama rejected the short term deal and that Cantor said the meeting was "useful". I would have thought that the rejection of the short term deal would have drove them up the wall

If they are going to cave(they will) might as well tone down the rhetoric.
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