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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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Ours is showing an inability to work just like every other presidential system in history. Maybe changing from a system other than an FPTP will work, but in its current state? This is just another symptom rearing its head.

Oh, and Vermont's single-payer system is coming in 400 million more expensive than the Shumlin administration's projection.
I'm curious why they figure that there isn't going to be any administrative savings going to single payer.........
I'm curious why they figure that there isn't going to be any administrative savings going to single payer.........
Seems to be from a right-wing person of some kind. There was another report, done by some sort of health business or whatever, that have the same number.


No Scrubs
Walker is a threat, he's probably gonna be the nominee after the inevitable Christie implosion. He's very good appearing like a moderate and can give Hillary a run for her money.

This I doubt, haven't his job creation numbers been so abysmal that he's starting using his own personal way of creating them that no one else does?
Considering how the ACA rollout is going I have doubts whether a shutdown strategy based on repealing or delaying Obamacare would be as much of a disaster as last time.

I fully expect the public to side with the GOP more than they did last time.

The public doesn't want another shutdown, period. Even bad Obamacare polls show people still want to give the law time. Chill bro.

I wouldn't blame republicans for trying again, but I just don't think it would be effective. Maybe they'd face a 12 point blame deficit instead of 20 like last time...but that's still a loss. GOP leadership's 2014 plan seems to be to throw potshots at Obamacare, blame Obama for the second death of immigration reform, and in general "do no harm." Shutting down the government again violates that final point.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I guess that means she reads it.
biggest thing from keeping my from starting a blog is the fact I have nowhere to build a audience. Friends could give two craps about politics.

I don't have any people in real life to talk about politics either. Already ruined a few friendships cause of that. Not willing to risk any more (at least, not yet anyway).

Btw, seems I got a plug on Maddowblog too. Though nobody seems to be actually clicking my fucking links! :mad: (not complaining, just slightly aggravated)

How's the tech surge on the exchange going? Are they going to meet the end-of-November deadline?

The lead guy said they'll be able to get nearly 1 million users on at once by the end of the month.


I don't have any people in real life to talk about politics either. Already ruined a few friendships cause of that. Not willing to risk any more (at least, not yet anyway).

Btw, seems I got a plug on Maddowblog too. Though nobody seems to be actually clicking my fucking links! :mad: (not complaining, just slightly aggravated)

The lead guy said they'll be able to get nearly 1 million users on at once by the end of the month.

How come I am still stuck on View Eligibility Results with a blank page after I hit he button....
You know Fox every news outlet is gonna get one error message and plaster that everywhere december 1st

chyron: Another broken promise by Obama?
The lead guy said they'll be able to get nearly 1 million users on at once by the end of the month.

I'll believe it when I see it.

White House Privately Asks For Gradual Return To HealthCare.gov

The Obama administration is quietly asking health care advocacy groups not to send a flood of consumers to HealthCare.gov next week, pushing instead for a more phased approach that won't overwhelm the website that the administration has pledged would be fully functional by Dec. 1.

The message is being communicated in private meetings, including one held Monday, a senior administration official told TPM. Groups like Enroll America and Planned Parenthood, which are among the leading organizations that are helping people sign up for coverage under Obamacare, are some of those to be targeted.

"We want to make sure that those who are reaching consumers at scale know that this isn't like you flip the switch and everyone can come back on the first day," the official said.

The plan would serve two purposes. First, it would lighten the load on HealthCare.gov next week, the first after the administration's self-imposed Dec. 1 deadline to get it fully functioning. Limiting the number of people who are coming to the site should help prevent any embarrassing outages. And second, preventing outages would ensure that people who are returning to the site after being frustrated by its early problems will have a better experience.



Obama’s Guantánamo closers make secret trip to prison camps, condemn status quo (Carol Rosenberg, Miami Herald)
“For us, it is not merely about treating detainees humanely, it is about ensuring that our operations reflect the values for which America stands,” said Paul Lewis, the Pentagon’s new special envoy for the closure of Guantánamo who traveled to the base Monday with his State Department counterpart for secret meetings at the prison camps.
Anybody know about Idaho's exchange? Aren't they the only other red state that created their own exchange?
Like Michigan, Idaho agreed to create an exchange but missed the deadline, so they're relying on the federal website. I saw an article last week about 300 people signing up thus far in the state.


