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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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Walker should run as president with Christie as VP. Two terrible governors that have stagnated their states who get much undeserved love. The Tim Tebow of governors.


Scott Walker, doing his best for Wisconsin



He sure has been doing a bang up job, but I probably shouldnt find it surprisng that the Republican party is more concerned with conforming to their ideology than actually good results


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Would Walker be that formidable of a candidate? I always read him as a Teabagger who got lucky in a crappy election cycle for Dems, who then even got luckier when a local plan to recall him turned out to be a total clusterfuck.

tbh, if Walker is the nominee, I say Hillary picks Feingold as her VP nominee.

Yes, Walker would be a top tier threat, imo.

He's a radical that comes off as a moderate. He doesn't throw bombs like most other Republitards, and will even try and say nice things about people he wants to destroy (he defended the teachers, firefighters and police officer unions when Romney attacked them [lol]) and is absolutely adored by the beltway media because of those traits.
Neat. We could have two republican governors who preside over two of the slowest growing states in the country to campaign on their economic platforms and such!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Neat. We could have two republican governors who preside over two of the slowest growing states in the country to campaign on their economic platforms and such!

The beltway press will most likely ignore economic growth for Walker just like they did with Mittens. More than likely Walker will run on his ability to balance his state's budget.
Why Scott Walker?

Has he done or said anything that would imply he can expand the GOP base outside their usual demographics?

Stood up to poor people and unions and won, doesn't have skeletons in his closet, complete Koch lackey who can satisfy the business wing of the party and populist wing, basically he'll turn America into an even greater run down neoliberal shithole.

The Wisconsin Dems suck and will hand him re-election next year on a platter.
tbh, if Walker is the nominee, I say Hillary picks Feingold as her VP nominee.

Considering Feingold's tendency to break with his party to stand up with what he believes in, I doubt he'll do well on a ticket with a DLC corporatist.

And I think Feingold is gonna run for his old Senate seat in 2016. Hopefully he will so he can beat that useless dumbass garbage Ron Johnson.
Tried to apply online using coveredCA since the plans are actually pretty good for like 150 a month but the website is still not very functional. Any word on when the fix is in?


Republicans defy Barack Obama to table new Iran sanctions
The amendment, proposed by the Illinois Senator Mark Kirk who has been a vociferous opponent of the White House negotiating stance, even accusing the White House of "appeasement", would put a stranglehold on Iran's remaining foreign exchange reserves.

As far as I know Iran isn't annexing much outside of its borders, but nonetheless thank you for your contribution to international diplomacy, Mr. Retarded Senator.


Republicans defy Barack Obama to table new Iran sanctions

As far as I know Iran isn't annexing much outside of its borders, but nonetheless thank you for your contribution to international diplomacy, Mr. Retarded Senator.

Their stance is incredibly stupid. I mean, what the hell is the point of sanctions unless its to get concessions from the Iranian government that eventually leads to normal relations? I mean, arent sanctions exactly working like we intended? Force Iranians to come to the negotiating table and give up the nuc bomb for good?

I seriously want to know what they think the point of the sanctions are. Starve them to death so you look 'tough'? The end game of that is government overthrow/civil war and pure chaos. Great fucking plan, morons.


Walker looks like a sleazy used car salesmen. He got elected during a Republican wave year, and he narrowly avoided getting recalled mostly because people didn't agree with using recalls for political purposes and the Democrats didn't run a compelling candidate. He's in a dead heat right now for reelection, and if he wins it will by narrow margins. He's hardly a compelling candidate. If he runs, I would say it actually increases the chances that a Ron Paul/Ted Cruz type will get nominated by Republicans because he appeals to the same slice of the Republican electorate that Christie does.
Stood up to poor people and unions and won, doesn't have skeletons in his closet, complete Koch lackey who can satisfy the business wing of the party and populist wing, basically he'll turn America into an even greater run down neoliberal shithole.

The Wisconsin Dems suck and will hand him re-election next year on a platter.

Actually he does have skeletons in his closet...the Feds are still building their case.



The problem in Wisconsin was, for the initial election, enough people didn't know his background well enough and the Democrats fielded crappy opponents.

