You don't get it. This isn't jumping on or "piling on" the law. It's addressing a problem that needs to be fixed. Millions of people are losing their health coverage, and they cannot sign up on the website because it's fubar. We're discussing ways to fix that while some on the left act like nothing is wrong.
And yes, people should be able to keep whatever shitty plan they signed up for. Many people cannot afford the "better" coverage on the exchange. They make too much money for Medicaid, nor are they eligible for subsidies. This is not some academic issue or any place for elitist views on what people should be forced to do. If you like your insurance plan, you should be able to keep your insurance plan. Those shitty plans should be grandfathered.
Maybe one day the ACA will work for people in this donut hole. Until then they should not be punished with significantly higher premiums and deductibles.
The Upton bill would allow insurance companies to continue selling junk policies. That's unacceptable. I like the senate bill more, which would simply allow people with junk policies to keep them, but not allow new junk policies to be sold - something that should have been in the law from day one.
You just can't let people stay on these plans. Do you not understand that the
current prices assume these people would be moved off those old plans. If they were allowed to keep it, then the exchanges would have higher prices.
Not only that, but companies would leave the exchange because the people currently with shitty plans are healthy people with lower risk and the people entering the exchanges who previously did not have insurance are higher risk. If the low risk people keep their shitty plan with low premiums and the new high risk people get comprehensive coverage at a reduced rate, the insurance companies collapse. If they raise the prices to compensate (despite how late in the game it is), Obamacare collapses because not enough people will join (prices would skyrocket, see: NY). If they leave the exchanges all together, it collapses.
Furthermore, the law would have to
require insurance companies offer those plans. But here's the kicker. They don't want to under the new rules. All these people that got their "cancellation letters" are done. Why would an insurance company take them back under the old price when it makes no sense? They want them on the exchange. And now the question becomes, if the federal government
forces these companies to keep the people (which is very different from "allowing" people to keep their plan), these companies will sue and I bet they'd win in court (regardless, it would tie up everything for a long time).
You want a fix? here's a simple fucking fix. Everyone who got a "cancellation" notice has the choice of going on the exchange and purchasing a Silver Plan for their income level and the feds will subsidize the plan to the point that they pay the same rate they paid this past year + 3% increase each year. Just fucking subsidize the difference. If they choose a non-silver plan, they're on their own. If they ever change their plan in the future, they're on their own. They get an open enrollment period to take a silver plan at their current rate and that's that.
None of this bullshit that fucking ruins the market. The Democrats who are panicking are beholden to their damn politics instead of common sense. These things cannot be dealt with by morons who don't understand how these prices are determined and what effect these laws have on the markets.
yeah, it sucks that Obama's "promise" was a bit misunderstood and also mistated and the website problems have made this into a story. But this is yet another point where Obama didn't stand up for himself strongly.
He should have defended it and said "When I said that, I was talking about people who had their plans in 2010 that wouldn't change significantly. I was also talking about the fact that the government wouldn't take over you insurance. I never claimed that insurance companies wouldn't change your policies to adhere to the new rules, something insurance companies have done forever. Unfortunately, the market deems those policies be removed so that the whole system works out better. I understand that for those receiving these letters it is a scary time but for most of them they will get better coverage and often times at a cheaper price when they go on the exchange. Some will have to pay more and I urge Congress to pass a bill to subsidize these folks specifically if they want to fix that and I'd sign it tomorrow. But I stand by what I said and I stand by what the ACA does to the entire system. The status quo was unacceptable and it's time we move forward."
No, instead Obama tells everyone he's sorry and is scrambling to save face. Fucking hell, Obama has no Teddy Roosevelt in him and that's what we needed these last 5 years.
And yes, we should be discussing what is going on in Congress. But I'm sick & tired of all this talk about the 2014 election regarding the website now or this. NO ONE KNOWS SHIT. When August of next year rolls around, we'll have a clearer picture. Will people be signed up in march? Will the goal be met? This is what matters, not whether the website is working today.
That's why I said this thread has become almost unbearable all of a sudden. The website sucks. There's nothing any of us can do about it unless you're a programmer and have real suggestions to make.