Somewhat old, but I'll throw it in for whoever's interested. Warsaw Climate Change Conference


The latest round of U.N. climate talks extended the worldwide drought on climate-fighting leadership. Things were going so badly on Thursday that many of the world’s biggest environmental groups stormed out in frustration.

But late during the two weeks of negotiations in Warsaw, Poland, known as COP19, which ended Saturday, a few drops of refreshing news splashed down.

In 2015, each of the planet’s nations will offer a proposal for contributing to a reduction in worldwide greenhouse gas emissions. This agreement didn’t come until Saturday night, a day after the talks were supposed to have ended. The AP reported that the “modest deal” averted “a last-minute breakdown.”

The U.S. and other countries plan to publish their commitments to reduce emissions in early 2015 — ahead of what’s supposed to be a final round of negotiations for a new climate treaty in Paris in late 2015. But India, China, and other developing countries have argued that they shouldn’t be forced to spend their own money fighting climate change. As such, they refused to agree to make such commitments. (This despite the fact that nearly half the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere were put there by the developing world, and that China and India are respectively the world’s worst and fourth-worst climate polluters.)

At the last minute, a compromise emerged: Instead of publishing “commitments” in early 2015, countries have agreed to announce their “intended … contributions” to fight climate change “well in advance” of the Paris meetings.

(from BBC) A package of measures has been agreed here that will give “results-based” payments to developing nations that cut carbon by leaving trees standing. …

Earlier this week the UK, US, Norway and Germany agreed to a $280 million package of finance that will be managed by the World Bank’s BioCarbon fund to promote more sustainable use of land.

Now negotiators have agreed to a package of decisions that will reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation plus pro-forest activities (known as Redd+).

The conference agreed on a “results-based” payments system that means that countries with forests will have to provide information on safeguards for local communities or biodiversity before they can receive any money.

Developing countries are pushing for compensation from the West when weather that’s worsened by our greenhouse gas emissions causes them harm. The idea is not popular with developed countries. (The U.S. has tried to rebrand “loss and damage” as “blame and liability.”)

During the Warsaw talks, developed countries agreed to discuss proposals about providing expertise, and possibly aid, to help developing countries cope with climate impacts through what will be known as the Warsaw International Mechanism. (This assistance would be in addition to that provided through the Green Climate Fund, which is intended to help developing countries reduce emissions and adapt to climate change using $100 billion a year starting in 2020.) In exchange, developing countries agreed to delay those discussions until 2016 — after the next climate treaty is finalized.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I think it can work. Our problem is that we are not incentivizing cooperation because our representatives only need to appeal to their primary base (shudder) and/or their party and independents. What that has left us is with a bunch of dig backs (vast majority of these are republicans) who simply obstruct obstruct obstruct because its in their personal benefit to do so.

I honestly don't see any huge reforms on the horizon - like moving to Britain's system, or something like that. I really think that ranked voting and multi-member districts (house of representatives - instead of a bunch of little ones you'd have a few huge ones with multiple candidates competing over multiple seats) would definitely help because it would be many of those people's best interest to appeal to as many people as possible and appear that they are actually doing good.

Basically, it will remove the fringe, which for some idiotic reason dominates our electoral system (mostly the republican side for some odd reason), and its a set of reforms, i think, that are somewhat plausible. It doesnt vastly transform it, just tweaks it to make a it significantly better

The fringe dominates, and mostly on the republican side, because we have a land-based system of representation. Even the populist chamber is based around gerrymandered geographic subsections (districts) of arbitrary regions (states). this is naturally skewed towards low-population, rural, conservative communities, rather than the main economic, cultural, social, and population centers of society

Remember, originally, only land owners could vote. The US system of democracy is incredibly archaic in that all these remnants of an aristocracy grounded in personal real estate are still there.
The LA Times has been much more positive towards Obamacare these last 2 months.

Finally a good piece on people benefiting from the ACA opposed to all the crap about the cancelled plans.


On a separate note, fuck politico for running this story: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/...h-care-premiums-obamacare-100318.html?ml=po_r

Claiming Boehner's bill is doubling while ignoring the federal contribution to his Obamacare plan which he refused.


Only 10? If we're talking about increasing Canada's share here, can we work this out quickly and before ya'll change your minds?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Not enough dimensions in a simple reverse psychology chess game.

But what would be the point of tricking everyone into going on the site if most of them don't bother to sign up?

Btw, is the term "11th dimension chess", a poligaf creation? I've never heard that outside of here.
We represent the states in our system of government because states aren't just "arbitrary regions"; they have distinct histories and cultures.