For the recall, there was a sizable percentage of people who opposed the recall, and voted for him, not for any love of Walker, but because they didn't think he had done anything bad enough to warrant a recall and were voting on that principle...to the point that more people total actually voted in the recall election compared to the initial 2010 election (338,261 more).
I seriously want to know what they think the point of the sanctions are. Starve them to death so you look 'tough'? The end game of that is government overthrow/civil war and pure chaos. Great fucking plan, morons.
You answered yourself. The point is to kill people of countries that dont like them. Remember Iraq sanctions? That killed half a million people, mostly children.


How did I miss that the SCOTUS kept allowing Texas to enforce its abortion restrictions yesterday?

Sigh. Dubya's legacy lives on...
How many times has Reid lined up votes for filibuster reform only to have John McCain, Levin, and others scuttle the deal with some short term gentleman's agreement? I see no reason to assume anything will be different this time.

Obviously it would make sense for republicans to be fine with this change; after all it gives leadership one less vote to whip for and helps the minority party avoid tricky nomination votes. And of course the law will benefit them when they retake the senate eventually (but not in 2014).
And of course the law will benefit them when they retake the senate eventually (but not in 2014).

Which wont be for a while, they're probs not gonna take control in 2014 and 2016 is gonna be an absolute nightmare with all the Tea Party blue state Senators up for re-election.

I can't see them taking control of the Senate in this decade tbh.


Yes, Walker would be a top tier threat, imo.

He's a radical that comes off as a moderate. He doesn't throw bombs like most other Republitards, and will even try and say nice things about people he wants to destroy (he defended the teachers, firefighters and police officer unions when Romney attacked them [lol]) and is absolutely adored by the beltway media because of those traits.
Plus, no one is talking about him right now.

Hillary is a bit of an exception but like, generally speaking, especially with GOP candidates it's like whoever is barely being thought of right now has a better chance of being the nominee.

Hopefully people will see through Walker's bullshit. In 2012 the state still went for Bams and we also saw Baldwin win a Senate seat. I would say the recall fiasco was a clusterfuck because only a segment of Dem voters in the state seemed to give a shit while everyone else didn't care. Also no one prominent on the Democratic side ran. If Feingold did I bet Walker would've had his ass handed to him and rightfully so.
Scott Walker is as charismatic as a 4x4 and doesn't have much of an economic record, although Wisconsin had a lower unemployment rate than the country for much of Obama's presidency. His social record is rather troubling too. I could see him being a candidate who could united mainstream republicans and the extremists, at least to a degree, but he'll never be the party's first choice. A lot of folks will have to implode in the primary for him to win.

He never hugged Obama, which gives him a leg up on Christie. And NJ's unemployment has been higher than Wisconsin's. barring a miracle I just can't see Christie winning. Iowa and SC are pretty tea party heavy in GOL primaries, and NH also has a large amount of crazies.


Hm. I haven't seen any that indicates he doesn't have the votes. If not now, then soon. The only firm "no" I can find is Levin.

Edit: And McCain isn't negotiating like he did back in July.

If he had the votes, it would have been done by now. That tells me Reid is still working his whip count. I'll remain convinced it won't happen right up until it does.
If he had the votes, it would have been done by now. That tells me Reid is still working his whip count. I'll remain convinced it won't happen right up until it does.
I think Reid wants to get the NDAA out of the way (or some amendments, like Gillibrand's) before doing anything.


How did I miss that the SCOTUS kept allowing Texas to enforce its abortion restrictions yesterday?

Sigh. Dubya's legacy lives on...

Speaking of abortion restrictions, the Albuquerque special election of a proposed abortion ban after 20 weeks was defeated yesterday.


I really thought it was going to pass. I'm glad it didn't because of how these outside groups came about to our city and started the petition gathering for this special election. State's rights, one city at a time.


Iran sets 'red lines' for nuclear negotiators in Geneva (cbc)

So bellicose, and yet so careful to hedge everything in the diplomatic process.

Americans support an Iran nuclear deal 2 to 1. That’s a big deal. (Max Fisher, WashPo)
A just-out Washington Post/ABC poll finds that 64 percent of Americans support a nuclear deal with Iran, while 30 percent disapprove of one. That's potentially very significant, as it could help sway Congress toward backing the deal, which it has tended to oppose. Congressional opposition is one of the things most likely to kill any agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, so this finding could reduce that risk by giving members of Congress a bit more political cover.
And here are the poll results by party identification, showing support even among Republican voters despite the staunch opposition voiced by congressional Republicans:

Congress once again out to lunch, keeping company with Israel. China backing talks and outright telling Iran to pursue them. Khamenei not (yet) materially interfering. Detente is agonizingly looming.
Iran sets 'red lines' for nuclear negotiators in Geneva (cbc)

So bellicose, and yet so careful to hedge everything in the diplomatic process.

