I don't get the talking point that the Dems will regret this when the GOP gets the majority again (if they even do). The GOP was going to do this anyway. The Dems just finally decided to beat them to the punch. Neutering the filibuster was going to happened eventually due it its gross abuse and ease of use.
Do you think the GOP would've tolerated it this long if the Dems abuses the filibuster as much as they did if they was in the majority and their was a President Walker/Christie/Rubio in the WH? Hell no. They would've neutered it , and much, much sooner than the Dems did.
I don't think you have to frame it as the GOP was gonna do it anyways. Its just their super-right wing nominees passed anyways with or without the filibusters. It happened in 2005.
Alito and Thomas are on the court.
Argue that its an anti-democratic tool that's been abused.