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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Officials say House Republicans are offering to pass legislation to avert a default and end the partial government shutdown as part of a package that includes cuts in benefit programs.

Senior aides to Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor outlined the proposal at a late-night White House meeting Thursday with senior administration officials.

In addition to ending the shutdown and increasing the debt limit, the proposal includes an easing of the across-the-board spending cuts that began taking effect a year ago, and replacing them with curbs in benefit programs that Obama himself has backed.

Among them is a plan to raise the cost of Medicare for better-off beneficiaries.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorized to discuss private deliberations.

Obama better smack this down. debt limit and CR are non-negotiable. Then you negotiate ending sequester with other deficit cuts

Anybody have any good pros and cons for means testing medicare. On the surface it doesn't sound bad but I can't help but thinks its purpose is to undermine the whole purpose of social insurance. The point is everyone pays in, everyone gets something out of it.
Delaying the mandate will destroy Obamacare by fucking over all the private insurance companies in the country.
Why couldnt Sebellius give this response to Stewart on the daily show instead of dodging an db evading? That interview was the dumbest thing ever.

A succint answer would be "because corporations are bot people,jon".
@tackettdc: BREAKING @senbobcorker tells @AlHuntDC Congress willend shut down and increase borrowing limit at least short term next week
The Poll killed all enthusiasm or even apathy, establishment figures had.

Because a 6 month delay of the most important aspect of the healthcare law would do harm to it, and because there should be no negotiations over the US paying its bills/opening the government.

btw: Sen Corker is saying the government will be opened next week on a short term basis, and the DL raised. Whether he knows about a deal or is just predicting, I don't know. If Obama agrees to this entitlement nonsense, I'll be shocked. If you want to cut Medicare/SS for old people, fine - that's your stupid obsession not mine. But don't do it because a minority is holding the country hostage.


If I'm Obama, the only way I accept any kind of entitlement cutting budget deal is in exchange for ending these shenanigans for good. Take the decision to raise the debt ceiling out of Congress's hands permanently, and create a law where if Congress fails to pass a budget, the government stays open at the funding level set by the last budget they passed with across the board increases based on inflation. Oh and universal background checks for buying a gun :)
robertcostaNRO 1m

What NR is hearing: House GOP looking to move quickly on its framework to do DL and CR before Sen GOP moves...


Perhaps they're hoping if they can pass this nonsense first, it'll convince the senate GOP to filibuster Reid's clean DL raise? It don't think the House recognizes that the senate GOP thinks they're fucking amateurs.
The entitlements cuts are all Ryan, must be what he was using to get people on board with the idea. Must need to put something in there, so it can get stripped out by Senate, and they have something to complain about and try to save face.

Perhaps they're hoping if they can pass this nonsense first, it'll convince the senate GOP to filibuster Reid's clean DL raise? It don't think the House recognizes that the senate GOP thinks they're fucking amateurs.
@robertcostaNRO 35s
More: House GOP concerned Portman and others may pitch different CR deal and get buzz, House wants to control/lead strategy

Senate vs. House republicans

The entitlements cuts are all Ryan, must be what he was using to get people on board with the idea. Must need to put something in there, so it can get stripped out by Senate, and they have something to complain about and try to save face.

He's eerily obsessed with them. He disappears for long stretchs and then randomly pops up with ways to end the two most popular government programs. Its clear he REALLY wants to cut them, he's been wanting to since he got into office



Obama better smack this down. debt limit and CR are non-negotiable. Then you negotiate ending sequester with other deficit cuts

Anybody have any good pros and cons for means testing medicare. On the surface it doesn't sound bad but I can't help but thinks its purpose is to undermine the whole purpose of social insurance. The point is everyone pays in, everyone gets something out of it.

Means testing anything means far far more government expense.
@sahilkapur 4m

Expectation among Ds is if there's a deal it'll come from Senate Rs, and that the House R proposals are just noise.

Makes sense. Still wary of what might be going on at WH. Senate republicans are significantly smarter than their House counterparts.


Why couldnt Sebellius give this response to Stewart on the daily show instead of dodging an db evading? That interview was the dumbest thing ever.

A succint answer would be "because corporations are bot people,jon".

I dunno. She should've called me, I'm not that busy*. But we probably don't want to set the precedent of government employees using quotes from people on internet forums.

Lol @ easing of sequester. What the fuck does that even mean?

Not sure yet. It could mean spending increases. Honestly, it's not a bad deal necessarily, but it doesn't fly tied to a six week debt ceiling increase and no CR.

* I'm so fucking busy
Not sure yet. It could mean spending increases. Honestly, it's not a bad deal necessarily, but it doesn't fly tied to a six week debt ceiling increase and no CR.

* I'm so fucking busy

I can't in good conscious support fundamentally changing a major program for a fix to a temporary problem. The sequester can be fixed at any time, I imagine next year we'll see bills like the mini-CR fixing bits and pieces republicans are getting hit too. But who's going to un-mean test medicare?
Not sure yet. It could mean spending increases. Honestly, it's not a bad deal necessarily, but it doesn't fly tied to a six week debt ceiling increase and no CR.

I mean I know shit is developing and it's twitter, but I think it's hard to say if it's a good deal considering we don't know the specifics. Super vaugue. Personally I think they're just making a more palatable idea to sell to the public. They're still trying to negotiate with guns to Obama's head. I feel like this budget route serves them the dual purpose of getting them more than they would than if they actually had to negotiate after a clean CR and DL extension as well. Plus fuck Paul Ryan.