New Hampshire and Utah and Florida aren't just lines on a map the US; they all have distinctly different cultures.

It's the same as how every country in the world is treated as a separate, independently governed entity regardless of its population.

The United States has 10 times the population of Canada, but I don't think many Canadians would be happy with the idea that the United States' opinion should count for 10 times more than Canada's.

Can you tell me the distinctly different culture between North and South Dakota? How about between Nebraska and Kanasa? Note, you don't get to use 'being fans of different college teams' as a culture.

Again, maybe at the beginning of the country, as a compromise to get the Constitution passed, it was worth it for one state to have a 10:1 advantage over the smallest state (as it was in 1790), but a 67:1 ratio is simply undemocratic.

If one of our 'enemies' had a voting system where one group got a 67:1 advantage over the other, we'd claim they were a banana republic, no matter what it said in their Constitution.


The LA Times has been much more positive towards Obamacare these last 2 months.

Finally a good piece on people benefiting from the ACA opposed to all the crap about the cancelled plans.


On a separate note, fuck politico for running this story: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/...h-care-premiums-obamacare-100318.html?ml=po_r

Claiming Boehner's bill is doubling while ignoring the federal contribution to his Obamacare plan which he refused.
Fuck politico and fuck the media. I complained about this a while back. I see bullshit articles like this all the time. Journalists not even bothering to try and give you the full picture. Just the rush to bash Obamacare.

Given the subsidized premiums he's paying for his coverage now I bet it's actually significantly more expensive than what's he's getting under obamacare
Can't link now but dems are down 49-47 on latest CNN generic House ballot. Truly amazing.
Dems are only down 3% points. The difference being the GOP went from 42% to 49%.

Not good but not the worst outcome considering how the media played this story.

And it's absurd to think we have only 4% undecided at this point,a year out
Independents swing hard for the GOP and moderates are democratic.

Why don't we stop pretending independents are anything other than conservatives who can't bring themselves to call themselves republican
I still don't think Corbett is going to lose as long as the ACA rollout is going so badly.

About that...

Tom Corbett's situation has gone from bad to worse in the eight months since PPP last polled Pennsylvania. Corbett is now the most unpopular Governor anywhere in the country that we've polled, with only 24% of voters approving of him to 65% who disapprove. It's gotten to the point where Corbett's numbers are even upside down with Republicans, only 37% of whom approve of him with 51% disapproving.

Corbett already trailed his potential Democratic opponents by 7 to 11 points in March but those deficits have increased to 12-20 points now. He trails Jack Wagner by 20 (50/30), John Hanger by 19 (51/32), Rob McCord by 19 (50/31), Allyson Schwartz by 15 (48/33), Katie McGinty by 15 (47/32), Ed Pawlowski by 12 (45/33), and Tom Wolf by 12 (44/32). All of the Democrats win at least 23% of the Republican vote, and take independents by at least 22 points.


Mike M

Nick N
Wait....sounds like a personal responsibility issue if he's not wearing a condom. Pull himself up by his dickstraps.
But if all the women have free birth control, why are they pregnant and he's paying child support?

This is like an illustrated Facebook shitpost, it literally makes no sense.


Can't link now but dems are down 49-47 on latest CNN generic House ballot. Truly amazing.

I was expecting worse, but it still sucks.

I guess a website not working and horror stories about the law matter more than a group of 40-50 people who were literally on the brink of causing a global economic collapse?

Scary stuff.


Can you tell me the distinctly different culture between North and South Dakota? How about between Nebraska and Kanasa? Note, you don't get to use 'being fans of different college teams' as a culture.

Again, maybe at the beginning of the country, as a compromise to get the Constitution passed, it was worth it for one state to have a 10:1 advantage over the smallest state (as it was in 1790), but a 67:1 ratio is simply undemocratic.

If one of our 'enemies' had a voting system where one group got a 67:1 advantage over the other, we'd claim they were a banana republic, no matter what it said in their Constitution.

North Dakota has a much greater Lutheran and Norwegian influence than South Dakota. North Dakota also grows different crops and therefore has different interest (the state and people of South Dakota couldn't care less about the price of sugar for instance). The population of North Dakota is much more concentrated in the states urban areas which leads to more people concerned about public transportation, crime, housing bubles, etc. North Dakota's flagship universities also have larger student populations, in part, due to being in more urban areas. North Dakota is much more connected to Canadian cultural influences as well, like the Red Green show being on the local PBS station.
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