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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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it really is remarkable to watch how much long-term damage america is doing to itself right now. it's easy to forget sometimes with how ridiculous these politicians are, but we're watching history happen here.

not even being hyperbolic. the Tea Party nonsense will have repercussions for the US economy for decades.

It is the final throes of Reaganism which did incredible damage to this country over the last 33 years.


It is the final throes of Reaganism which did incredible damage to this country over the last 33 years.

the last 4-6 years are truly beyond the pale, though. america isn't even spending on research or infrastructure anymore.

real talk: despite what a lot of libs like to say, I think the last 5 years have done a larger number on the US economy long-term than the Bush years.

There, I said it!


Yea...would be great to repalce McConnell with her ;)

Basically, Christie vs Cruz vs Rubio 2016


Oh god, just read that Rand Paul's threatening to take his ball and go home if people keep making fun of him.

Aside from being a horrendously childish move, who is he trying to threaten here? I mean, Rand Paul entered politics to begin with to stop the Kenyan socialist from destroying America.

That'd be great. I haven't read Atlas Shrugged, but what I do know sort of reminds me here of that novel's apparent climax - the whole capitalist overman, saying to the world that they can eat shit because I pull the strings. This is not the sort of self-confidence you'd apparently expect from the guy. But yeah, Rand Paul is a weasel.

Here's a quote regarding what Oblivion is talking about:

Rand Paul is already under fire for plagiarism charges, and has reacted angrily to that story. (“It annoys the hell out of me. I feel like if I could just go to detention after school for a couple days, then everything would be okay. But do I have to be in detention for the rest of my career?”) His reaction doesn’t bode well for presidential campaign-level scrutiny. At one point he told the New York Times, “To tell you the truth, people can think what they want, I can go back to being a doctor anytime, if they’re tired of me. I’ll go back to being a doctor, and I’ll be perfectly content.” If he does, he would be smart to get certified by the American Board of Ophthalmologists to be fully compliant with state law and give patients the reassurance he’s current on the latest developments in his field.

edit: black mamba is a scoundrel, he posted the article I linked to before I did. Though, this National Ophthalmology Board thing is old hat, but it covers other things.


They used as a source a guy who laid out a laundry list of all the things Obama had done wrong on site and what he should've known to do. It was basically a Republican wet dream, which should've immediately triggered red flags since he wasn't already being used by the GOP to attack Benghazigate.

Then it turned out he actually wasn't even there.

Yeah. Apparently he was chilling at a nearby beachside villa.

Dylan Davies was contracted by the Blue Mountain Group, a British security firm. The contradictions lie in an incident report to his employer, when compared to statements to other entities. He's claimed that he did not write that incident report and hasn't seen it.


No Scrubs


it really is remarkable to watch how much long-term damage america is doing to itself right now. it's easy to forget sometimes with how ridiculous these politicians are, but we're watching history happen here.

not even being hyperbolic. the Tea Party nonsense will have repercussions for the US economy for decades.
Indeed; the next time anyone says something such as "the Government really doesn't do much that affects the daily lives of everyday people like us" in a conversation I'm going to go off on them, or try very hard not to.

I've had quite a few interviews, even second interviews thus far but no dice. It's not like I haven't been trying either -- the state makes you keep a log of your work search activities and you are subject to random audits at any time so it isn't something you want to scoff at.

My options are basically hope to find something that pays well enough or go with what I like to call a full time job with part time wages (i.e. $9-10/hr) but frankly these companies ALWAYS have high turnover (so much that I've been warned up front by honest but diligent recruiters in face to face meetings/interviews) and that makes me deeply concerned about the work environment, job security, advancement, etc. I could also just go with a part-time job and extend my benefits for a while since my weekly benefit rate won't be maxed out, but then I'm competing with teens/young adults still in school, retired folks, husbands/wives picking up that second job, bored spouses looking for something to do because their husband/wife is loaded...

Knowing that Congress may end up doing fuck all about so many people like me who lost their previous job through no fault of their own tends to make me see red. It's hard to describe the angst, frustration and anxiety felt.

If they make a decision either way (formally), I'm sure we won't know officially until the last minute as usual.

LOL, that is a fantastic photo op...


No Scrubs

bah typo, used the wrong word, sorry. There's a lot of material. More every day, this is what I get for typing up posts and emails at the same time.

Also Salon just found another instance. This is the gift that keeps on giving.


Healthcare.gov would tell him to go to another site he never would make a healthcare.gov account

Sorry for the late response. Yeah, I was misinformed. The way Idaho is set up is really weird (read: dumb). Going to the Idaho site (yourhealthidaho.org), they redirect you to the Federal site to sign up. Once you sign up for an account on healthcare.gov, they have you fill out an Idaho application.

I actually don't really know what the hell they're doing. I got asked for my birth certificate at the end of the application and, not having one readily accessible, stopped there. I came back a couple days later was still stuck at that same point. Now I visit today and can magically view the exchange and I do not see anything about a birth certificate any more. Everything is done on the healthcare.gov site, though. In any case, there are only three companies to choose from on the exchange, so there is little competition in pricing, and plan selection is absurdly limited.

It's too expensive for me to continue (since I was forced to quit my work a few weeks ago and now have no source of income and thus would receive no assistance), but I'm not confident I still won't get asked for my birth certificate again if I do go forward.


Just so everyone knows, the Blue Mountain Group is NOT a support group for depressed mountains. Don't make the same mistake I did.


Also, I'll change my other post, but it turns out Dylan Davies was contracted by the Blue Mountain Group, a British security firm. The contradictions lie in an incident report to his employer, when compared to statements to other entities. He's claimed that he did not write that incident report and hasn't seen it.

I had the facts wrong.