I can't in good conscious support fundamentally changing a major program for a fix to a temporary problem. The sequester can be fixed at any time, I imagine next year we'll see bills like the mini-CR fixing bits and pieces republicans are getting hit too. But who's going to un-mean test medicare?

I think this is a little bit of a bad framing, though. The sequester is only temporary in the sense that we assumed both parties would hate it. If the GOP has decided they like it, then it's about as temporary as Medicare -- it's the law, and lots of people think it should be changed, but there's no consensus for doing so.

That said, I can see the argument that the sequester isn't a real law because the GOP actually can't pass a budget that adheres to the sequester, which is supported by current evidence. So maybe you're right. We can only hope that the GOP will once again prevent the Democratic president from cutting Medicare and Social Security.
Meanwhile, a new poll this morning shows Democrats +10 on the generic House ballot.

http://gqrr.com/images/Blog_posts/documents/2013/Shutdown_Registered Voter National FQ 101013.pdf

Quick hits:
Obama favorables +6
GOP favorables -26
Dem favorables -5
Tea Party favorables -32
"Federal government worker provide vital services" net agree 48

In like with last night's poll. Bad news for Obama

I can't in good conscious support fundamentally changing a major program for a fix to a temporary problem. The sequester can be fixed at any time, I imagine next year we'll see bills like the mini-CR fixing bits and pieces republicans are getting hit too. But who's going to un-mean test medicare?

To ease the sequester the dems will have to give something up. There is no way around that. The GOP is apparently fine with status quo budget ignoring obamacare.
I think this is a little bit of a bad framing, though. The sequester is only temporary in the sense that we assumed both parties would hate it. If the GOP has decided they like it, then it's about as temporary as Medicare -- it's the law, and lots of people think it should be changed, but there's no consensus for doing so.

That said, I can see the argument that the sequester isn't a real law because the GOP actually can't pass a budget that adheres to the sequester, which is supported by current evidence. So maybe you're right. We can only hope that the GOP will once again prevent the Democratic president from cutting Medicare and Social Security.

Its law but its a base line and only applies for 10 years. There are a lot of elections between then. It will be easy for a democratic congress to repeal it in 2015 or 2017 if no fixes are made to it. And as you said nobody can really abide by it. I think republican's like using it to say they cut the budget but will be open to practically reversing it using accounting or budgeting tricks. I just don't think now is the time to do that. We still have a few months before the really bad cuts kick in.
To ease the sequester the dems will have to give something up. There is no way around that. The GOP is apparently fine with status quo budget ignoring obamacare.

Medical device tax, other short term budget cuts, tax reform. I'm just really hesitant to cut or change our safety net, especially medicare as I think its the best devise to frame a future move to single payer, medicare for all. Means testing will erode its popularity.
Meanwhile, a new poll this morning shows Democrats +10 on the generic House ballot.

http://gqrr.com/images/Blog_posts/documents/2013/Shutdown_Registered Voter National FQ 101013.pdf

Quick hits:
Obama favorables +6
GOP favorables -26
Dem favorables -5
Tea Party favorables -32
"Federal government worker provide vital services" net agree 48



No Scrubs
I used to look up to Ben Carson so much growing up as a young black kid in Baltimore smh

His stupid politics don't take away from what he's accomplished. All we need to do is understand that none of our heroes are perfect, that's just the way the world works.

Meanwhile, a new poll this morning shows Democrats +10 on the generic House ballot.

http://gqrr.com/images/Blog_posts/documents/2013/Shutdown_Registered Voter National FQ 101013.pdf

Quick hits:
Obama favorables +6
GOP favorables -26
Dem favorables -5
Tea Party favorables -32
"Federal government worker provide vital services" net agree 48

I love these numbers.



wtf were they all listening to

Makes sense. Still wary of what might be going on at WH. Senate republicans are significantly smarter than their House counterparts.
No kiddin'. House GOPers (well, the TP Caucus at least) consist of mostly a bunch of noobs and arrogant twats.

Senate GOP leadership = political juggernauts. This will be a true test for Obama. I'm confident in him though.
"Closer to the danger zone"

Does he think democrats need a +15 margin on the generic ballot or what

More polls from notorious Rasmussen equivalent, PPP

CA-25 Buck McKeon 44 Democrat 46
FL-27 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen 45 Democrat 47
MI-06 Fred Upton 38 Democrat 51

MI-08 Mike Rogers 46 Democrat 43
NJ-02 Frank LoBiondo 46 Democrat 40
NJ-03 John Runyan 46 Democrat 42
NY-02 Peter King 56 Democrat 32
PA-06 Jim Gerlach 41 Democrat 46
VA-10 Frank Wolf 45 Democrat 45
WA-03 Jamie Herrera Beutler 49 Democrat 41
WA-08 Dave Reichert 42 Democrat 49
WI-01 Paul Ryan 50 Democrat 43
Same deal as the first batch, with push polling Dems also win MI-08, NJ-03, VA-10, for a total of 8 pickups. Coupled with the last round, that's 22 seats where Democrats are currently leading, and 29 where Democrats are leading after respondents are reminded that their representative is shutting down the government.

As long as OFA campaigns hard and Republicans keep finding ways to screw up going into the next election (which they always have), Democrats will pick up 30 seats.
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