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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Yeah, they probably laid out some groundwork. But Obama isn't going to fold on something that limits his authority to save the country's economy from barfing on the global economy when you have 40-50 ideological nutjobs in the House GOP who don't live in the real world.
So he didn't refuse. My guess is he gives into a similar deal with a longer term debt ceiling increase.
Give me your tears GOP. GIVE ME YOUR TEARS

Yup this is the key thing and the driver of these numbers.

American's love to hate things in the abstract, the GOP capitalized on this in 2010. The economy was in a rut and the presidents plans weren't seemingly doing anything. Blaming everything on the Government was appealing. The problem has been that we've actually cut a lot of government with the sequester and now in the shutdown, American's don't like it they see what it actively does.

The GOP was smart and popular when they attacked the goverment in abstraction but once they actually started cutting they ended up in this place. It will be hard for them to really connect because there are so many true believers in the party who aren't going to listen.


So they havent yet?

The unanimous vote the other day was ONLY for those working?

Everyone else is potentially fully fucked?

The unanimous vote was in the house and for a bill giving all Federal Employees back pay - essential or not, working now or not. It, however, has not been acted on in the Senate, probably partially because Cornyn (R-TX) is holding it up saying he won't give unanimous consent:


The reason, according to his spokeswoman Megan Mitchell on Tuesday, is that Cornyn “feels like it is premature to deal with furloughed federal workers before we deal with veterans, the [National Institutes of Health] and other issues.”

So basically the other day, he was walking the line they were using in the House to justify the piecemeal CRs. I've no idea where it stands now. However, with Republicans offering "deals" that prolong the shutdown for potentially six more weeks (not to mention this horrendous poll for the GOP), I can't see how they can do that and then deny back pay without looking like even bigger douches then they already are.

"Essential" workers do get a raw deal in this regard though, as they are currently working without pay, but it's actually even worse because during shutdowns "essential" workers can't take ANY leave including sick leave or not show up for work or be cited as AWOL and subject to disciplinary action of some kind.


Is the house leadership going to go along with Dems, because I refuse to believe the tea partiers are going to back down

I don't think they'll necessarily vote for the clean CR. But I think Boehner will at least let it finally come to a vote. Then it'll pass with all the Dems and probably ~80 Reps.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America

‏@robertcostaNRO 7m
But remember, everything is fluid, talks continue, GOP position, per aides, remains just a 6 wk DL hike; CR talk early stages, if that
@robertcostaNRO 3m
Scalise, on CNBC, says he needs to see more "dialogue" on fiscal issues before he backs any CR to reopen gov
@robertcostaNRO 4m
Scalise, RSC chair, on Jenkins's CR talk: "larry, that's not where we are"
Rep. James Lankford (R-OK) acknowledged Thursday that defunding Obamacare is not going to be a part of the ongoing debate about re-opening the government and increasing the debt limit.

"It all started of course because House Republicans linked the complete defunding of Obamacare to government spending. Whatever happened to that? In an op-ed in USA Today today [you said], 'Republicans have asked for two things on Obamacare and one thing on the debt ceiling,' but you didn't mention defunding Obamacare. Is that just off the table now?" Jake Tapper asked on CNN.

"That's currently off the table," Lankford, chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee, Tapper. "I can tell you that's where my constituents are overwhelmingly. They don't want this law to go into effect at all, but that's obviously not going to happen at this point."



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I had that thought, but then I asked myself, what are the chances we are NOT doing some variation of this game at the end of the current fiscal year? I'd say pretty low given how things are going. The Tea Party in the House have a knack for not learning lessons and concluding they just need to tea party harder next time.

I'd wager we do this dance again.

Nearly sprayed my keyboard after reading that one. :lol
Shouldn't we be trying to do this dance? Seems fun. They have two left feet.

Obama should ask for a CR that expires like two weeks before the election.


So wait, were Scalise and Jenkins both on The Kudlow Report AT THE SAME TIME giving completely conflicting stories? How the hell does that messaging disaster happen?!?!

Or were they on at different points in the program?
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