Would stuff like this come into play during board certification? Do they have an honesty and strength of character component to certification for MDs? Because plagiarism/lying and improper practice and self-advertising would get most other professional licenses pulled.

I'm not sure. I do know that this isn't the first time that this has been brought up, and that it goes back to 2010, so I'm not sure why nothing hasn't come of it yet in any substantive form. A light crash course on the history of the organization looks shady - it's actually currently dissolved, and has been for a couple years.


I don't understand how this could happen to 60 Minutes. Any other news outlet that focuses on getting the news out ASAP and correcting later, sure. But 60 Minutes is slow on the uptake generally. It seems everything normally is quadruple-vetted. It's just really weird.

It's like they didn't watch Newsroom.


aka andydumi
I'm not sure. I do know that this isn't the first time that this has been brought up, and that it goes back to 2010, so I'm not sure why nothing hasn't come of it yet in any substantive form. A light crash course on the history of the organization looks shady - it's actually currently dissolved, and has been for a couple years.

I don't mean with his own organization, which was clearly set up as a shady unapproved alternative. I mean if he wanted to become properly accredited.
Chicks with guns, nice.

I didn't know she's only 34. Would be nice to have someone who could be in the senate for a long time. That race is gonna get REALLY ugly. Hope she can pull it out.
A Democrat in Kentucky would probably always have a tough race though, but being in the Senate with 6 year terms would mitigate that a bit.
Last month, Senator Lindsey Graham vowed to block the confirmation of every Obama administration appointee because the administration was preventing Benghazi survivors from testifying before Congress. Now, three Benghazi witnesses are set to testify for the first time. Their lawyer says the administration never discouraged their testimony, but Graham's office says the holds aren't going anywhere.

"Still have holds in place," Graham's spokesman Kevin Bishop tells The Cable.

It's unclear what further actions might change Graham's calculus on the holds, but the South Carolina Republican maintains that the administration has prevented Benghazi witnesses from testifying before Congress, and until that changes, he'll continue to block the confirmation of top U.S. officials.

When The Cable asked the lawyer representing the Benghazi survivors if his clients had been intimidated or discouraged from testifying, attorney Mark Zaid said he was unaware of anyone who had experienced such problems. "Actually, the executive branch has been very cooperative with us to date," he said.

god, he's annoying.
So I was in class today. The discussion topic for the day was The War on Drugs.

The biggest talking point that a student made to support The War on Drugs was that he compared it to...breast cancer. He stated that there has been countless money spent on breast cancer research for decades as well and cancer still hasn't been cured. His point was that these things take time. We are still figuring out how to cure cancer so why not take some more time to figure out the correct policy in incarcerating and punishing people for drugs. We haven't gave up on the war against cancer, so why give up on the war on drugs?

People were agreeing with this by the way.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I don't understand how this could happen to 60 Minutes. Any other news outlet that focuses on getting the news out ASAP and correcting later, sure. But 60 Minutes is slow on the uptake generally. It seems everything normally is quadruple-vetted. It's just really weird.

This is what happens when you care more about trying to placate right-wingers than you do about being accurate.

I don't even know why any mainstream news source even attempts this sort of thing. Conservatives will still call liberal media lapdogs.

CBO said the ue rate would be 7% without the furloughs.

It's 7.3%

Wow, this is pretty shocking.

Why was the report so good? I could sorta expect those numbers for November, since it has black Friday and all, but October?


Excellent news.
President Obama, the official continued, supports the Harkin-Miller bill, also known as the Fair Minimum Wage Act, which would raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, from its current $7.25.

The legislation is sponsored in the Senate by Tom Harkin of Iowa and in the House by George Miller of California, both Democrats. It would raise the minimum wage — in three steps of 95 cents each, taking place over two years — to $10.10, and then index it to inflation. The legislation will probably be coupled with some tax sweeteners for small businesses, traditionally the loudest opponents of increases to the minimum wage.

“The combination of an increase to $10.10 and some breaks for small business on expensing unite virtually the whole Democratic caucus, and we are prepared to move forward shortly,” said Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York, the Senate’s third-ranking Democrat.

Wouldn't pass on the federal level of course thanks to congress, but it's great news regardless as the president making a push for min. wage increase puts pressure on dems on the state-level to pursue it.


Sidhe / PikPok
Texas Attorney General Foiled by Voter ID Law He Endorsed


Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott (R) was among the most vocal proponents of the state’s new voter ID law, which requires all voters to present valid identification at the polls.

But when Abbott showed up to vote, there was a problem: although he is registered to vote as Greg Abbott, his driver’s license identifies him as Gregory Wayne Abbott. Thus, under the law he staunchly defended, he would be unable to vote.

I clicked on it to confirm my suspician that he was allowed to vote anyway (assuming this was through a loophole of "he's white" or some other nonsense), but saw that you in fact didn't even hint at the best part of the article:

Thankfully for Abbott and others in similar cases, he was still able to cast his ballot thanks to a provision added by Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis. According to Davis’ amendment, voters whose names are similar on their voter registration and ID card may still vote if they sign an affidavit confirming their true identity.

Abbot opposed the the very amendment that allowed him to vote, btw


just hearing about this 60 minutes Benghazi thing.....their only problem was that when you chase right wingers for viewership, you don't have to admit when you make a mistake because they don't care.




Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Haha! The dude who lied to CBS about his Benghazi account got his book pulled by his publisher.

Glad there's still some justice in the world.


Not sure if people are following this but the socialist alternative candidate in Seattle is catching up to the democrat while they're counting up the remaining votes.


If she requires 53-54% then I doubt she'll win unfortunately but it's great she's gotten that close.

Oh man if she ends up winning that would be crazy.

Voted for her!

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