So, apparently, there's an ongoing investigation of two flag officers in the Navy who've been secretly selling intelligence of ship routes, navigation, etc, to some business men in the South Pacific. Naturally, they got caught and now ONI and various intelligence agencies are now trying to see how deep this rabbit hole goes.
Now, ever since, I've got people in my camp blaming good ol' Barry for this, saying Obama is trying to weaken our military, "clean house", "Why all of a sudden is our Flag officers being stepped down or forced retired under this administration?"
Here's the implication: They are saying that Obama is secretly trying to replace 3000+ Flag Officers who are "loyal" to him in the same vein of the purge that Stalin did 75+ years ago to the Red Army.
Never mind the fact that Obama will be out of the White House on January 20th, 2017, thus him replacing them all is utterly pointless from a logical standpoint or unless you asinine believe that he'll have a third term
Nevermind the fact two flag officers this high up the food chain don't get pinched JUST BECAUSE the C.I.C. wants them to.
Nevermind the ton of proceedings and caution used to not unnecessarily embarrass 2 flag officers of this much status.
Nevermind the fact that POTUS has much bigger fish to fry than to deal with some lowly rear admirals. (If these were Four-Stars, that'd be a different story.)
Obama doesn't decide their fate, JAG (Judge Advocate General) does. They will be tried in military court, and considering all of the proceedings for it to get to that level, it's highly unlikely they won't be found guilty and possibly sent to jail for treason.
This shit annoys the fuck out of me. People who think Obama is somehow trying to gain absolute power and try to weaken America (which doesn't go hand in hand at all, but what the fuck ever). We have two idiot Admirals leaking sensitive info to foreign merchants and traders and they want to blame Obama simply because its convenient and not try and think rationally (not that I believe they could in the first place, but its whatever)