Americans support an Iran nuclear deal 2 to 1. That’s a big deal. (Max Fisher, WashPo)


Congress once again out to lunch, keeping company with Israel. China backing talks and outright telling Iran to pursue them. Khamenei not (yet) materially interfering. Detente is agonizingly looming.
Problem is you lose nothing by killing the deal. And you gain monetary support (I doubt votes) most likely from groups who hate Iran.
Iran sets 'red lines' for nuclear negotiators in Geneva (cbc)

So bellicose, and yet so careful to hedge everything in the diplomatic process.

Americans support an Iran nuclear deal 2 to 1. That’s a big deal. (Max Fisher, WashPo)


Congress once again out to lunch, keeping company with Israel. China backing talks and outright telling Iran to pursue them. Khamenei not (yet) materially interfering. Detente is agonizingly looming.

It's amazing, however not surprising, that senators (including a few democrats) would rather destroy negotiations than take up this matter seriously. China and Russia are at the table, this is not a moment that can or should be wasted. I realize a lot of this is just posturing for donors and Israel, but it has real life consequences. I've never been convinced that many of these folks want peace. A permanent level of aggression and conflict benefits them far more.


Problem is you lose nothing by killing the deal. And you gain monetary support (I doubt votes) most likely from groups who hate Iran.
Dems would be royally incompetent if they failed to pin something ugly on Congress for trying to stand in the way of this much pressure and downright historic incentives. So far as I know it hasn't yet come to that, with meddling likely to come into play after Thanksgiving.
It reminds me of when Obama reiterated the US position on 1967 borders with land swaps, and multiple politicians on both sides decided to take Bibi's side in attacking/smearing Obama's comments. There's always a market for siding with Israel's government, whereas there isn't one for siding with common sense.
Dems would be royally incompetent if they failed to pin something ugly on Congress for trying to stand in the way of this much pressure and downright historic incentives. So far as I know it hasn't yet come to that, with meddling likely to come into play after Thanksgiving.
The American people are not going to vote on based on Iran. Running on that would be stupid.
It reminds me of when Obama reiterated the US position on 1967 borders with land swaps, and multiple politicians on both sides decided to take Bibi's side in attacking/smearing Obama's comments. There's always a market for siding with Israel's government, whereas there isn't one for siding with common sense.

Israel can get fucked honestly.

Gorgeous women can't make up for how completely shitty the country is from top to bottom.


The American people are not going to vote on based on Iran. Running on that would be stupid.
I'm talking shorter term here, within the window of these diplomatic talks. If Congress flips stupid up to 11 yet again, there's no better time to remind them where they stand in terms of support in the US, and where they stand in the world.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
I don't really understand the right's strategy of harping on Obama's poll numbers now after blowing off polls the past six years. I mean if we're supposed to deduce that it's an Obamapocalypse now then just what the fuck are we supposed to think about Republicans' approval numbers?
This deal is good for Israel. And engaged Iran can help diffuse the stand off and danger is does present. Iran being shunned by Israel and the West on one side and Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states helps no one except those that have hegemonic goals (which is obviously really what's at play here). It makes war and conflict more likely and political change in Iran less likely.

Netanyahu sees himself as some kind of biblical hero fighting another biblical Persian villain. He's wrong though, Iran is just playing geopolitics not antisemitism
Hey now, Tel Aviv is a great city.
It is. Not a big fan of Jerusalem but Israel in general is a good place. Just a hell of a lot of issues, problems, discrimination, occupation to work though


I don't really understand the right's strategy of harping on Obama's poll numbers now after blowing off polls the past six years. I mean if we're supposed to deduce that it's an Obamapocalypse now then just what the fuck are we supposed to think about Republicans' approval numbers?

I think they have good reason to conclude that their followers won't make that obvious connection and that a lot of them are in such safe districts that it really doesnt matter for them. Bashing Obama just boosts their cred.

Its really stupid if you are trying to win national elections, but it doesnt matter for house seats and some senate seats. That should tell you something about the strategic thinking of the republican party
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